King James Version 1611 - 1769











Psalms 1: 1-6

1  Blessed835 is the man376 that834 walketh1980 not3808 in the counsel6098 of the ungodly,7563 nor3808 standeth5975 in the way1870 of sinners,2400 nor3808 sitteth3427 in the seat4186 of the scornful.3887

2  But3588 518 his delight2656 is in the law8451 of the LORD;3068 and in his law8451 doth he meditate1897 day3119 and night.3915

3  And he shall be1961 like a tree6086 planted8362 by5921 the rivers6388 of water,4325 that834 bringeth forth5414 his fruit6529 in his season;6256 his leaf5929 also shall not3808 wither;5034 and whatsoever3605 834 he doeth6213 shall prosper.6743

4  The ungodly7563 are not3808 so:3651 but3588 518 are like the chaff4671 which834 the wind7307 driveth away.5086

5  Therefore5921 3651 the ungodly7563 shall not3808 stand6965 in the judgment,4941 nor sinners2400 in the congregation5712 of the righteous.6662

6  For3588 the LORD3068 knoweth3045 the way1870 of the righteous:6662 but the way1870 of the ungodly7563 shall perish.6

Psalms 2: 1-12

1  Why4100 do the heathen1471 rage,7283 and the people3816 imagine1897 a vain thing?7385

2  The kings4428 of the earth776 set themselves,3320 and the rulers7336 take counsel3245 together,3162 against5921 the LORD,3068 and against5921 his anointed,4899 saying,

3  Let us break their bands asunder,5423 853 4147 and cast away7993 their cords5688 from4480 us.

4  He that sitteth3427 in the heavens8064 shall laugh:7832 the Lord136 shall have them in derision.3932

5  Then227 shall he speak1696 unto413 them in his wrath,639 and vex926 them in his sore displeasure.2740

6  Yet have I589 set5258 my king4428 upon5921 my holy6944 hill2022 of Zion.6726

7  I will declare5608 413 the decree:2706 the LORD3068 hath said559 unto413 me, Thou859 art my Son;1121 this day3117 have I589 begotten3205 thee.

8  Ask7592 of4480 me, and I shall give5414 thee the heathen1471 for thine inheritance,5159 and the uttermost parts657 of the earth776 for thy possession.272

9  Thou shalt break7489 them with a rod7626 of iron;1270 thou shalt dash them in pieces5310 like a potter's3335 vessel.3627

10  Be wise7919 now6258 therefore, O ye kings:4428 be instructed,3256 ye judges8199 of the earth.776

11  Serve5647 853 the LORD3068 with fear,3374 and rejoice1523 with trembling.7461

12  Kiss5401 the Son,1248 lest6435 he be angry,599 and ye perish6 from the way,1870 when3588 his wrath639 is kindled1197 but a little.4592 Blessed835 are all3605 they that put their trust2620 in him.

Psalms 3: 1-8

1  A Psalm4210 of David,1732 when he fled1272 from4480 6440 Absalom53 his son.1121 LORD,3068 how4100 are they increased7231 that trouble6862 me! many7227 are they that rise up6965 against5921 me.

2  Many7227 there be which say559 of my soul,5315 There is no369 help3444 for him in God.430 Selah.5542

3  But thou,859 O LORD,3068 art a shield4043 for1157 me; my glory,3519 and the lifter up7311 of mine head.7218

4  I cried7121 unto413 the LORD3068 with my voice,6963 and he heard6030 me out of his holy6944 hill.4480 2022 Selah.5542

5  I589 laid me down7901 and slept;3462 I awaked;6974 for3588 the LORD3068 sustained5564 me.

6  I will not3808 be afraid3372 of ten thousands4480 7233 of people,5971 that834 have set7896 themselves against5921 me round about.5439

7  Arise,6965 O LORD;3068 save3467 me, O my God:430 for3588 thou hast smitten5221 853 all3605 mine enemies341 upon the cheek bone;3895 thou hast broken7665 the teeth8127 of the ungodly.7563

8  Salvation3444 belongeth unto the LORD:3068 thy blessing1293 is upon5921 thy people.5971 Selah.5542

Psalms 4: 1-8

1  To the chief Musician5329 on Neginoth,5058 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Hear6030 me when I call,7121 O God430 of my righteousness:6664 thou hast enlarged7337 me when I was in distress;6862 have mercy2603 upon me, and hear8085 my prayer.8605

2  O ye sons1121 of men,376 how long5704 4100 will ye turn my glory3519 into shame?3639 how long will ye love157 vanity,7385 and seek after1245 leasing?3577 Selah.5542

3  But know3045 that3588 the LORD3068 hath set apart6395 him that is godly2623 for himself: the LORD3068 will hear8085 when I call7121 unto413 him.

4  Stand in awe,7264 and sin2398 not:408 commune559 with your own heart3824 upon5921 your bed,4904 and be still.1826 Selah.5542

5  Offer2076 the sacrifices2077 of righteousness,6664 and put your trust982 in413 the LORD.3068

6  There be many7227 that say,559 Who4310 will show7200 us any good?2896 LORD,3068 lift thou up5375 the light216 of thy countenance6440 upon5921 us.

7  Thou hast put5414 gladness8057 in my heart,3820 more than in the time4480 6256 that their corn1715 and their wine8492 increased.7231

8  I will both3162 lay me down7901 in peace,7965 and sleep:3462 for3588 thou,859 LORD,3068 only910 makest me dwell3427 in safety.983

Psalms 5: 1-12

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon413 Nehiloth,5155 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Give ear238 to my words,561 O LORD,3068 consider995 my meditation.1901

2  Hearken7181 unto the voice6963 of my cry,7773 my King,4428 and my God:430 for3588 unto413 thee will I pray.6419

3  My voice6963 shalt thou hear8085 in the morning,1242 O LORD;3068 in the morning1242 will I direct6186 my prayer unto thee, and will look up.6822

4  For3588 thou859 art not3808 a God410 that hath pleasure2655 in wickedness:7562 neither3808 shall evil7451 dwell1481 with thee.

5  The foolish1984 shall not3808 stand3320 in5048 thy sight:5869 thou hatest8130 all3605 workers6466 of iniquity.205

6  Thou shalt destroy6 them that speak1696 leasing:3577 the LORD3068 will abhor8581 the bloody1818 and deceitful4820 man.376

7  But as for me,589 I will come935 into thy house1004 in the multitude7230 of thy mercy:2617 and in thy fear3374 will I worship7812 toward413 thy holy6944 temple.1964

8  Lead5148 me, O LORD,3068 in thy righteousness6666 because of4616 mine enemies;8324 make thy way1870 straight3474 before my face.6440

9  For3588 there is no369 faithfulness3559 in their mouth;6310 their inward part7130 is very wickedness;1942 their throat1627 is an open6605 sepulcher;6913 they flatter2505 with their tongue.3956

10  Destroy816 thou them, O God;430 let them fall5307 by their own counsels;4480 4156 cast them out5080 in the multitude7230 of their transgressions;6588 for3588 they have rebelled4784 against thee.

11  But let all3605 those that put their trust2620 in thee rejoice:8055 let them ever5769 shout for joy,7442 because thou defendest5526 them:5921 let them also that love157 thy name8034 be joyful5970 in thee.

12  For3588 thou,859 LORD,3068 wilt bless1288 the righteous;6662 with favor7522 wilt thou compass5849 him as with a shield.6793

Psalms 6: 1-10

1  To the chief Musician5329 on Neginoth5058 upon5921 Sheminith,8067 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 O LORD,3068 rebuke3198 me not408 in thine anger,639 neither408 chasten3256 me in thy hot displeasure.2534

2  Have mercy2603 upon me, O LORD;3068 for3588 I589 am weak:536 O LORD,3068 heal7495 me; for3588 my bones6106 are vexed.926

3  My soul5315 is also sore3966 vexed:926 but thou,859 O LORD,3068 how long?5704 4970

4  Return,7725 O LORD,3068 deliver2502 my soul:5315 oh save3467 me for thy mercies' sake.4616 2617

5  For3588 in death4194 there is no369 remembrance2143 of thee: in the grave7585 who4310 shall give thee thanks?3034

6  I am weary3021 with my groaning;585 all3605 the night3915 make I my bed4296 to swim;7811 I water4529 my couch6210 with my tears.1832

7  Mine eye5869 is consumed6244 because of grief;4480 3708 it waxeth old6275 because of all3605 mine enemies.6887

8  Depart5493 from4480 me, all3605 ye workers6466 of iniquity;205 for3588 the LORD3068 hath heard8085 the voice6963 of my weeping.1065

9  The LORD3068 hath heard8085 my supplication;8467 the LORD3068 will receive3947 my prayer.8605

10  Let all3605 mine enemies341 be ashamed954 and sore3966 vexed:926 let them return7725 and be ashamed954 suddenly.7281

Psalms 7: 1-17

1  Shiggaion7692 of David,1732 which834 he sang7891 unto the LORD,3068 concerning5921 the words1697 of Cush3568 the Benjamite.1121 1145 O LORD3068 my God,430 in thee do I put my trust:2620 save3467 me from all4480 3605 them that persecute7291 me, and deliver5337 me:

2  Lest6435 he tear2963 my soul5315 like a lion,738 rending it in pieces,6561 while there is none369 to deliver.5337

3  O LORD3068 my God,430 if518 I have done6213 this;2063 if518 there be3426 iniquity5766 in my hands;3709

4  If518 I have rewarded1580 evil7451 unto him that was at peace7999 with me; (yea, I have delivered2502 him that without cause7387 is mine enemy:)6887

5  Let the enemy341 persecute7291 my soul,5315 and take5381 it; yea, let him tread down7429 my life2416 upon the earth,776 and lay7931 mine honor3519 in the dust.6083 Selah.5542

6  Arise,6965 O LORD,3068 in thine anger,639 lift up thyself5375 because of the rage5678 of mine enemies:6887 and awake5782 for413 me to the judgment4941 that thou hast commanded.6680

7  So shall the congregation5712 of the people3816 compass thee about:5437 for their sakes5921 therefore return7725 thou on high.4791

8  The LORD3068 shall judge1777 the people:5971 judge8199 me, O LORD,3068 according to my righteousness,6664 and according to mine integrity8537 that is in5921 me.

9  Oh4994 let the wickedness7451 of the wicked7563 come to an end;1584 but establish3559 the just:6662 for the righteous6662 God430 trieth974 the hearts3820 and reins.3629

10  My defense4043 is of5921 God,430 which saveth3467 the upright3477 in heart.3820

11  God430 judgeth8199 the righteous,6662 and God410 is angry2194 with the wicked every3605 day.3117

12  If518 he turn7725 not,3808 he will whet3913 his sword;2719 he hath bent1869 his bow,7198 and made it ready.3559

13  He hath also prepared3559 for him the instruments3627 of death;4194 he ordaineth6466 his arrows2671 against the persecutors.1814

14  Behold,2009 he travaileth2254 with iniquity,205 and hath conceived2029 mischief,5999 and brought forth3205 falsehood.8267

15  He made3738 a pit,953 and digged2658 it, and is fallen5307 into the ditch7845 which he made.6466

16  His mischief5999 shall return7725 upon his own head,7218 and his violent dealing2555 shall come down3381 upon5921 his own pate.6936

17  I will praise3034 the LORD3068 according to his righteousness:6664 and will sing praise2167 to the name8034 of the LORD3068 most high.5945

Psalms 8: 1-9

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Gittith,1665 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 O LORD3068 our Lord,113 how4100 excellent117 is thy name8034 in all3605 the earth!776 who834 hast set5414 thy glory1935 above5921 the heavens.8064

2  Out of the mouth4480 6310 of babes5768 and sucklings3243 hast thou ordained3245 strength5797 because of4616 thine enemies,6887 that thou mightest still7673 the enemy341 and the avenger.5358

3  When3588 I consider7200 thy heavens,8064 the work4639 of thy fingers,676 the moon3394 and the stars,3556 which834 thou hast ordained;3559

4  What4100 is man,582 that3588 thou art mindful2142 of him? and the son1121 of man,120 that3588 thou visitest6485 him?

5  For thou hast made him a little lower2637 4592 than the angels,4480 430 and hast crowned5849 him with glory3519 and honor.1926

6  Thou madest him to have dominion4910 over the works4639 of thy hands;3027 thou hast put7896 all3605 things under8478 his feet:7272

7  All3605 sheep6792 and oxen,504 yea,1571 and the beasts929 of the field;7704

8  The fowl6833 of the air,8064 and the fish1709 of the sea,3220 and whatsoever passeth through5674 the paths734 of the seas.3220

9  O LORD3068 our Lord,113 how4100 excellent117 is thy name8034 in all3605 the earth!776

Psalms 9: 1-20

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Muth-labben,4192 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 I will praise3034 thee, O LORD,3068 with my whole3605 heart;3820 I will show forth5608 all3605 thy marvelous works.6381

2  I will be glad8055 and rejoice5970 in thee: I will sing praise2167 to thy name,8034 O thou most High.5945

3  When mine enemies341 are turned7725 back,268 they shall fall3782 and perish6 at thy presence.4480 6440

4  For3588 thou hast maintained6213 my right4941 and my cause;1779 thou satest3427 in the throne3678 judging8199 right.6664

5  Thou hast rebuked1605 the heathen,1471 thou hast destroyed6 the wicked,7563 thou hast put out4229 their name8034 forever5769 and ever.5703

6  O thou enemy,341 destructions2723 are come to a perpetual end:8552 5331 and thou hast destroyed5428 cities;5892 their memorial2143 is perished6 with them.1992

7  But the LORD3068 shall endure3427 forever:5769 he hath prepared3559 his throne3678 for judgment.4941

8  And he1931 shall judge8199 the world8398 in righteousness,6664 he shall minister judgment1777 to the people3816 in uprightness.4339

9  The LORD3068 also will be1961 a refuge4869 for the oppressed,1790 a refuge4869 in times6256 of trouble.6869

10  And they that know3045 thy name8034 will put their trust982 in thee: for3588 thou, LORD,3068 hast not3808 forsaken5800 them that seek1875 thee.

11  Sing praises2167 to the LORD,3068 which dwelleth3427 in Zion:6726 declare5046 among the people5971 his doings.5949

12  When3588 he maketh inquisition1875 for blood,1818 he remembereth2142 them: he forgetteth7911 not3808 the cry6818 of the humble.6035

13  Have mercy2603 upon me, O LORD;3068 consider7200 my trouble6040 which I suffer of them that hate4480 8130 me, thou that liftest me up7311 from the gates4480 8179 of death:4194

14  That4616 I may show forth5608 all3605 thy praise8416 in the gates8179 of the daughter1323 of Zion:6726 I will rejoice1523 in thy salvation.3444

15  The heathen1471 are sunk down2883 in the pit7845 that they made:6213 in the net7568 which2098 they hid2934 is their own foot7272 taken.3920

16  The LORD3068 is known3045 by the judgment4941 which he executeth:6213 the wicked7563 is snared3369 in the work6467 of his own hands.3709 Higgaion.1902 Selah.5542

17  The wicked7563 shall be turned7725 into hell,7585 and all3605 the nations1471 that forget7913 God.430

18  For3588 the needy34 shall not3808 always5331 be forgotten:7911 the expectation8615 of the poor6041 shall not perish6 forever.5703

19  Arise,6965 O LORD;3068 let not408 man582 prevail:5810 let the heathen1471 be judged8199 in5921 thy sight.6440

20  Put7896 them in fear,4172 O LORD:3068 that the nations1471 may know3045 themselves1992 to be but men.582 Selah.5542

Psalms 10: 1-18

1  Why4100 standest5975 thou afar off,7350 O LORD?3068 why hidest5956 thou thyself in times6256 of trouble?6869

2  The wicked7563 in his pride1346 doth persecute1814 the poor:6041 let them be taken8610 in the devices4209 that2098 they have imagined.2803

3  For3588 the wicked7563 boasteth1984 of5921 his heart's5315 desire,8378 and blesseth1288 the covetous,1214 whom the LORD3068 abhorreth.5006

4  The wicked,7563 through the pride1363 of his countenance,639 will not1077 seek1875 after God: God430 is not369 in all3605 his thoughts.4209

5  His ways1870 are always3605 6256 grievous;2342 thy judgments4941 are far above4791 out of his sight:4480 5048 as for all3605 his enemies,6887 he puffeth6315 at them.

6  He hath said559 in his heart,3820 I shall not1077 be moved:4131 for I shall never1755 1755 834 3808 be in adversity.7451

7  His mouth6310 is full4390 of cursing423 and deceit4820 and fraud:8496 under8478 his tongue3956 is mischief5999 and vanity.205

8  He sitteth3427 in the lurking places3993 of the villages:2691 in the secret places4565 doth he murder2026 the innocent:5355 his eyes5869 are privily set6845 against the poor.2489

9  He lieth in wait693 secretly4565 as a lion738 in his den:5520 he lieth in wait693 to catch2414 the poor:6041 he doth catch2414 the poor,6041 when he draweth4900 him into his net.7568

10  He croucheth,1794 and humbleth7817 himself, that the poor2489 may fall5307 by his strong ones.6099

11  He hath said559 in his heart,3820 God410 hath forgotten:7911 he hideth5641 his face;6440 he will never1077 5331 see7200 it.

12  Arise,6965 O LORD;3068 O God,410 lift up5375 thine hand:3027 forget7911 not408 the humble.6035

13  Wherefore5921 4100 doth the wicked7563 contemn5006 God?430 he hath said559 in his heart,3820 Thou wilt not3808 require1875 it.

14  Thou hast seen7200 it; for3588 thou859 beholdest5027 mischief5999 and spite,3708 to requite5414 it with thy hand:3027 the poor2489 committeth5800 himself unto5921 thee; thou859 art1961 the helper5826 of the fatherless.3490

15  Break7665 thou the arm2220 of the wicked7563 and the evil7451 man: seek out1875 his wickedness7562 till thou find4672 none.1077

16  The LORD3068 is King4428 forever5769 and ever:5703 the heathen1471 are perished6 out of his land.4480 776

17  LORD,3068 thou hast heard8085 the desire8378 of the humble:6035 thou wilt prepare3559 their heart,3820 thou wilt cause thine ear241 to hear:7181

18  To judge8199 the fatherless3490 and the oppressed,1790 that the man582 of4480 the earth776 may no1077 more3254 5750 oppress.6206

Psalms 11: 1-7

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm of David.1732 In the LORD3068 put I my trust:2620 how349 say559 ye to my soul,5315 Flee5110 as a bird6833 to your mountain?2022

2  For,3588 lo,2009 the wicked7563 bend1869 their bow,7198 they make ready3559 their arrow2671 upon5921 the string,3499 that they may privily1119 652 shoot3384 at the upright3477 in heart.3820

3  If3588 the foundations8356 be destroyed,2040 what4100 can the righteous6662 do?6466

4  The LORD3068 is in his holy6944 temple,1964 the LORD's3068 throne3678 is in heaven:8064 his eyes5869 behold,2372 his eyelids6079 try,974 the children1121 of men.120

5  The LORD3068 trieth974 the righteous:6662 but the wicked7563 and him that loveth157 violence2555 his soul5315 hateth.8130

6  Upon5921 the wicked7563 he shall rain4305 snares,6341 fire784 and brimstone,1614 and a horrible2152 tempest:7307 this shall be the portion4521 of their cup.3563

7  For3588 the righteous6662 LORD3068 loveth157 righteousness;6666 his countenance6440 doth behold2372 the upright.3477

Psalms 12: 1-8

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Sheminith,8067 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Help,3467 LORD;3068 for3588 the godly man2623 ceaseth;1584 for3588 the faithful539 fail6461 from among the children4480 1121 of men.120

2  They speak1696 vanity7723 every one376 with854 his neighbor:7453 with flattering2513 lips8193 and with a double heart3820 3820 do they speak.1696

3  The LORD3068 shall cut off3772 all3605 flattering2513 lips,8193 and the tongue3956 that speaketh1696 proud things:1419

4  Who834 have said,559 With our tongue3956 will we prevail;1396 our lips8193 are our own: who4310 is lord113 over us?

5  For the oppression4480 7701 of the poor,6041 for the sighing4480 603 of the needy,34 now6258 will I arise,6965 saith559 the LORD;3068 I will set7896 him in safety3468 from him that puffeth6315 at him.

6  The words565 of the LORD3068 are pure2889 words:565 as silver3701 tried6884 in a furnace5948 of earth,776 purified2212 seven7659 times.

7  Thou859 shalt keep8104 them, O LORD,3068 thou shalt preserve5341 them from4480 this2098 generation1755 forever.5769

8  The wicked7563 walk1980 on every side,5439 when the vilest2149 men120 are exalted.7311

Psalms 13: 1-6

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 How long5704 575 wilt thou forget7911 me, O LORD?3068 forever?5331 how long5704 575 wilt thou hide5641 853 thy face6440 from4480 me?

2  How long5704 575 shall I take7896 counsel6098 in my soul,5315 having sorrow3015 in my heart3824 daily?3119 how long5704 575 shall mine enemy341 be exalted7311 over5921 me?

3  Consider5027 and hear6030 me, O LORD3068 my God:430 lighten215 mine eyes,5869 lest6435 I sleep3462 the sleep of death;4194

4  Lest6435 mine enemy341 say,559 I have prevailed against3201 him; and those that trouble6862 me rejoice1523 when3588 I am moved.4131

5  But I589 have trusted982 in thy mercy;2617 my heart3820 shall rejoice1523 in thy salvation.3444

6  I will sing7891 unto the LORD,3068 because3588 he hath dealt bountifully1580 with5921 me.

Psalms 14: 1-7

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm of David.1732 The fool5036 hath said559 in his heart,3820 There is no369 God.430 They are corrupt,7843 they have done abominable8581 works,5949 there is none369 that doeth6213 good.2896

2  The LORD3068 looked down8259 from heaven4480 8064 upon5921 the children1121 of men,120 to see7200 if there were3426 any that did understand,7919 and seek1875 853 God.430

3  They are all3605 gone aside,5493 they are all together3162 become filthy:444 there is none369 that doeth6213 good,2896 no,369 not1571 one.259

4  Have all3605 the workers6466 of iniquity205 no3808 knowledge?3045 who eat up398 my people5971 as they eat398 bread,3899 and call7121 not3808 upon the LORD.3068

5  There8033 were they in great fear:6342 6343 for3588 God430 is in the generation1755 of the righteous.6662

6  Ye have shamed954 the counsel6098 of the poor,6041 because3588 the LORD3068 is his refuge.4268

7  Oh that4310 5414 the salvation3444 of Israel3478 were come out of Zion!4480 6726 when the LORD3068 bringeth back7725 the captivity7622 of his people,5971 Jacob3290 shall rejoice,1523 and Israel3478 shall be glad.8055

Psalms 15: 1-5

1  A Psalm4210 of David.1732 LORD,3068 who4310 shall abide1481 in thy tabernacle?168 who4310 shall dwell7931 in thy holy6944 hill?2022

2  He that walketh1980 uprightly,8549 and worketh6466 righteousness,6664 and speaketh1696 the truth571 in his heart.3824

3  He that backbiteth7270 not3808 with5921 his tongue,3956 nor3808 doeth6213 evil7451 to his neighbor,7453 nor3808 taketh up5375 a reproach2781 against5921 his neighbor.7138

4  In whose eyes5869 a vile person3988 is contemned;959 but he honoreth3513 them that fear3372 the LORD.3068 He that sweareth7650 to his own hurt,7489 and changeth4171 not.3808

5  He that putteth not out5414 3808 his money3701 to usury,5392 nor3808 taketh3947 reward7810 against5921 the innocent.5355 He that doeth6213 these428 things shall never3808 5769 be moved.4131

Psalms 16: 1-11

1  Michtam4387 of David.1732 Preserve8104 me, O God:410 for3588 in thee do I put my trust.2620

2  O my soul, thou hast said559 unto the LORD,3068 Thou859 art my Lord:136 my goodness2896 extendeth not1077 to5921 thee;

3  But to the saints6918 that834 are in the earth,776 and to the excellent,117 in whom is all3605 my delight.2656

4  Their sorrows6094 shall be multiplied7235 that hasten4116 after another312 god: their drink offerings5262 of blood4480 1818 will I not1077 offer,5258 nor1077 take up5375 853 their names8034 into5921 my lips.8193

5  The LORD3068 is the portion4521 of mine inheritance2506 and of my cup:3563 thou859 maintainest8551 my lot.1486

6  The lines2256 are fallen5307 unto me in pleasant5273 places; yea,637 I have5921 a goodly8231 heritage.5159

7  I will bless1288 853 the LORD,3068 who834 hath given me counsel:3289 my reins3629 also637 instruct3256 me in the night seasons.3915

8  I have set7737 the LORD3068 always8548 before5048 me: because3588 he is at my right hand,4480 3225 I shall not1077 be moved.4131

9  Therefore3651 my heart3820 is glad,8055 and my glory3519 rejoiceth:1523 my flesh1320 also637 shall rest7931 in hope.983

10  For3588 thou wilt not3808 leave5800 my soul5315 in hell;7585 neither3808 wilt thou suffer5414 thine Holy One2623 to see7200 corruption.7845

11  Thou wilt show3045 me the path734 of life:2416 in854 thy presence6440 is fullness7648 of joy;8057 at thy right hand3225 there are pleasures5273 forevermore.5331

Psalms 17: 1-15

1  A Prayer8605 of David.1732 Hear8085 the right,6664 O LORD3068 attend7181 unto my cry,7440 give ear238 unto my prayer,8605 that goeth not3808 out of feigned4820 lips.8193

2  Let my sentence4941 come forth3318 from thy presence;4480 6440 let thine eyes5869 behold2372 the things that are equal.4339

3  Thou hast proved974 mine heart;3820 thou hast visited6485 me in the night;3915 thou hast tried6884 me, and shalt find4672 nothing;1077 I am purposed2161 that my mouth6310 shall not1077 transgress.5674

4  Concerning the works6468 of men,120 by the word1697 of thy lips8193 I589 have kept8104 me from the paths734 of the destroyer.6530

5  Hold up8551 my goings838 in thy paths,4570 that my footsteps6471 slip4131 not.1077

6  I589 have called upon7121 thee, for3588 thou wilt hear6030 me, O God:410 incline5186 thine ear241 unto me, and hear8085 my speech.565

7  Show thy marvelous lovingkindness,6395 2617 O thou that savest3467 by thy right hand3225 them which put their trust2620 in thee from those that rise up4480 6965 against them.

8  Keep8104 me as the apple380 1323 of the eye,5869 hide5641 me under the shadow6738 of thy wings,3671

9  From4480 6440 the wicked7563 that2098 oppress7703 me, from my deadly5315 enemies,341 who compass me about.5362 5921

10  They are enclosed in5462 their own fat:2459 with their mouth6310 they speak1696 proudly.1348

11  They have now6258 compassed5437 us in our steps:838 they have set7896 their eyes5869 bowing down5186 to the earth;776

12  Like1825 as a lion738 that is greedy3700 of his prey,2963 and as it were a young lion3715 lurking3427 in secret places.4565

13  Arise,6965 O LORD,3068 disappoint6923 6440 him, cast him down:3766 deliver6403 my soul5315 from the wicked,4480 7563 which is thy sword:2719

14  From men4480 4962 which are thy hand,3027 O LORD,3068 from men4480 4962 of the world,4480 2465 which have their portion2506 in this life,2416 and whose belly990 thou fillest4390 with thy hid6845 treasure: they are full7646 of children,1121 and leave5117 the rest3499 of their substance to their babes.5768

15  As for me,589 I will behold2372 thy face6440 in righteousness:6664 I shall be satisfied,7646 when I awake,6974 with thy likeness.8544

Psalms 18: 1-50

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm of David,1732 the servant5650 of the LORD,3068 who834 spoke1696 unto the LORD3068 853 the words1697 of this2063 song7892 in the day3117 that the LORD3068 delivered5337 him from the hand4480 3709 of all3605 his enemies,341 and from the hand4480 3027 of Saul:7586 And he said,559 I will love7355 thee, O LORD,3068 my strength.2391

2  The LORD3068 is my rock,5553 and my fortress,4686 and my deliverer;6403 my God,410 my strength,6697 in whom I will trust;2620 my buckler,4043 and the horn7161 of my salvation,3468 and my high tower.4869

3  I will call7121 upon the LORD,3068 who is worthy to be praised:1984 so shall I be saved3467 from4480 mine enemies.341

4  The sorrows2256 of death4194 compassed661 me, and the floods5158 of ungodly men1100 made me afraid.1204

5  The sorrows2256 of hell7585 compassed me about:5437 the snares4170 of death4194 prevented6923 me.

6  In my distress6862 I called upon7121 the LORD,3068 and cried7768 unto413 my God:430 he heard8085 my voice6963 out of his temple,4480 1964 and my cry7775 came935 before6440 him, even into his ears.241

7  Then the earth776 shook1607 and trembled;7493 the foundations4146 also of the hills2022 moved7264 and were shaken,1607 because3588 he was wroth.2734

8  There went up5927 a smoke6227 out of his nostrils,639 and fire784 out of his mouth4480 6310 devoured:398 coals1513 were kindled1197 by4480 it.

9  He bowed5186 the heavens8064 also, and came down:3381 and darkness6205 was under8478 his feet.7272

10  And he rode7392 upon5921 a cherub,3742 and did fly:5774 yea, he did fly1675 upon5921 the wings3671 of the wind.7307

11  He made7896 darkness2824 his secret place;5643 his pavilion5521 round about5439 him were dark2824 waters4325 and thick clouds5645 of the skies.7834

12  At the brightness4480 5051 that was before5048 him his thick clouds5645 passed,5674 hail1259 stones and coals1513 of fire.784

13  The LORD3068 also thundered7481 in the heavens,8064 and the Highest5945 gave5414 his voice;6963 hail1259 stones and coals1513 of fire.784

14  Yea, he sent out7971 his arrows,2671 and scattered6327 them; and he shot out7232 lightnings,1300 and discomfited2000 them.

15  Then the channels650 of waters4325 were seen,7200 and the foundations4146 of the world8398 were discovered1540 at thy rebuke,4480 1606 O LORD,3068 at the blast4480 5397 of the breath7307 of thy nostrils.639

16  He sent7971 from above,4480 4791 he took3947 me, he drew4871 me out of many waters.4480 4325 7227

17  He delivered5337 me from my strong5794 enemy,4480 341 and from them which hated4480 8130 me: for3588 they were too strong553 for4480 me.

18  They prevented6923 me in the day3117 of my calamity:343 but the LORD3068 was1961 my stay.4937

19  He brought me forth3318 also into a large place;4800 he delivered2502 me, because3588 he delighted2654 in me.

20  The LORD3068 rewarded1580 me according to my righteousness;6664 according to the cleanness1252 of my hands3027 hath he recompensed7725 me.

21  For3588 I have kept8104 the ways1870 of the LORD,3068 and have not3808 wickedly departed7561 from my God.4480 430

22  For3588 all3605 his judgments4941 were before5048 me, and I did not3808 put away5493 his statutes2708 from4480 me.

23  I was1961 also upright8549 before5973 him, and I kept myself8104 from mine iniquity.4480 5771

24  Therefore hath the LORD3068 recompensed7725 me according to my righteousness,6664 according to the cleanness1252 of my hands3027 in5048 his eyesight.5869

25  With5973 the merciful2623 thou wilt show thyself merciful;2616 with5973 an upright8549 man1399 thou wilt show thyself upright;8552

26  With5973 the pure1305 thou wilt show thyself pure;1305 and with5973 the froward6141 thou wilt show thyself froward.6617

27  For3588 thou wilt859 save3467 the afflicted6041 people;5971 but wilt bring down8213 high7311 looks.5869

28  For3588 thou859 wilt light215 my candle:5216 the LORD3068 my God430 will enlighten5050 my darkness.2822

29  For3588 by thee I have run through7323 a troop;1416 and by my God430 have I leaped over1801 a wall.7791

30  As for God,410 his way1870 is perfect:8549 the word565 of the LORD3068 is tried:6884 he1931 is a buckler4043 to all3605 those that trust2620 in him.

31  For3588 who4310 is God433 save4480 1107 the LORD?3068 or who4310 is a rock6697 save2108 our God?430

32  It is God410 that girdeth247 me with strength,2428 and maketh5414 my way1870 perfect.8549

33  He maketh7737 my feet7272 like hinds'355 feet, and setteth5975 me upon5921 my high places.1116

34  He teacheth3925 my hands3027 to war,4421 so that a bow7198 of steel5154 is broken5181 by mine arms.2220

35  Thou hast also given5414 me the shield4043 of thy salvation:3468 and thy right hand3225 hath holden me up,5582 and thy gentleness6038 hath made me great.7235

36  Thou hast enlarged7337 my steps6806 under8478 me, that my feet7166 did not3808 slip.4571

37  I have pursued7291 mine enemies,341 and overtaken5381 them: neither3808 did I turn again7725 till5704 they were consumed.3615

38  I have wounded4272 them that they were not3808 able3201 to rise:6965 they are fallen5307 under8478 my feet.7272

39  For thou hast girded247 me with strength2428 unto the battle:4421 thou hast subdued3766 under8478 me those that rose up6965 against me.

40  Thou hast also given5414 me the necks6203 of mine enemies;341 that I might destroy6789 them that hate8130 me.

41  They cried,7768 but there was none369 to save3467 them: even unto5921 the LORD,3068 but he answered6030 them not.3808

42  Then did I beat them small7833 as the dust6083 before5921 6440 the wind:7307 I did cast them out7324 as the dirt2916 in the streets.2351

43  Thou hast delivered6403 me from the strivings4480 7379 of the people;5971 and thou hast made7760 me the head7218 of the heathen:1471 a people5971 whom I have not3808 known3045 shall serve5647 me.

44  As soon as they hear8088 241 of me, they shall obey8085 me: the strangers1121 5236 shall submit3584 themselves unto me.

45  The strangers1121 5236 shall fade away,5034 and be afraid2727 out of4480 their close places.4526

46  The LORD3068 liveth;2416 and blessed1288 be my rock;6697 and let the God430 of my salvation3468 be exalted.7311

47  It is God410 that avengeth5414 5360 me, and subdueth1696 the people5971 under8478 me.

48  He delivereth6403 me from mine enemies:4480 341 yea,637 thou liftest me up7311 above4480 those that rise up6965 against me: thou hast delivered5337 me from the violent2555 man.4480 376

49  Therefore5921 3651 will I give thanks3034 unto thee, O LORD,3068 among the heathen,1471 and sing praises2167 unto thy name.8034

50  Great1431 deliverance3444 giveth he to his king;4428 and showeth6213 mercy2617 to his anointed,4899 to David,1732 and to his seed2233 forevermore.5704 5769

Psalms 19: 1-14

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The heavens8064 declare5608 the glory3519 of God;410 and the firmament7549 showeth5046 his handiwork.4639 3027

2  Day3117 unto day3117 uttereth5042 speech,562 and night3915 unto night3915 showeth2331 knowledge.1847

3  There is no369 speech562 nor369 language,1697 where their voice6963 is not1097 heard.8085

4  Their line6957 is gone out3318 through all3605 the earth,776 and their words4405 to the end7097 of the world.8398 In them hath he set7760 a tabernacle168 for the sun,8121

5  Which1931 is as a bridegroom2860 coming out3318 of his chamber,4480 2646 and rejoiceth7797 as a strong man1368 to run7323 a race.734

6  His going forth4161 is from the end4480 7097 of the heaven,8064 and his circuit8622 unto5921 the ends7098 of it: and there is nothing369 hid5641 from the heat4480 2535 thereof.

7  The law8451 of the LORD3068 is perfect,8549 converting7725 the soul:5315 the testimony5715 of the LORD3068 is sure,539 making wise2449 the simple.6612

8  The statutes6490 of the LORD3068 are right,3477 rejoicing8055 the heart:3820 the commandment4687 of the LORD3068 is pure,1249 enlightening215 the eyes.5869

9  The fear3374 of the LORD3068 is clean,2889 enduring5975 forever:5703 the judgments4941 of the LORD3068 are true571 and righteous6663 altogether.3162

10  More to be desired2530 are they than gold,4480 2091 yea, than much7227 fine gold:4480 6337 sweeter4966 also than honey4480 1706 and the honeycomb.5317 6688

11  Moreover1571 by them is thy servant5650 warned:2094 and in keeping8104 of them there is great7227 reward.6118

12  Who4310 can understand995 his errors?7691 cleanse5352 thou me from secret4480 5641 faults.

13  Keep back2820 thy servant5650 also1571 from presumptuous4480 2086 sins; let them not408 have dominion4910 over me: then227 shall I be upright,8552 and I shall be innocent5352 from the great7227 transgression.4480 6588

14  Let the words561 of my mouth,6310 and the meditation1902 of my heart,3820 be1961 acceptable7522 in thy sight,6440 O LORD,3068 my strength,6697 and my redeemer.1350

Psalms 20: 1-9

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The LORD3068 hear6030 thee in the day3117 of trouble;6869 the name8034 of the God430 of Jacob3290 defend7682 thee;

2  Send7971 thee help5828 from the sanctuary,4480 6944 and strengthen5582 thee out of Zion;4480 6726

3  Remember2142 all3605 thy offerings,4503 and accept1878 thy burnt sacrifice;5930 Selah.5542

4  Grant5414 thee according to thine own heart,3824 and fulfill4390 all3605 thy counsel.6098

5  We will rejoice7442 in thy salvation,3444 and in the name8034 of our God430 we will set up our banners:1713 the LORD3068 fulfill4390 all3605 thy petitions.4862

6  Now6258 know3045 I that3588 the LORD3068 saveth3467 his anointed;4899 he will hear6030 him from his holy6944 heaven4480 8064 with the saving3468 strength1369 of his right hand.3225

7  Some428 trust in chariots,7393 and some428 in horses:5483 but we587 will remember2142 the name8034 of the LORD3068 our God.430

8  They1992 are brought down3766 and fallen:5307 but we587 are risen,6965 and stand upright.5749

9  Save,3467 LORD:3068 let the king4428 hear6030 us when3117 we call.7121

Psalms 21: 1-13

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The king4428 shall joy8055 in thy strength,5797 O LORD;3068 and in thy salvation3444 how4100 greatly3966 shall he rejoice!1523

2  Thou hast given5414 him his heart's3820 desire,8378 and hast not1077 withheld4513 the request782 of his lips.8193 Selah.5542

3  For3588 thou preventest6923 him with the blessings1293 of goodness:2896 thou settest7896 a crown5850 of pure gold6337 on his head.7218

4  He asked7592 life2416 of4480 thee, and thou gavest5414 it him, even length753 of days3117 forever5769 and ever.5703

5  His glory3519 is great1419 in thy salvation:3444 honor1935 and majesty1926 hast thou laid7737 upon5921 him.

6  For3588 thou hast made7896 him most blessed1293 forever:5703 thou hast made him exceeding glad2302 8057 with854 thy countenance.6440

7  For3588 the king4428 trusteth982 in the LORD,3068 and through the mercy2617 of the most High5945 he shall not1077 be moved.4131

8  Thine hand3027 shall find out4672 all3605 thine enemies:341 thy right hand3225 shall find out4672 those that hate8130 thee.

9  Thou shalt make7896 them as a fiery784 oven8574 in the time6256 of thine anger:6440 the LORD3068 shall swallow them up1104 in his wrath,639 and the fire784 shall devour398 them.

10  Their fruit6529 shalt thou destroy6 from the earth,4480 776 and their seed2233 from among the children4480 1121 of men.120

11  For3588 they intended5186 evil7451 against5921 thee: they imagined2803 a mischievous device,4209 which they are not1077 able3201 to perform.

12  Therefore3588 shalt thou make7896 them turn their back,7926 when thou shalt make ready3559 thine arrows upon thy strings4340 against5921 the face6440 of them.

13  Be thou exalted,7311 LORD,3068 in thine own strength:5797 so will we sing7891 and praise2167 thy power.1369

Psalms 22: 1-31

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Aijeleth365 Shahar,7837 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 My God,410 my God,410 why4100 hast thou forsaken5800 me? why art thou so far7350 from helping4480 3444 me, and from the words1697 of my roaring?7581

2  O my God,430 I cry7121 in the daytime,3119 but thou hearest6030 not;3808 and in the night season,3915 and am not3808 silent.1747

3  But thou859 art holy,6918 O thou that inhabitest3427 the praises8416 of Israel.3478

4  Our fathers1 trusted982 in thee: they trusted,982 and thou didst deliver6403 them.

5  They cried2199 unto413 thee, and were delivered:4422 they trusted982 in thee, and were not3808 confounded.954

6  But I595 am a worm,8438 and no3808 man;376 a reproach2781 of men,120 and despised959 of the people.5971

7  All3605 they that see7200 me laugh3932 me to scorn: they shoot out6362 the lip,8193 they shake5128 the head,7218 saying,

8  He trusted1556 on413 the LORD3068 that he would deliver6403 him: let him deliver5337 him, seeing3588 he delighted2654 in him.

9  But3588 thou859 art he that took1518 me out of the womb:4480 990 thou didst make me hope982 when I was upon5921 my mother's517 breasts.7699

10  I was cast7993 upon5921 thee from the womb:4480 7358 thou859 art my God410 from my mother's517 belly.4480 990

11  Be not408 far7368 from4480 me; for3588 trouble6869 is near;7138 for3588 there is none369 to help.5826

12  Many7227 bulls6499 have compassed5437 me: strong47 bulls of Bashan1316 have beset me round.3803

13  They gaped6475 upon5921 me with their mouths,6310 as a ravening2963 and a roaring7580 lion.738

14  I am poured out8210 like water,4325 and all3605 my bones6106 are out of joint:6504 my heart3820 is1961 like wax;1749 it is melted4549 in the midst8432 of my bowels.4578

15  My strength3581 is dried up3001 like a potsherd;2789 and my tongue3956 cleaveth1692 to my jaws;4455 and thou hast brought8239 me into the dust6083 of death.4194

16  For3588 dogs3611 have compassed5437 me: the assembly5712 of the wicked7489 have enclosed5362 me: they pierced738 my hands3027 and my feet.7272

17  I may tell5608 all3605 my bones:6106 they1992 look5027 and stare7200 upon me.

18  They part2505 my garments899 among them, and cast5307 lots1486 upon5921 my vesture.3830

19  But be not408 thou859 far7368 from me, O LORD:3068 O my strength,360 haste2363 thee to help5833 me.

20  Deliver5337 my soul5315 from the sword;4480 2719 my darling3173 from the power4480 3027 of the dog.3611

21  Save3467 me from the lion's738 mouth:4480 6310 for thou hast heard6030 me from the horns4480 7161 of the unicorns.7214

22  I will declare5608 thy name8034 unto my brethren:251 in the midst8432 of the congregation6951 will I praise1984 thee.

23  Ye that fear3373 the LORD,3068 praise1984 him; all3605 ye the seed2233 of Jacob,3290 glorify3513 him; and fear1481 4480 him, all3605 ye the seed2233 of Israel.3478

24  For3588 he hath not3808 despised959 nor3808 abhorred8262 the affliction6039 of the afflicted;6041 neither3808 hath he hid5641 his face6440 from4480 him; but when he cried7768 unto413 him, he heard.8085

25  My praise8416 shall be of4480 854 thee in the great7227 congregation:6951 I will pay7999 my vows5088 before5048 them that fear3373 him.

26  The meek6035 shall eat398 and be satisfied:7646 they shall praise1984 the LORD3068 that seek1875 him: your heart3824 shall live2421 forever.5703

27  All3605 the ends657 of the world776 shall remember2142 and turn7725 unto413 the LORD:3068 and all3605 the kindreds4940 of the nations1471 shall worship7812 before6440 thee.

28  For3588 the kingdom4410 is the LORD's:3068 and he is the governor4910 among the nations.1471

29  All3605 they that be fat1879 upon earth776 shall eat398 and worship:7812 all3605 they that go down3381 to the dust6083 shall bow3766 before6440 him: and none3808 can keep alive2421 his own soul.5315

30  A seed2233 shall serve5647 him; it shall be accounted5608 to the Lord136 for a generation.1755

31  They shall come,935 and shall declare5046 his righteousness6666 unto a people5971 that shall be born,3205 that3588 he hath done6213 this.

Psalms 23: 1-6

1  A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The LORD3068 is my shepherd;7462 I shall not3808 want.2637

2  He maketh me to lie down7257 in green1877 pastures:4999 he leadeth5095 me beside5921 the still4496 waters.4325

3  He restoreth7725 my soul:5315 he leadeth5148 me in the paths4570 of righteousness6664 for his name's sake.4616 8034

4  Yea,1571 though3588 I walk1980 through the valley1516 of the shadow of death,6757 I will fear3372 no3808 evil:7451 for3588 thou859 art with5978 me; thy rod7626 and thy staff4938 they1992 comfort5162 me.

5  Thou preparest6186 a table7979 before6440 me in the presence5048 of mine enemies:6887 thou anointest1878 my head7218 with oil;8081 my cup3563 runneth over.7310

6  Surely389 goodness2896 and mercy2617 shall follow7291 me all3605 the days3117 of my life:2416 and I will dwell3427 in the house1004 of the LORD3068 forever.753 3117

Psalms 24: 1-10

1  A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The earth776 is the LORD's,3068 and the fullness4393 thereof; the world,8398 and they that dwell3427 therein.

2  For3588 he1931 hath founded3245 it upon5921 the seas,3220 and established3559 it upon5921 the floods.5104

3  Who4310 shall ascend5927 into the hill2022 of the LORD?3068 or who4310 shall stand6965 in his holy6944 place?4725

4  He that hath clean5355 hands,3709 and a pure1249 heart;3824 who834 hath not3808 lifted up5375 his soul5315 unto vanity,7723 nor3808 sworn7650 deceitfully.4820

5  He shall receive5375 the blessing1293 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 and righteousness6666 from the God4480 430 of his salvation.3468

6  This2088 is the generation1755 of them that seek1875 him, that seek1245 thy face,6440 O Jacob.3290 Selah.5542

7  Lift up5375 your heads,7218 O ye gates;8179 and be ye lift up,5375 ye everlasting5769 doors;6607 and the King4428 of glory3519 shall come in.935

8  Who4310 is this2088 King4428 of glory?3519 The LORD3068 strong5808 and mighty,1368 the LORD3068 mighty1368 in battle.4421

9  Lift up5375 your heads,7218 O ye gates;8179 even lift them up,5375 ye everlasting5769 doors;6607 and the King4428 of glory3519 shall come in.935

10  Who4310 is1931 this2088 King4428 of glory?3519 The LORD3068 of hosts,6635 he1931 is the King4428 of glory.3519 Selah.5542

Psalms 25: 1-22

1  A Psalm of David.1732 Unto413 thee, O LORD,3068 do I lift up5375 my soul.5315

2  O my God,430 I trust982 in thee: let me not408 be ashamed,954 let not408 mine enemies341 triumph5970 over me.

3  Yea,1571 let none3605 3808 that wait6960 on thee be ashamed:954 let them be ashamed954 which transgress898 without cause.7387

4  Show3045 me thy ways,1870 O LORD;3068 teach3925 me thy paths.734

5  Lead1869 me in thy truth,571 and teach3925 me: for3588 thou859 art the God430 of my salvation;3468 on thee do I wait6960 all3605 the day.3117

6  Remember,2142 O LORD,3068 thy tender mercies7356 and thy lovingkindnesses;2617 for3588 they1992 have been ever of old.4480 5769

7  Remember2142 not408 the sins2403 of my youth,5271 nor my transgressions:6588 according to thy mercy2617 remember2142 thou859 me for thy goodness' sake,4616 2898 O LORD.3068

8  Good2896 and upright3477 is the LORD:3068 therefore5921 3651 will he teach3384 sinners2400 in the way.1870

9  The meek6035 will he guide1869 in judgment:4941 and the meek6035 will he teach3925 his way.1870

10  All3605 the paths734 of the LORD3068 are mercy2617 and truth571 unto such as keep5341 his covenant1285 and his testimonies.5713

11  For thy name's sake,4616 8034 O LORD,3068 pardon5545 mine iniquity;5771 for3588 it1931 is great.7227

12  What4310 man376 is he that2088 feareth3373 the LORD?3068 him shall he teach3384 in the way1870 that he shall choose.977

13  His soul5315 shall dwell3885 at ease;2896 and his seed2233 shall inherit3423 the earth.776

14  The secret5475 of the LORD3068 is with them that fear3373 him; and he will show3045 them his covenant.1285

15  Mine eyes5869 are ever8548 toward413 the LORD;3068 for3588 he1931 shall pluck my feet out3318 7272 of the net.4480 7568

16  Turn6437 thee unto413 me, and have mercy2603 upon me; for3588 I589 am desolate3173 and afflicted.6041

17  The troubles6869 of my heart3824 are enlarged:7337 O bring thou me out3318 of my distresses.4480 4691

18  Look upon7200 mine affliction6040 and my pain;5999 and forgive5375 all3605 my sins.2403

19  Consider7200 mine enemies;341 for3588 they are many;7231 and they hate8130 me with cruel2555 hatred.8135

20  O keep8104 my soul,5315 and deliver5337 me: let me not408 be ashamed;954 for3588 I put my trust2620 in thee.

21  Let integrity8537 and uprightness3476 preserve5341 me; for3588 I wait on6960 thee.

22  Redeem6299 853 Israel,3478 O God,430 out of all4480 3605 his troubles.6869

Psalms 26: 1-12

1  A Psalm of David.1732 Judge8199 me, O LORD;3068 for3588 I589 have walked1980 in mine integrity:8537 I have trusted982 also in the LORD;3068 therefore I shall not3808 slide.4571

2  Examine974 me, O LORD,3068 and prove5254 me; try6884 my reins3629 and my heart.3820

3  For3588 thy lovingkindness2617 is before5048 mine eyes:5869 and I have walked1980 in thy truth.571

4  I have not3808 sat3427 with5973 vain7723 persons,4962 neither3808 will I go in935 with5973 dissemblers.5956

5  I have hated8130 the congregation6951 of evildoers;7489 and will not3808 sit3427 with5973 the wicked.7563

6  I will wash7364 mine hands3709 in innocency:5356 so will I compass5437 thine 853 altar,4196 O LORD:3068

7  That I may publish8085 with the voice6963 of thanksgiving,8426 and tell5608 of all3605 thy wondrous works.6381

8  LORD,3068 I have loved157 the habitation4583 of thy house,1004 and the place4725 where thine honor3519 dwelleth.4908

9  Gather622 not408 my soul5315 with5973 sinners,2400 nor my life2416 with5973 bloody1818 men:376

10  In whose834 hands3027 is mischief,2154 and their right hand3225 is full4390 of bribes.7810

11  But as for me,589 I will walk1980 in mine integrity:8537 redeem6299 me, and be merciful2603 unto me.

12  My foot7272 standeth5975 in an even place:4334 in the congregations4721 will I bless1288 the LORD.3068

Psalms 27: 1-14

1  A Psalm of David.1732 The LORD3068 is my light216 and my salvation;3468 whom4480 4310 shall I fear?3372 the LORD3068 is the strength4581 of my life;2416 of whom4480 4310 shall I be afraid?6342

2  When the wicked,7489 even mine enemies6862 and my foes,341 came7126 upon5921 me to eat up398 853 my flesh,1320 they1992 stumbled3782 and fell.5307

3  Though518 a host4264 should encamp2583 against5921 me, my heart3820 shall not3808 fear:3372 though518 war4421 should rise6965 against5921 me, in this2063 will I589 be confident.982

4  One259 thing have I desired7592 of4480 854 the LORD,3068 that will I seek after;1245 that I may dwell3427 in the house1004 of the LORD3068 all3605 the days3117 of my life,2416 to behold2372 the beauty5278 of the LORD,3068 and to inquire1239 in his temple.1964

5  For3588 in the time3117 of trouble7451 he shall hide6845 me in his pavilion:5520 in the secret5643 of his tabernacle168 shall he hide5641 me; he shall set me up7311 upon a rock.6697

6  And now6258 shall mine head7218 be lifted up7311 above5921 mine enemies341 round about5439 me: therefore will I offer2076 in his tabernacle168 sacrifices2077 of joy;8643 I will sing,7891 yea, I will sing praises2167 unto the LORD.3068

7  Hear,8085 O LORD,3068 when I cry7121 with my voice:6963 have mercy2603 also upon me, and answer6030 me.

8  When thou saidst, Seek1245 ye my face;6440 my heart3820 said559 unto thee, 853 Thy face,6440 LORD,3068 will I seek.1245

9  Hide5641 not408 thy face6440 far from4480 me; put not thy servant away5186 408 5650 in anger:639 thou hast been1961 my help;5833 leave5203 me not,408 neither408 forsake5800 me, O God430 of my salvation.3468

10  When3588 my father1 and my mother517 forsake5800 me, then the LORD3068 will take me up.622

11  Teach3384 me thy way,1870 O LORD,3068 and lead5148 me in a plain4334 path,734 because of4616 mine enemies.8324

12  Deliver5414 me not408 over unto the will5315 of mine enemies:6862 for3588 false8267 witnesses5707 are risen up6965 against me, and such as breathe out3307 cruelty.2555

13  I had fainted, unless3884 I had believed539 to see7200 the goodness2898 of the LORD3068 in the land776 of the living.2416

14  Wait6960 on413 the LORD:3068 be of good courage,2388 and he shall strengthen553 thine heart:3820 wait,6960 I say, on413 the LORD.3068

Psalms 28: 1-9

1  A Psalm of David.1732 Unto413 thee will I cry,7121 O LORD3068 my rock;6697 be not408 silent2790 to4480 me: lest,6435 if thou be silent2790 to4480 me, I become like4911 5973 them that go down3381 into the pit.953

2  Hear8085 the voice6963 of my supplications,8469 when I cry7768 unto413 thee, when I lift up5375 my hands3027 toward413 thy holy6944 oracle.1687

3  Draw4900 me not408 away with5973 the wicked,7563 and with5973 the workers6466 of iniquity,205 which speak1696 peace7965 to5973 their neighbors,7453 but mischief7451 is in their hearts.3824

4  Give5414 them according to their deeds,6467 and according to the wickedness7455 of their endeavors:4611 give5414 them after the work4639 of their hands;3027 render7725 to them their desert.1576

5  Because3588 they regard995 413 not3808 the works6468 of the LORD,3068 nor the operation4639 of his hands,3027 he shall destroy2040 them, and not3808 build them up.1129

6  Blessed1288 be the LORD,3068 because3588 he hath heard8085 the voice6963 of my supplications.8469

7  The LORD3068 is my strength5797 and my shield;4043 my heart3820 trusted982 in him, and I am helped:5826 therefore my heart3820 greatly rejoiceth;5937 and with my song4480 7892 will I praise3034 him.

8  The LORD3068 is their strength,5797 and he1931 is the saving3444 strength4581 of his anointed.4899

9  Save3467 853 thy people,5971 and bless1288 853 thine inheritance:5159 feed7462 them also, and lift them up5375 forever.5704 5769

Psalms 29: 1-11

1  A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Give3051 unto the LORD,3068 O ye mighty,1121 410 give3051 unto the LORD3068 glory3519 and strength.5797

2  Give3051 unto the LORD3068 the glory3519 due unto his name;8034 worship7812 the LORD3068 in the beauty1927 of holiness.6944

3  The voice6963 of the LORD3068 is upon5921 the waters:4325 the God410 of glory3519 thundereth:7481 the LORD3068 is upon5921 many7227 waters.4325

4  The voice6963 of the LORD3068 is powerful;3581 the voice6963 of the LORD3068 is full of majesty.1926

5  The voice6963 of the LORD3068 breaketh7665 the cedars;730 yea, the LORD3068 breaketh7665 853 the cedars730 of Lebanon.3844

6  He maketh them also to skip7540 like3644 a calf;5695 Lebanon3844 and Sirion8303 like3644 a young1121 unicorn.7214

7  The voice6963 of the LORD3068 divideth2672 the flames3852 of fire.784

8  The voice6963 of the LORD3068 shaketh2342 the wilderness;4057 the LORD3068 shaketh2342 the wilderness4057 of Kadesh.6946

9  The voice6963 of the LORD3068 maketh the hinds355 to calve,2342 and discovereth2834 the forests:3295 and in his temple1964 doth every one3605 speak of559 his glory.3519

10  The LORD3068 sitteth3427 upon the flood;3999 yea, the LORD3068 sitteth3427 King4428 forever.5769

11  The LORD3068 will give5414 strength5797 unto his people;5971 the LORD3068 will bless1288 853 his people5971 with peace.7965

Psalms 30: 1-12

1  A Psalm4210 and Song7892 at the dedication2598 of the house1004 of David.1732 I will extol7311 thee, O LORD;3068 for3588 thou hast lifted me up,1802 and hast not3808 made my foes341 to rejoice8055 over me.

2  O LORD3068 my God,430 I cried7768 unto413 thee, and thou hast healed7495 me.

3  O LORD,3068 thou hast brought up5927 my soul5315 from4480 the grave:7585 thou hast kept me alive,2421 that I should not go down4480 3381 to the pit.953

4  Sing2167 unto the LORD,3068 O ye saints2623 of his, and give thanks3034 at the remembrance2143 of his holiness.6944

5  For3588 his anger639 endureth but a moment;7281 in his favor7522 is life:2416 weeping1065 may endure3885 for a night,6153 but joy7440 cometh in the morning.1242

6  And in my prosperity7959 I589 said,559 I shall never1077 5769 be moved.4131

7  LORD,3068 by thy favor7522 thou hast made my mountain2042 to stand5975 strong:5797 thou didst hide5641 thy face,6440 and I was1961 troubled.926

8  I cried7121 to413 thee, O LORD;3068 and unto413 the LORD136 I made supplication.2603

9  What4100 profit1215 is there in my blood,1818 when I go down3381 to413 the pit?7845 Shall the dust6083 praise3034 thee? shall it declare5046 thy truth?571

10  Hear,8085 O LORD,3068 and have mercy2603 upon me: LORD,3068 be1961 thou my helper.5826

11  Thou hast turned2015 for me my mourning4553 into dancing:4234 thou hast put off6605 my sackcloth,8242 and girded247 me with gladness;8057

12  To the end that4616 my glory3519 may sing praise2167 to thee, and not3808 be silent.1826 O LORD3068 my God,430 I will give thanks3034 unto thee forever.5769

Psalms 31: 1-24

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 In thee, O LORD,3068 do I put my trust;2620 let me never408 5769 be ashamed:954 deliver6403 me in thy righteousness.6666

2  Bow down5186 thine ear241 to413 me; deliver5337 me speedily:4120 be1961 thou my strong4581 rock,6697 for a house1004 of defense4686 to save3467 me.

3  For3588 thou859 art my rock5553 and my fortress;4686 therefore for thy name's sake4616 8034 lead5148 me, and guide5095 me.

4  Pull me out3318 of the net4480 7568 that2098 they have laid privily2934 for me: for3588 thou859 art my strength.4581

5  Into thine hand3027 I commit6485 my spirit:7307 thou hast redeemed6299 me, O LORD3068 God410 of truth.571

6  I have hated8130 them that regard8104 lying7723 vanities:1892 but I589 trust982 in413 the LORD.3068

7  I will be glad1523 and rejoice8055 in thy mercy:2617 for834 thou hast considered7200 853 my trouble;6040 thou hast known3045 my soul5315 in adversities;6869

8  And hast not3808 shut me up5462 into the hand3027 of the enemy:341 thou hast set5975 my feet7272 in a large room.4800

9  Have mercy2603 upon me, O LORD,3068 for3588 I am in trouble:6862 mine eye5869 is consumed6244 with grief,3708 yea, my soul5315 and my belly.990

10  For3588 my life2416 is spent3615 with grief,3015 and my years8141 with sighing:585 my strength3581 faileth3782 because of mine iniquity,5771 and my bones6106 are consumed.6244

11  I was1961 a reproach2781 among all4480 3605 mine enemies,6887 but especially3966 among my neighbors,7934 and a fear6343 to mine acquaintance:3045 they that did see7200 me without2351 fled5074 from4480 me.

12  I am forgotten7911 as a dead man4191 out of mind:4480 3820 I am1961 like a broken6 vessel.3627

13  For3588 I have heard8085 the slander1681 of many:7227 fear4032 was on every side:4480 5439 while they took counsel3245 together3162 against5921 me, they devised2161 to take away3947 my life.5315

14  But I589 trusted982 in5921 thee, O LORD:3068 I said,559 Thou859 art my God.430

15  My times6256 are in thy hand:3027 deliver5337 me from the hand4480 3027 of mine enemies,341 and from them that persecute4480 7291 me.

16  Make thy face6440 to shine215 upon5921 thy servant:5650 save3467 me for thy mercies'2617 sake.

17  Let me not408 be ashamed,954 O LORD;3068 for3588 I have called upon7121 thee: let the wicked7563 be ashamed,954 and let them be silent1826 in the grave.7585

18  Let the lying8267 lips8193 be put to silence;481 which speak1696 grievous things6277 proudly1346 and contemptuously937 against5921 the righteous.6662

19  Oh how4100 great7227 is thy goodness,2898 which834 thou hast laid up6845 for them that fear3373 thee; which thou hast wrought6466 for them that trust2620 in thee before5048 the sons1121 of men!120

20  Thou shalt hide5641 them in the secret5643 of thy presence6440 from the pride4480 7407 of man:376 thou shalt keep them secretly6845 in a pavilion5521 from the strife4480 7379 of tongues.3956

21  Blessed1288 be the LORD:3068 for3588 he hath showed me his marvelous kindness6381 2617 in a strong4692 city.5892

22  For I589 said559 in my haste,2648 I am cut off1629 from before4480 5048 thine eyes:5869 nevertheless403 thou heardest8085 the voice6963 of my supplications8469 when I cried7768 unto413 thee.

23  O love157 853 the LORD,3068 all3605 ye his saints:2623 for the LORD3068 preserveth5341 the faithful,539 and plentifully5921 3499 rewardeth7999 the proud1346 doer.6213

24  Be of good courage,2388 and he shall strengthen553 your heart,3824 all3605 ye that hope3176 in the LORD.3068

Psalms 32: 1-11

1  A Psalm of David,1732 Maschil.4905 Blessed835 is he whose transgression6588 is forgiven,5375 whose sin2401 is covered.3680

2  Blessed835 is the man120 unto whom the LORD3068 imputeth2803 not3808 iniquity,5771 and in whose spirit7307 there is no369 guile.7423

3  When3588 I kept silence,2790 my bones6106 waxed old1086 through my roaring7581 all3605 the day3117 long.

4  For3588 day3119 and night3915 thy hand3027 was heavy3513 upon5921 me: my moisture3955 is turned2015 into the drought2725 of summer.7019 Selah.5542

5  I acknowledged3045 my sin2403 unto thee, and mine iniquity5771 have I not3808 hid.3680 I said,559 I will confess3034 my transgressions5921 6588 unto the LORD;3068 and thou859 forgavest5375 the iniquity5771 of my sin.2403 Selah.5542

6  For5921 this2063 shall every3605 one that is godly2623 pray6419 unto413 thee in a time6256 when thou mayest be found:4672 surely7535 in the floods7858 of great7227 waters4325 they shall not3808 come nigh5060 unto413 him.

7  Thou859 art my hiding place;5643 thou shalt preserve5341 me from trouble;4480 6862 thou shalt compass me about5437 with songs7438 of deliverance.6405 Selah.5542

8  I will instruct7919 thee and teach3384 thee in the way1870 which2098 thou shalt go:1980 I will guide3289 5921 thee with mine eye.5869

9  Be1961 ye not408 as the horse,5483 or as the mule,6505 which have no369 understanding:995 whose mouth5716 must be held in1102 with bit4964 and bridle,7448 lest1077 they come near7126 unto thee.413

10  Many7227 sorrows4341 shall be to the wicked:7563 but he that trusteth982 in the LORD,3068 mercy2617 shall compass him about.5437

11  Be glad8055 in the LORD,3068 and rejoice,1523 ye righteous:6662 and shout for joy,7442 all3605 ye that are upright3477 in heart.3820

Psalms 33: 1-22

1  Rejoice7442 in the LORD,3068 O ye righteous:6662 for praise8416 is comely5000 for the upright.3477

2  Praise3034 the LORD3068 with harp:3658 sing2167 unto him with the psaltery5035 and an instrument of ten strings.6218

3  Sing7891 unto him a new2319 song;7892 play5059 skilfully3190 with a loud noise.8643

4  For3588 the word1697 of the LORD3068 is right;3477 and all3605 his works4639 are done in truth.530

5  He loveth157 righteousness6666 and judgment:4941 the earth776 is full4390 of the goodness2617 of the LORD.3068

6  By the word1697 of the LORD3068 were the heavens8064 made;6213 and all3605 the host6635 of them by the breath7307 of his mouth.6310

7  He gathereth3664 the waters4325 of the sea3220 together as a heap:5067 he layeth up5414 the depth8415 in storehouses.214

8  Let all3605 the earth776 fear3372 the LORD:4480 3068 let all3605 the inhabitants3427 of the world8398 stand in awe1481 of4480 him.

9  For3588 he1931 spoke,559 and it was1961 done; he1931 commanded,6680 and it stood fast.5975

10  The LORD3068 bringeth the counsel6098 of the heathen1471 to naught:6331 he maketh the devices4284 of the people5971 of none effect.5106

11  The counsel6098 of the LORD3068 standeth5975 forever,5769 the thoughts4284 of his heart3820 to all1755 generations.1755

12  Blessed835 is the nation1471 whose834 God430 is the LORD;3068 and the people5971 whom he hath chosen977 for his own inheritance.5159

13  The LORD3068 looketh5027 from heaven;4480 8064 he beholdeth7200 853 all3605 the sons1121 of men.120

14  From the place4480 4349 of his habitation3427 he looketh7688 upon413 all3605 the inhabitants3427 of the earth.776

15  He fashioneth3335 their hearts3820 alike;3162 he considereth995 413 all3605 their works.4639

16  There is no369 king4428 saved3467 by the multitude7230 of a host:2428 a mighty man1368 is not3808 delivered5337 by much7230 strength.3581

17  A horse5483 is a vain thing8267 for safety:8668 neither3808 shall he deliver4422 any by his great7230 strength.2428

18  Behold,2009 the eye5869 of the LORD3068 is upon413 them that fear3373 him, upon them that hope3176 in his mercy;2617

19  To deliver5337 their soul5315 from death,4480 4194 and to keep them alive2421 in famine.7458

20  Our soul5315 waiteth2442 for the LORD:3068 he1931 is our help5828 and our shield.4043

21  For3588 our heart3820 shall rejoice8055 in him, because3588 we have trusted982 in his holy6944 name.8034

22  Let thy mercy,2617 O LORD,3068 be1961 upon5921 us, according as834 we hope3176 in thee.

Psalms 34: 1-22

1  A Psalm of David,1732 when he changed8138 853 his behavior2940 before6440 Abimelech;40 who drove him away,1644 and he departed.1980 I will bless1288 the 853 LORD3068 at all3605 times:6256 his praise8416 shall continually8548 be in my mouth.6310

2  My soul5315 shall make her boast1984 in the LORD:3068 the humble6035 shall hear8085 thereof, and be glad.8055

3  O magnify1431 the LORD3068 with854 me, and let us exalt7311 his name8034 together.3162

4  I sought1875 853 the LORD,3068 and he heard6030 me, and delivered5337 me from all4480 3605 my fears.4035

5  They looked5027 unto413 him, and were lightened:5102 and their faces6440 were not408 ashamed.2659

6  This2088 poor6041 man cried,7121 and the LORD3068 heard8085 him, and saved3467 him out of all4480 3605 his troubles.6869

7  The angel4397 of the LORD3068 encampeth2583 round about5439 them that fear3373 him, and delivereth2502 them.

8  O taste2938 and see7200 that3588 the LORD3068 is good:2896 blessed835 is the man1397 that trusteth2620 in him.

9  O fear3372 853 the LORD,3068 ye his saints:6918 for3588 there is no369 want4270 to them that fear3373 him.

10  The young lions3715 do lack,7326 and suffer hunger:7456 but they that seek1875 the LORD3068 shall not3808 want2637 any3605 good2896 thing.

11  Come,1980 ye children,1121 hearken8085 unto me: I will teach3925 you the fear3374 of the LORD.3068

12  What4310 man376 is he that desireth2655 life,2416 and loveth157 many days,3117 that he may see7200 good?2896

13  Keep5341 thy tongue3956 from evil,4480 7451 and thy lips8193 from speaking4480 1696 guile.4820

14  Depart5493 from evil,4480 7451 and do6213 good;2896 seek1245 peace,7965 and pursue7291 it.

15  The eyes5869 of the LORD3068 are upon413 the righteous,6662 and his ears241 are open unto413 their cry.7775

16  The face6440 of the LORD3068 is against them that do6213 evil,7451 to cut off3772 the remembrance2143 of them from the earth.4480 776

17  The righteous cry,6817 and the LORD3068 heareth,8085 and delivereth5337 them out of all4480 3605 their troubles.6869

18  The LORD3068 is nigh7138 unto them that are of a broken7665 heart;3820 and saveth3467 such as be of a contrite1793 spirit.7307

19  Many7227 are the afflictions7451 of the righteous:6662 but the LORD3068 delivereth5337 him out of them all.4480 3605

20  He keepeth8104 all3605 his bones:6106 not3808 one259 of them4480 2007 is broken.7665

21  Evil7451 shall slay4191 the wicked:7563 and they that hate8130 the righteous6662 shall be desolate.816

22  The LORD3068 redeemeth6299 the soul5315 of his servants:5650 and none3808 3605 of them that trust2620 in him shall be desolate.816

Psalms 35: 1-28

1  A Psalm of David.1732 Plead7378 my cause, O LORD,3068 with854 them that strive3401 with me: fight against3898 853 them that fight against3898 me.

2  Take hold2388 of shield4043 and buckler,6793 and stand up6965 for mine help.5833

3  Draw out7324 also the spear,2595 and stop5462 the way against7125 them that persecute7291 me: say559 unto my soul,5315 I589 am thy salvation.3444

4  Let them be confounded954 and put to shame3637 that seek after1245 my soul:5315 let them be turned5472 back268 and brought to confusion2659 that devise2803 my hurt.7451

5  Let them be1961 as chaff4671 before6440 the wind:7307 and let the angel4397 of the LORD3068 chase1760 them.

6  Let their way1870 be1961 dark2822 and slippery:2519 and let the angel4397 of the LORD3068 persecute7291 them.

7  For3588 without cause2600 have they hid2934 for me their net7568 in a pit,7845 which without cause2600 they have digged2658 for my soul.5315

8  Let destruction7722 come upon935 him at unawares;3808 3045 and let his net7568 that834 he hath hid2934 catch3920 himself: into that very destruction7722 let him fall.5307

9  And my soul5315 shall be joyful1523 in the LORD:3068 it shall rejoice7797 in his salvation.3444

10  All3605 my bones6106 shall say,559 LORD,3068 who4310 is like unto thee,3644 which deliverest5337 the poor6041 from him that is too strong4480 2389 for4480 him, yea, the poor6041 and the needy34 from him that spoileth4480 1497 him?

11  False2555 witnesses5707 did rise up;6965 they laid to my charge7592 things that834 I knew3045 not.3808

12  They rewarded7999 me evil7451 for8478 good2896 to the spoiling7908 of my soul.5315

13  But as for me,589 when they were sick,2470 my clothing3830 was sackcloth:8242 I humbled6031 my soul5315 with fasting;6685 and my prayer8605 returned7725 into5921 mine own bosom.2436

14  I behaved myself1980 as though he had been my friend7453 or brother:251 I bowed down7817 heavily,6937 as one that mourneth57 for his mother.517

15  But in mine adversity6761 they rejoiced,8055 and gathered themselves together:622 yea, the abjects5222 gathered themselves together622 against5921 me, and I knew3045 it not;3808 they did tear7167 me, and ceased1826 not:3808

16  With hypocritical2611 mockers3934 in feasts,4580 they gnashed2786 upon5921 me with their teeth.8127

17  Lord,136 how long4100 wilt thou look on?7200 rescue7725 my soul5315 from their destructions,4480 7722 my darling3173 from the lions.4480 3715

18  I will give thee thanks3034 in the great7227 congregation:6951 I will praise1984 thee among much6099 people.5971

19  Let not408 them that are mine enemies341 wrongfully8267 rejoice8055 over me: neither let them wink7169 with the eye5869 that hate8130 me without a cause.2600

20  For3588 they speak1696 not3808 peace:7965 but they devise2803 deceitful4820 matters1697 against5921 them that are quiet7282 in the land.776

21  Yea, they opened7337 their mouth6310 wide against5921 me, and said,559 Aha,1889 aha,1889 our eye5869 hath seen7200 it.

22  This thou hast seen,7200 O LORD:3068 keep not408 silence:2790 O Lord,136 be not408 far7368 from4480 me.

23  Stir up thyself,5782 and awake6974 to my judgment,4941 even unto my cause,7379 my God430 and my Lord.136

24  Judge8199 me, O LORD3068 my God,430 according to thy righteousness;6664 and let them not408 rejoice8055 over me.

25  Let them not408 say559 in their hearts,3820 Ah,1889 so would we have it:5315 let them not408 say,559 We have swallowed him up.1104

26  Let them be ashamed954 and brought to confusion2659 together3162 that rejoice8056 at mine hurt:7451 let them be clothed3847 with shame1322 and dishonor3639 that magnify1431 themselves against5921 me.

27  Let them shout for joy,7442 and be glad,8055 that favor2655 my righteous cause:6664 yea, let them say559 continually,8548 Let the LORD3068 be magnified,1431 which hath pleasure2655 in the prosperity7965 of his servant.5650

28  And my tongue3956 shall speak1897 of thy righteousness6664 and of thy praise8416 all3605 the day3117 long.

Psalms 36: 1-12

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm of David1732 the servant5650 of the LORD.3068 The transgression6588 of the wicked7563 saith5002 within7130 my heart,3820 that there is no369 fear6343 of God430 before5048 his eyes.5869

2  For3588 he flattereth2505 413 himself in his own eyes,5869 until his iniquity5771 be found4672 to be hateful.8130

3  The words1697 of his mouth6310 are iniquity205 and deceit:4820 he hath left off2308 to be wise,7919 and to do good.3190

4  He deviseth2803 mischief205 upon5921 his bed;4904 he setteth himself3320 in5921 a way1870 that is not3808 good;2896 he abhorreth3988 not3808 evil.7451

5  Thy mercy,2617 O LORD,3068 is in the heavens;8064 and thy faithfulness530 reacheth unto5704 the clouds.7834

6  Thy righteousness6666 is like the great410 mountains;2042 thy judgments4941 are a great7227 deep:8415 O LORD,3068 thou preservest3467 man120 and beast.929

7  How4100 excellent3368 is thy lovingkindness,2617 O God!430 therefore the children1121 of men120 put their trust2620 under the shadow6738 of thy wings.3671

8  They shall be abundantly satisfied7301 with the fatness4480 1880 of thy house;1004 and thou shalt make them drink8248 of the river5158 of thy pleasures.5730

9  For3588 with5973 thee is the fountain4726 of life:2416 in thy light216 shall we see7200 light.216

10  O continue4900 thy lovingkindness2617 unto them that know3045 thee; and thy righteousness6666 to the upright3477 in heart.3820

11  Let not408 the foot7272 of pride1346 come against935 me, and let not408 the hand3027 of the wicked7563 remove5110 me.

12  There8033 are the workers6466 of iniquity205 fallen:5307 they are cast down,1760 and shall not3808 be able3201 to rise.6965

Psalms 37: 1-40

1  A Psalm of David.1732 Fret not thyself408 2734 because of evildoers,7489 neither408 be thou envious7065 against the workers6213 of iniquity.5766

2  For3588 they shall soon4120 be cut down5243 like the grass,2682 and wither5034 as the green3418 herb.1877

3  Trust982 in the LORD,3068 and do6213 good;2896 so shalt thou dwell7931 in the land,776 and verily530 thou shalt be fed.7462

4  Delight thyself6026 also in5921 the LORD;3068 and he shall give5414 thee the desires4862 of thine heart.3820

5  Commit1556 thy way1870 unto5921 the LORD;3068 trust982 also in5921 him; and he1931 shall bring it to pass.6213

6  And he shall bring forth3318 thy righteousness6664 as the light,216 and thy judgment4941 as the noonday.6672

7  Rest1826 in the LORD,3068 and wait patiently2342 for him: fret not thyself408 2734 because of him who prospereth6743 in his way,1870 because of the man376 who bringeth wicked devices to pass.6213 4209

8  Cease7503 from anger,4480 639 and forsake5800 wrath:2534 fret not thyself408 2734 in any wise389 to do evil.7489

9  For3588 evildoers7489 shall be cut off:3772 but those that wait upon6960 the LORD,3068 they1992 shall inherit3423 the earth.776

10  For yet5750 a little4592 while, and the wicked7563 shall not369 be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider995 5921 his place,4725 and it shall not369 be.

11  But the meek6035 shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and shall delight themselves6026 in5921 the abundance7230 of peace.7965

12  The wicked7563 plotteth2161 against the just,6662 and gnasheth2786 upon5921 him with his teeth.8127

13  The Lord136 shall laugh7832 at him: for3588 he seeth7200 that3588 his day3117 is coming.935

14  The wicked7563 have drawn out6605 the sword,2719 and have bent1869 their bow,7198 to cast down5307 the poor6041 and needy,34 and to slay2873 such as be of upright3477 conversation.1870

15  Their sword2719 shall enter935 into their own heart,3820 and their bows7198 shall be broken.7665

16  A little4592 that a righteous6662 man hath is better2896 than the riches4480 1995 of many7227 wicked.7563

17  For3588 the arms2220 of the wicked7563 shall be broken:7665 but the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 the righteous.6662

18  The LORD3068 knoweth3045 the days3117 of the upright:8549 and their inheritance5159 shall be1961 forever.5769

19  They shall not3808 be ashamed954 in the evil7451 time:6256 and in the days3117 of famine7459 they shall be satisfied.7646

20  But3588 the wicked7563 shall perish,6 and the enemies341 of the LORD3068 shall be as the fat3368 of lambs:3733 they shall consume;3615 into smoke6227 shall they consume away.3615

21  The wicked7563 borroweth,3867 and payeth7999 not3808 again: but the righteous6662 showeth mercy,2603 and giveth.5414

22  For3588 such as be blessed1288 of him shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and they that be cursed7043 of him shall be cut off.3772

23  The steps4703 of a good man1397 are ordered3559 by the LORD:4480 3068 and he delighteth2654 in his way.1870

24  Though3588 he fall,5307 he shall not3808 be utterly cast down:2904 for3588 the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 him with his hand.3027

25  I have been1961 young,5288 and1571 now am old;2204 yet have I not3808 seen7200 the righteous6662 forsaken,5800 nor his seed2233 begging1245 bread.3899

26  He is ever3605 3117 merciful,2603 and lendeth;3867 and his seed2233 is blessed.1293

27  Depart5493 from4480 evil,7451 and do6213 good;2896 and dwell7931 forevermore.5769

28  For3588 the LORD3068 loveth157 judgment,4941 and forsaketh5800 not3808 853 his saints;2623 they are preserved8104 forever:5769 but the seed2233 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772

29  The righteous6662 shall inherit3423 the land,776 and dwell7931 therein5921 forever.5703

30  The mouth6310 of the righteous6662 speaketh1897 wisdom,2451 and his tongue3956 talketh1696 of judgment.4941

31  The law8451 of his God430 is in his heart;3820 none3808 of his steps838 shall slide.4571

32  The wicked7563 watcheth6822 the righteous,6662 and seeketh1245 to slay4191 him.

33  The LORD3068 will not3808 leave5800 him in his hand,3027 nor3808 condemn7561 him when he is judged.8199

34  Wait6960 on413 the LORD,3068 and keep8104 his way,1870 and he shall exalt7311 thee to inherit3423 the land:776 when the wicked7563 are cut off,3772 thou shalt see7200 it.

35  I have seen7200 the wicked7563 in great power,6184 and spreading himself6168 like a green7488 bay tree.249

36  Yet he passed away,5674 and, lo,2009 he was not:369 yea, I sought1245 him, but he could not3808 be found.4672

37  Mark8104 the perfect8535 man, and behold7200 the upright:3477 for3588 the end319 of that man376 is peace.7965

38  But the transgressors6586 shall be destroyed8045 together:3162 the end319 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772

39  But the salvation8668 of the righteous6662 is of the LORD:4480 3068 he is their strength4581 in the time6256 of trouble.6869

40  And the LORD3068 shall help5826 them, and deliver6403 them: he shall deliver6403 them from the wicked,4480 7563 and save3467 them, because3588 they trust2620 in him.

Psalms 38: 1-22

1  A Psalm4210 of David,1732 to bring to remembrance.2142 O LORD,3068 rebuke3198 me not408 in thy wrath:7110 neither chasten3256 me in thy hot displeasure.2534

2  For3588 thine arrows2671 stick fast5181 in me, and thy hand3027 presseth me sore.5181 5921

3  There is no369 soundness4974 in my flesh1320 because4480 6440 of thine anger;2195 neither369 is there any rest7965 in my bones6106 because4480 6440 of my sin.2403

4  For3588 mine iniquities5771 are gone over5674 mine head:7218 as a heavy3515 burden4853 they are too heavy3513 for4480 me.

5  My wounds2250 stink887 and are corrupt4743 because4480 6440 of my foolishness.200

6  I am troubled;5753 I am bowed down7817 greatly;5704 3966 I go1980 mourning6937 all3605 the day3117 long.

7  For3588 my loins3689 are filled4390 with a loathsome7033 disease: and there is no369 soundness4974 in my flesh.1320

8  I am feeble6313 and sore5704 3966 broken:1794 I have roared7580 by reason of the disquietness4480 5100 of my heart.3820

9  Lord,136 all3605 my desire8378 is before5048 thee; and my groaning585 is not3808 hid5641 from4480 thee.

10  My heart3820 panteth,5503 my strength3581 faileth5800 me: as for the light216 of mine eyes,5869 it1992 also1571 is gone369 from854 me.

11  My lovers157 and my friends7453 stand aloof5975 from my sore;4480 5048 5061 and my kinsmen7138 stand5975 afar off.4480 7350

12  They also that seek after1245 my life5315 lay snares5367 for me: and they that seek1875 my hurt7451 speak1696 mischievous things,1942 and imagine1897 deceits4820 all3605 the day3117 long.

13  But I,589 as a deaf2795 man, heard8085 not;3808 and I was as a dumb man483 that openeth6605 not3808 his mouth.6310

14  Thus I was1961 as a man376 that834 heareth8085 not,3808 and in whose mouth6310 are no369 reproofs.8433

15  For3588 in thee, O LORD,3068 do I hope:3176 thou859 wilt hear,6030 O Lord136 my God.430

16  For3588 I said,559 Hear me, lest6435 otherwise they should rejoice8055 over me: when my foot7272 slippeth,4131 they magnify1431 themselves against5921 me.

17  For3588 I589 am ready3559 to halt,6761 and my sorrow4341 is continually8548 before5048 me.

18  For3588 I will declare5046 mine iniquity;5771 I will be sorry1672 for my sin.4480 2403

19  But mine enemies341 are lively,2416 and they are strong:6105 and they that hate8130 me wrongfully8267 are multiplied.7231

20  They also that render7999 evil7451 for8478 good2896 are mine adversaries;7853 because8478 I follow7291 the thing that good2896 is.

21  Forsake5800 me not,408 O LORD:3068 O my God,430 be not408 far7368 from4480 me.

22  Make haste2363 to help5833 me, O Lord136 my salvation.8668

Psalms 39: 1-13

1  To the chief Musician,5329 even to Jeduthun,3038 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 I said,559 I will take heed8104 to my ways,1870 that I sin not4480 2398 with my tongue:3956 I will keep8104 my mouth6310 with a bridle,4269 while5750 the wicked7563 is before5048 me.

2  I was dumb481 with silence,1747 I held my peace,2814 even from good;4480 2896 and my sorrow3511 was stirred.5916

3  My heart3820 was hot2552 within7130 me, while I was musing1901 the fire784 burned:1197 then spoke1696 I with my tongue,3956

4  LORD,3068 make me to know3045 mine end,7093 and the measure4060 of my days,3117 what4100 it1931 is; that I may know3045 how4100 frail2310 I589 am.

5  Behold,2009 thou hast made5414 my days3117 as a handbreadth;2947 and mine age2465 is as nothing369 before5048 thee: verily389 every3605 man120 at his best state5324 is altogether3605 vanity.1892 Selah.5542

6  Surely389 every man376 walketh1980 in a vain show:6754 surely389 they are disquieted1993 in vain:1892 he heapeth up6651 riches, and knoweth3045 not3808 who4310 shall gather622 them.

7  And now,6258 Lord,136 what4100 wait6960 I for? my hope8431 is in thee.

8  Deliver5337 me from all4480 3605 my transgressions:6588 make7760 me not408 the reproach2781 of the foolish.5036

9  I was dumb,481 I opened6605 not3808 my mouth;6310 because3588 thou859 didst6213 it.

10  Remove5493 thy stroke5061 away from4480 5921 me: I589 am consumed3615 by the blow4480 8409 of thine hand.3027

11  When thou with rebukes8433 dost correct3256 man376 for5921 iniquity,5771 thou makest his beauty2530 to consume away4529 like a moth:6211 surely389 every3605 man120 is vanity.1892 Selah.5542

12  Hear8085 my prayer,8605 O LORD,3068 and give ear238 unto my cry;7775 hold not thy peace2790 408 at413 my tears:1832 for3588 I595 am a stranger1616 with5973 thee, and a sojourner,8453 as all3605 my fathers1 were.

13  O spare8159 4480 me, that I may recover strength,1082 before2962 I go1980 hence, and be no369 more.

Psalms 40: 1-17

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 I waited6960 patiently6960 for the LORD;3068 and he inclined5186 unto413 me, and heard8085 my cry.7775

2  He brought me up5927 also out of a horrible7588 pit,4480 953 out of the miry3121 clay,4480 2916 and set6965 my feet7272 upon5921 a rock,5553 and established3559 my goings.838

3  And he hath put5414 a new2319 song7892 in my mouth,6310 even praise8416 unto our God:430 many7227 shall see7200 it, and fear,3372 and shall trust982 in the LORD.3068

4  Blessed835 is that man1397 that834 maketh7760 the LORD3068 his trust,4009 and respecteth6437 413 not3808 the proud,7295 nor such as turn aside7750 to lies.3577

5  Many,7227 O LORD3068 my God,430 are thy wonderful works6381 which thou859 hast done,6213 and thy thoughts4284 which are to413 usward: they cannot369 be reckoned up in order6186 unto thee:413 if I would declare5046 and speak1696 of them, they are more6105 than can be numbered.4480 5608

6  Sacrifice2077 and offering4503 thou didst not3808 desire;2654 mine ears241 hast thou opened:3738 burnt offering5930 and sin offering2401 hast thou not3808 required.7592

7  Then227 said559 I, Lo,2009 I come:935 in the volume4039 of the book5612 it is written3789 of5921 me,

8  I delight2654 to do6213 thy will,7522 O my God:430 yea, thy law8451 is within8432 my heart.4578

9  I have preached1319 righteousness6664 in the great7227 congregation:6951 lo,2009 I have not3808 refrained3607 my lips,8193 O LORD,3068 thou859 knowest.3045

10  I have not3808 hid3680 thy righteousness6666 within8432 my heart;3820 I have declared559 thy faithfulness530 and thy salvation:8668 I have not3808 concealed3582 thy lovingkindness2617 and thy truth571 from the great7227 congregation.6951

11  Withhold3607 not3808 thou859 thy tender mercies7356 from4480 me, O LORD:3068 let thy lovingkindness2617 and thy truth571 continually8548 preserve5341 me.

12  For3588 innumerable5704 369 4557 evils7451 have compassed me about:661 5921 mine iniquities5771 have taken hold5381 upon me, so that I am not3808 able3201 to look up;7200 they are more6105 than the hairs4480 8185 of mine head:7218 therefore my heart3820 faileth5800 me.

13  Be pleased,7521 O LORD,3068 to deliver5337 me: O LORD,3068 make haste2363 to help5833 me.

14  Let them be ashamed954 and confounded2659 together3162 that seek after1245 my soul5315 to destroy5595 it; let them be driven5472 backward268 and put to shame3637 that wish2655 me evil.7451

15  Let them be desolate8074 for5921 a reward6118 of their shame1322 that say559 unto me, Aha,1889 aha.1889

16  Let all3605 those that seek1245 thee rejoice7797 and be glad8055 in thee: let such as love157 thy salvation8668 say559 continually,8548 The LORD3068 be magnified.1431

17  But I589 am poor6041 and needy;34 yet the Lord136 thinketh2803 upon me: thou859 art my help5833 and my deliverer;6403 make no408 tarrying,309 O my God.430

Psalms 41: 1-13

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Blessed835 is he that considereth7919 413 the poor:1800 the LORD3068 will deliver4422 him in time3117 of trouble.7451

2  The LORD3068 will preserve8104 him, and keep him alive;2421 and he shall be blessed833 upon the earth:776 and thou wilt not408 deliver5414 him unto the will5315 of his enemies.341

3  The LORD3068 will strengthen5582 him upon5921 the bed6210 of languishing:1741 thou wilt make2015 all3605 his bed4904 in his sickness.2483

4  I589 said,559 LORD,3068 be merciful2603 unto me: heal7495 my soul;5315 for3588 I have sinned2398 against thee.

5  Mine enemies341 speak559 evil7451 of me, When4970 shall he die,4191 and his name8034 perish?6

6  And if518 he come935 to see7200 me, he speaketh1696 vanity:7723 his heart3820 gathereth6908 iniquity205 to itself; when he goeth3318 abroad,2351 he telleth1696 it.

7  All3605 that hate8130 me whisper3907 together3162 against5921 me: against5921 me do they devise2803 my hurt.7451

8  An evil1100 disease,1697 say they, cleaveth fast3332 unto him: and now that834 he lieth7901 he shall rise up6965 no3808 more.3254

9  Yea,1571 mine own familiar friend,7965 376 in whom834 I trusted,982 which did eat398 of my bread,3899 hath lifted up1431 his heel6119 against5921 me.

10  But thou,859 O LORD,3068 be merciful2603 unto me, and raise me up,6965 that I may requite7999 them.

11  By this2063 I know3045 that3588 thou favorest2654 me, because3588 mine enemy341 doth not3808 triumph7321 over5921 me.

12  And as for me,589 thou upholdest8551 me in mine integrity,8537 and settest5324 me before thy face6440 forever.5769

13  Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 from everlasting,4480 5769 and to5704 everlasting.5769 Amen,543 and Amen.543

Psalms 42: 1-11

1  To the chief Musician,5329 Maschil,4905 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 As the hart354 panteth6165 after5921 the water4325 brooks,650 so3651 panteth6165 my soul5315 after413 thee, O God.430

2  My soul5315 thirsteth6770 for God,430 for the living2416 God:410 when4970 shall I come935 and appear7200 before6440 God?430

3  My tears1832 have been1961 my meat3899 day3119 and night,3915 while they continually3605 3117 say559 unto413 me, Where346 is thy God?430

4  When I remember2142 these428 things, I pour out8210 my soul5315 in5921 me: for3588 I had gone5674 with the multitude,5519 I went1718 with them to5704 the house1004 of God,430 with the voice6963 of joy7440 and praise,8426 with a multitude1995 that kept holyday.2287

5  Why4100 art thou cast down,7817 O my soul?5315 and why art thou disquieted1993 in5921 me? hope3176 thou in God:430 for3588 I shall yet5750 praise3034 him for the help3444 of his countenance.6440

6  O my God,430 my soul5315 is cast down7817 within5921 me: therefore5921 3651 will I remember2142 thee from the land4480 776 of Jordan,3383 and of the Hermonites,2769 from the hill4480 2022 Mizar.4706

7  Deep8415 calleth7121 unto413 deep8415 at the noise6963 of thy waterspouts:6794 all3605 thy waves4867 and thy billows1530 are gone5674 over5921 me.

8  Yet the LORD3068 will command6680 his lovingkindness2617 in the daytime,3119 and in the night3915 his song7892 shall be with5973 me, and my prayer8605 unto the God410 of my life.2416

9  I will say559 unto God410 my rock,5553 Why4100 hast thou forgotten7911 me? why4100 go1980 I mourning6937 because of the oppression3906 of the enemy?341

10  As with a sword7524 in my bones,6106 mine enemies6887 reproach2778 me; while they say559 daily3605 3117 unto413 me, Where346 is thy God?430

11  Why4100 art thou cast down,7817 O my soul?5315 and why4100 art thou disquieted1993 within5921 me? hope3176 thou in God:430 for3588 I shall yet5750 praise3034 him, who is the health3444 of my countenance,6440 and my God.430

Psalms 43: 1-5

1  Judge8199 me, O God,430 and plead7378 my cause7379 against an ungodly3808 2623 nation:4480 1471 O deliver6403 me from the deceitful4820 and unjust5766 man.4480 376

2  For3588 thou859 art the God430 of my strength:4581 why4100 dost thou cast me off?2186 why4100 go1980 I mourning6937 because of the oppression3906 of the enemy?341

3  O send out7971 thy light216 and thy truth:571 let them1992 lead5148 me; let them bring935 me unto413 thy holy6944 hill,2022 and to413 thy tabernacles.4908

4  Then will I go935 unto413 the altar4196 of God,430 unto413 God410 my exceeding8057 joy:1524 yea, upon the harp3658 will I praise3034 thee, O God430 my God.430

5  Why4100 art thou cast down,7817 O my soul?5315 and why4100 art thou disquieted1993 within5921 me? hope3176 in God:430 for3588 I shall yet5750 praise3034 him, who is the health3444 of my countenance,6440 and my God.430

Psalms 44: 1-26

1  To the chief Musician5329 for the sons1121 of Korah,7141 Maschil.4905 We have heard8085 with our ears,241 O God,430 our fathers1 have told5608 us, what work6467 thou didst6466 in their days,3117 in the times3117 of old.6924

2  How thou859 didst drive out3423 the heathen1471 with thy hand,3027 and plantedst5193 them; how thou didst afflict7489 the people,3816 and cast them out.7971

3  For3588 they got not3808 the land776 in possession3423 by their own sword,2719 neither3808 did their own arm2220 save3467 them: but3588 thy right hand,3225 and thine arm,2220 and the light216 of thy countenance,6440 because3588 thou hadst a favor7521 unto them.

4  Thou859 art my King,4428 O God:430 command6680 deliverances3444 for Jacob.3290

5  Through thee will we push down5055 our enemies:6862 through thy name8034 will we tread them under947 that rise up against6965 us.

6  For3588 I will not3808 trust982 in my bow,7198 neither3808 shall my sword2719 save3467 me.

7  But3588 thou hast saved3467 us from our enemies,4480 6862 and hast put them to shame954 that hated8130 us.

8  In God430 we boast1984 all3605 the day3117 long, and praise3034 thy name8034 forever.5769 Selah.5542

9  But637 thou hast cast off,2186 and put us to shame;3637 and goest not forth3318 3808 with our armies.6635

10  Thou makest us to turn7725 back268 from4480 the enemy:6862 and they which hate8130 us spoil8154 for themselves.

11  Thou hast given5414 us like sheep6629 appointed for meat;3978 and hast scattered2219 us among the heathen.1471

12  Thou sellest4376 thy people5971 for naught,3808 1952 and dost not3808 increase7235 thy wealth by their price.4242

13  Thou makest7760 us a reproach2781 to our neighbors,7934 a scorn3933 and a derision7047 to them that are round about5439 us.

14  Thou makest7760 us a byword4912 among the heathen,1471 a shaking4493 of the head7218 among the people.3816

15  My confusion3639 is continually3605 3117 before5048 me, and the shame1322 of my face6440 hath covered3680 me,

16  For the voice4480 6963 of him that reproacheth2778 and blasphemeth;1442 by reason4480 6440 of the enemy341 and avenger.5358

17  All3605 this2063 is come upon935 us; yet have we not3808 forgotten7911 thee, neither3808 have we dealt falsely8266 in thy covenant.1285

18  Our heart3820 is not3808 turned5472 back,268 neither have our steps838 declined5186 from4480 thy way;734

19  Though3588 thou hast sore broken1794 us in the place4725 of dragons,8577 and covered3680 5921 us with the shadow of death.6757

20  If518 we have forgotten7911 the name8034 of our God,430 or stretched out6566 our hands3709 to a strange2114 god;410

21  Shall not3808 God430 search2713 this2063 out? for3588 he1931 knoweth3045 the secrets8587 of the heart.3820

22  Yea,3588 for5921 thy sake are we killed2026 all3605 the day3117 long; we are counted2803 as sheep6629 for the slaughter.2878

23  Awake,5782 why4100 sleepest3462 thou, O Lord?136 arise,6974 cast2186 us not408 off forever.5331

24  Wherefore4100 hidest5641 thou thy face,6440 and forgettest7911 our affliction6040 and our oppression?3906

25  For3588 our soul5315 is bowed down7743 to the dust:6083 our belly990 cleaveth1692 unto the earth.776

26  Arise6965 for our help,5833 and redeem6299 us for thy mercies' sake.4616 2617

Psalms 45: 1-17

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Shoshannim,7799 for the sons1121 of Korah,7141 Maschil,4905 A Song7892 of loves.3039 My heart3820 is inditing7370 a good2896 matter:1697 I589 speak559 of the things which I have made4639 touching the king:4428 my tongue3956 is the pen5842 of a ready4106 writer.5608

2  Thou art fairer3302 than the children4480 1121 of men:120 grace2580 is poured3332 into thy lips:8193 therefore5921 3651 God430 hath blessed1288 thee forever.5769

3  Gird2296 thy sword2719 upon5921 thy thigh,3409 O most mighty,1368 with thy glory1935 and thy majesty.1926

4  And in thy majesty1926 ride7392 prosperously6743 because5921 1697 of truth571 and meekness6037 and righteousness;6664 and thy right hand3225 shall teach3384 thee terrible3372 things.

5  Thine arrows2671 are sharp8150 in the heart3820 of the king's4428 enemies;341 whereby the people5971 fall5307 under8478 thee.

6  Thy throne,3678 O God,430 is forever5769 and ever:5703 the scepter7626 of thy kingdom4438 is a right4334 scepter.7626

7  Thou lovest157 righteousness,6664 and hatest8130 wickedness:7562 therefore5921 3651 God,430 thy God,430 hath anointed4886 thee with the oil8081 of gladness8342 above thy fellows.4480 2270

8  All3605 thy garments899 smell of myrrh,4753 and aloes,174 and cassia,7102 out of4480 the ivory8127 palaces,1964 whereby4480 they have made thee glad.8055

9  Kings'4428 daughters1323 were among thy honorable3368 women: upon thy right hand3225 did stand5324 the queen7694 in gold3800 of Ophir.211

10  Hearken,8085 O daughter,1323 and consider,7200 and incline5186 thine ear;241 forget7911 also thine own people,5971 and thy father's1 house;1004

11  So shall the king4428 greatly desire183 thy beauty:3308 for3588 he1931 is thy Lord;113 and worship7812 thou him.

12  And the daughter1323 of Tyre6865 shall be there with a gift;4503 even the rich6223 among the people5971 shall entreat2470 thy favor.6440

13  The king's4428 daughter1323 is all3605 glorious3520 within:6441 her clothing3830 is of wrought4480 4865 gold.2091

14  She shall be brought2986 unto the king4428 in raiment of needlework:7553 the virgins1330 her companions7464 that follow310 her shall be brought935 unto thee.

15  With gladness8057 and rejoicing1524 shall they be brought:2986 they shall enter935 into the king's4428 palace.1964

16  Instead8478 of thy fathers1 shall be1961 thy children,1121 whom thou mayest make7896 princes8269 in all3605 the earth.776

17  I will make thy name8034 to be remembered2142 in all3605 generations:1755 1755 therefore5921 3651 shall the people5971 praise3034 thee forever5769 and ever.5703

Psalms 46: 1-11

1  To the chief Musician5329 for the sons1121 of Korah,7141 A Song7892 upon5921 Alamoth.5961 God430 is our refuge4268 and strength,5797 a very3966 present4672 help5833 in trouble.6869

2  Therefore5921 3651 will not3808 we fear,3372 though the earth776 be removed,4171 and though the mountains2022 be carried4131 into the midst3820 of the sea;3220

3  Though the waters4325 thereof roar1993 and be troubled,2560 though the mountains2022 shake7493 with the swelling1346 thereof. Selah.5542

4  There is a river,5104 the streams6388 whereof shall make glad8055 the city5892 of God,430 the holy6918 place of the tabernacles4908 of the most High.5945

5  God430 is in the midst7130 of her; she shall not1077 be moved:4131 God430 shall help5826 her, and that right6437 early.1242

6  The heathen1471 raged,1993 the kingdoms4467 were moved:4131 he uttered5414 his voice,6963 the earth776 melted.4127

7  The LORD3068 of hosts6635 is with5973 us; the God430 of Jacob3290 is our refuge.4869 Selah.5542

8  Come,1980 behold2372 the works4659 of the LORD,3068 what834 desolations8047 he hath made7760 in the earth.776

9  He maketh wars4421 to cease7673 unto5704 the end7097 of the earth;776 he breaketh7665 the bow,7198 and cutteth7112 the spear2595 in sunder; he burneth8313 the chariot5699 in the fire.784

10  Be still,7503 and know3045 that3588 I595 am God:430 I will be exalted7311 among the heathen,1471 I will be exalted7311 in the earth.776

11  The LORD3068 of hosts6635 is with5973 us; the God430 of Jacob3290 is our refuge.4869 Selah.5542

Psalms 47: 1-9

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 O clap8628 your hands,3709 all3605 ye people;5971 shout7321 unto God430 with the voice6963 of triumph.7440

2  For3588 the LORD3068 most high5945 is terrible;3372 he is a great1419 King4428 over5921 all3605 the earth.776

3  He shall subdue1696 the people5971 under8478 us, and the nations3816 under8478 our feet.7272

4  He shall choose977 853 our inheritance5159 for us, 853 the excellency1347 of Jacob3290 whom834 he loved.157 Selah.5542

5  God430 is gone up5927 with a shout,8643 the LORD3068 with the sound6963 of a trumpet.7782

6  Sing praises2167 to God,430 sing praises:2167 sing praises2167 unto our King,4428 sing praises.2167

7  For3588 God430 is the King4428 of all3605 the earth:776 sing ye praises2167 with understanding.7919

8  God430 reigneth4427 over5921 the heathen:1471 God430 sitteth3427 upon5921 the throne3678 of his holiness.6944

9  The princes5081 of the people5971 are gathered together,622 even the people5971 of the God430 of Abraham:85 for3588 the shields4043 of the earth776 belong unto God:430 he is greatly3966 exalted.5927

Psalms 48: 1-14

1  A Song7892 and Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 Great1419 is the LORD,3068 and greatly3966 to be praised1984 in the city5892 of our God,430 in the mountain2022 of his holiness.6944

2  Beautiful3303 for situation,5131 the joy4885 of the whole3605 earth,776 is mount2022 Zion,6726 on the sides3411 of the north,6828 the city7151 of the great7227 King.4428

3  God430 is known3045 in her palaces759 for a refuge.4869

4  For,3588 lo,2009 the kings4428 were assembled,3259 they passed by5674 together.3162

5  They1992 saw7200 it, and so3651 they marveled;8539 they were troubled,926 and hasted away.2648

6  Fear7461 took hold upon270 them there,8033 and pain,2427 as of a woman in travail.3205

7  Thou breakest7665 the ships591 of Tarshish8659 with an east6921 wind.7307

8  As834 we have heard,8085 so3651 have we seen7200 in the city5892 of the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 in the city5892 of our God:430 God430 will establish3559 it forever.5704 5769 Selah.5542

9  We have thought1819 of thy lovingkindness,2617 O God,430 in the midst7130 of thy temple.1964

10  According to thy name,8034 O God,430 so3651 is thy praise8416 unto5921 the ends7099 of the earth:776 thy right hand3225 is full4390 of righteousness.6664

11  Let mount2022 Zion6726 rejoice,8055 let the daughters1323 of Judah3063 be glad,1523 because of4616 thy judgments.4941

12  Walk about5437 Zion,6726 and go round about5362 her: tell5608 the towers4026 thereof.

13  Mark ye well7896 3820 her bulwarks,2430 consider6448 her palaces;759 that4616 ye may tell5608 it to the generation1755 following.314

14  For3588 this2088 God430 is our God430 forever5769 and ever:5703 he1931 will be our guide5090 even unto5921 death.4191

Psalms 49: 1-20

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 Hear8085 this,2063 all3605 ye people;5971 give ear,238 all3605 ye inhabitants3427 of the world:2465

2  Both1571 low120 and1571 high,376 rich6223 and poor,34 together.3162

3  My mouth6310 shall speak1696 of wisdom;2454 and the meditation1900 of my heart3820 shall be of understanding.8394

4  I will incline5186 mine ear241 to a parable:4912 I will open6605 my dark saying2420 upon the harp.3658

5  Wherefore4100 should I fear3372 in the days3117 of evil,7451 when the iniquity5771 of my heels6119 shall compass me about?5437

6  They that trust982 in5921 their wealth,2428 and boast themselves1984 in the multitude7230 of their riches;6239

7  None3808 of them can by any means6299 redeem6299 his brother,251 nor3808 give5414 to God430 a ransom3724 for him:

8  (For the redemption6306 of their soul5315 is precious,3365 and it ceaseth2308 forever:)5769

9  That he should still5750 live2421 forever,5331 and not3808 see7200 corruption.7845

10  For3588 he seeth7200 that wise men2450 die,4191 likewise3162 the fool3684 and the brutish person1198 perish,6 and leave5800 their wealth2428 to others.312

11  Their inward thought7130 is, that their houses1004 shall continue forever,5769 and their dwelling places4908 to all generations;1755 1755 they call712 5921 their lands127 after their own names.8034

12  Nevertheless man120 being in honor3366 abideth3885 not:1077 he is like4911 the beasts929 that perish.1820

13  This2088 their way1870 is their folly:3689 yet their posterity310 approve7521 their sayings.6310 Selah.5542

14  Like sheep6629 they are laid8371 in the grave;7585 death4194 shall feed7462 on them; and the upright3477 shall have dominion7287 over them in the morning;1242 and their beauty6697 shall consume1086 in the grave7585 from their dwelling.4480 2073

15  But389 God430 will redeem6299 my soul5315 from the power4480 3027 of the grave:7585 for3588 he shall receive3947 me. Selah.5542

16  Be not408 thou afraid3372 when3588 one376 is made rich,6238 when3588 the glory3519 of his house1004 is increased;7235

17  For when3588 he dieth4194 he shall carry3947 nothing3808 3605 away: his glory3519 shall not3808 descend3381 after310 him.

18  Though3588 while he lived2416 he blessed1288 his soul:5315 and men will praise3034 thee, when3588 thou doest well3190 to thyself.

19  He shall go935 to5704 the generation1755 of his fathers;1 they shall never5704 5331 3808 see7200 light.216

20  Man120 that is in honor,3366 and understandeth995 not,3808 is like4911 the beasts929 that perish.1820

Psalms 50: 1-23

1  A Psalm4210 of Asaph.623 The mighty410 God,430 even the LORD,3068 hath spoken,1696 and called7121 the earth776 from the rising4480 4217 of the sun8121 unto5704 the going down3996 thereof.

2  Out of Zion,4480 6726 the perfection4359 of beauty,3308 God430 hath shined.3313

3  Our God430 shall come,935 and shall not408 keep silence:2790 a fire784 shall devour398 before6440 him, and it shall be very3966 tempestuous8175 round about5439 him.

4  He shall call7121 to413 the heavens8064 from above,4480 5920 and to413 the earth,776 that he may judge1777 his people.5971

5  Gather my saints together622 2623 unto me; those that have made3772 a covenant1285 with me by5921 sacrifice.2077

6  And the heavens8064 shall declare5046 his righteousness:6664 for3588 God430 is judge8199 himself.1931 Selah.5542

7  Hear,8085 O my people,5971 and I will speak;1696 O Israel,3478 and I will testify5749 against thee: I595 am God,430 even thy God.430

8  I will not3808 reprove3198 thee for5921 thy sacrifices2077 or thy burnt offerings,5930 to have been continually8548 before5048 me.

9  I will take3947 no3808 bullock6499 out of thy house,4480 1004 nor he goats6260 out of thy folds.4480 4356

10  For3588 every3605 beast2416 of the forest3293 is mine, and the cattle929 upon a thousand505 hills.2042

11  I know3045 all3605 the fowls5775 of the mountains:2022 and the wild beasts2123 of the field7704 are mine.5978

12  If518 I were hungry,7456 I would not3808 tell559 thee: for3588 the world8398 is mine, and the fullness4393 thereof.

13  Will I eat398 the flesh1320 of bulls,47 or drink8354 the blood1818 of goats?6260

14  Offer2076 unto God430 thanksgiving;8426 and pay7999 thy vows5088 unto the most High:5945

15  And call upon7121 me in the day3117 of trouble:6869 I will deliver2502 thee, and thou shalt glorify3513 me.

16  But unto the wicked7563 God430 saith,559 What4100 hast thou to do to declare5608 my statutes,2706 or that thou shouldest take5375 my covenant1285 in5921 thy mouth?6310

17  Seeing thou859 hatest8130 instruction,4148 and castest7993 my words1697 behind310 thee.

18  When518 thou sawest7200 a thief,1590 then thou consentedst7521 with5973 him, and hast been partaker2506 with5973 adulterers.5003

19  Thou givest7971 thy mouth6310 to evil,7451 and thy tongue3956 frameth6775 deceit.4820

20  Thou sittest3427 and speakest1696 against thy brother;251 thou slanderest5414 1848 thine own mother's517 son.1121

21  These428 things hast thou done,6213 and I kept silence;2790 thou thoughtest1819 that I was1961 altogether1961 such a one as thyself:3644 but I will reprove3198 thee, and set them in order6186 before thine eyes.5869

22  Now4994 consider995 this,2063 ye that forget7911 God,433 lest6435 I tear you in pieces,2963 and there be none369 to deliver.5337

23  Whoso offereth2076 praise8426 glorifieth3513 me: and to him that ordereth7760 his conversation1870 aright will I show7200 the salvation3468 of God.430

Psalms 51: 1-19

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David,1732 when Nathan5416 the prophet5030 came935 unto413 him, after834 he had gone in935 to413 Bathsheba.1339 Have mercy2603 upon me, O God,430 according to thy lovingkindness:2617 according unto the multitude7230 of thy tender mercies7356 blot out4229 my transgressions.6588

2  Wash3526 me throughly7235 from mine iniquity,4480 5771 and cleanse2891 me from my sin.4480 2403

3  For3588 I589 acknowledge3045 my transgressions:6588 and my sin2403 is ever8548 before5048 me.

4  Against thee, thee only,905 have I sinned,2398 and done6213 this evil7451 in thy sight:5869 that4616 thou mightest be justified6663 when thou speakest,1696 and be clear2135 when thou judgest.8199

5  Behold,2005 I was shapen2342 in iniquity;5771 and in sin2399 did my mother517 conceive3179 me.

6  Behold,2005 thou desirest2654 truth571 in the inward parts:2910 and in the hidden5640 part thou shalt make me to know3045 wisdom.2451

7  Purge2398 me with hyssop,231 and I shall be clean:2891 wash3526 me, and I shall be whiter3835 than snow.4480 7950

8  Make me to hear8085 joy8342 and gladness;8057 that the bones6106 which thou hast broken1794 may rejoice.1523

9  Hide5641 thy face6440 from my sins,4480 2399 and blot out4229 all3605 mine iniquities.5771

10  Create1254 in me a clean2889 heart,3820 O God;430 and renew2318 a right3559 spirit7307 within7130 me.

11  Cast7993 me not408 away from thy presence;4480 6440 and take3947 not408 thy holy6944 spirit7307 from4480 me.

12  Restore7725 unto me the joy8342 of thy salvation;3468 and uphold5564 me with thy free5082 spirit.7307

13  Then will I teach3925 transgressors6586 thy ways;1870 and sinners2400 shall be converted7725 unto413 thee.

14  Deliver5337 me from bloodguiltiness,4480 1818 O God,430 thou God430 of my salvation:8668 and my tongue3956 shall sing aloud7442 of thy righteousness.6666

15  O Lord,136 open6605 thou my lips;8193 and my mouth6310 shall show forth5046 thy praise.8416

16  For3588 thou desirest2654 not3808 sacrifice;2077 else would I give5414 it: thou delightest7521 not3808 in burnt offering.5930

17  The sacrifices2077 of God430 are a broken7665 spirit:7307 a broken7665 and a contrite1794 heart,3820 O God,430 thou wilt not3808 despise.959

18  Do good3190 in thy good pleasure7522 unto 853 Zion:6726 build1129 thou the walls2346 of Jerusalem.3389

19  Then227 shalt thou be pleased2654 with the sacrifices2077 of righteousness,6664 with burnt offering5930 and whole burnt offering:3632 then227 shall they offer5927 bullocks6499 upon5921 thine altar.4196

Psalms 52: 1-9

1  To the chief Musician,5329 Maschil,4905 A Psalm of David,1732 when Doeg1673 the Edomite130 came935 and told5046 Saul,7586 and said559 unto him, David1732 is come935 to413 the house1004 of Ahimelech.288 Why4100 boastest thou thyself1984 in mischief,7451 O mighty man?1368 the goodness2617 of God410 endureth continually.3605 3117

2  Thy tongue3956 deviseth2803 mischiefs;1942 like a sharp3913 razor,8593 working6213 deceitfully.7423

3  Thou lovest157 evil7451 more than good;4480 2896 and lying8267 rather than to speak4480 1696 righteousness.6664 Selah.5542

4  Thou lovest157 all3605 devouring1105 words,1697 O thou deceitful4820 tongue.3956

5  God410 shall likewise1571 destroy5422 thee forever,5331 he shall take thee away,2846 and pluck thee out5255 of thy dwelling place,4480 168 and root8327 thee out of the land4480 776 of the living.2416 Selah.5542

6  The righteous6662 also shall see,7200 and fear,3372 and shall laugh7832 at5921 him:

7  Lo,2009 this is the man1397 that made7760 not3808 God430 his strength;4581 but trusted982 in the abundance7230 of his riches,6239 and strengthened5810 himself in his wickedness.1942

8  But I589 am like a green7488 olive tree2132 in the house1004 of God:430 I trust982 in the mercy2617 of God430 forever5769 and ever.5703

9  I will praise3034 thee forever,5769 because3588 thou hast done6213 it: and I will wait on6960 thy name;8034 for3588 it is good2896 before5048 thy saints.2623

Psalms 53: 1-6

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Mahalath,4257 Maschil,4905 A Psalm of David.1732 The fool5036 hath said559 in his heart,3820 There is no369 God.430 Corrupt7843 are they, and have done abominable8581 iniquity:5766 there is none369 that doeth6213 good.2896

2  God430 looked down8259 from heaven4480 8064 upon5921 the children1121 of men,120 to see7200 if there were3426 any that did understand,7919 that did seek1875 853 God.430

3  Every one3605 of them is gone back:5472 they are altogether3162 become filthy;444 there is none369 that doeth6213 good,2896 no,369 not1571 one.259

4  Have the workers6466 of iniquity205 no3808 knowledge?3045 who eat up398 my people5971 as they eat398 bread:3899 they have not3808 called upon7121 God.430

5  There8033 were they in great fear,6342 6343 where no3808 fear6343 was:1961 for3588 God430 hath scattered6340 the bones6106 of him that encampeth2583 against thee: thou hast put them to shame,954 because3588 God430 hath despised3988 them.

6  Oh that4310 5414 the salvation3444 of Israel3478 were come out of Zion!4480 6726 When God430 bringeth back7725 the captivity7622 of his people,5971 Jacob3290 shall rejoice,1523 and Israel3478 shall be glad.8055

Psalms 54: 1-7

1  To the chief Musician5329 on Neginoth,5058 Maschil,4905 A Psalm of David,1732 when the Ziphims2130 came935 and said559 to Saul,7586 Doth not3808 David1732 hide himself5641 with5973 us? Save3467 me, O God,430 by thy name,8034 and judge1777 me by thy strength.1369

2  Hear8085 my prayer,8605 O God;430 give ear238 to the words561 of my mouth.6310

3  For3588 strangers2114 are risen up6965 against5921 me, and oppressors6184 seek after1245 my soul:5315 they have not3808 set7760 God430 before5048 them. Selah.5542

4  Behold,2009 God430 is mine helper:5826 the Lord136 is with them that uphold5564 my soul.5315

5  He shall reward7725 evil7451 unto mine enemies:8324 cut them off6789 in thy truth.571

6  I will freely5071 sacrifice2076 unto thee: I will praise3034 thy name,8034 O LORD;3068 for3588 it is good.2896

7  For3588 he hath delivered5337 me out of all4480 3605 trouble:6869 and mine eye5869 hath seen7200 his desire upon mine enemies.341

Psalms 55: 1-23

1  To the chief Musician5329 on Neginoth,5058 Maschil,4905 A Psalm of David.1732 Give ear238 to my prayer,8605 O God;430 and hide not thyself408 5956 from my supplication.4480 8467

2  Attend7181 unto me, and hear6030 me: I mourn7300 in my complaint,7879 and make a noise;1949

3  Because of the voice4480 6963 of the enemy,341 because4480 6440 of the oppression6125 of the wicked:7563 for3588 they cast4131 iniquity205 upon5921 me, and in wrath639 they hate7852 me.

4  My heart3820 is sore pained2342 within7130 me: and the terrors367 of death4194 are fallen5307 upon5921 me.

5  Fearfulness3374 and trembling7461 are come935 upon me, and horror6427 hath overwhelmed3680 me.

6  And I said,559 Oh that4310 I had5414 wings83 like a dove!3123 for then would I fly away,5774 and be at rest.7931

7  Lo,2009 then would I wander5074 far off,7368 and remain3885 in the wilderness.4057 Selah.5542

8  I would hasten2363 my escape4655 from the windy4480 7307 storm5584 and tempest.4480 5591

9  Destroy,1104 O Lord,136 and divide6385 their tongues:3956 for3588 I have seen7200 violence2555 and strife7379 in the city.5892

10  Day3119 and night3915 they go about5437 it upon5921 the walls2346 thereof: mischief205 also and sorrow5999 are in the midst7130 of it.

11  Wickedness1942 is in the midst7130 thereof: deceit8496 and guile4820 depart4185 not3808 from4480 her streets.7339

12  For3588 it was not3808 an enemy341 that reproached2778 me; then I could have borne5375 it: neither3808 was it he that hated8130 me that did magnify1431 himself against5921 me; then I would have hid myself5641 from4480 him:

13  But it was thou,859 a man582 mine equal,6187 my guide,441 and mine acquaintance.3045

14  We took sweet4985 counsel5475 together,3162 and walked1980 unto the house1004 of God430 in company.7285

15  Let death4194 seize5377 upon5921 them, and let them go down3381 quick2416 into hell:7585 for3588 wickedness7451 is in their dwellings,4033 and among7130 them.

16  As for me, I589 will call7121 upon413 God;430 and the LORD3068 shall save3467 me.

17  Evening,6153 and morning,1242 and at noon,6672 will I pray,7878 and cry aloud:1993 and he shall hear8085 my voice.6963

18  He hath delivered6299 my soul5315 in peace7965 from the battle4480 7128 that was against me: for3588 there were1961 many7227 with5978 me.

19  God410 shall hear,8085 and afflict6031 them, even he that abideth3427 of old.6924 Selah.5542 Because834 they have no369 changes,2487 therefore they fear3372 not3808 God.430

20  He hath put forth7971 his hands3027 against such as be at peace7965 with him: he hath broken2490 his covenant.1285

21  The words of his mouth6310 were smoother2505 than butter,4260 but war7128 was in his heart:3820 his words1697 were softer7401 than oil,4480 8081 yet were they1992 drawn swords.6609

22  Cast7993 thy burden3053 upon5921 the LORD,3068 and he1931 shall sustain3557 thee: he shall never3808 5769 suffer5414 the righteous6662 to be moved.4131

23  But thou,859 O God,430 shalt bring them down3381 into the pit875 of destruction:7845 bloody1818 and deceitful4820 men376 shall not3808 live out half2673 their days;3117 but I589 will trust982 in thee.

Psalms 56: 1-13

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Jonath-elem-rechokim,3128 Michtam4387 of David,1732 when the Philistines6430 took270 him in Gath.1661 Be merciful2603 unto me, O God:430 for3588 man582 would swallow me up;7602 he fighting3898 daily3605 3117 oppresseth3905 me.

2  Mine enemies8324 would daily3605 3117 swallow me up:7602 for3588 they be many7227 that fight3898 against me, O thou most High.4791

3  What time3117 I am afraid,3372 I589 will trust982 in413 thee.

4  In God430 I will praise1984 his word,1697 in God430 I have put my trust;982 I will not3808 fear3372 what4100 flesh1320 can do6213 unto me.

5  Every3605 day3117 they wrest6087 my words:1697 all3605 their thoughts4284 are against5921 me for evil.7451

6  They gather themselves together,1481 they hide6845 themselves, they1992 mark8104 my steps,6119 when834 they wait for6960 my soul.5315

7  Shall they3926 escape6403 by5921 iniquity?205 in thine anger639 cast down3381 the people,5971 O God.430

8  Thou tellest5608 my wanderings:5112 put7760 thou859 my tears1832 into thy bottle:4997 are they not3808 in thy book?5612

9  When3117 I cry7121 unto thee, then227 shall mine enemies341 turn7725 back:268 this2088 I know;3045 for3588 God430 is for me.

10  In God430 will I praise1984 his word:1697 in the LORD3068 will I praise1984 his word.1697

11  In God430 have I put my trust:982 I will not3808 be afraid3372 what4100 man120 can do6213 unto me.

12  Thy vows5088 are upon5921 me, O God:430 I will render7999 praises8426 unto thee.

13  For3588 thou hast delivered5337 my soul5315 from death:4480 4194 wilt not3808 thou deliver my feet7272 from falling,4480 1762 that I may walk1980 before6440 God430 in the light216 of the living.2416

Psalms 57: 1-11

1  To the chief Musician,5329 Al-taschith,516 Michtam4387 of David,1732 when he fled1272 from4480 6440 Saul7586 in the cave.4631 Be merciful2603 unto me, O God,430 be merciful2603 unto me: for3588 my soul5315 trusteth2620 in thee: yea, in the shadow6738 of thy wings3671 will I make my refuge,2620 until5704 these calamities1942 be overpast.5674

2  I will cry7121 unto God430 most high;5945 unto God410 that performeth1584 all things for5921 me.

3  He shall send7971 from heaven,4480 8064 and save3467 me from the reproach2778 of him that would swallow me up.7602 Selah.5542 God430 shall send forth7971 his mercy2617 and his truth.571

4  My soul5315 is among8432 lions:3833 and I lie7901 even among them that are set on fire,3857 even the sons1121 of men,120 whose teeth8127 are spears2595 and arrows,2671 and their tongue3956 a sharp2299 sword.2719

5  Be thou exalted,7311 O God,430 above5921 the heavens;8064 let thy glory3519 be above5921 all3605 the earth.776

6  They have prepared3559 a net7568 for my steps;6471 my soul5315 is bowed down:3721 they have digged3738 a pit7882 before6440 me, into the midst8432 whereof they are fallen5307 themselves. Selah.5542

7  My heart3820 is fixed,3559 O God,430 my heart3820 is fixed:3559 I will sing7891 and give praise.2167

8  Awake up,5782 my glory;3519 awake,5782 psaltery5035 and harp:3658 I myself will awake5782 early.7837

9  I will praise3034 thee, O Lord,136 among the people:5971 I will sing2167 unto thee among the nations.3816

10  For3588 thy mercy2617 is great1419 unto5704 the heavens,8064 and thy truth571 unto5704 the clouds.7834

11  Be thou exalted,7311 O God,430 above5921 the heavens:8064 let thy glory3519 be above5921 all3605 the earth.776

Psalms 58: 1-11

1  To the chief Musician,5329 Al-taschith,516 Michtam4387 of David.1732 Do ye indeed552 speak1696 righteousness,6664 O congregation?482 do ye judge8199 uprightly,4339 O ye sons1121 of men?120

2  Yea,637 in heart3820 ye work6466 wickedness;5766 ye weigh6424 the violence2555 of your hands3027 in the earth.776

3  The wicked7563 are estranged2114 from the womb:4480 7358 they go astray8582 as soon as they be born,4480 990 speaking1696 lies.3577

4  Their poison2534 is like1823 the poison2534 of a serpent:5175 they are like3644 the deaf2795 adder6620 that stoppeth331 her ear;241

5  Which834 will not3808 hearken8085 to the voice6963 of charmers,3907 charming2266 2267 never so wisely.2449

6  Break2040 their teeth,8127 O God,430 in their mouth:6310 break out5422 the great teeth4459 of the young lions,3715 O LORD.3068

7  Let them melt away3988 as3644 waters4325 which run1980 continually: when he bendeth1869 his bow to shoot his arrows,2671 let them be as3644 cut in pieces.4135

8  As3644 a snail7642 which melteth,8557 let every one of them pass away:1980 like the untimely birth5309 of a woman,802 that they may not1077 see2372 the sun.8121

9  Before2962 your pots5518 can feel995 the thorns,329 he shall take them away as with a whirlwind,8175 both3644 living,2416 and in3644 his wrath.2740

10  The righteous6662 shall rejoice8055 when3588 he seeth2372 the vengeance:5359 he shall wash7364 his feet6471 in the blood1818 of the wicked.7563

11  So that a man120 shall say,559 Verily389 there is a reward6529 for the righteous:6662 verily389 he is3426 a God430 that judgeth8199 in the earth.776

Psalms 59: 1-17

1  To the chief Musician,5329 Al-taschith,516 Michtam4387 of David;1732 when Saul7586 sent,7971 and they watched8104 853 the house1004 to kill4191 him. Deliver5337 me from mine enemies,4480 341 O my God:430 defend7682 me from them that rise up against4480 6965 me.

2  Deliver5337 me from the workers4480 6466 of iniquity,205 and save3467 me from bloody1818 men.4480 376

3  For,3588 lo,2009 they lie in wait693 for my soul:5315 the mighty5794 are gathered1481 against5921 me; not3808 for my transgression,6588 nor3808 for my sin,2403 O LORD.3068

4  They run7323 and prepare themselves3559 without1097 my fault:5771 awake5782 to help7125 me, and behold.7200

5  Thou859 therefore, O LORD3068 God430 of hosts,6635 the God430 of Israel,3478 awake6974 to visit6485 all3605 the heathen:1471 be not408 merciful2603 to any3605 wicked205 transgressors.898 Selah.5542

6  They return7725 at evening:6153 they make a noise1993 like a dog,3611 and go round about5437 the city.5892

7  Behold,2009 they belch out5042 with their mouth:6310 swords2719 are in their lips:8193 for3588 who,4310 say they, doth hear?8085

8  But thou,859 O LORD,3068 shalt laugh7832 at them; thou shalt have all3605 the heathen1471 in derision.3932

9  Because of his strength5797 will I wait8104 upon413 thee: for3588 God430 is my defense.4869

10  The God430 of my mercy2617 shall prevent6923 me: God430 shall let me see7200 my desire upon mine enemies.8324

11  Slay2026 them not,408 lest6435 my people5971 forget:7911 scatter5128 them by thy power;2428 and bring them down,3381 O Lord136 our shield.4043

12  For the sin2403 of their mouth6310 and the words1697 of their lips8193 let them even be taken3920 in their pride:1347 and for cursing4480 423 and lying4480 3585 which they speak.5608

13  Consume3615 them in wrath,2534 consume3615 them, that they may not369 be: and let them know3045 that3588 God430 ruleth4910 in Jacob3290 unto the ends657 of the earth.776 Selah.5542

14  And at evening6153 let them return;7725 and let them make a noise1993 like a dog,3611 and go round about5437 the city.5892

15  Let them1992 wander up and down5128 for meat,398 and grudge3885 if518 they be not3808 satisfied.7646

16  But I589 will sing7891 of thy power;5797 yea, I will sing aloud7442 of thy mercy2617 in the morning:1242 for3588 thou hast been1961 my defense4869 and refuge4498 in the day3117 of my trouble.6862

17  Unto413 thee, O my strength,5797 will I sing:2167 for3588 God430 is my defense,4869 and the God430 of my mercy.2617

Psalms 60: 1-12

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Shushan-eduth,7802 Michtam4387 of David,1732 to teach;3925 when he strove with5327 853 Aram-naharaim763 and with Aram-zobah,760 when Joab3097 returned,7725 and smote5221 of 853 Edom123 in the valley1516 of salt4417 twelve8147 6240 thousand.505 O God,430 thou hast cast us off,2186 thou hast scattered6555 us, thou hast been displeased;599 O turn7725 thyself to us again.

2  Thou hast made the earth776 to tremble;7493 thou hast broken6480 it: heal7495 the breaches7667 thereof; for3588 it shaketh.4131

3  Thou hast showed7200 thy people5971 hard7186 things: thou hast made us to drink8248 the wine3196 of astonishment.8653

4  Thou hast given5414 a banner5251 to them that fear3373 thee, that it may be displayed5127 because4480 6440 of the truth.7189 Selah.5542

5  That4616 thy beloved3039 may be delivered;2502 save3467 with thy right hand,3225 and hear6030 me.

6  God430 hath spoken1696 in his holiness;6944 I will rejoice,5937 I will divide2505 Shechem,7927 and mete out4058 the valley6010 of Succoth.5523

7  Gilead1568 is mine, and Manasseh4519 is mine; Ephraim669 also is the strength4581 of mine head;7218 Judah3063 is my lawgiver;2710

8  Moab4124 is my washpot;5518 7366 over5921 Edom123 will I cast out7993 my shoe:5275 Philistia,6429 triumph7321 thou because5921 of me.

9  Who4310 will bring2986 me into the strong4692 city?5892 who4310 will lead5148 me into5704 Edom?123

10  Wilt not3808 thou,859 O God,430 which hadst cast us off?2186 and thou, O God,430 which didst not3808 go out3318 with our armies?6635

11  Give3051 us help5833 from trouble:4480 6862 for vain7723 is the help8668 of man.120

12  Through God430 we shall do6213 valiantly:2428 for he1931 it is that shall tread down947 our enemies.6862

Psalms 61: 1-8

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Neginah,5058 A Psalm of David.1732 Hear8085 my cry,7440 O God;430 attend unto7181 my prayer.8605

2  From the end4480 7097 of the earth776 will I cry7121 unto413 thee, when my heart3820 is overwhelmed:5848 lead5148 me to the rock6697 that is higher7311 than4480 I.

3  For3588 thou hast been1961 a shelter4268 for me, and a strong5797 tower4026 from4480 6440 the enemy.341

4  I will abide1481 in thy tabernacle168 forever:5769 I will trust2620 in the covert5643 of thy wings.3671 Selah.5542

5  For3588 thou,859 O God,430 hast heard8085 my vows:5088 thou hast given5414 me the heritage3425 of those that fear3373 thy name.8034

6  Thou wilt prolong3254 the king's4428 life:3117 5921 3117 and his years8141 as3644 many generations.1755 1755

7  He shall abide3427 before6440 God430 forever:5769 O prepare4487 mercy2617 and truth,571 which may preserve5341 him.

8  So3651 will I sing praise2167 unto thy name8034 forever,5703 that I may daily3117 3117 perform7999 my vows.5088

Psalms 62: 1-12

1  To the chief Musician,5329 to5921 Jeduthun,3038 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Truly389 my soul5315 waiteth1747 upon413 God:430 from4480 him cometh my salvation.3444

2  He1931 only389 is my rock6697 and my salvation;3444 he is my defense;4869 I shall not3808 be greatly7227 moved.4131

3  How long5704 575 will ye imagine mischief2050 against5921 a man?376 ye shall be slain7523 all3605 of you: as a bowing5186 wall7023 shall ye be, and as a tottering1760 fence.1447

4  They only389 consult3289 to cast him down5080 from his excellency:4480 7613 they delight7521 in lies:3577 they bless1288 with their mouth,6310 but they curse7043 inwardly.7130 Selah.5542

5  My soul,5315 wait1826 thou only389 upon God;430 for3588 my expectation8615 is from4480 him.

6  He1931 only389 is my rock6697 and my salvation:3444 he is my defense;4869 I shall not3808 be moved.4131

7  In5921 God430 is my salvation3468 and my glory:3519 the rock6697 of my strength,5797 and my refuge,4268 is in God.430

8  Trust982 in him at all3605 times;6256 ye people,5971 pour out8210 your heart3824 before6440 him: God430 is a refuge4268 for us. Selah.5542

9  Surely389 men of low degree1121 120 are vanity,1892 and men of high degree1121 376 are a lie:3577 to be laid5927 in the balance,3976 they1992 are altogether3162 lighter than vanity.4480 1892

10  Trust982 not408 in oppression,6233 and become not vain1891 408 in robbery:1498 if3588 riches2428 increase,5107 set7896 not408 your heart3820 upon them.

11  God430 hath spoken1696 once;259 twice8147 have I heard8085 this;2098 that3588 power5797 belongeth unto God.430

12  Also unto thee, O Lord,136 belongeth mercy:2617 for3588 thou859 renderest7999 to every man376 according to his work.4639

Psalms 63: 1-11

1  A Psalm4210 of David,1732 when he was1961 in the wilderness4057 of Judah.3063 O God,430 thou859 art my God;410 early will I seek7836 thee: my soul5315 thirsteth6770 for thee, my flesh1320 longeth3642 for thee in a dry6723 and thirsty5889 land,776 where no1097 water4325 is;

2  To see7200 thy power5797 and thy glory,3519 so3651 as I have seen2372 thee in the sanctuary.6944

3  Because3588 thy lovingkindness2617 is better2896 than life,4480 2416 my lips8193 shall praise7623 thee.

4  Thus3651 will I bless1288 thee while I live:2416 I will lift up5375 my hands3709 in thy name.8034

5  My soul5315 shall be satisfied7646 as3644 with marrow2459 and fatness;1880 and my mouth6310 shall praise1984 thee with joyful7445 lips:8193

6  When518 I remember2142 thee upon5921 my bed,3326 and meditate1897 on thee in the night watches.821

7  Because3588 thou hast been1961 my help,5833 therefore in the shadow6738 of thy wings3671 will I rejoice.7442

8  My soul5315 followeth hard1692 after310 thee: thy right hand3225 upholdeth8551 me.

9  But those1992 that seek1245 my soul,5315 to destroy7722 it, shall go935 into the lower parts8482 of the earth.776

10  They shall fall5064 by5921 3027 the sword:2719 they shall be1961 a portion4521 for foxes.7776

11  But the king4428 shall rejoice8055 in God;430 every one3605 that sweareth7650 by him shall glory:1984 but3588 the mouth6310 of them that speak1696 lies8267 shall be stopped.5534

Psalms 64: 1-10

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Hear8085 my voice,6963 O God,430 in my prayer:7879 preserve5341 my life2416 from fear4480 6343 of the enemy.341

2  Hide5641 me from the secret counsel4480 5475 of the wicked;7489 from the insurrection4480 7285 of the workers6466 of iniquity:205

3  Who834 whet8150 their tongue3956 like a sword,2719 and bend1869 their bows to shoot their arrows,2671 even bitter4751 words:1697

4  That they may shoot3384 in secret4565 at the perfect:8535 suddenly6597 do they shoot3384 at him, and fear3372 not.3808

5  They encourage2388 themselves in an evil7451 matter:1697 they commune5608 of laying snares privily;2934 4170 they say,559 Who4310 shall see7200 them?

6  They search out2664 iniquities;5766 they accomplish8552 a diligent search:2665 2664 both the inward7130 thought of every one376 of them, and the heart,3820 is deep.6013

7  But God430 shall shoot3384 at them with an arrow;2671 suddenly6597 shall they be1961 wounded.4347

8  So they shall make their own tongue3956 to fall3782 upon5921 themselves: all3605 that see7200 them shall flee away.5074

9  And all3605 men120 shall fear,3372 and shall declare5046 the work6467 of God;430 for they shall wisely consider7919 of his doing.4639

10  The righteous6662 shall be glad8055 in the LORD,3068 and shall trust2620 in him; and all3605 the upright3477 in heart3820 shall glory.1984

Psalms 65: 1-13

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 and Song7892 of David.1732 Praise8416 waiteth1747 for thee, O God,430 in Zion:6726 and unto thee shall the vow5088 be performed.7999

2  O thou that hearest8085 prayer,8605 unto5704 thee shall all3605 flesh1320 come.935

3  Iniquities1697 5771 prevail1396 against4480 me: as for our transgressions,6588 thou859 shalt purge them away.3722

4  Blessed835 is the man whom thou choosest,977 and causest to approach7126 unto thee, that he may dwell7931 in thy courts:2691 we shall be satisfied7646 with the goodness2898 of thy house,1004 even of thy holy6918 temple.1964

5  By terrible things3372 in righteousness6664 wilt thou answer6030 us, O God430 of our salvation;3468 who art the confidence4009 of all3605 the ends7099 of the earth,776 and of them that are afar off7350 upon the sea:3220

6  Which by his strength3581 setteth fast3559 the mountains;2022 being girded247 with power:1369

7  Which stilleth7623 the noise7588 of the seas,3220 the noise7588 of their waves,1530 and the tumult1995 of the people.3816

8  They also that dwell3427 in the uttermost parts7098 are afraid3372 at thy tokens:4480 226 thou makest the outgoings4161 of the morning1242 and evening6153 to rejoice.7442

9  Thou visitest6485 the earth,776 and waterest7783 it: thou greatly7227 enrichest6238 it with the river6388 of God,430 which is full4390 of water:4325 thou preparest3559 them corn,1715 when3588 thou hast so3651 provided3559 for it.

10  Thou waterest the ridges8525 thereof abundantly:7301 thou settlest5181 the furrows1417 thereof: thou makest it soft4127 with showers:7241 thou blessest1288 the springing6780 thereof.

11  Thou crownest5849 the year8141 with thy goodness;2896 and thy paths4570 drop7491 fatness.1880

12  They drop7491 upon the pastures4999 of the wilderness:4057 and the little hills1389 rejoice1524 on every side.2296

13  The pastures3733 are clothed3847 with flocks;6629 the valleys6010 also are covered over5848 with corn;1250 they shout for joy,7321 they also637 sing.7891

Psalms 66: 1-20

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Song7892 or Psalm.4210 Make a joyful noise7321 unto God,430 all3605 ye lands:776

2  Sing forth2167 the honor3519 of his name:8034 make7760 his praise8416 glorious.3519

3  Say559 unto God,430 How4100 terrible3372 art thou in thy works!4639 through the greatness7230 of thy power5797 shall thine enemies341 submit3584 themselves unto thee.

4  All3605 the earth776 shall worship7812 thee, and shall sing2167 unto thee; they shall sing2167 to thy name.8034 Selah.5542

5  Come1980 and see7200 the works4659 of God:430 he is terrible3372 in his doing5949 toward5921 the children1121 of men.120

6  He turned2015 the sea3220 into dry3004 land: they went5674 through the flood5104 on foot:7272 there8033 did we rejoice8055 in him.

7  He ruleth4910 by his power1369 forever;5769 his eyes5869 behold6822 the nations:1471 let not408 the rebellious5637 exalt7311 themselves. Selah.5542

8  O bless1288 our God,430 ye people,5971 and make the voice6963 of his praise8416 to be heard:8085

9  Which holdeth7760 our soul5315 in life,2416 and suffereth5414 not3808 our feet7272 to be moved.4132

10  For3588 thou, O God,430 hast proved974 us: thou hast tried6884 us, as silver3701 is tried.6884

11  Thou broughtest935 us into the net;4686 thou laidst7760 affliction4157 upon our loins.4975

12  Thou hast caused men582 to ride7392 over our heads;7218 we went935 through fire784 and through water:4325 but thou broughtest us out3318 into a wealthy7310 place.

13  I will go935 into thy house1004 with burnt offerings:5930 I will pay7999 thee my vows,5088

14  Which834 my lips8193 have uttered,6475 and my mouth6310 hath spoken,1696 when I was in trouble.6862

15  I will offer5927 unto thee burnt sacrifices5930 of fatlings,4220 with5973 the incense7004 of rams;352 I will offer6213 bullocks1241 with5973 goats.6260 Selah.5542

16  Come1980 and hear,8085 all3605 ye that fear3373 God,430 and I will declare5608 what834 he hath done6213 for my soul.5315

17  I cried7121 unto413 him with my mouth,6310 and he was extolled7318 with8478 my tongue.3956

18  If518 I regard7200 iniquity205 in my heart,3820 the Lord136 will not3808 hear8085 me:

19  But verily403 God430 hath heard8085 me; he hath attended7181 to the voice6963 of my prayer.8605

20  Blessed1288 be God,430 which834 hath not3808 turned away5493 my prayer,8605 nor his mercy2617 from4480 854 me.

Psalms 67: 1-7

1  To the chief Musician5329 on Neginoth,5058 A Psalm4210 or Song.7892 God430 be merciful2603 unto us, and bless1288 us; and cause his face6440 to shine215 upon854 us; Selah.5542

2  That thy way1870 may be known3045 upon earth,776 thy saving health3444 among all3605 nations.1471

3  Let the people5971 praise3034 thee, O God;430 let all3605 the people5971 praise3034 thee.

4  O let the nations3816 be glad8055 and sing for joy:7442 for3588 thou shalt judge8199 the people5971 righteously,4334 and govern5148 the nations3816 upon earth.776 Selah.5542

5  Let the people5971 praise3034 thee, O God;430 let all3605 the people5971 praise3034 thee.

6  Then shall the earth776 yield5414 her increase;2981 and God,430 even our own God,430 shall bless1288 us.

7  God430 shall bless1288 us; and all3605 the ends657 of the earth776 shall fear3372 him.

Psalms 68: 1-35

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 or Song7892 of David.1732 Let God430 arise,6965 let his enemies341 be scattered:6327 let them also that hate8130 him flee5127 before4480 6440 him.

2  As smoke6227 is driven away,5086 so drive them away:5086 as wax1749 melteth4549 before4480 6440 the fire,784 so let the wicked7563 perish6 at the presence4480 6440 of God.430

3  But let the righteous6662 be glad;8055 let them rejoice5970 before6440 God:430 yea, let them exceedingly8057 rejoice.7797

4  Sing7891 unto God,430 sing praises2167 to his name:8034 extol5549 him that rideth7392 upon the heavens6160 by his name8034 JAH,3050 and rejoice5937 before6440 him.

5  A father1 of the fatherless,3490 and a judge1781 of the widows,490 is God430 in his holy6944 habitation.4583

6  God430 setteth3427 the solitary3173 in families:1004 he bringeth out3318 those which are bound615 with chains:3574 but389 the rebellious5637 dwell7931 in a dry6707 land.

7  O God,430 when thou wentest forth3318 before6440 thy people,5971 when thou didst march6805 through the wilderness;3452 Selah:5542

8  The earth776 shook,7493 the heavens8064 also637 dropped5197 at the presence4480 6440 of God:430 even Sinai5514 itself2088 was moved at the presence4480 6440 of God,430 the God430 of Israel.3478

9  Thou, O God,430 didst send5130 a plentiful5071 rain,1653 whereby thou859 didst confirm3559 thine inheritance,5159 when it was weary.3811

10  Thy congregation2416 hath dwelt3427 therein: thou, O God,430 hast prepared3559 of thy goodness2896 for the poor.6041

11  The Lord136 gave5414 the word:562 great7227 was the company6635 of those that published1319 it.

12  Kings4428 of armies6635 did flee apace:5074 5074 and she that tarried5116 at home1004 divided2505 the spoil.7998

13  Though518 ye have lain7901 among996 the pots,8240 yet shall ye be as the wings3671 of a dove3123 covered2645 with silver,3701 and her feathers84 with yellow3422 gold.2742

14  When the Almighty7706 scattered6566 kings4428 in it, it was white as snow7949 in Salmon.6756

15  The hill2022 of God430 is as the hill2022 of Bashan;1316 a high1386 hill2022 as the hill2022 of Bashan.1316

16  Why4100 leap7520 ye, ye high1386 hills?2022 this is the hill2022 which God430 desireth2530 to dwell3427 in; yea,637 the LORD3068 will dwell7931 in it forever.5331

17  The chariots7393 of God430 are twenty thousand,7239 even thousands505 of angels:8136 the Lord136 is among them, as in Sinai,5514 in the holy6944 place.

18  Thou hast ascended5927 on high,4791 thou hast led captivity captive:7617 7628 thou hast received3947 gifts4979 for men;120 yea, for the rebellious5637 also,637 that the LORD3050 God430 might dwell7931 among them.

19  Blessed1288 be the Lord,136 who daily3117 3117 loadeth6006 us with benefits, even the God410 of our salvation.3444 Selah.5542

20  He that is our God410 is the God410 of salvation;4190 and unto GOD3069 the Lord136 belong the issues8444 from death.4194

21  But389 God430 shall wound4272 the head7218 of his enemies,341 and the hairy8181 scalp6936 of such a one as goeth on still1980 in his trespasses.817

22  The Lord136 said,559 I will bring again7725 from Bashan,4480 1316 I will bring my people again7725 from the depths4480 4688 of the sea:3220

23  That4616 thy foot7272 may be dipped4272 in the blood1818 of thine enemies,4480 341 and the tongue3956 of thy dogs3611 in the same.4482

24  They have seen7200 thy goings,1979 O God;430 even the goings1979 of my God,410 my King,4428 in the sanctuary.6944

25  The singers7891 went before,6923 the players on instruments5059 followed after;310 among8432 them were the damsels5959 playing with timbrels.8608

26  Bless1288 ye God430 in the congregations,4721 even the Lord,3068 from the fountain4480 4726 of Israel.3478

27  There8033 is little6810 Benjamin1144 with their ruler,7287 the princes8269 of Judah3063 and their council,7277 the princes8269 of Zebulun,2074 and the princes8269 of Naphtali.5321

28  Thy God430 hath commanded6680 thy strength:5797 strengthen,5810 O God,430 that which2098 thou hast wrought6466 for us.

29  Because of thy temple4480 1964 at5921 Jerusalem3389 shall kings4428 bring2986 presents7862 unto thee.

30  Rebuke1605 the company2416 of spearmen,7070 the multitude5712 of the bulls,47 with the calves5695 of the people,5971 till every one submit himself7511 with pieces7518 of silver:3701 scatter967 thou the people5971 that delight2654 in war.7128

31  Princes2831 shall come out857 of4480 Egypt;4714 Ethiopia3568 shall soon stretch out7323 her hands3027 unto God.430

32  Sing7891 unto God,430 ye kingdoms4467 of the earth;776 O sing praises2167 unto the Lord;136 Selah:5542

33  To him that rideth7392 upon the heavens8064 of heavens,8064 which were of old;6924 lo,2005 he doth send out5414 his voice,6963 and that a mighty5797 voice.6963

34  Ascribe5414 ye strength5797 unto God:430 his excellency1346 is over5921 Israel,3478 and his strength5797 is in the clouds.7834

35  O God,430 thou art terrible3372 out of thy holy places:4480 4720 the God410 of Israel3478 is he1931 that giveth5414 strength5797 and power8592 unto his people.5971 Blessed1288 be God.430

Psalms 69: 1-36

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Shoshannim,7799 A Psalm of David.1732 Save3467 me, O God;430 for3588 the waters4325 are come in935 unto5704 my soul.5315

2  I sink2883 in deep4688 mire,3121 where there is no369 standing:4613 I am come935 into deep4615 waters,4325 where the floods7641 overflow7857 me.

3  I am weary3021 of my crying:7121 my throat1627 is dried:2787 mine eyes5869 fail3615 while I wait3176 for my God.430

4  They that hate8130 me without a cause2600 are more7231 than the hairs4480 8185 of mine head:7218 they that would destroy6789 me, being mine enemies341 wrongfully,8267 are mighty:6105 then227 I restored7725 that which834 I took not away.3808 1497

5  O God,430 thou859 knowest3045 my foolishness;200 and my sins819 are not3808 hid3582 from4480 thee.

6  Let not408 them that wait on6960 thee, O Lord136 GOD3069 of hosts,6635 be ashamed954 for my sake: let not408 those that seek1245 thee be confounded3637 for my sake, O God430 of Israel.3478

7  Because3588 for thy sake5921 I have borne5375 reproach;2781 shame3639 hath covered3680 my face.6440

8  I am become1961 a stranger2114 unto my brethren,251 and an alien5237 unto my mother's517 children.1121

9  For3588 the zeal7068 of thine house1004 hath eaten me up;398 and the reproaches2781 of them that reproached2778 thee are fallen5307 upon5921 me.

10  When I wept,1058 and chastened my soul5315 with fasting,6685 that was1961 to my reproach.2781

11  I made5414 sackcloth8242 also my garment;3830 and I became1961 a proverb4912 to them.

12  They that sit3427 in the gate8179 speak7878 against me; and I was the song5058 of the drunkards.8354 7941

13  But as for me,589 my prayer8605 is unto thee, O LORD,3068 in an acceptable7522 time:6256 O God,430 in the multitude7230 of thy mercy2617 hear6030 me, in the truth571 of thy salvation.3468

14  Deliver5337 me out of the mire,4480 2916 and let me not408 sink:2883 let me be delivered5337 from them that hate4480 8130 me, and out of the deep4480 4615 waters.4325

15  Let not408 the waterflood7641 4325 overflow7857 me, neither408 let the deep4688 swallow me up,1104 and let not408 the pit875 shut332 her mouth6310 upon5921 me.

16  Hear6030 me, O LORD;3068 for3588 thy lovingkindness2617 is good:2896 turn6437 unto413 me according to the multitude7230 of thy tender mercies.7356

17  And hide5641 not408 thy face6440 from thy servant;4480 5650 for3588 I am in trouble:6862 hear6030 me speedily.4116

18  Draw nigh7126 unto413 my soul,5315 and redeem1350 it: deliver6299 me because of4616 mine enemies.341

19  Thou859 hast known3045 my reproach,2781 and my shame,1322 and my dishonor:3639 mine adversaries6887 are all3605 before5048 thee.

20  Reproach2781 hath broken7665 my heart;3820 and I am full of heaviness:5136 and I looked6960 for some to take pity,5110 but there was none;369 and for comforters,5162 but I found4672 none.3808

21  They gave5414 me also gall7219 for my meat;1267 and in my thirst6772 they gave me vinegar2558 to drink.8248

22  Let their table7979 become1961 a snare6341 before6440 them: and that which should have been for their welfare,7965 let it become a trap.4170

23  Let their eyes5869 be darkened,2821 that they see not;4480 7200 and make their loins4975 continually8548 to shake.4571

24  Pour out8210 thine indignation2195 upon5921 them, and let thy wrathful2740 anger639 take hold5381 of them.

25  Let their habitation2918 be1961 desolate;8074 and let1961 none408 dwell3427 in their tents.168

26  For3588 they persecute7291 him whom834 thou859 hast smitten;5221 and they talk5608 to413 the grief4341 of those whom thou hast wounded.2491

27  Add5414 iniquity5771 unto5921 their iniquity:5771 and let them not408 come935 into thy righteousness.6666

28  Let them be blotted4229 out of the book4480 5612 of the living,2416 and not408 be written3789 with5973 the righteous.6662

29  But I589 am poor6041 and sorrowful:3510 let thy salvation,3444 O God,430 set me up on high.7682

30  I will praise1984 the name8034 of God430 with a song,7892 and will magnify1431 him with thanksgiving.8426

31  This also shall please3190 the LORD3068 better than an ox4480 7794 or bullock6499 that hath horns7160 and hooves.6536

32  The humble6035 shall see7200 this, and be glad:8055 and your heart3824 shall live2421 that seek1875 God.430

33  For3588 the LORD3068 heareth8085 413 the poor,34 and despiseth959 not3808 his prisoners.615

34  Let the heaven8064 and earth776 praise1984 him, the seas,3220 and every thing3605 that moveth7430 therein.

35  For3588 God430 will save3467 Zion,6726 and will build1129 the cities5892 of Judah:3063 that they may dwell3427 there,8033 and have it in possession.3423

36  The seed2233 also of his servants5650 shall inherit5157 it: and they that love157 his name8034 shall dwell7931 therein.

Psalms 70: 1-5

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm of David,1732 to bring to remembrance.2142 Make haste, O God,430 to deliver5337 me; make haste2363 to help5833 me, O LORD.3068

2  Let them be ashamed954 and confounded2659 that seek after1245 my soul:5315 let them be turned5472 backward,268 and put to confusion,3637 that desire2655 my hurt.7451

3  Let them be turned back7725 for5921 a reward6118 of their shame1322 that say,559 Aha,1889 aha.1889

4  Let all3605 those that seek1245 thee rejoice7797 and be glad8055 in thee: and let such as love157 thy salvation3444 say559 continually,8548 Let God430 be magnified.1431

5  But I589 am poor6041 and needy:34 make haste2363 unto me, O God:430 thou859 art my help5828 and my deliverer;6403 O LORD,3068 make no408 tarrying.309

Psalms 71: 1-24

1  In thee, O LORD,3068 do I put my trust:2620 let me never408 5769 be put to confusion.954

2  Deliver5337 me in thy righteousness,6666 and cause me to escape:6403 incline5186 thine ear241 unto413 me, and save3467 me.

3  Be1961 thou my strong6697 habitation,4583 whereunto I may continually8548 resort:935 thou hast given commandment6680 to save3467 me; for3588 thou859 art my rock5553 and my fortress.4686

4  Deliver6403 me, O my God,430 out of the hand4480 3027 of the wicked,7563 out of the hand4480 3709 of the unrighteous5765 and cruel2556 man.

5  For3588 thou859 art my hope,8615 O Lord136 GOD:3069 thou art my trust4009 from my youth.4480 5271

6  By5921 thee have I been holden up5564 from the womb:4480 990 thou859 art he that took1491 me out of my mother's517 bowels:4480 4578 my praise8416 shall be continually8548 of thee.

7  I am1961 as a wonder4159 unto many;7227 but thou859 art my strong5797 refuge.4268

8  Let my mouth6310 be filled4390 with thy praise8416 and with thy honor8597 all3605 the day.3117

9  Cast me not off7993 408 in the time6256 of old age;2209 forsake5800 me not408 when my strength3581 faileth.3615

10  For3588 mine enemies341 speak559 against me; and they that lay wait for8104 my soul5315 take counsel3289 together,3162

11  Saying,559 God430 hath forsaken5800 him: persecute7291 and take8610 him; for3588 there is none369 to deliver5337 him.

12  O God,430 be not408 far7368 from4480 me: O my God,430 make haste2439 for my help.5833

13  Let them be confounded954 and consumed3615 that are adversaries7853 to my soul;5315 let them be covered5844 with reproach2781 and dishonor3639 that seek1245 my hurt.7451

14  But I589 will hope3176 continually,8548 and will yet praise8416 thee more and more.3254

15  My mouth6310 shall show forth5608 thy righteousness6666 and thy salvation8668 all3605 the day;3117 for3588 I know3045 not3808 the numbers5615 thereof.

16  I will go935 in the strength1369 of the Lord136 GOD:3069 I will make mention2142 of thy righteousness,6666 even of thine only.905

17  O God,430 thou hast taught3925 me from my youth:4480 5271 and hitherto5704 2008 have I declared5046 thy wondrous works.6381

18  Now also1571 when5704 I am old2209 and grayheaded,7872 O God,430 forsake5800 me not;408 until5704 I have showed5046 thy strength2220 unto this generation,1755 and thy power1369 to every one3605 that is to come.935

19  Thy righteousness6666 also, O God,430 is very5704 high,4791 who834 hast done6213 great things:1419 O God,430 who4310 is like unto thee!3644

20  Thou, which834 hast showed7200 me great7227 and sore7451 troubles,6869 shalt quicken2421 me again,7725 and shalt bring me up5927 again7725 from the depths4480 8415 of the earth.776

21  Thou shalt increase7235 my greatness,1420 and comfort5162 me on every side.5437

22  I589 will also1571 praise3034 thee with the psaltery,3627 5035 even thy truth,571 O my God:430 unto thee will I sing2167 with the harp,3658 O thou Holy One6918 of Israel.3478

23  My lips8193 shall greatly rejoice7442 when3588 I sing2167 unto thee; and my soul,5315 which834 thou hast redeemed.6299

24  My tongue3956 also1571 shall talk1897 of thy righteousness6666 all3605 the day3117 long: for3588 they are confounded,954 for3588 they are brought unto shame,2659 that seek1245 my hurt.7451

Psalms 72: 1-20

1  A Psalm for Solomon.8010 Give5414 the king4428 thy judgments,4941 O God,430 and thy righteousness6666 unto the king's4428 son.1121

2  He shall judge1777 thy people5971 with righteousness,6664 and thy poor6041 with judgment.4941

3  The mountains2022 shall bring5375 peace7965 to the people,5971 and the little hills,1389 by righteousness.6666

4  He shall judge8199 the poor6041 of the people,5971 he shall save3467 the children1121 of the needy,34 and shall break in pieces1792 the oppressor.6231

5  They shall fear3372 thee as long5973 as the sun8121 and moon3394 endure,6440 throughout all generations.1755 1755

6  He shall come down3381 like rain4306 upon5921 the mown grass:1488 as showers7241 that water2222 the earth.776

7  In his days3117 shall the righteous6662 flourish;6524 and abundance7230 of peace7965 so long5704 as the moon3394 endureth.1097

8  He shall have dominion7287 also from sea4480 3220 to5704 sea,3220 and from the river4480 5104 unto5704 the ends657 of the earth.776

9  They that dwell in the wilderness6728 shall bow3766 before6440 him; and his enemies341 shall lick3897 the dust.6083

10  The kings4428 of Tarshish8659 and of the isles339 shall bring7725 presents:4503 the kings4428 of Sheba7614 and Seba5434 shall offer7126 gifts.814

11  Yea, all3605 kings4428 shall fall down7812 before him: all3605 nations1471 shall serve5647 him.

12  For3588 he shall deliver5337 the needy34 when he crieth;7768 the poor6041 also, and him that hath no369 helper.5826

13  He shall spare2347 5921 the poor1800 and needy,34 and shall save3467 the souls5315 of the needy.34

14  He shall redeem1350 their soul5315 from deceit4480 8496 and violence:4480 2555 and precious3365 shall their blood1818 be in his sight.5869

15  And he shall live,2421 and to him shall be given5414 of the gold4480 2091 of Sheba:7614 prayer6419 also shall be made for1157 him continually;8548 and daily3605 3117 shall he be praised.1288

16  There shall be1961 a handful6451 of corn1250 in the earth776 upon the top7218 of the mountains;2022 the fruit6529 thereof shall shake7493 like Lebanon:3844 and they of the city4480 5892 shall flourish6692 like grass6212 of the earth.776

17  His name8034 shall endure1961 forever:5769 his name8034 shall be continued5125 as long6440 as the sun:8121 and men shall be blessed1288 in him: all3605 nations1471 shall call him blessed.833

18  Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God,430 the God430 of Israel,3478 who only905 doeth6213 wondrous things.6381

19  And blessed1288 be his glorious3519 name8034 forever:5769 and let 853 the whole3605 earth776 be filled4390 with his glory;3519 Amen,543 and Amen.543

20  The prayers8605 of David1732 the son1121 of Jesse3448 are ended.3615

Psalms 73: 1-28

1  A Psalm4210 of Asaph.623 Truly389 God430 is good2896 to Israel,3478 even to such as are of a clean1249 heart.3824

2  But as for me,589 my feet7272 were almost4592 gone;5186 my steps838 had well nigh369 slipped.8210

3  For3588 I was envious7065 at the foolish,1984 when I saw7200 the prosperity7965 of the wicked.7563

4  For3588 there are no369 bands2784 in their death:4194 but their strength193 is firm.1277

5  They are not369 in trouble5999 as other men;582 neither3808 are they plagued5060 like5973 other men.120

6  Therefore3651 pride1346 compasseth them about as a chain;6059 violence2555 covereth5848 them as a garment.7897

7  Their eyes5869 stand out3318 with fatness:4480 2459 they have more5674 than heart3824 could wish.4906

8  They are corrupt,4167 and speak1696 wickedly7451 concerning oppression:6233 they speak1696 loftily.4480 4791

9  They set8371 their mouth6310 against the heavens,8064 and their tongue3956 walketh1980 through the earth.776

10  Therefore3651 his people5971 return7725 hither:1988 and waters4325 of a full4392 cup are wrung out4680 to them.

11  And they say,559 How349 doth God410 know?3045 and is there3426 knowledge1844 in the most High?5945

12  Behold,2009 these428 are the ungodly,7563 who prosper7961 in the world;5769 they increase7685 in riches.2428

13  Verily389 I have cleansed2135 my heart3824 in vain,7385 and washed7364 my hands3709 in innocency.5356

14  For all3605 the day3117 long have I been1961 plagued,5060 and chastened8433 every morning.1242

15  If518 I say,559 I will speak5608 thus;3644 behold,2009 I should offend898 against the generation1755 of thy children.1121

16  When I thought2803 to know3045 this,2063 it1931 was too painful5999 for5869 me;

17  Until5704 I went935 into413 the sanctuary4720 of God;410 then understood995 I their end.319

18  Surely389 thou didst set7896 them in slippery places:2513 thou castedst them down5307 into destruction.4876

19  How349 are1961 they brought into desolation,8047 as in a moment!7281 they are utterly consumed5486 8552 with4480 terrors.1091

20  As a dream2472 when one awaketh;4480 6974 so, O Lord,136 when thou awakest,5782 thou shalt despise959 their image.6754

21  Thus3588 my heart3824 was grieved,2556 and I was pricked8150 in my reins.3629

22  So foolish1198 was I,589 and ignorant:3808 3045 I was1961 as a beast929 before5973 thee.

23  Nevertheless I589 am continually8548 with5973 thee: thou hast holden270 me by my right3225 hand.3027

24  Thou shalt guide5148 me with thy counsel,6098 and afterward310 receive3947 me to glory.3519

25  Whom4310 have I in heaven8064 but thee? and there is none3808 upon earth776 that I desire2654 beside5973 thee.

26  My flesh7607 and my heart3824 faileth:3615 but God430 is the strength6697 of my heart,3824 and my portion2506 forever.5769

27  For,3588 lo,2009 they that are far7369 from thee shall perish:6 thou hast destroyed6789 all3605 them that go a whoring2181 from4480 thee.

28  But it589 is good2896 for me to draw near7132 to God:430 I have put7896 my trust4268 in the Lord136 GOD,3069 that I may declare5608 all3605 thy works.4399

Psalms 74: 1-23

1  Maschil4905 of Asaph.623 O God,430 why4100 hast thou cast us off2186 forever?5331 why doth thine anger639 smoke6225 against the sheep6629 of thy pasture?4830

2  Remember2142 thy congregation,5712 which thou hast purchased7069 of old;6924 the rod7626 of thine inheritance,5159 which thou hast redeemed;1350 this2088 mount2022 Zion,6726 wherein thou hast dwelt.7931

3  Lift up7311 thy feet6471 unto the perpetual5331 desolations;4876 even all3605 that the enemy341 hath done wickedly7489 in the sanctuary.6944

4  Thine enemies6887 roar7580 in the midst7130 of thy congregations;4150 they set up7760 their ensigns226 for signs.226

5  A man was famous3045 according as he had lifted up935 4605 axes7134 upon the thick5442 trees.6086

6  But now6258 they break down1986 the carved work6603 thereof at once3162 with axes3781 and hammers.3597

7  They have cast7971 fire784 into thy sanctuary,4720 they have defiled2490 by casting down the dwelling place4908 of thy name8034 to the ground.776

8  They said559 in their hearts,3820 Let us destroy3238 them together:3162 they have burned up8313 all3605 the synagogues4150 of God410 in the land.776

9  We see7200 not3808 our signs:226 there is no369 more5750 any prophet:5030 neither3808 is there among854 us any that knoweth3045 how long.5704 4100

10  O God,430 how long5704 4970 shall the adversary6862 reproach?2778 shall the enemy341 blaspheme5006 thy name8034 forever?5331

11  Why4100 withdrawest7725 thou thy hand,3027 even thy right hand?3225 pluck3615 it out of4480 7130 thy bosom.2436

12  For God430 is my King4428 of old,4480 6924 working6466 salvation3444 in the midst7130 of the earth.776

13  Thou859 didst divide6565 the sea3220 by thy strength:5797 thou didst break7665 the heads7218 of the dragons8577 in5921 the waters.4325

14  Thou859 didst break7533 the heads7218 of leviathan3882 in pieces, and gavest5414 him to be meat3978 to the people5971 inhabiting the wilderness.6728

15  Thou859 didst cleave1234 the fountain4599 and the flood:5158 thou859 driedst up3001 mighty386 rivers.5104

16  The day3117 is thine, the night3915 also637 is thine: thou859 hast prepared3559 the light3974 and the sun.8121

17  Thou859 hast set5324 all3605 the borders1367 of the earth:776 thou859 hast made3335 summer7019 and winter.2779

18  Remember2142 this,2063 that the enemy341 hath reproached,2778 O LORD,3068 and that the foolish5036 people5971 have blasphemed5006 thy name.8034

19  O deliver5414 not408 the soul5315 of thy turtledove8449 unto the multitude2416 of the wicked: forget7911 not408 the congregation2416 of thy poor6041 forever.5331

20  Have respect5027 unto the covenant:1285 for3588 the dark places4285 of the earth776 are full4390 of the habitations4999 of cruelty.2555

21  O let not408 the oppressed1790 return7725 ashamed:3637 let the poor6041 and needy34 praise1984 thy name.8034

22  Arise,6965 O God,430 plead thine own cause:7378 7379 remember2142 how4480 the foolish man5036 reproacheth2781 thee daily.3605 3117

23  Forget7911 not408 the voice6963 of thine enemies:6887 the tumult7588 of those that rise up against6965 thee increaseth5927 continually.8548

Psalms 75: 1-10

1  To the chief Musician,5329 Al-taschith,516 A Psalm4210 or Song7892 of Asaph.623 Unto thee, O God,430 do we give thanks,3034 unto thee do we give thanks:3034 for that thy name8034 is near7138 thy wondrous works6381 declare.5608

2  When3588 I shall receive3947 the congregation4150 I589 will judge8199 uprightly.4339

3  The earth776 and all3605 the inhabitants3427 thereof are dissolved:4127 I595 bear up8505 the pillars5982 of it. Selah.5542

4  I said559 unto the fools,1984 Deal not foolishly:408 1984 and to the wicked,7563 Lift not up7311 408 the horn:7161

5  Lift not up7311 408 your horn7161 on high:4791 speak1696 not with a stiff6277 neck.6677

6  For3588 promotion7311 cometh neither3808 from the east,4480 4161 nor from the west,4480 4628 nor3808 from the south.4480 4057

7  But3588 God430 is the judge:8199 he putteth down8213 one,2088 and setteth7311 up another.2088

8  For3588 in the hand3027 of the LORD3068 there is a cup,3563 and the wine3196 is red;2560 it is full4392 of mixture;4538 and he poureth out5064 of the same:4480 2088 but389 the dregs8105 thereof, all3605 the wicked7563 of the earth776 shall wring them out,4680 and drink8354 them.

9  But I589 will declare5046 forever;5769 I will sing praises2167 to the God430 of Jacob.3290

10  All3605 the horns7161 of the wicked7563 also will I cut off;1438 but the horns7161 of the righteous6662 shall be exalted.7311

Psalms 76: 1-12

1  To the chief Musician5329 on Neginoth,5058 A Psalm4210 or Song7892 of Asaph.623 In Judah3063 is God430 known:3045 his name8034 is great1419 in Israel.3478

2  In Salem8004 also is1961 his tabernacle,5520 and his dwelling place4585 in Zion.6726

3  There8033 broke7665 he the arrows7565 of the bow,7198 the shield,4043 and the sword,2719 and the battle.4421 Selah.5542

4  Thou859 art more glorious215 and excellent117 than the mountains4480 2042 of prey.2964

5  The stouthearted47 3820 are spoiled,7997 they have slept5123 their sleep:8142 and none3808 3605 of the men376 of might2428 have found4672 their hands.3027

6  At thy rebuke,4480 1606 O God430 of Jacob,3290 both the chariot7393 and horse5483 are cast into a dead sleep.7290

7  Thou,859 even thou,859 art to be feared:3372 and who4310 may stand5975 in thy sight6440 when once4480 227 thou art angry?639

8  Thou didst cause judgment1779 to be heard8085 from4480 heaven;8064 the earth776 feared,3372 and was still,8252

9  When God430 arose6965 to judgment,4941 to save3467 all3605 the meek6035 of the earth.776 Selah.5542

10  Surely3588 the wrath2534 of man120 shall praise3034 thee: the remainder7611 of wrath2534 shalt thou restrain.2296

11  Vow,5087 and pay7999 unto the LORD3068 your God:430 let all3605 that be round about5439 him bring2986 presents7862 unto him that ought to be feared.4172

12  He shall cut off1219 the spirit7307 of princes:5057 he is terrible3372 to the kings4428 of the earth.776

Psalms 77: 1-20

1  To the chief Musician,5329 to5921 Jeduthun,3038 A Psalm4210 of Asaph.623 I cried6817 unto413 God430 with my voice,6963 even unto413 God430 with my voice;6963 and he gave ear238 unto413 me.

2  In the day3117 of my trouble6869 I sought1875 the Lord:136 my sore3027 ran5064 in the night,3915 and ceased6313 not:3808 my soul5315 refused3985 to be comforted.5162

3  I remembered2142 God,430 and was troubled:1993 I complained,7878 and my spirit7307 was overwhelmed.5848 Selah.5542

4  Thou holdest270 mine eyes5869 waking:8109 I am so troubled6470 that I cannot3808 speak.1696

5  I have considered2803 the days3117 of old,4480 6924 the years8141 of ancient times.5769

6  I call to remembrance2142 my song5058 in the night:3915 I commune7878 with5973 mine own heart:3824 and my spirit7307 made diligent search.2664

7  Will the Lord136 cast off2186 forever?5769 and will he be favorable7521 no3808 more?3254 5750

8  Is his mercy2617 clean gone656 forever?5331 doth his promise562 fail1584 forevermore?1755 1755

9  Hath God410 forgotten7911 to be gracious?2589 hath he in anger639 shut up7092 his tender mercies?7356 Selah.5542

10  And I said,559 This1931 is my infirmity:2470 but I will remember the years8141 of the right hand3225 of the most High.5945

11  I will remember2142 the works4611 of the LORD:3050 surely3588 I will remember2142 thy wonders6382 of old.4480 6924

12  I will meditate1897 also of all3605 thy work,6467 and talk7878 of thy doings.5949

13  Thy way,1870 O God,430 is in the sanctuary:6944 who4310 is so great1419 a God410 as our God?430

14  Thou859 art the God410 that doest6213 wonders:6382 thou hast declared3045 thy strength5797 among the people.5971

15  Thou hast with thine arm2220 redeemed1350 thy people,5971 the sons1121 of Jacob3290 and Joseph.3130 Selah.5542

16  The waters4325 saw7200 thee, O God,430 the waters4325 saw7200 thee; they were afraid:2342 the depths8415 also637 were troubled.7264

17  The clouds5645 poured out2229 water:4325 the skies7834 sent out5414 a sound:6963 thine arrows2671 also637 went abroad.1980

18  The voice6963 of thy thunder7482 was in the heaven:1534 the lightnings1300 lightened215 the world:8398 the earth776 trembled7264 and shook.7493

19  Thy way1870 is in the sea,3220 and thy path7635 in the great7227 waters,4325 and thy footsteps6119 are not3808 known.3045

20  Thou leddest5148 thy people5971 like a flock6629 by the hand3027 of Moses4872 and Aaron.175

Psalms 78: 1-72

1  Maschil4905 of Asaph.623 Give ear,238 O my people,5971 to my law:8451 incline5186 your ears241 to the words561 of my mouth.6310

2  I will open6605 my mouth6310 in a parable:4912 I will utter5042 dark sayings2420 of4480 old:6924

3  Which834 we have heard8085 and known,3045 and our fathers1 have told5608 us.

4  We will not3808 hide3582 them from their children,4480 1121 showing5608 to the generation1755 to come314 the praises8416 of the LORD,3068 and his strength,5807 and his wonderful works6381 that834 he hath done.6213

5  For he established6965 a testimony5715 in Jacob,3290 and appointed7760 a law8451 in Israel,3478 which834 he commanded6680 853 our fathers,1 that they should make them known3045 to their children:1121

6  That4616 the generation1755 to come314 might know3045 them, even the children1121 which should be born;3205 who should arise6965 and declare5608 them to their children:1121

7  That they might set7760 their hope3689 in God,430 and not3808 forget7911 the works4611 of God,410 but keep5341 his commandments:4687

8  And might not3808 be1961 as their fathers,1 a stubborn5637 and rebellious4784 generation;1755 a generation1755 that set not their heart aright,3559 3808 3820 and whose spirit7307 was not3808 steadfast539 with854 God.410

9  The children1121 of Ephraim,669 being armed,5401 and carrying7411 bows,7198 turned back2015 in the day3117 of battle.7128

10  They kept8104 not3808 the covenant1285 of God,430 and refused3985 to walk1980 in his law;8451

11  And forgot7911 his works,5949 and his wonders6381 that834 he had showed7200 them.

12  Marvelous things6382 did6213 he in the sight5048 of their fathers,1 in the land776 of Egypt,4714 in the field7704 of Zoan.6814

13  He divided1234 the sea,3220 and caused them to pass through;5674 and he made the waters4325 to stand5324 as3644 a heap.5067

14  In the daytime3119 also he led5148 them with a cloud,6051 and all3605 the night3915 with a light216 of fire.784

15  He cleaved1234 the rocks6697 in the wilderness,4057 and gave them drink8248 as out of the great7227 depths.8415

16  He brought streams also out3318 5140 of the rock,4480 5553 and caused waters4325 to run down3381 like rivers.5104

17  And they sinned2398 yet5750 more3254 against him by provoking4784 the most High5945 in the wilderness.6723

18  And they tempted5254 God410 in their heart3824 by asking7592 meat400 for their lust.5315

19  Yea, they spoke1696 against God;430 they said,559 Can3201 God410 furnish6186 a table7979 in the wilderness?4057

20  Behold,2005 he smote5221 the rock,6697 that the waters4325 gushed out,2100 and the streams5158 overflowed;7857 can3201 he give5414 bread3899 also?1571 can he provide3559 flesh7607 for his people?5971

21  Therefore3651 the LORD3068 heard8085 this, and was wroth:5674 so a fire784 was kindled5400 against Jacob,3290 and anger639 also1571 came up5927 against Israel;3478

22  Because3588 they believed539 not3808 in God,430 and trusted982 not3808 in his salvation:3444

23  Though he had commanded6680 the clouds7834 from above,4480 4605 and opened6605 the doors1817 of heaven,8064

24  And had rained down4305 manna4478 upon5921 them to eat,398 and had given5414 them of the corn1715 of heaven.8064

25  Man376 did eat398 angels'47 food:3899 he sent7971 them meat6720 to the full.7648

26  He caused an east wind6921 to blow5265 in the heaven:8064 and by his power5797 he brought5090 in the south wind.8486

27  He rained4305 flesh7607 also upon5921 them as dust,6083 and feathered3671 fowls5775 like as the sand2344 of the sea:3220

28  And he let it fall5307 in the midst7130 of their camp,4264 round about5439 their habitations.4908

29  So they did eat,398 and were well3966 filled:7646 for he gave935 them their own desire;8378

30  They were not3808 estranged2114 from their lust.4480 8378 But while their meat400 was yet5750 in their mouths,6310

31  The wrath639 of God430 came5927 upon them, and slew2026 the fattest4924 of them, and smote down3766 the chosen970 men of Israel.3478

32  For all3605 this2063 they sinned2398 still,5750 and believed539 not3808 for his wondrous works.6381

33  Therefore their days3117 did he consume3615 in vanity,1892 and their years8141 in trouble.928

34  When518 he slew2026 them, then they sought1875 him: and they returned7725 and inquired early7836 after God.410

35  And they remembered2142 that3588 God430 was their rock,6697 and the high5945 God410 their redeemer.1350

36  Nevertheless they did flatter6601 him with their mouth,6310 and they lied3576 unto him with their tongues.3956

37  For their heart3820 was not right3808 3559 with5973 him, neither3808 were they steadfast539 in his covenant.1285

38  But he,1931 being full of compassion,7349 forgave3722 their iniquity,5771 and destroyed7843 them not:3808 yea, many7235 a time turned he his anger away,639 7725 and did not3808 stir up5782 all3605 his wrath.2534

39  For he remembered2142 that3588 they1992 were but flesh;1320 a wind7307 that passeth away,1980 and cometh not again.3808 7725

40  How oft4100 did they provoke4784 him in the wilderness,4057 and grieve6087 him in the desert!3452

41  Yea, they turned back7725 and tempted5254 God,410 and limited8428 the Holy One6918 of Israel.3478

42  They remembered2142 not3808 853 his hand,3027 nor the day3117 when834 he delivered6299 them from4480 the enemy.6862

43  How834 he had wrought7760 his signs226 in Egypt,4714 and his wonders4159 in the field7704 of Zoan:6814

44  And had turned2015 their rivers2975 into blood;1818 and their floods,5140 that they could not1077 drink.8354

45  He sent7971 divers sorts of flies6157 among them, which devoured398 them; and frogs,6854 which destroyed7843 them.

46  He gave5414 also their increase2981 unto the caterpillar,2625 and their labor3018 unto the locust.697

47  He destroyed2026 their vines1612 with hail,1259 and their sycamore trees8256 with frost.2602

48  He gave up5462 their cattle1165 also to the hail,1259 and their flocks4735 to hot thunderbolts.7565

49  He cast7971 upon them the fierceness2740 of his anger,639 wrath,5678 and indignation,2195 and trouble,6869 by sending4917 evil7451 angels4397 among them.

50  He made6424 a way5410 to his anger;639 he spared2820 not3808 their soul5315 from death,4480 4194 but gave5462 their life2416 over to the pestilence;1698

51  And smote5221 all3605 the firstborn1060 in Egypt;4714 the chief7225 of their strength202 in the tabernacles168 of Ham:2526

52  But made his own people5971 to go forth5265 like sheep,6629 and guided5090 them in the wilderness4057 like a flock.5739

53  And he led5148 them on safely,983 so that they feared6342 not:3808 but the sea3220 overwhelmed3680 their enemies.341

54  And he brought935 them to413 the border1366 of his sanctuary,6944 even to this2088 mountain,2022 which his right hand3225 had purchased.7069

55  He cast out1644 the heathen1471 also before4480 6440 them, and divided5307 them an inheritance5159 by line,2256 and made the tribes7626 of Israel3478 to dwell7931 in their tents.168

56  Yet they tempted5254 and provoked4784 853 the most high5945 God,430 and kept8104 not3808 his testimonies:5713

57  But turned back,5472 and dealt unfaithfully898 like their fathers:1 they were turned aside2015 like a deceitful7423 bow.7198

58  For they provoked him to anger3707 with their high places,1116 and moved him to jealousy7065 with their graven images.6456

59  When God430 heard8085 this, he was wroth,5674 and greatly3966 abhorred3988 Israel:3478

60  So that he forsook5203 the tabernacle4908 of Shiloh,7887 the tent168 which he placed7931 among men;120

61  And delivered5414 his strength5797 into captivity,7628 and his glory8597 into the enemy's6862 hand.3027

62  He gave5462 his people5971 over5462 also unto the sword;2719 and was wroth5674 with his inheritance.5159

63  The fire784 consumed398 their young men;970 and their maidens1330 were not3808 given to marriage.1984

64  Their priests3548 fell5307 by the sword;2719 and their widows490 made no3808 lamentation.1058

65  Then the Lord136 awaked3364 as one out of sleep,3463 and like a mighty man1368 that shouteth7442 by reason of wine.4480 3196

66  And he smote5221 his enemies6862 in the hinder parts:268 he put5414 them to a perpetual5769 reproach.2781

67  Moreover he refused3988 the tabernacle168 of Joseph,3130 and chose977 not3808 the tribe7626 of Ephraim:669

68  But chose977 853 the tribe7626 of Judah,3063 853 the mount2022 Zion6726 which834 he loved.157

69  And he built1129 his sanctuary4720 like3644 high7311 palaces, like the earth776 which he hath established3245 forever.5769

70  He chose977 David1732 also his servant,5650 and took3947 him from the sheepfolds:4480 4356 6629

71  From following4480 310 the ewes great with young5763 he brought935 him to feed7462 Jacob3290 his people,5971 and Israel3478 his inheritance.5159

72  So he fed7462 them according to the integrity8537 of his heart;3824 and guided5148 them by the skilfulness8394 of his hands.3709

Psalms 79: 1-13

1  A Psalm4210 of Asaph.623 O God,430 the heathen1471 are come935 into thine inheritance;5159 853 thy holy6944 temple1964 have they defiled;2930 they have laid7760 853 Jerusalem3389 on heaps.5856

853 The dead bodies5038 of thy servants5650 have they given5414 to be meat3978 unto the fowls5775 of the heaven,8064 the flesh1320 of thy saints2623 unto the beasts2416 of the earth.776

3  Their blood1818 have they shed8210 like water4325 round about5439 Jerusalem;3389 and there was none369 to bury6912 them.

4  We are become1961 a reproach2781 to our neighbors,7934 a scorn3933 and derision7047 to them that are round about5439 us.

5  How long,5704 4100 LORD?3068 wilt thou be angry599 forever?5331 shall thy jealousy7068 burn1197 like3644 fire?784

6  Pour out8210 thy wrath2534 upon413 the heathen1471 that834 have not3808 known3045 thee, and upon5921 the kingdoms4467 that834 have not408 called7121 upon thy name.8034

7  For3588 they have devoured398 853 Jacob,3290 and laid waste8074 his dwelling place.5116

8  O remember2142 not408 against us former7223 iniquities:5771 let thy tender mercies7356 speedily4116 prevent6923 us: for3588 we are brought very low.1809 3966

9  Help5826 us, O God430 of our salvation,3468 for5921 1697 the glory3519 of thy name:8034 and deliver5337 us, and purge away3722 5921 our sins,2403 for thy name's sake.4616 8034

10  Wherefore4100 should the heathen1471 say,559 Where346 is their God?430 let him be known3045 among the heathen1471 in our sight5869 by the revenging5360 of the blood1818 of thy servants5650 which is shed.8210

11  Let the sighing603 of the prisoner615 come935 before6440 thee; according to the greatness1433 of thy power2220 preserve3498 thou those that are appointed1121 to die;8546

12  And render7725 unto our neighbors7934 sevenfold7659 into413 their bosom2436 their reproach,2781 wherewith834 they have reproached2778 thee, O Lord.136

13  So we587 thy people5971 and sheep6629 of thy pasture4830 will give thee thanks3034 forever:5769 we will show forth5608 thy praise8416 to all generations.1755 1755

Psalms 80: 1-19

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon413 Shoshannim-eduth,7802 A Psalm4210 of Asaph.623 Give ear,238 O Shepherd7462 of Israel,3478 thou that leadest5090 Joseph3130 like a flock;6629 thou that dwellest3427 between the cherubims,3742 shine forth.3313

2  Before6440 Ephraim669 and Benjamin1144 and Manasseh4519 stir up5782 853 thy strength,1369 and come1980 and save3444 us.

3  Turn us again,7725 O God,430 and cause thy face6440 to shine;215 and we shall be saved.3467

4  O LORD3068 God430 of hosts,6635 how long5704 4970 wilt thou be angry6225 against the prayer8605 of thy people?5971

5  Thou feedest398 them with the bread3899 of tears;1832 and givest them tears1832 to drink8248 in great measure.7991

6  Thou makest7760 us a strife4066 unto our neighbors:7934 and our enemies341 laugh3932 among themselves.

7  Turn us again,7725 O God430 of hosts,6635 and cause thy face6440 to shine;215 and we shall be saved.3467

8  Thou hast brought5265 a vine1612 out of Egypt:4480 4714 thou hast cast out1644 the heathen,1471 and planted5193 it.

9  Thou preparedst6437 room before6440 it, and didst cause it to take deep root,8327 8328 and it filled4390 the land.776

10  The hills2022 were covered3680 with the shadow6738 of it, and the boughs6057 thereof were like the goodly410 cedars.730

11  She sent out7971 her boughs7105 unto5704 the sea,3220 and her branches3127 unto413 the river.5104

12  Why4100 hast thou then broken down6555 her hedges,1447 so that all3605 they which pass by5674 the way1870 do pluck717 her?

13  The boar2386 out of the wood4480 3293 doth waste3765 it, and the wild beast2123 of the field7704 doth devour7462 it.

14  Return,7725 we beseech4994 thee, O God430 of hosts:6635 look down5027 from heaven,4480 8064 and behold,7200 and visit6485 this2063 vine;1612

15  And the vineyard3657 which834 thy right hand3225 hath planted,5193 and the branch1121 that thou madest strong553 for thyself.

16  It is burned8313 with fire,784 it is cut down:3683 they perish6 at the rebuke4480 1606 of thy countenance.6440

17  Let thy hand3027 be1961 upon5921 the man376 of thy right hand,3225 upon5921 the son1121 of man120 whom thou madest strong553 for thyself.

18  So will not3808 we go back5472 from4480 thee: quicken2421 us, and we will call7121 upon thy name.8034

19  Turn us again,7725 O LORD3068 God430 of hosts,6635 cause thy face6440 to shine;215 and we shall be saved.3467

Psalms 81: 1-16

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Gittith,1665 A Psalm of Asaph.623 Sing aloud7442 unto God430 our strength:5797 make a joyful noise7321 unto the God430 of Jacob.3290

2  Take5375 a psalm,2172 and bring5414 hither the timbrel,8596 the pleasant5273 harp3658 with5973 the psaltery.5035

3  Blow up8628 the trumpet7782 in the new moon,2320 in the time appointed,3677 on our solemn feast2282 day.3117

4  For3588 this1931 was a statute2706 for Israel,3478 and a law4941 of the God430 of Jacob.3290

5  This he ordained7760 in Joseph3084 for a testimony,5715 when he went out3318 through5921 the land776 of Egypt:4714 where I heard8085 a language8193 that I understood3045 not.3808

6  I removed5493 his shoulder7926 from the burden:4480 5447 his hands3709 were delivered5674 from the pots.4480 1731

7  Thou calledst7121 in trouble,6869 and I delivered2502 thee; I answered6030 thee in the secret place5643 of thunder:7482 I proved974 thee at5921 the waters4325 of Meribah.4809 Selah.5542

8  Hear,8085 O my people,5971 and I will testify5749 unto thee: O Israel,3478 if518 thou wilt hearken8085 unto me;

9  There shall no3808 strange2114 god410 be1961 in thee; neither3808 shalt thou worship7812 any strange5236 god.410

10  I595 am the LORD3068 thy God,430 which brought5927 thee out of the land4480 776 of Egypt:4714 open thy mouth6310 wide,7337 and I will fill4390 it.

11  But my people5971 would not3808 hearken8085 to my voice;6963 and Israel3478 would14 none3808 of me.

12  So I gave them up7971 unto their own hearts'3820 lust:8307 and they walked1980 in their own counsels.4156

13  Oh that3863 my people5971 had hearkened8085 unto me, and Israel3478 had walked1980 in my ways!1870

14  I should soon4592 have subdued3665 their enemies,341 and turned7725 my hand3027 against5921 their adversaries.6862

15  The haters8130 of the LORD3068 should have submitted3584 themselves unto him: but their time6256 should have endured1961 forever.5769

16  He should have fed398 them also with the finest4480 2459 of the wheat:2406 and with honey1706 out of the rock4480 6697 should I have satisfied7646 thee.

Psalms 82: 1-8

1  A Psalm4210 of Asaph.623 God430 standeth5324 in the congregation5712 of the mighty;410 he judgeth8199 among7130 the gods.430

2  How long5704 4970 will ye judge8199 unjustly,5766 and accept5375 the persons6440 of the wicked?7563 Selah.5542

3  Defend8199 the poor1800 and fatherless:3490 do justice6663 to the afflicted6041 and needy.7326

4  Deliver6403 the poor1800 and needy:34 rid5337 them out of the hand4480 3027 of the wicked.7563

5  They know3045 not,3808 neither3808 will they understand;995 they walk on1980 in darkness:2825 all3605 the foundations4146 of the earth776 are out of course.4131

6  I589 have said,559 Ye are gods;430 and all3605 of you859 are children1121 of the most High.5945

7  But403 ye shall die4191 like men,120 and fall5307 like one259 of the princes.8269

8  Arise,6965 O God,430 judge8199 the earth:776 for3588 thou859 shalt inherit5157 all3605 nations.1471

Psalms 83: 1-18

1  A Song7892 or Psalm4210 of Asaph.623 Keep not thou silence,408 1824 O God:430 hold not thy peace,2790 408 and be not408 still,8252 O God.410

2  For,3588 lo,2009 thine enemies341 make a tumult:1993 and they that hate8130 thee have lifted up5375 the head.7218

3  They have taken crafty6191 counsel5475 against5921 thy people,5971 and consulted3289 against5921 thy hidden ones.6845

4  They have said,559 Come,1980 and let us cut them off3582 from being a nation;4480 1471 that the name8034 of Israel3478 may be no3808 more5750 in remembrance.2142

5  For3588 they have consulted together3289 with one consent:3820 3162 they are confederate1285 3772 against5921 thee:

6  The tabernacles168 of Edom,123 and the Ishmaelites;3459 of Moab,4124 and the Hagarenes;1905

7  Gebal,1381 and Ammon,5983 and Amalek;6002 the Philistines6429 with5973 the inhabitants3427 of Tyre;6865

8  Assur804 also1571 is joined3867 with5973 them: they have1961 helped2220 the children1121 of Lot.3876 Selah.5542

9  Do6213 unto them as unto the Midianites;4080 as to Sisera,5516 as to Jabin,2985 at the brook5158 of Kison:7028

10  Which perished8045 at Endor:5874 they became1961 as dung1828 for the earth.127

11  Make7896 their nobles5081 like Oreb,6159 and like Zeeb:2062 yea, all3605 their princes5257 as Zebah,2078 and as Zalmunna:6759

12  Who834 said,559 Let us take3423 to ourselves 853 the houses4999 of God430 in possession.

13  O my God,430 make7896 them like a wheel;1534 as the stubble7179 before6440 the wind.7307

14  As the fire784 burneth1197 a wood,3293 and as the flame3852 setteth the mountains on fire;2022 3857

15  So3651 persecute7291 them with thy tempest,5591 and make them afraid926 with thy storm.5492

16  Fill4390 their faces6440 with shame;7036 that they may seek1245 thy name,8034 O LORD.3068

17  Let them be confounded954 and troubled926 forever;5704 5703 yea, let them be put to shame,2659 and perish:6

18  That men may know3045 that3588 thou,859 whose name8034 alone905 is JEHOVAH,3068 art the most high5945 over5921 all3605 the earth.776

Psalms 84: 1-12

1  To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Gittith,1665 A Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 How4100 amiable3039 are thy tabernacles,4908 O LORD3068 of hosts!6635

2  My soul5315 longeth,3700 yea even1571 fainteth3615 for the courts2691 of the LORD:3068 my heart3820 and my flesh1320 crieth out7442 for413 the living2416 God.410

3  Yea,1571 the sparrow6833 hath found4672 a house,1004 and the swallow1866 a nest7064 for herself, where834 she may lay7896 her young,667 even 853 thine altars,4196 O LORD3068 of hosts,6635 my King,4428 and my God.430

4  Blessed835 are they that dwell3427 in thy house:1004 they will be still5750 praising1984 thee. Selah.5542

5  Blessed835 is the man120 whose strength5797 is in thee; in whose heart3824 are the ways4546 of them.

6  Who passing5674 through the valley6010 of Baca1056 make7896 it a well;4599 the rain4175 also1571 filleth5844 the pools.1293

7  They go1980 from strength4480 2428 to413 strength,2428 every one of them in Zion6726 appeareth7200 before413 God.430

8  O LORD3068 God430 of hosts,6635 hear8085 my prayer:8605 give ear,238 O God430 of Jacob.3290 Selah.5542

9  Behold,7200 O God430 our shield,4043 and look upon5027 the face6440 of thine anointed.4899

10  For3588 a day3117 in thy courts2691 is better2896 than a thousand.4480 505 I had rather977 be a doorkeeper5605 in the house1004 of my God,430 than to dwell4480 1752 in the tents168 of wickedness.7562

11  For3588 the LORD3068 God430 is a sun8121 and shield:4043 the LORD3068 will give5414 grace2580 and glory:3519 no3808 good2896 thing will he withhold4513 from them that walk1980 uprightly.8549

12  O LORD3068 of hosts,6635 blessed835 is the man120 that trusteth982 in thee.

Psalms 85: 1-13

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 LORD,3068 thou hast been favorable7521 unto thy land:776 thou hast brought back7725 the captivity7622 of Jacob.3290

2  Thou hast forgiven5375 the iniquity5771 of thy people,5971 thou hast covered3680 all3605 their sin.2403 Selah.5542

3  Thou hast taken away622 all3605 thy wrath:5678 thou hast turned7725 thyself from the fierceness4480 2740 of thine anger.639

4  Turn7725 us, O God430 of our salvation,3468 and cause thine anger3708 toward5973 us to cease.6565

5  Wilt thou be angry599 with us forever?5769 wilt thou draw out4900 thine anger639 to all generations?1755 1755

6  Wilt thou859 not3808 revive2421 us again:7725 that thy people5971 may rejoice8055 in thee?

7  Show7200 us thy mercy,2617 O LORD,3068 and grant5414 us thy salvation.3468

8  I will hear8085 what4100 God410 the LORD3068 will speak:1696 for3588 he will speak1696 peace7965 unto413 his people,5971 and to413 his saints:2623 but let them not408 turn again7725 to folly.3690

9  Surely389 his salvation3468 is nigh7138 them that fear3373 him; that glory3519 may dwell7931 in our land.776

10  Mercy2617 and truth571 are met together;6298 righteousness6664 and peace7965 have kissed5401 each other.

11  Truth571 shall spring6779 out of the earth;4480 776 and righteousness6664 shall look down8259 from heaven.4480 8064

12  Yea,1571 the LORD3068 shall give5414 that which is good;2896 and our land776 shall yield5414 her increase.2981

13  Righteousness6664 shall go1980 before6440 him; and shall set7760 us in the way1870 of his steps.6471

Psalms 86: 1-17

1  A Prayer8605 of David.1732 Bow down5186 thine ear,241 O LORD3068 hear6030 me: for3588 I589 am poor6041 and needy.34

2  Preserve8104 my soul;5315 for3588 I589 am holy:2623 O thou859 my God,430 save3467 thy servant5650 that trusteth982 in thee.413

3  Be merciful2603 unto me, O Lord:136 for3588 I cry7121 unto413 thee daily.3605 3117

4  Rejoice8055 the soul5315 of thy servant:5650 for3588 unto413 thee, O Lord,136 do I lift up5375 my soul.5315

5  For3588 thou,859 Lord,136 art good,2896 and ready to forgive;5546 and plenteous7227 in mercy2617 unto all3605 them that call upon7121 thee.

6  Give ear,238 O LORD,3068 unto my prayer;8605 and attend7181 to the voice6963 of my supplications.8469

7  In the day3117 of my trouble6869 I will call upon7121 thee: for3588 thou wilt answer6030 me.

8  Among the gods430 there is none369 like unto thee,3644 O Lord;136 neither369 are there any works like unto thy works.4639

9  All3605 nations1471 whom834 thou hast made6213 shall come935 and worship7812 before6440 thee, O Lord;136 and shall glorify3513 thy name.8034

10  For3588 thou859 art great,1419 and doest6213 wondrous things:6381 thou859 art God430 alone.905

11  Teach3384 me thy way,1870 O LORD;3068 I will walk1980 in thy truth:571 unite3161 my heart3824 to fear3372 thy name.8034

12  I will praise3034 thee, O Lord136 my God,430 with all3605 my heart:3824 and I will glorify3513 thy name8034 forevermore.5769

13  For3588 great1419 is thy mercy2617 toward5921 me: and thou hast delivered5337 my soul5315 from the lowest8482 hell.4480 7585

14  O God,430 the proud2086 are risen6965 against5921 me, and the assemblies5712 of violent6184 men have sought after1245 my soul;5315 and have not3808 set7760 thee before5048 them.

15  But thou,859 O Lord,136 art a God410 full of compassion,7349 and gracious,2587 longsuffering,750 639 and plenteous7227 in mercy2617 and truth.571

16  O turn6437 unto413 me, and have mercy2603 upon me; give5414 thy strength5797 unto thy servant,5650 and save3467 the son1121 of thine handmaid.519

17  Show6213 5973 me a token226 for good;2896 that they which hate8130 me may see7200 it, and be ashamed:954 because3588 thou,859 LORD,3068 hast helped5826 me, and comforted5162 me.

Psalms 87: 1-7

1  A Psalm4210 or Song7892 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 His foundation3248 is in the holy6944 mountains.2042

2  The LORD3068 loveth157 the gates8179 of Zion6726 more than all4480 3605 the dwellings4908 of Jacob.3290

3  Glorious things3513 are spoken1696 of thee, O city5892 of God.430 Selah.5542

4  I will make mention2142 of Rahab7294 and Babylon894 to them that know3045 me: behold2009 Philistia,6429 and Tyre,6865 with5973 Ethiopia;3568 this2088 man was born3205 there.8033

5  And of Zion6726 it shall be said,559 This376 and that man376 was born3205 in her: and the highest5945 himself1931 shall establish3559 her.

6  The LORD3068 shall count,5608 when he writeth up3789 the people,5971 that this2088 man was born3205 there.8033 Selah.5542

7  As well the singers7891 as the players on instruments2490 shall be there: all3605 my springs4599 are in thee.

Psalms 88: 1-18

1  A Song7892 or Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah,7141 to the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Mahalath4257 Leannoth,6031 Maschil4905 of Heman1968 the Ezrahite.250 O LORD3068 God430 of my salvation,3444 I have cried6817 day3117 and night3915 before5048 thee:

2  Let my prayer8605 come935 before6440 thee: incline5186 thine ear241 unto my cry;7440

3  For3588 my soul5315 is full7646 of troubles:7451 and my life2416 draweth nigh5060 unto the grave.7585

4  I am counted2803 with5973 them that go down3381 into the pit:953 I am1961 as a man1397 that hath no369 strength:353

5  Free2670 among the dead,4191 like3644 the slain2491 that lie7901 in the grave,6913 whom834 thou rememberest2142 no3808 more:5750 and they1992 are cut off1504 from thy hand.4480 3027

6  Thou hast laid7896 me in the lowest8482 pit,953 in darkness,4285 in the deeps.4688

7  Thy wrath2534 lieth hard5564 upon5921 me, and thou hast afflicted6031 me with all3605 thy waves.4867 Selah.5542

8  Thou hast put away7368 mine acquaintance3045 far from4480 me; thou hast made7896 me an abomination8441 unto them: I am shut up,3607 and I cannot3808 come forth.3318

9  Mine eye5869 mourneth1669 by reason of4480 affliction:6040 LORD,3068 I have called7121 daily3605 3117 upon thee, I have stretched out7849 my hands3709 unto thee.413

10  Wilt thou show6213 wonders6382 to the dead?4191 shall the dead7496 arise6965 and praise3034 thee? Selah.5542

11  Shall thy lovingkindness2617 be declared5608 in the grave?6913 or thy faithfulness530 in destruction?11

12  Shall thy wonders6382 be known3045 in the dark?2822 and thy righteousness6666 in the land776 of forgetfulness?5388

13  But unto413 thee have I589 cried,7768 O LORD;3068 and in the morning1242 shall my prayer8605 prevent6923 thee.

14  LORD,3068 why4100 castest thou off2186 my soul?5315 why hidest5641 thou thy face6440 from4480 me?

15  I589 am afflicted6041 and ready to die1478 from my youth up:4480 5290 while I suffer5375 thy terrors367 I am distracted.6323

16  Thy fierce wrath2740 goeth5674 over5921 me; thy terrors1161 have cut me off.6789

17  They came round about5437 me daily3605 3117 like water;4325 they compassed me about5362 5921 together.3162

18  Lover157 and friend7453 hast thou put far7368 from4480 me, and mine acquaintance3045 into darkness.4285

Psalms 89: 1-52

1  Maschil4905 of Ethan387 the Ezrahite.250 I will sing7891 of the mercies2617 of the LORD3068 forever:5769 with my mouth6310 will I make known3045 thy faithfulness530 to all generations.1755 1755

2  For3588 I have said,559 Mercy2617 shall be built up1129 forever:5769 thy faithfulness530 shalt thou establish3559 in the very heavens.8064

3  I have made3772 a covenant1285 with my chosen,972 I have sworn7650 unto David1732 my servant,5650

4  Thy seed2233 will I establish3559 forever,5704 5769 and build up1129 thy throne3678 to all generations.1755 1755 Selah.5542

5  And the heavens8064 shall praise3034 thy wonders,6382 O LORD:3068 thy faithfulness530 also637 in the congregation6951 of the saints.6918

6  For3588 who4310 in the heaven7834 can be compared6186 unto the LORD?3068 who among the sons1121 of the mighty410 can be likened1819 unto the LORD?3068

7  God410 is greatly7227 to be feared6206 in the assembly5475 of the saints,6918 and to be had in reverence3372 of5921 all3605 them that are about5439 him.

8  O LORD3068 God430 of hosts,6635 who4310 is a strong2626 LORD3050 like unto thee?3644 or to thy faithfulness530 round about5439 thee?

9  Thou859 rulest4910 the raging1348 of the sea:3220 when the waves1530 thereof arise,7721 thou859 stillest7623 them.

10  Thou859 hast broken1792 Rahab7294 in pieces, as one that is slain;2491 thou hast scattered6340 thine enemies341 with thy strong5797 arm.2220

11  The heavens8064 are thine, the earth776 also637 is thine: as for the world8398 and the fullness4393 thereof, thou859 hast founded3245 them.

12  The north6828 and the south3225 thou859 hast created1254 them: Tabor8396 and Hermon2768 shall rejoice7442 in thy name.8034

13  Thou hast a mighty1369 arm:2220 strong5810 is thy hand,3027 and high7311 is thy right hand.3225

14  Justice6664 and judgment4941 are the habitation4349 of thy throne:3678 mercy2617 and truth571 shall go6923 before thy face.6440

15  Blessed835 is the people5971 that know3045 the joyful sound:8643 they shall walk,1980 O LORD,3068 in the light216 of thy countenance.6440

16  In thy name8034 shall they rejoice1523 all3605 the day:3117 and in thy righteousness6666 shall they be exalted.7311

17  For3588 thou859 art the glory8597 of their strength:5797 and in thy favor7522 our horn7161 shall be exalted.7311

18  For3588 the LORD3068 is our defense;4043 and the Holy One6918 of Israel3478 is our king.4428

19  Then227 thou spakest1696 in vision2377 to thy holy one,2623 and saidst,559 I have laid7737 help5828 upon5921 one that is mighty;1368 I have exalted7311 one chosen970 out of the people.4480 5971

20  I have found4672 David1732 my servant;5650 with my holy6944 oil8081 have I anointed4886 him:

21  With5973 whom834 my hand3027 shall be established:3559 mine arm2220 also637 shall strengthen553 him.

22  The enemy341 shall not3808 exact5378 upon him; nor3808 the son1121 of wickedness5766 afflict6031 him.

23  And I will beat down3807 his foes6862 before his face,4480 6440 and plague5062 them that hate8130 him.

24  But my faithfulness530 and my mercy2617 shall be with5973 him: and in my name8034 shall his horn7161 be exalted.7311

25  I will set7760 his hand3027 also in the sea,3220 and his right hand3225 in the rivers.5104

26  He1931 shall cry7121 unto me, Thou859 art my father,1 my God,410 and the rock6697 of my salvation.3444

27  Also637 I589 will make5414 him my firstborn,1060 higher5945 than the kings4428 of the earth.776

28  My mercy2617 will I keep8104 for him forevermore,5769 and my covenant1285 shall stand fast539 with him.

29  His seed2233 also will I make7760 to endure forever,5703 and his throne3678 as the days3117 of heaven.8064

30  If518 his children1121 forsake5800 my law,8451 and walk1980 not3808 in my judgments;4941

31  If518 they break2490 my statutes,2708 and keep8104 not3808 my commandments;4687

32  Then will I visit6485 their transgression6588 with the rod,7626 and their iniquity5771 with stripes.5061

33  Nevertheless my lovingkindness2617 will I not3808 utterly take6331 from4480 5973 him, nor3808 suffer my faithfulness to fail.8266 530

34  My covenant1285 will I not3808 break,2490 nor3808 alter8138 the thing that is gone out4161 of my lips.8193

35  Once259 have I sworn7650 by my holiness6944 that I will not518 lie3576 unto David.1732

36  His seed2233 shall endure1961 forever,5769 and his throne3678 as the sun8121 before5048 me.

37  It shall be established3559 forever5769 as the moon,3394 and as a faithful539 witness5707 in heaven.7834 Selah.5542

38  But thou859 hast cast off2186 and abhorred,3988 thou hast been wroth5674 with5973 thine anointed.4899

39  Thou hast made void5010 the covenant1285 of thy servant:5650 thou hast profaned2490 his crown5145 by casting it to the ground.776

40  Thou hast broken down6555 all3605 his hedges;1448 thou hast brought7760 his strongholds4013 to ruin.4288

41  All3605 that pass by5674 the way1870 spoil8155 him: he is1961 a reproach2781 to his neighbors.7934

42  Thou hast set up7311 the right hand3225 of his adversaries;6862 thou hast made all3605 his enemies341 to rejoice.8055

43  Thou hast also637 turned7725 the edge6697 of his sword,2719 and hast not3808 made him to stand6965 in the battle.4421

44  Thou hast made his glory4480 2892 to cease,7673 and cast4048 his throne3678 down to the ground.776

45  The days3117 of his youth5934 hast thou shortened:7114 thou hast covered5844 5921 him with shame.955 Selah.5542

46  How long,5704 4100 LORD?3068 wilt thou hide thyself5641 forever?5331 shall thy wrath2534 burn1197 like3644 fire?784

47  Remember2142 how4100 short2465 my589 time is: wherefore5921 4100 hast thou made1254 all3605 men1121 120 in vain?7723

48  What4310 man1397 is he that liveth,2421 and shall not3808 see7200 death?4194 shall he deliver4422 his soul5315 from the hand4480 3027 of the grave?7585 Selah.5542

49  Lord,136 where346 are thy former7223 lovingkindnesses,2617 which thou swarest7650 unto David1732 in thy truth?530

50  Remember,2142 Lord,136 the reproach2781 of thy servants;5650 how I do bear5375 in my bosom2436 the reproach of all3605 the mighty7227 people;5971

51  Wherewith834 thine enemies341 have reproached,2778 O LORD;3068 wherewith834 they have reproached2778 the footsteps6119 of thine anointed.4899

52  Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 forevermore.5769 Amen,543 and Amen.543

Psalms 90: 1-17

1  A Prayer8605 of Moses4872 the man376 of God.430 Lord,136 thou859 hast been1961 our dwelling place4583 in all generations.1755 1755

2  Before2962 the mountains2022 were brought forth,3205 or ever thou hadst formed2342 the earth776 and the world,8398 even from everlasting4480 5769 to5704 everlasting,5769 thou859 art God.410

3  Thou turnest7725 man582 to5704 destruction;1793 and sayest,559 Return,7725 ye children1121 of men.120

4  For3588 a thousand505 years8141 in thy sight5869 are but as yesterday3117 865 when3588 it is past,5674 and as a watch821 in the night.3915

5  Thou carriest them away as with a flood;2229 they are1961 as a sleep:8142 in the morning1242 they are like grass2682 which groweth up.2498

6  In the morning1242 it flourisheth,6692 and groweth up;2498 in the evening6153 it is cut down,4135 and withereth.3001

7  For3588 we are consumed3615 by thine anger,639 and by thy wrath2534 are we troubled.926

8  Thou hast set7896 our iniquities5771 before5048 thee, our secret5956 sins in the light3974 of thy countenance.6440

9  For3588 all3605 our days3117 are passed away6437 in thy wrath:5678 we spend3615 our years8141 as3644 a tale1899 that is told.

10  The days3117 of our years8141 are threescore years and ten;7657 8141 and if518 by reason of strength1369 they be fourscore8084 years,8141 yet is their strength7296 labor5999 and sorrow;205 for3588 it is soon2440 cut off,1468 and we fly away.5774

11  Who4310 knoweth3045 the power5797 of thine anger?639 even according to thy fear,3374 so is thy wrath.5678

12  So3651 teach3045 us to number4487 our days,3117 that we may apply935 our hearts3824 unto wisdom.2451

13  Return,7725 O LORD,3068 how long?5704 4970 and let it repent5162 thee concerning5921 thy servants.5650

14  O satisfy7646 us early1242 with thy mercy;2617 that we may rejoice7442 and be glad8055 all3605 our days.3117

15  Make us glad8055 according to the days3117 wherein thou hast afflicted6031 us, and the years8141 wherein we have seen7200 evil.7451

16  Let thy work6467 appear7200 unto413 thy servants,5650 and thy glory1926 unto5921 their children.1121

17  And let the beauty5278 of the LORD136 our God430 be1961 upon5921 us: and establish3559 thou the work4639 of our hands3027 upon5921 us; yea, the work4639 of our hands3027 establish3559 thou it.

Psalms 91: 1-16

1  He that dwelleth3427 in the secret place5643 of the most High5945 shall abide3885 under the shadow6738 of the Almighty.7706

2  I will say559 of the LORD,3068 He is my refuge4268 and my fortress:4686 my God;430 in him will I trust.982

3  Surely3588 he1931 shall deliver5337 thee from the snare4480 6341 of the fowler,3353 and from the noisome pestilence.4480 1698 1942

4  He shall cover5526 thee with his feathers,84 and under8478 his wings3671 shalt thou trust:2620 his truth571 shall be thy shield6793 and buckler.5507

5  Thou shalt not3808 be afraid3372 for the terror4480 6343 by night;3915 nor for the arrow4480 2671 that flieth5774 by day;3119

6  Nor for the pestilence4480 1698 that walketh1980 in darkness;652 nor for the destruction4480 6986 that wasteth7736 at noonday.6672

7  A thousand505 shall fall5307 at thy side,4480 6654 and ten thousand7233 at thy right hand;4480 3225 but it shall not3808 come nigh5066 413 thee.

8  Only7535 with thine eyes5869 shalt thou behold5027 and see7200 the reward8011 of the wicked.7563

9  Because3588 thou859 hast made7760 the LORD,3068 which is my refuge,4268 even the most High,5945 thy habitation;4583

10  There shall no3808 evil7451 befall579 413 thee, neither3808 shall any plague5061 come nigh7126 thy dwelling.168

11  For3588 he shall give his angels4397 charge6680 over thee, to keep8104 thee in all3605 thy ways.1870

12  They shall bear thee up5375 in5921 their hands,3709 lest6435 thou dash5062 thy foot7272 against a stone.68

13  Thou shalt tread1869 upon5921 the lion7826 and adder:6620 the young lion3715 and the dragon8577 shalt thou trample under feet7429

14  Because3588 he hath set his love2836 upon me, therefore will I deliver6403 him: I will set him on high,7682 because3588 he hath known3045 my name.8034

15  He shall call upon7121 me, and I will answer6030 him: I595 will be with5973 him in trouble;6869 I will deliver2502 him, and honor3513 him.

16  With long753 life3117 will I satisfy7646 him, and show7200 him my salvation.3444

Psalms 92: 1-15

1  A Psalm4210 or Song7892 for the sabbath7676 day.3117 It is a good2896 thing to give thanks3034 unto the LORD,3068 and to sing praises2167 unto thy name,8034 O most High:5945

2  To show forth5046 thy lovingkindness2617 in the morning,1242 and thy faithfulness530 every night,3915

3  Upon5921 an instrument of ten strings,6218 and upon5921 the psaltery;5035 upon the harp3658 with5921 a solemn sound.1902

4  For3588 thou, LORD,3068 hast made me glad8055 through thy work:6467 I will triumph7442 in the works4639 of thy hands.3027

5  O LORD,3068 how4100 great1431 are thy works!4639 and thy thoughts4284 are very3966 deep.6009

6  A brutish1198 man376 knoweth3045 not;3808 neither3808 doth a fool3684 understand995 853 this.2063

7  When the wicked7563 spring6524 as3644 the grass,6212 and when all3605 the workers6466 of iniquity205 do flourish;6692 it is that they shall be destroyed8045 forever:5703 5704

8  But thou,859 LORD,3068 art most high4791 forevermore.5769

9  For,3588 lo,2009 thine enemies,341 O LORD,3068 for,3588 lo,2009 thine enemies341 shall perish;6 all3605 the workers6466 of iniquity205 shall be scattered.6504

10  But my horn7161 shalt thou exalt7311 like the horn of a unicorn:7214 I shall be anointed1101 with fresh7488 oil.8081

11  Mine eye5869 also shall see5027 my desire on mine enemies,7790 and mine ears241 shall hear8085 my desire of the wicked7489 that rise up6965 against5921 me.

12  The righteous6662 shall flourish6524 like the palm tree:8558 he shall grow7685 like a cedar730 in Lebanon.3844

13  Those that be planted8362 in the house1004 of the LORD3068 shall flourish6524 in the courts2691 of our God.430

14  They shall still5750 bring forth fruit5107 in old age;7872 they shall be1961 fat1879 and flourishing;7488

15  To show5046 that3588 the LORD3068 is upright:3477 he is my rock,6697 and there is no3808 unrighteousness5766 in him.

Psalms 93: 1-5

1  The LORD3068 reigneth,4427 he is clothed3847 with majesty;1348 the LORD3068 is clothed3847 with strength,5797 wherewith he hath girded himself:247 the world8398 also637 is established,3559 that it cannot1077 be moved.4131

2  Thy throne3678 is established3559 of old:4480 227 thou859 art from everlasting.4480 5769

3  The floods5104 have lifted up,5375 O LORD,3068 the floods5104 have lifted up5375 their voice;6963 the floods5104 lift up5375 their waves.1796

4  The LORD3068 on high4791 is mightier117 than the noise4480 6963 of many7227 waters,4325 yea, than the mighty117 waves4867 of the sea.3220

5  Thy testimonies5713 are very3966 sure:539 holiness6944 becometh4998 thine house,1004 O LORD,3068 forever.753 3117

Psalms 94: 1-23

1  O LORD3068 God,410 to whom vengeance5360 belongeth; O God,410 to whom vengeance5360 belongeth, show thyself.3313

2  Lift up thyself,5375 thou judge8199 of the earth:776 render7725 a reward1576 to5921 the proud.1343

3  LORD,3068 how long5704 4970 shall the wicked,7563 how long5704 4970 shall the wicked7563 triumph?5937

4  How long shall they utter5042 and speak1696 hard things?6277 and all3605 the workers6466 of iniquity205 boast themselves?559

5  They break in pieces1792 thy people,5971 O LORD,3068 and afflict6031 thine heritage.5159

6  They slay2026 the widow490 and the stranger,1616 and murder7523 the fatherless.3490

7  Yet they say,559 The LORD3050 shall not3808 see,7200 neither3808 shall the God430 of Jacob3290 regard995 it.

8  Understand,995 ye brutish1197 among the people:5971 and ye fools,3684 when4970 will ye be wise?7919

9  He that planted5193 the ear,241 shall he not3808 hear?8085 he that formed3335 the eye,5869 shall he not3808 see?5027

10  He that chastiseth3256 the heathen,1471 shall not3808 he correct?3198 he that teacheth3925 man120 knowledge,1847 shall not he know?

11  The LORD3068 knoweth3045 the thoughts4284 of man,120 that3588 they1992 are vanity.1892

12  Blessed835 is the man1397 whom834 thou chastenest,3256 O LORD,3050 and teachest3925 him out of thy law;4480 8451

13  That thou mayest give him rest8252 from the days4480 3117 of adversity,7451 until5704 the pit7845 be digged3738 for the wicked.7563

14  For3588 the LORD3068 will not3808 cast off5203 his people,5971 neither3808 will he forsake5800 his inheritance.5159

15  But3588 judgment4941 shall return7725 unto5704 righteousness:6664 and all3605 the upright3477 in heart3820 shall follow310 it.

16  Who4310 will rise up6965 for me against5973 the evildoers?7489 or who4310 will stand up3320 for me against5973 the workers6466 of iniquity?205

17  Unless3884 the LORD3068 had been my help,5833 my soul5315 had almost4592 dwelt7931 in silence.1745

18  When518 I said,559 My foot7272 slippeth;4131 thy mercy,2617 O LORD,3068 held me up.5582

19  In the multitude7230 of my thoughts8312 within7130 me thy comforts8575 delight8173 my soul.5315

20  Shall the throne3678 of iniquity1942 have fellowship2266 with thee, which frameth3335 mischief5999 by5921 a law?2706

21  They gather themselves together1413 against5921 the soul5315 of the righteous,6662 and condemn7561 the innocent5355 blood.1818

22  But the LORD3068 is1961 my defense;4869 and my God430 is the rock6697 of my refuge.4268

23  And he shall bring7725 upon5921 them 853 their own iniquity,205 and shall cut them off6789 in their own wickedness;7451 yea, the LORD3068 our God430 shall cut them off.6789

Psalms 95: 1-11

1  O come,1980 let us sing7442 unto the LORD:3068 let us make a joyful noise7321 to the rock6697 of our salvation.3468

2  Let us come before6923 his presence6440 with thanksgiving,8426 and make a joyful noise7321 unto him with psalms.2158

3  For3588 the LORD3068 is a great1419 God,410 and a great1419 King4428 above5921 all3605 gods.430

4  In his hand3027 are the deep places4278 of the earth:776 the strength8443 of the hills2022 is his also.

5  The sea3220 is his, and he1931 made6213 it: and his hands3027 formed3335 the dry3006 land.

6  O come,935 let us worship7812 and bow down:3766 let us kneel1288 before6440 the LORD3068 our maker.6213

7  For3588 he1931 is our God;430 and we587 are the people5971 of his pasture,4830 and the sheep6629 of his hand.3027 Today3117 if518 ye will hear8085 his voice,6963

8  Harden7185 not408 your heart,3824 as in the provocation,4808 and as in the day3117 of temptation4531 in the wilderness:4057

9  When834 your fathers1 tempted5254 me, proved974 me, and1571 saw7200 my work.6467

10  Forty705 years8141 long was I grieved6962 with this generation,1755 and said,559 It1992 is a people5971 that do err8582 in their heart,3824 and they1992 have not3808 known3045 my ways:1870

11  Unto whom834 I swore7650 in my wrath639 that518 they should not enter935 into413 my rest.4496

Psalms 96: 1-13

1  O sing7891 unto the LORD3068 a new2319 song:7892 sing7891 unto the LORD,3068 all3605 the earth.776

2  Sing7891 unto the LORD,3068 bless1288 his name;8034 show forth1319 his salvation3444 from day4480 3117 to day.3117

3  Declare5608 his glory3519 among the heathen,1471 his wonders6381 among all3605 people.5971

4  For3588 the LORD3068 is great,1419 and greatly3966 to be praised:1984 he1931 is to be feared3372 above5921 all3605 gods.430

5  For3588 all3605 the gods430 of the nations5971 are idols:457 but the LORD3068 made6213 the heavens.8064

6  Honor1935 and majesty1926 are before6440 him: strength5797 and beauty8597 are in his sanctuary.4720

7  Give3051 unto the LORD,3068 O ye kindreds4940 of the people,5971 give3051 unto the LORD3068 glory3519 and strength.5797

8  Give3051 unto the LORD3068 the glory3519 due unto his name:8034 bring5375 an offering,4503 and come935 into his courts.2691

9  O worship7812 the LORD3068 in the beauty1927 of holiness:6944 fear2342 before4480 6440 him, all3605 the earth.776

10  Say559 among the heathen1471 that the LORD3068 reigneth:4427 the world8398 also637 shall be established3559 that it shall not1077 be moved:4131 he shall judge1777 the people5971 righteously.4339

11  Let the heavens8064 rejoice,8055 and let the earth776 be glad;1523 let the sea3220 roar,7481 and the fullness4393 thereof.

12  Let the field7704 be joyful,5937 and all3605 that834 is therein: then227 shall all3605 the trees6086 of the wood3293 rejoice7442

13  Before6440 the LORD:3068 for3588 he cometh,935 for3588 he cometh935 to judge8199 the earth:776 he shall judge8199 the world8398 with righteousness,6664 and the people5971 with his truth.530

Psalms 97: 1-12

1  The LORD3068 reigneth;4427 let the earth776 rejoice;1523 let the multitude7227 of isles339 be glad8055 thereof.

2  Clouds6051 and darkness6205 are round about5439 him: righteousness6664 and judgment4941 are the habitation4349 of his throne.3678

3  A fire784 goeth1980 before6440 him, and burneth up3857 his enemies6862 round about.5439

4  His lightnings1300 enlightened215 the world:8398 the earth776 saw,7200 and trembled.2342

5  The hills2022 melted4549 like wax1749 at the presence4480 6440 of the LORD,3068 at the presence4480 6440 of the Lord113 of the whole3605 earth.776

6  The heavens8064 declare5046 his righteousness,6664 and all3605 the people5971 see7200 his glory.3519

7  Confounded954 be all3605 they that serve5647 graven images,6459 that boast themselves1984 of idols:457 worship7812 him, all3605 ye gods.430

8  Zion6726 heard,8085 and was glad;8055 and the daughters1323 of Judah3063 rejoiced1523 because of4616 thy judgments,4941 O LORD.3068

9  For3588 thou,859 LORD,3068 art high5945 above5921 all3605 the earth:776 thou art exalted5927 far3966 above5921 all3605 gods.430

10  Ye that love157 the LORD,3068 hate8130 evil:7451 he preserveth8104 the souls5315 of his saints;2623 he delivereth5337 them out of the hand4480 3027 of the wicked.7563

11  Light216 is sown2232 for the righteous,6662 and gladness8057 for the upright3477 in heart.3820

12  Rejoice8055 in the LORD,3068 ye righteous;6662 and give thanks3034 at the remembrance2143 of his holiness.6944

Psalms 98: 1-9

1  A Psalm.4210 O sing7891 unto the LORD3068 a new2319 song;7892 for3588 he hath done6213 marvelous things:6381 his right hand,3225 and his holy6944 arm,2220 hath gotten him the victory.3467

2  The LORD3068 hath made known3045 his salvation:3444 his righteousness6666 hath he openly showed1540 in the sight5869 of the heathen.1471

3  He hath remembered2142 his mercy2617 and his truth530 toward the house1004 of Israel:3478 all3605 the ends657 of the earth776 have seen7200 853 the salvation3444 of our God.430

4  Make a joyful noise7321 unto the LORD,3068 all3605 the earth:776 make a loud noise,6476 and rejoice,7442 and sing praise.2167

5  Sing2167 unto the LORD3068 with the harp;3658 with the harp,3658 and the voice6963 of a psalm.2172

6  With trumpets2689 and sound6963 of cornet7782 make a joyful noise7321 before6440 the LORD,3068 the King.4428

7  Let the sea3220 roar,7481 and the fullness4393 thereof; the world,8398 and they that dwell3427 therein.

8  Let the floods5104 clap4222 their hands:3709 let the hills2022 be joyful7442 together3162

9  Before6440 the LORD;3068 for3588 he cometh935 to judge8199 the earth:776 with righteousness6664 shall he judge8199 the world,8398 and the people5971 with equity.4339

Psalms 99: 1-9

1  The LORD3068 reigneth;4427 let the people5971 tremble:7264 he sitteth3427 between the cherubims;3742 let the earth776 be moved.5120

2  The LORD3068 is great1419 in Zion;6726 and he1931 is high7311 above5921 all3605 the people.5971

3  Let them praise3034 thy great1419 and terrible3372 name;8034 for it1931 is holy.6918

4  The king's4428 strength5797 also loveth157 judgment;4941 thou859 dost establish3559 equity,4339 thou859 executest6213 judgment4941 and righteousness6666 in Jacob.3290

5  Exalt7311 ye the LORD3068 our God,430 and worship7812 at his footstool;1916 7272 for he1931 is holy.6918

6  Moses4872 and Aaron175 among his priests,3548 and Samuel8050 among them that call upon7121 his name;8034 they called7121 upon413 the LORD,3068 and he1931 answered6030 them.

7  He spoke1696 unto413 them in the cloudy6051 pillar:5982 they kept8104 his testimonies,5713 and the ordinance2706 that he gave5414 them.

8  Thou answeredst6030 them, O LORD3068 our God:430 thou859 wast1961 a God410 that forgavest5375 them, though thou tookest vengeance5358 of5921 their inventions.5949

9  Exalt7311 the LORD3068 our God,430 and worship7812 at his holy6944 hill;2022 for3588 the LORD3068 our God430 is holy.6918

Psalms 100: 1-5

1  A Psalm4210 of praise.8426 Make a joyful noise7321 unto the LORD,3068 all3605 ye lands.776

2  Serve5647 the 853 LORD3068 with gladness:8057 come935 before his presence6440 with singing.7445

3  Know3045 ye that3588 the LORD3068 he1931 is God:430 it is he1931 that hath made6213 us, and not3808 we ourselves;587 we are his people,5971 and the sheep6629 of his pasture.4830

4  Enter935 into his gates8179 with thanksgiving,8426 and into his courts2691 with praise:8416 be thankful3034 unto him, and bless1288 his name.8034

5  For3588 the LORD3068 is good;2896 his mercy2617 is everlasting;5769 and his truth530 endureth to5704 all generations.1755 1755

Psalms 101: 1-8

1  A Psalm4210 of David.1732 I will sing7891 of mercy2617 and judgment:4941 unto thee, O LORD,3068 will I sing.2167

2  I will behave myself wisely7919 in a perfect8549 way.1870 O when4970 wilt thou come935 unto413 me? I will walk1980 within7130 my house1004 with a perfect8537 heart.3824

3  I will set7896 no3808 wicked1100 thing1697 before5048 mine eyes:5869 I hate8130 the work6213 of them that turn aside;7750 it shall not3808 cleave1692 to me.

4  A froward6141 heart3824 shall depart5493 from4480 me: I will not3808 know3045 a wicked7451 person.

5  Whoso privily5643 slandereth3960 his neighbor,7453 him will I cut off:6789 him that hath a high1362 look5869 and a proud7342 heart3824 will not3808 I suffer.3201

6  Mine eyes5869 shall be upon the faithful539 of the land,776 that they may dwell3427 with5978 me: he that walketh1980 in a perfect8549 way,1870 he1931 shall serve8334 me.

7  He that worketh6213 deceit7423 shall not3808 dwell3427 within7130 my house:1004 he that telleth1696 lies8267 shall not3808 tarry3559 in5048 my sight.5869

8  I will early1242 destroy6789 all3605 the wicked7563 of the land;776 that I may cut off3772 all3605 wicked205 doers6466 from the city4480 5892 of the LORD.3068

Psalms 102: 1-28

1  A Prayer8605 of the afflicted,6041 when3588 he is overwhelmed,5848 and poureth out8210 his complaint7879 before6440 the LORD.3068 Hear8085 my prayer,8605 O LORD,3068 and let my cry7775 come935 unto413 thee.

2  Hide5641 not408 thy face6440 from4480 me in the day3117 when I am in trouble;6862 incline5186 thine ear241 unto413 me: in the day3117 when I call7121 answer6030 me speedily.4116

3  For3588 my days3117 are consumed3615 like smoke,6227 and my bones6106 are burned2787 as3644 a hearth.4168

4  My heart3820 is smitten,5221 and withered3001 like grass;6212 so3588 that I forget7911 to eat4480 398 my bread.3899

5  By reason of the voice4480 6963 of my groaning585 my bones6106 cleave1692 to my skin.1320

6  I am like1819 a pelican6893 of the wilderness:4057 I am1961 like an owl3563 of the desert.2723

7  I watch,8245 and am1961 as a sparrow6833 alone909 upon5921 the house top.1406

8  Mine enemies341 reproach2778 me all3605 the day;3117 and they that are mad1984 against me are sworn7650 against me.

9  For3588 I have eaten398 ashes665 like bread,3899 and mingled4537 my drink8249 with weeping,1065

10  Because4480 6440 of thine indignation2195 and thy wrath:7110 for3588 thou hast lifted me up,5375 and cast me down.7993

11  My days3117 are like a shadow6738 that declineth;5186 and I589 am withered3001 like grass.6212

12  But thou,859 O LORD,3068 shalt endure3427 forever;5769 and thy remembrance2143 unto all generations.1755 1755

13  Thou859 shalt arise,6965 and have mercy upon7355 Zion:6726 for3588 the time6256 to favor2603 her, yea,3588 the set time,4150 is come.935

14  For3588 thy servants5650 take pleasure in7521 853 her stones,68 and favor2603 the dust6083 thereof.

15  So the heathen1471 shall fear3372 853 the name8034 of the LORD,3068 and all3605 the kings4428 of the earth776 853 thy glory.3519

16  When3588 the LORD3068 shall build up1129 Zion,6726 he shall appear7200 in his glory.3519

17  He will regard6437 413 the prayer8605 of the destitute,6199 and not3808 despise959 853 their prayer.8605

18  This2063 shall be written3789 for the generation1755 to come:314 and the people5971 which shall be created1254 shall praise1984 the LORD.3050

19  For3588 he hath looked down8259 from the height4480 4791 of his sanctuary;6944 from heaven4480 8064 did the LORD3068 behold5027 413 the earth;776

20  To hear8085 the groaning603 of the prisoner;615 to loose6605 those that are appointed1121 to death;8546

21  To declare5608 the name8034 of the LORD3068 in Zion,6726 and his praise8416 in Jerusalem;3389

22  When the people5971 are gathered6908 together,3162 and the kingdoms,4467 to serve5647 853 the LORD.3068

23  He weakened6031 my strength3581 in the way;1870 he shortened7114 my days.3117

24  I said,559 O my God,410 take5927 me not408 away in the midst2677 of my days:3117 thy years8141 are throughout all generations.1755 1755

25  Of old6440 hast thou laid the foundation3245 of the earth:776 and the heavens8064 are the work4639 of thy hands.3027

26  They1992 shall perish,6 but thou859 shalt endure:5975 yea, all3605 of them shall wax old1086 like a garment;899 as a vesture3830 shalt thou change2498 them, and they shall be changed:2498

27  But thou859 art the same,1931 and thy years8141 shall have no3808 end.8552

28  The children1121 of thy servants5650 shall continue,7931 and their seed2233 shall be established3559 before6440 thee.

Psalms 103: 1-22

1  A Psalm of David.1732 Bless1288 853 the LORD,3068 O my soul:5315 and all3605 that is within7130 me, bless 853 his holy6944 name.8034

2  Bless1288 853 the LORD,3068 O my soul,5315 and forget7911 not408 all3605 his benefits:1576

3  Who forgiveth5545 all3605 thine iniquities;5771 who healeth7495 all3605 thy diseases;8463

4  Who redeemeth1350 thy life2416 from destruction;4480 7845 who crowneth5849 thee with lovingkindness2617 and tender mercies;7356

5  Who satisfieth7646 thy mouth5716 with good2896 things; so that thy youth5271 is renewed2318 like the eagle's.5404

6  The LORD3068 executeth6213 righteousness6666 and judgment4941 for all3605 that are oppressed.6231

7  He made known3045 his ways1870 unto Moses,4872 his acts5949 unto the children1121 of Israel.3478

8  The LORD3068 is merciful7349 and gracious,2587 slow750 to anger,639 and plenteous7227 in mercy.2617

9  He will not3808 always5331 chide:7378 neither3808 will he keep5201 his anger forever.5769

10  He hath not3808 dealt6213 with us after our sins;2399 nor3808 rewarded1580 5921 us according to our iniquities.5771

11  For3588 as the heaven8064 is high1361 above5921 the earth,776 so great1396 is his mercy2617 toward5921 them that fear3373 him.

12  As far7350 as the east4217 is from the west,4480 4628 so far hath he removed7368 853 our transgressions6588 from4480 us.

13  Like as a father1 pitieth7355 5921 his children,1121 so the LORD3068 pitieth7355 5921 them that fear3373 him.

14  For3588 he1931 knoweth3045 our frame;3336 he remembereth2142 that3588 we587 are dust.6083

15  As for man,582 his days3117 are as grass:2682 as a flower6731 of the field,7704 so3651 he flourisheth.6692

16  For3588 the wind7307 passeth5674 over it, and it is gone;369 and the place4725 thereof shall know5234 it no3808 more.5750

17  But the mercy2617 of the LORD3068 is from everlasting4480 5769 to5704 everlasting5769 upon5921 them that fear3373 him, and his righteousness6666 unto children's1121 children;1121

18  To such as keep8104 his covenant,1285 and to those that remember2142 his commandments6490 to do6213 them.

19  The LORD3068 hath prepared3559 his throne3678 in the heavens;8064 and his kingdom4438 ruleth4910 over all.3605

20  Bless1288 the LORD,3068 ye his angels,4397 that excel1368 in strength,3581 that do6213 his commandments,1697 hearkening8085 unto the voice6963 of his word.1697

21  Bless1288 ye the LORD,3068 all3605 ye his hosts;6635 ye ministers8334 of his, that do6213 his pleasure.7522

22  Bless1288 the LORD,3068 all3605 his works4639 in all3605 places4725 of his dominion:4475 bless1288 853 the LORD,3068 O my soul.5315

Psalms 104: 1-35

1  Bless1288 853 the LORD,3068 O my soul.5315 O LORD3068 my God,430 thou art very3966 great;1431 thou art clothed3847 with honor1935 and majesty.1926

2  Who coverest5844 thyself with light216 as with a garment:8008 who stretchest out5186 the heavens8064 like a curtain:3407

3  Who layeth the beams7136 of his chambers5944 in the waters:4325 who maketh7760 the clouds5645 his chariot:7398 who walketh1980 upon5921 the wings3671 of the wind:7307

4  Who maketh6213 his angels4397 spirits;7307 his ministers8334 a flaming3857 fire:784

5  Who laid3245 5921 the foundations4349 of the earth,776 that it should not1077 be removed4131 forever.5769 5703

6  Thou coveredst3680 it with the deep8415 as with a garment:3830 the waters4325 stood5975 above5921 the mountains.2022

7  At4480 thy rebuke1606 they fled;5127 at4480 the voice6963 of thy thunder7482 they hasted away.2648

8  They go up5927 by the mountains;2022 they go down3381 by the valleys1237 unto413 the place4725 which2088 thou hast founded3245 for them.

9  Thou hast set7760 a bound1366 that they may not1077 pass over;5674 that they turn not again7725 1077 to cover3680 the earth.776

10  He sendeth7971 the springs4599 into the valleys,5158 which run1980 among996 the hills.2022

11  They give drink8248 to every3605 beast2416 of the field:7704 the wild asses6501 quench7665 their thirst.6772

12  By5921 them shall the fowls5775 of the heaven8064 have their habitation,7931 which sing5414 6963 among4480 996 the branches.6073

13  He watereth8248 the hills2022 from his chambers:4480 5944 the earth776 is satisfied7646 with the fruit4480 6529 of thy works.4639

14  He causeth the grass2682 to grow6779 for the cattle,929 and herb6212 for the service5656 of man:120 that he may bring forth3318 food3899 out of4480 the earth;776

15  And wine3196 that maketh glad8055 the heart3824 of man,582 and oil4480 8081 to make his face6440 to shine,6670 and bread3899 which strengtheneth5582 man's582 heart.3824

16  The trees6086 of the LORD3068 are full7646 of sap; the cedars730 of Lebanon,3844 which834 he hath planted;5193

17  Where834 8033 the birds6833 make their nests:7077 as for the stork,2624 the fir trees1265 are her house.1004

18  The high1364 hills2022 are a refuge4268 for the wild goats;3277 and the rocks5553 for the conies.8227

19  He appointed6213 the moon3394 for seasons:4150 the sun8121 knoweth3045 his going down.3996

20  Thou makest7896 darkness,2822 and it is1961 night:3915 wherein all3605 the beasts2416 of the forest3293 do creep7430 forth.

21  The young lions3715 roar7580 after their prey,2964 and seek1245 their meat400 from God.4480 410

22  The sun8121 ariseth,2224 they gather themselves together,622 and lay them down7257 in413 their dens.4585

23  Man120 goeth forth3318 unto his work6467 and to his labor5656 until5704 the evening.6153

24  O LORD,3068 how4100 manifold7231 are thy works!4639 in wisdom2451 hast thou made6213 them all:3605 the earth776 is full4390 of thy riches.7075

25  So is this2088 great1419 and wide7342 3027 sea,3220 wherein8033 are things creeping7431 innumerable,369 4557 both small6996 and5973 great1419 beasts.2416

26  There8033 go1980 the ships:591 there is that leviathan,3882 whom thou2088 hast made3335 to play7832 therein.

27  These wait7663 all3605 upon413 thee; that thou mayest give5414 them their meat400 in due season.6256

28  That thou givest5414 them they gather:3950 thou openest6605 thine hand,3027 they are filled7646 with good.2896

29  Thou hidest5641 thy face,6440 they are troubled:926 thou takest away622 their breath,7307 they die,1478 and return7725 to413 their dust.6083

30  Thou sendest forth7971 thy spirit,7307 they are created:1254 and thou renewest2318 the face6440 of the earth.127

31  The glory3519 of the LORD3068 shall endure1961 forever:5769 the LORD3068 shall rejoice8055 in his works.4639

32  He looketh5027 on the earth,776 and it trembleth:7460 he toucheth5060 the hills,2022 and they smoke.6225

33  I will sing7891 unto the LORD3068 as long as I live:2416 I will sing praise2167 to my God430 while I have my being.5750

34  My meditation7879 of5921 him shall be sweet:6149 I595 will be glad8055 in the LORD.3068

35  Let the sinners2400 be consumed8552 out of4480 the earth,776 and let the wicked7563 be no369 more.5750 Bless1288 thou 853 the LORD,3068 O my soul.5315 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 105: 1-45

1  O give thanks3034 unto the LORD;3068 call7121 upon his name:8034 make known3045 his deeds5949 among the people.5971

2  Sing7891 unto him, sing psalms2167 unto him: talk7878 ye of all3605 his wondrous works.6381

3  Glory1984 ye in his holy6944 name:8034 let the heart3820 of them rejoice8055 that seek1245 the LORD.3068

4  Seek1875 the LORD,3068 and his strength:5797 seek1245 his face6440 evermore.8548

5  Remember2142 his marvelous works6381 that834 he hath done;6213 his wonders,4159 and the judgments4941 of his mouth;6310

6  O ye seed2233 of Abraham85 his servant,5650 ye children1121 of Jacob3290 his chosen.972

7  He1931 is the LORD3068 our God:430 his judgments4941 are in all3605 the earth.776

8  He hath remembered2142 his covenant1285 forever,5769 the word1697 which he commanded6680 to a thousand505 generations.1755

9  Which834 covenant he made3772 with854 Abraham,85 and his oath7621 unto Isaac;3446

10  And confirmed5975 the same unto Jacob3290 for a law,2706 and to Israel3478 for an everlasting5769 covenant:1285

11  Saying,559 Unto thee will I give5414 853 the land776 of Canaan,3667 the lot2256 of your inheritance:5159

12  When they were1961 but a few men4962 in number;4557 yea, very few,4592 and strangers1481 in it.

13  When they went1980 from one nation4480 1471 to413 another,1471 from one kingdom4480 4467 to413 another312 people;5971

14  He suffered5117 no3808 man120 to do them wrong:6231 yea, he reproved3198 kings4428 for their sakes;5921

15  Saying, Touch5060 not408 mine anointed,4899 and do my prophets5030 no408 harm.7489

16  Moreover he called for7121 a famine7458 upon5921 the land:776 he broke7665 the whole3605 staff4294 of bread.3899

17  He sent7971 a man376 before6440 them, even Joseph,3130 who was sold4376 for a servant:5650

18  Whose feet7272 they hurt6031 with fetters:3525 he5315 was laid935 in iron:1270

19  Until5704 the time6256 that his word1697 came:935 the word565 of the LORD3068 tried6884 him.

20  The king4428 sent7971 and loosed5425 him; even the ruler4910 of the people,5971 and let him go free.6605

21  He made7760 him lord113 of his house,1004 and ruler4910 of all3605 his substance:7075

22  To bind631 his princes8269 at his pleasure;5315 and teach his senators2205 wisdom.2449

23  Israel3478 also came into935 Egypt;4714 and Jacob3290 sojourned1481 in the land776 of Ham.2526

24  And he increased6509 853 his people5971 greatly;3966 and made them stronger6105 than their enemies.4480 6862

25  He turned2015 their heart3820 to hate8130 his people,5971 to deal subtlely5230 with his servants.5650

26  He sent7971 Moses4872 his servant;5650 and Aaron175 whom834 he had chosen.977

27  They showed7760 his signs1697 226 among them, and wonders4159 in the land776 of Ham.2526

28  He sent7971 darkness,2822 and made it dark;2821 and they rebelled4784 not3808 against 853 his word.1697

29  He turned2015 853 their waters4325 into blood,1818 and slew4191 853 their fish.1710

30  Their land776 brought forth frogs in abundance,8317 6854 in the chambers2315 of their kings.4428

31  He spoke,559 and there came935 divers sorts of flies,6157 and lice3654 in all3605 their coasts.1366

32  He gave5414 them hail1259 for rain,1653 and flaming3852 fire784 in their land.776

33  He smote5221 their vines1612 also and their fig trees;8384 and broke7665 the trees6086 of their coasts.1366

34  He spoke,559 and the locusts697 came,935 and caterpillars,3218 and that without369 number,4557

35  And did eat up398 all3605 the herbs6212 in their land,776 and devoured398 the fruit6529 of their ground.127

36  He smote5221 also all3605 the firstborn1060 in their land,776 the chief7225 of all3605 their strength.202

37  He brought them forth3318 also with silver3701 and gold:2091 and there was not369 one feeble3782 person among their tribes.7626

38  Egypt4714 was glad8055 when they departed:3318 for3588 the fear6343 of them fell5307 upon5921 them.

39  He spread6566 a cloud6051 for a covering;4539 and fire784 to give light215 in the night.3915

40  The people asked,7592 and he brought935 quails,7958 and satisfied7646 them with the bread3899 of heaven.8064

41  He opened6605 the rock,6697 and the waters4325 gushed out;2100 they ran1980 in the dry places6723 like a river.5104

42  For3588 he remembered2142 853 his holy6944 promise,1697 and 853 Abraham85 his servant.5650

43  And he brought forth3318 his people5971 with joy,8342 and 853 his chosen972 with gladness:7440

44  And gave5414 them the lands776 of the heathen:1471 and they inherited3423 the labor5999 of the people;3816

45  That5668 they might observe8104 his statutes,2706 and keep5341 his laws.8451 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 106: 1-48

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 O give thanks3034 unto the LORD;3068 for3588 he is good:2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

2  Who4310 can utter4448 the mighty acts1369 of the LORD?3068 who can show forth8085 all3605 his praise?8416

3  Blessed835 are they that keep8104 judgment,4941 and he that doeth6213 righteousness6666 at all3605 times.6256

4  Remember2142 me, O LORD,3068 with the favor7522 that thou bearest unto thy people:5971 O visit6485 me with thy salvation;3444

5  That I may see7200 the good2896 of thy chosen,972 that I may rejoice8055 in the gladness8057 of thy nation,1471 that I may glory1984 with5973 thine inheritance.5159

6  We have sinned2398 with5973 our fathers,1 we have committed iniquity,5753 we have done wickedly.7561

7  Our fathers1 understood7919 not3808 thy wonders6381 in Egypt;4714 they remembered2142 not3808 853 the multitude7230 of thy mercies;2617 but provoked4784 him at5921 the sea,3220 even at the Red5488 sea.3220

8  Nevertheless he saved3467 them for his name's sake,4616 8034 that he might make 853 his mighty power1369 to be known.3045

9  He rebuked1605 the Red5488 sea3220 also, and it was dried up:2717 so he led1980 them through the depths,8415 as through the wilderness.4057

10  And he saved3467 them from the hand4480 3027 of him that hated8130 them, and redeemed1350 them from the hand4480 3027 of the enemy.341

11  And the waters4325 covered3680 their enemies:6862 there was not3808 one259 of4480 them left.3498

12  Then believed539 they his words;1697 they sang7891 his praise.8416

13  They soon4116 forgot7911 his works;4639 they waited2442 not3808 for his counsel:6098

14  But lusted exceedingly183 8378 in the wilderness,4057 and tempted5254 God410 in the desert.3452

15  And he gave5414 them their request;7596 but sent7971 leanness7332 into their soul.5315

16  They envied7065 Moses4872 also in the camp,4264 and Aaron175 the saint6918 of the LORD.3068

17  The earth776 opened6605 and swallowed up1104 Dathan,1885 and covered3680 5921 the company5712 of Abiram.48

18  And a fire784 was kindled1197 in their company;5712 the flame3852 burned up3857 the wicked.7563

19  They made6213 a calf5695 in Horeb,2722 and worshiped7812 the molten image.4541

20  Thus they changed4171 853 their glory3519 into the similitude8403 of an ox7794 that eateth398 grass.6212

21  They forgot7911 God410 their savior,3467 which had done6213 great things1419 in Egypt;4714

22  Wondrous works6381 in the land776 of Ham,2526 and terrible things3372 by5921 the Red5488 sea.3220

23  Therefore he said559 that he would destroy8045 them, had not3884 Moses4872 his chosen972 stood5975 before6440 him in the breach,6556 to turn away7725 his wrath,2534 lest he should destroy4480 7843 them.

24  Yea, they despised3988 the pleasant2532 land,776 they believed539 not3808 his word:1697

25  But murmured7279 in their tents,168 and hearkened8085 not3808 unto the voice6963 of the LORD.3068

26  Therefore he lifted up5375 his hand3027 against them, to overthrow5307 them in the wilderness:4057

27  To overthrow5307 their seed2233 also among the nations,1471 and to scatter2219 them in the lands.776

28  They joined themselves6775 also unto Baalpeor,1187 and ate398 the sacrifices2077 of the dead.4191

29  Thus they provoked him to anger3707 with their inventions:4611 and the plague4046 broke in6555 upon them.

30  Then stood up5975 Phinehas,6372 and executed judgment:6419 and so the plague4046 was stayed.6113

31  And that was counted2803 unto him for righteousness6666 unto all generations1755 1755 forevermore.5704 5769

32  They angered7107 him also at5921 the waters4325 of strife,4808 so that it went ill3415 with Moses4872 for their sakes:5668

33  Because3588 they provoked4784 853 his spirit,7307 so that he spoke unadvisedly981 with his lips.8193

34  They did not3808 destroy8045 853 the nations,5971 concerning whom834 the LORD3068 commanded559 them:

35  But were mingled6148 among the heathen,1471 and learned3925 their works.4639

36  And they served5647 853 their idols:6091 which were1961 a snare4170 unto them.

37  Yea, they sacrificed2076 853 their sons1121 and their daughters1323 unto devils,7700

38  And shed8210 innocent5355 blood,1818 even the blood1818 of their sons1121 and of their daughters,1323 whom834 they sacrificed2076 unto the idols6091 of Canaan:3667 and the land776 was polluted2610 with blood.1818

39  Thus were they defiled2930 with their own works,4639 and went a whoring2181 with their own inventions.4611

40  Therefore was the wrath639 of the LORD3068 kindled2734 against his people,5971 insomuch that he abhorred8581 853 his own inheritance.5159

41  And he gave5414 them into the hand3027 of the heathen;1471 and they that hated8130 them ruled4910 over them.

42  Their enemies341 also oppressed3905 them, and they were brought into subjection3665 under8478 their hand.3027

43  Many7227 times6471 did he deliver5337 them; but they1992 provoked4784 him with their counsel,6098 and were brought low4355 for their iniquity.5771

44  Nevertheless he regarded7200 their affliction,6862 when he heard8085 853 their cry:7440

45  And he remembered2142 for them his covenant,1285 and repented5162 according to the multitude7230 of his mercies.2617

46  He made5414 them also to be pitied7356 of6440 all3605 those that carried them captives.7617

47  Save3467 us, O LORD3068 our God,430 and gather6908 us from among4480 the heathen,1471 to give thanks3034 unto thy holy6944 name,8034 and to triumph7623 in thy praise.8416

48  Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 from4480 everlasting5769 to5704 everlasting:5769 and let all3605 the people5971 say,559 Amen.543 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 107: 1-43

1  O give thanks3034 unto the LORD,3068 for3588 he is good:2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

2  Let the redeemed1350 of the LORD3068 say559 so, whom834 he hath redeemed1350 from the hand4480 3027 of the enemy;6862

3  And gathered6908 them out of the lands,4480 776 from the east,4480 4217 and from the west,4480 4628 from the north,4480 6828 and from the south.4480 3220

4  They wandered8582 in the wilderness4057 in a solitary3452 way;1870 they found4672 no3808 city5892 to dwell4186 in.

5  Hungry7457 and1571 thirsty,6771 their soul5315 fainted5848 in them.

6  Then they cried6817 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he delivered5337 them out of their distresses.4480 4691

7  And he led them forth1869 by the right3477 way,1870 that they might go1980 to413 a city5892 of habitation.4186

8  Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

9  For3588 he satisfieth7646 the longing8264 soul,5315 and filleth4390 the hungry7457 soul5315 with goodness.2896

10  Such as sit3427 in darkness2822 and in the shadow of death,6757 being bound615 in affliction6040 and iron;1270

11  Because3588 they rebelled against4784 the words561 of God,410 and contemned5006 the counsel6098 of the most High:5945

12  Therefore he brought down3665 their heart3820 with labor;5999 they fell down,3782 and there was none369 to help.5826

13  Then they cried2199 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he saved3467 them out of their distresses.4480 4691

14  He brought them out3318 of darkness4480 2822 and the shadow of death,6757 and broke5423 their bands4147 in sunder.

15  Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

16  For3588 he hath broken7665 the gates1817 of brass,5178 and cut1438 the bars1280 of iron1270 in sunder.

17  Fools191 because4480 1870 of their transgression,6588 and because of their iniquities,4480 5771 are afflicted.6031

18  Their soul5315 abhorreth8581 all manner3605 of meat;400 and they draw near5060 unto5704 the gates8179 of death.4194

19  Then they cry2199 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he saveth3467 them out of their distresses.4480 4691

20  He sent7971 his word,1697 and healed7495 them, and delivered4422 them from their destructions.4480 7825

21  Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

22  And let them sacrifice2076 the sacrifices2077 of thanksgiving,8426 and declare5608 his works4639 with rejoicing.7440

23  They that go down3381 to the sea3220 in ships,591 that do6213 business4399 in great7227 waters;4325

24  These1992 see7200 the works4639 of the LORD,3068 and his wonders6381 in the deep.4688

25  For he commandeth,559 and raiseth5975 the stormy5591 wind,7307 which lifteth up7311 the waves1530 thereof.

26  They mount up5927 to the heaven,8064 they go down3381 again to the depths:8415 their soul5315 is melted4127 because of trouble.7451

27  They reel to and fro,2287 and stagger5128 like a drunken man,7910 and are at their wits' end.3605 2451 1104

28  Then they cry6817 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he bringeth them out3318 of their distresses.4480 4691

29  He maketh6965 the storm5591 a calm,1827 so that the waves1530 thereof are still.2814

30  Then are they glad8055 because3588 they be quiet;8367 so he bringeth5148 them unto413 their desired2656 haven.4231

31  Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

32  Let them exalt7311 him also in the congregation6951 of the people,5971 and praise1984 him in the assembly4186 of the elders.2205

33  He turneth7760 rivers5104 into a wilderness,4057 and the watersprings4325 4161 into dry ground;6774

34  A fruitful6529 land776 into barrenness,4420 for the wickedness4480 7451 of them that dwell3427 therein.

35  He turneth7760 the wilderness4057 into a standing98 water,4325 and dry6723 ground776 into watersprings.4161 4325

36  And there8033 he maketh the hungry to dwell,3427 7457 that they may prepare3559 a city5892 for habitation;4186

37  And sow2232 the fields,7704 and plant5193 vineyards,3754 which may yield6213 fruits6529 of increase.8393

38  He blesseth1288 them also, so that they are multiplied7235 greatly;3966 and suffereth not3808 their cattle929 to decrease.4591

39  Again, they are minished4591 and brought low7817 through oppression,4480 6115 affliction,7451 and sorrow.3015

40  He poureth8210 contempt937 upon5921 princes,5081 and causeth them to wander8582 in the wilderness,8414 where there is no3808 way.1870

41  Yet setteth he the poor on high7682 34 from affliction,4480 6040 and maketh7760 him families4940 like a flock.6629

42  The righteous3477 shall see7200 it, and rejoice:8055 and all3605 iniquity5766 shall stop7092 her mouth.6310

43  Whoso4310 is wise,2450 and will observe8104 these428 things, even they shall understand995 the lovingkindness2617 of the LORD.3068

Psalms 108: 1-13

1  A Song7892 or Psalm4210 of David.1732 O God,430 my heart3820 is fixed;3559 I will sing7891 and give praise,2167 even637 with my glory.3519

2  Awake,5782 psaltery5035 and harp:3658 I myself will awake5782 early.7837

3  I will praise3034 thee, O LORD,3068 among the people:5971 and I will sing praises2167 unto thee among the nations.3816

4  For3588 thy mercy2617 is great1419 above4480 5921 the heavens:8064 and thy truth571 reacheth unto5704 the clouds.7834

5  Be thou exalted,7311 O God,430 above5921 the heavens:8064 and thy glory3519 above5921 all3605 the earth;776

6  That4616 thy beloved3039 may be delivered:2502 save3467 with thy right hand,3225 and answer6030 me.

7  God430 hath spoken1696 in his holiness;6944 I will rejoice,5937 I will divide2505 Shechem,7927 and mete out4058 the valley6010 of Succoth.5523

8  Gilead1568 is mine; Manasseh4519 is mine; Ephraim669 also is the strength4581 of mine head;7218 Judah3063 is my lawgiver;2710

9  Moab4124 is my washpot;5518 7366 over5921 Edom123 will I cast out7993 my shoe;5275 over5921 Philistia6429 will I triumph.7321

10  Who4310 will bring2986 me into the strong4013 city?5892 who4310 will lead5148 me into5704 Edom?123

11  Wilt not3808 thou, O God,430 who hast cast us off?2186 and wilt not3808 thou, O God,430 go forth3318 with our hosts?6635

12  Give3051 us help5833 from trouble:4480 6862 for vain7723 is the help8668 of man.120

13  Through God430 we shall do6213 valiantly:2428 for he1931 it is that shall tread down947 our enemies.6862

Psalms 109: 1-31

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Hold2790 not408 thy peace, O God430 of my praise;8416

2  For3588 the mouth6310 of the wicked7563 and the mouth6310 of the deceitful4820 are opened6605 against5921 me: they have spoken1696 against854 me with a lying8267 tongue.3956

3  They compassed me about5437 also with words1697 of hatred;8135 and fought against3898 me without a cause.2600

4  For8478 my love160 they are my adversaries:7853 but I589 give myself unto prayer.8605

5  And they have rewarded7760 5921 me evil7451 for8478 good,2896 and hatred8135 for8478 my love.160

6  Set6485 thou a wicked man7563 over5921 him: and let Satan7854 stand5975 at5921 his right hand.3225

7  When he shall be judged,8199 let him be condemned:3318 7563 and let3318 his prayer8605 become1961 sin.2401

8  Let his days3117 be1961 few;4592 and let another312 take3947 his office.6486

9  Let his children1121 be1961 fatherless,3490 and his wife802 a widow.490

10  Let his children1121 be continually vagabonds,5128 5128 and beg:7592 let them seek1875 their bread also out of their desolate places.4480 2723

11  Let the extortioner5383 catch5367 all3605 that834 he hath; and let the strangers2114 spoil962 his labor.3018

12  Let there be1961 none408 to extend4900 mercy2617 unto him: neither408 let there be1961 any to favor2603 his fatherless children.3490

13  Let his posterity319 be1961 cut off;3772 and in the generation1755 following312 let their name8034 be blotted out.4229

14  Let the iniquity5771 of his fathers1 be remembered2142 with413 the LORD;3068 and let not408 the sin2403 of his mother517 be blotted out.4229

15  Let them be1961 before5048 the LORD3068 continually,8548 that he may cut off3772 the memory2143 of them from the earth.4480 776

16  Because3282 that834 he remembered2142 not3808 to show6213 mercy,2617 but persecuted7291 the poor6041 and needy34 man,376 that he might even slay4191 the broken3512 in heart.3824

17  As he loved157 cursing,7045 so let it come935 unto him: as he delighted2654 not3808 in blessing,1293 so let it be far7368 from4480 him.

18  As he clothed3847 himself with cursing7045 like as with his garment,4055 so let it come935 into his bowels7130 like water,4325 and like oil8081 into his bones.6106

19  Let it be1961 unto him as the garment899 which covereth5844 him, and for a girdle4206 wherewith he is girded2296 continually.8548

20  Let this2063 be the reward6468 of mine adversaries7853 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 and of them that speak1696 evil7451 against5921 my soul.5315

21  But do6213 thou859 for854 me, O GOD3069 the Lord,136 for thy name's sake:4616 8034 because3588 thy mercy2617 is good,2896 deliver5337 thou me.

22  For3588 I595 am poor6041 and needy,34 and my heart3820 is wounded2490 within7130 me.

23  I am gone1980 like the shadow6738 when it declineth:5186 I am tossed up and down5287 as the locust.697

24  My knees1290 are weak3782 through fasting;4480 6685 and my flesh1320 faileth3584 of fatness.4480 8081

25  I589 became1961 also a reproach2781 unto them: when they looked upon7200 me they shaked5128 their heads.7218

26  Help5826 me, O LORD3068 my God:430 O save3467 me according to thy mercy:2617

27  That3588 they may know3045 that this2063 is thy hand;3027 that thou,859 LORD,3068 hast done6213 it.

28  Let them1992 curse,7043 but bless1288 thou:859 when they arise,6965 let them be ashamed;954 but let thy servant5650 rejoice.8055

29  Let mine adversaries7853 be clothed3847 with shame,3639 and let them cover5844 themselves with their own confusion,1322 as with a mantle.4598

30  I will greatly3966 praise3034 the LORD3068 with my mouth;6310 yea, I will praise1984 him among8432 the multitude.7227

31  For3588 he shall stand5975 at the right hand3225 of the poor,34 to save3467 him from those that condemn4480 8199 his soul.5315

Psalms 110: 1-7

1  A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The LORD3068 said5002 unto my Lord,113 Sit3427 thou at my right hand,3225 until5704 I make7896 thine enemies341 thy footstool.1916 7272

2  The LORD3068 shall send7971 the rod4294 of thy strength5797 out of Zion:4480 6726 rule7287 thou in the midst7130 of thine enemies.341

3  Thy people5971 shall be willing5071 in the day3117 of thy power,2428 in the beauties1926 of holiness6944 from the womb4480 7358 of the morning:4891 thou hast the dew2919 of thy youth.3208

4  The LORD3068 hath sworn,7650 and will not3808 repent,5162 Thou859 art a priest3548 forever5769 after5921 the order1700 of Melchizedek.4442

5  The Lord136 at5921 thy right hand3225 shall strike through4272 kings4428 in the day3117 of his wrath.639

6  He shall judge1777 among the heathen,1471 he shall fill4390 the places with the dead bodies;1472 he shall wound4272 the heads7218 over5921 many7227 countries.776

7  He shall drink8354 of the brook4480 5158 in the way:1870 therefore5921 3651 shall he lift up7311 the head.7218

Psalms 111: 1-10

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 I will praise3034 the LORD3068 with my whole3605 heart,3824 in the assembly5475 of the upright,3477 and in the congregation.5712

2  The works4639 of the LORD3068 are great,1419 sought out1875 of all3605 them that have pleasure2656 therein.

3  His work6467 is honorable1935 and glorious:1926 and his righteousness6666 endureth5975 forever.5703

4  He hath made6213 his wonderful works6381 to be remembered:2143 the LORD3068 is gracious2587 and full of compassion.7349

5  He hath given5414 meat2964 unto them that fear3373 him: he will ever5769 be mindful2142 of his covenant.1285

6  He hath showed5046 his people5971 the power3581 of his works,4639 that he may give5414 them the heritage5159 of the heathen.1471

7  The works4639 of his hands3027 are verity571 and judgment;4941 all3605 his commandments6490 are sure.539

8  They stand fast5564 forever5703 and ever,5769 and are done6213 in truth571 and uprightness.3477

9  He sent7971 redemption6304 unto his people:5971 he hath commanded6680 his covenant1285 forever:5769 holy6918 and reverend3372 is his name.8034

10  The fear3374 of the LORD3068 is the beginning7225 of wisdom:2451 a good2896 understanding7922 have all3605 they that do6213 his commandments: his praise8416 endureth5975 forever.5703

Psalms 112: 1-10

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 Blessed835 is the man376 that feareth3372 853 the LORD,3068 that delighteth2654 greatly3966 in his commandments.4687

2  His seed2233 shall be1961 mighty1368 upon earth:776 the generation1755 of the upright3477 shall be blessed.1288

3  Wealth1952 and riches6239 shall be in his house:1004 and his righteousness6666 endureth5975 forever.5703

4  Unto the upright3477 there ariseth2224 light216 in the darkness:2822 he is gracious,2587 and full of compassion,7349 and righteous.6662

5  A good2896 man376 showeth favor,2603 and lendeth:3867 he will guide3557 his affairs1697 with discretion.4941

6  Surely3588 he shall not3808 be moved4131 forever:5769 the righteous6662 shall be1961 in everlasting5769 remembrance.2143

7  He shall not3808 be afraid3372 of evil7451 tidings:4480 8052 his heart3820 is fixed,3559 trusting982 in the LORD.3068

8  His heart3820 is established,5564 he shall not3808 be afraid,3372 until5704 834 he see7200 his desire upon his enemies.6862

9  He hath dispersed,6340 he hath given5414 to the poor;34 his righteousness6666 endureth5975 forever;5703 his horn7161 shall be exalted7311 with honor.3519

10  The wicked7563 shall see7200 it, and be grieved;3707 he shall gnash2786 with his teeth,8127 and melt away:4549 the desire8378 of the wicked7563 shall perish.6

Psalms 113: 1-9

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 Praise,1984 O ye servants5650 of the LORD,3068 praise1984 853 the name8034 of the LORD.3068

2  Blessed1288 be1961 the name8034 of the LORD3068 from this time forth4480 6258 and forevermore.5704 5769

3  From the rising4480 4217 of the sun8121 unto5704 the going down3996 of the same the LORD's3068 name8034 is to be praised.1984

4  The LORD3068 is high7311 above5921 all3605 nations,1471 and his glory3519 above5921 the heavens.8064

5  Who4310 is like unto the LORD3068 our God,430 who dwelleth3427 on high,1361

6  Who humbleth8213 himself to behold7200 the things that are in heaven,8064 and in the earth!776

7  He raiseth up6965 the poor1800 out of the dust,4480 6083 and lifteth7311 the needy34 out of the dunghill;4480 830

8  That he may set3427 him with5973 princes,5081 even with5973 the princes5081 of his people.5971

9  He maketh the barren6135 woman to keep3427 house,1004 and to be a joyful8056 mother517 of children.1121 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 114: 1-8

1  When Israel3478 went out3318 of Egypt,4480 4714 the house1004 of Jacob3290 from a people4480 5971 of strange language;3937

2  Judah3063 was1961 his sanctuary,6944 and Israel3478 his dominion.4475

3  The sea3220 saw7200 it, and fled:5127 Jordan3383 was driven5437 back.268

4  The mountains2022 skipped7540 like rams,352 and the little hills1389 like lambs.1121 6629

5  What4100 ailed thee, O thou sea,3220 that3588 thou fleddest?5127 thou Jordan,3383 that thou wast driven5437 back?268

6  Ye mountains,2022 that ye skipped7540 like rams;352 and ye little hills,1389 like lambs?1121 6629

7  Tremble,2342 thou earth,776 at the presence4480 6440 of the Lord,113 at the presence4480 6440 of the God433 of Jacob;3290

8  Which turned2015 the rock6697 into a standing98 water,4325 the flint2496 into a fountain4599 of waters.4325

Psalms 115: 1-18

1  Not3808 unto us, O LORD,3068 not3808 unto us, but3588 unto thy name8034 give5414 glory,3519 for5921 thy mercy,2617 and for5921 thy truth's571 sake.

2  Wherefore4100 should the heathen1471 say,559 Where346 is now4994 their God?430

3  But our God430 is in the heavens:8064 he hath done6213 whatsoever3605 834 he hath pleased.2654

4  Their idols6091 are silver3701 and gold,2091 the work4639 of men's120 hands.3027

5  They have mouths,6310 but they speak1696 not:3808 eyes5869 have they, but they see7200 not:3808

6  They have ears,241 but they hear8085 not:3808 noses639 have they, but they smell7306 not:3808

7  They have hands,3027 but they handle4184 not:3808 feet7272 have they, but they walk1980 not:3808 neither3808 speak1897 they through their throat.1627

8  They that make6213 them are1961 like unto them;3644 so is every one3605 that834 trusteth982 in them.

9  O Israel,3478 trust982 thou in the LORD:3068 he1931 is their help5828 and their shield.4043

10  O house1004 of Aaron,175 trust982 in the LORD:3068 he1931 is their help5828 and their shield.4043

11  Ye that fear3373 the LORD,3068 trust982 in the LORD:3068 he1931 is their help5828 and their shield.4043

12  The LORD3068 hath been mindful2142 of us: he will bless1288 us; he will bless1288 853 the house1004 of Israel;3478 he will bless1288 853 the house1004 of Aaron.175

13  He will bless1288 them that fear3373 the LORD,3068 both small6996 and5973 great.1419

14  The LORD3068 shall increase you more and more,3254 5921 you and your children.1121

15  Ye859 are blessed1288 of the LORD3068 which made6213 heaven8064 and earth.776

16  The heaven,8064 even the heavens,8064 are the LORD's:3068 but the earth776 hath he given5414 to the children1121 of men.120

17  The dead4191 praise1984 not3808 the LORD,3050 neither3808 any3605 that go down3381 into silence.1745

18  But we587 will bless1288 the LORD3050 from this time forth4480 6258 and forevermore.5704 5769 Praise1984 the LORD.3050

Psalms 116: 1-19

1  I love157 the LORD,3068 because3588 he hath heard8085 853 my voice6963 and my supplications.8469

2  Because3588 he hath inclined5186 his ear241 unto me, therefore will I call upon7121 him as long as I live.3117

3  The sorrows2256 of death4194 compassed661 me, and the pains4712 of hell7585 got hold upon4672 me: I found4672 trouble6869 and sorrow.3015

4  Then called7121 I upon the name8034 of the LORD;3068 O LORD,3068 I beseech577 thee, deliver4422 my soul.5315

5  Gracious2587 is the LORD,3068 and righteous;6662 yea, our God430 is merciful.7355

6  The LORD3068 preserveth8104 the simple:6612 I was brought low,1809 and he helped3467 me.

7  Return7725 unto thy rest,4494 O my soul;5315 for3588 the LORD3068 hath dealt bountifully1580 with5921 thee.

8  For3588 thou hast delivered2502 my soul5315 from death,4480 4194 853 mine eyes5869 from4480 tears,1832 and 853 my feet7272 from falling.4480 1762

9  I will walk1980 before6440 the LORD3068 in the land776 of the living.2416

10  I believed,539 therefore3588 have I589 spoken:1696 I was greatly3966 afflicted:6031

11  I589 said559 in my haste,2648 All3605 men120 are liars.3576

12  What4100 shall I render7725 unto the LORD3068 for all3605 his benefits8408 toward5921 me?

13  I will take5375 the cup3563 of salvation,3444 and call7121 upon the name8034 of the LORD.3068

14  I will pay7999 my vows5088 unto the LORD3068 now4994 in the presence5048 of all3605 his people.5971

15  Precious3368 in the sight5869 of the LORD3068 is the death4194 of his saints.2623

16  O LORD,3068 truly577 I589 am thy servant;5650 I589 am thy servant,5650 and the son1121 of thine handmaid:519 thou hast loosed6605 my bonds.4147

17  I will offer2076 to thee the sacrifice2077 of thanksgiving,8426 and will call7121 upon the name8034 of the LORD.3068

18  I will pay7999 my vows5088 unto the LORD3068 now4994 in the presence5048 of all3605 his people,5971

19  In the courts2691 of the LORD's3068 house,1004 in the midst8432 of thee, O Jerusalem.3389 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 117: 1-2

1  O praise1984 853 the LORD,3068 all3605 ye nations:1471 praise7623 him, all3605 ye people.523

2  For3588 his merciful kindness2617 is great1396 toward5921 us: and the truth571 of the LORD3068 endureth forever.5769 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 118: 1-29

1  O give thanks3034 unto the LORD;3068 for3588 he is good:2896 because3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

2  Let Israel3478 now4994 say,559 that3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

3  Let the house1004 of Aaron175 now4994 say,559 that3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

4  Let them now4994 that fear3373 the LORD3068 say,559 that3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

5  I called upon7121 the LORD3050 in4480 distress:4712 the LORD3050 answered6030 me, and set me in a large place.4800

6  The LORD3068 is on my side; I will not3808 fear:3372 what4100 can man120 do6213 unto me?

7  The LORD3068 taketh my part with them that help5826 me: therefore shall I589 see7200 my desire upon them that hate8130 me.

8  It is better2896 to trust2620 in the LORD3068 than to put confidence4480 982 in man.120

9  It is better2896 to trust2620 in the LORD3068 than to put confidence4480 982 in princes.5081

10  All3605 nations1471 compassed me about:5437 but in the name8034 of the LORD3068 will I destroy4135 them.

11  They compassed me about;5437 yea,1571 they compassed me about:5437 but in the name8034 of the LORD3068 I will destroy4135 them.

12  They compassed me about5437 like bees;1682 they are quenched1846 as the fire784 of thorns:6975 for in the name8034 of the LORD3068 I will destroy4135 them.

13  Thou hast thrust sore1760 1760 at me that I might fall:5307 but the LORD3068 helped5826 me.

14  The LORD3050 is my strength5797 and song,2176 and is become1961 my salvation.3444

15  The voice6963 of rejoicing7440 and salvation3444 is in the tabernacles168 of the righteous:6662 the right hand3225 of the LORD3068 doeth6213 valiantly.2428

16  The right hand3225 of the LORD3068 is exalted:7311 the right hand3225 of the LORD3068 doeth6213 valiantly.2428

17  I shall not3808 die,4191 but3588 live,2421 and declare5608 the works4639 of the LORD.3050

18  The LORD3050 hath chastened me sore:3256 3256 but he hath not3808 given me over5414 unto death.4194

19  Open6605 to me the gates8179 of righteousness:6664 I will go935 into them, and I will praise3034 the LORD:3050

20  This2088 gate8179 of the LORD,3068 into which the righteous6662 shall enter.935

21  I will praise3034 thee: for3588 thou hast heard6030 me, and art become1961 my salvation.3444

22  The stone68 which the builders1129 refused3988 is become1961 the head7218 stone of the corner.6438

23  This2063 is1961 the LORD's3068 doing;4480 854 it1931 is marvelous6381 in our eyes.5869

24  This2088 is the day3117 which the LORD3068 hath made;6213 we will rejoice1523 and be glad8055 in it.

25  Save3467 now,4994 I beseech577 thee, O LORD:3068 O LORD,3068 I beseech577 thee, send now4994 prosperity.6743

26  Blessed1288 be he that cometh935 in the name8034 of the LORD:3068 we have blessed1288 you out of the house4480 1004 of the LORD.3068

27  God410 is the LORD,3068 which hath showed us light:215 bind631 the sacrifice2282 with cords,5688 even unto5704 the horns7161 of the altar.4196

28  Thou859 art my God,410 and I will praise3034 thee: thou art my God,430 I will exalt7311 thee.

29  O give thanks3034 unto the LORD;3068 for3588 he is good:2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

Psalms 119: 1-176

1  Blessed835 are the undefiled8549 in the way,1870 who walk1980 in the law8451 of the LORD.3068

2  Blessed835 are they that keep5341 his testimonies,5713 and that seek1875 him with the whole3605 heart.3820

3  They also637 do6466 no3808 iniquity:5766 they walk1980 in his ways.1870

4  Thou859 hast commanded6680 us to keep8104 thy precepts6490 diligently.3966

5  O that305 my ways1870 were directed3559 to keep8104 thy statutes!2706

6  Then227 shall I not3808 be ashamed,954 when I have respect5027 unto413 all3605 thy commandments.4687

7  I will praise3034 thee with uprightness3476 of heart,3824 when I shall have learned3925 thy righteous6664 judgments.4941

8  I will keep8104 853 thy statutes:2706 O forsake5800 me not408 utterly.5704 3966

9  Wherewithal4100 shall a young man5288 cleanse2135 853 his way?734 by taking heed8104 thereto according to thy word.1697

10  With my whole3605 heart3820 have I sought1875 thee: O let me not408 wander7686 from thy commandments.4480 4687

11  Thy word565 have I hid6845 in mine heart,3820 that4616 I might not3808 sin2398 against thee.

12  Blessed1288 art thou,859 O LORD:3068 teach3925 me thy statutes.2706

13  With my lips8193 have I declared5608 all3605 the judgments4941 of thy mouth.6310

14  I have rejoiced7797 in the way1870 of thy testimonies,5715 as5921 much as in all3605 riches.1952

15  I will meditate7878 in thy precepts,6490 and have respect5027 unto thy ways.734

16  I will delight myself8173 in thy statutes:2708 I will not3808 forget7911 thy word.1697

17  Deal bountifully1580 with5921 thy servant,5650 that I may live,2421 and keep8104 thy word.1697

18  Open1540 thou mine eyes,5869 that I may behold5027 wondrous things6381 out of thy law.4480 8451

19  I595 am a stranger1616 in the earth:776 hide5641 not408 thy commandments4687 from4480 me.

20  My soul5315 breaketh1638 for the longing8375 that it hath unto413 thy judgments4941 at all3605 times.6256

21  Thou hast rebuked1605 the proud2086 that are cursed,779 which do err7686 from thy commandments.4480 4687

22  Remove1556 from4480 5921 me reproach2781 and contempt;937 for3588 I have kept5341 thy testimonies.5713

23  Princes8269 also1571 did sit3427 and speak1696 against me: but thy servant5650 did meditate7878 in thy statutes.2706

24  Thy testimonies5713 also1571 are my delight8191 and my counselors.376 6098

25  My soul5315 cleaveth1692 unto the dust:6083 quicken2421 thou me according to thy word.1697

26  I have declared5608 my ways,1870 and thou heardest6030 me: teach3925 me thy statutes.2706

27  Make me to understand995 the way1870 of thy precepts:6490 so shall I talk7878 of thy wondrous works.6381

28  My soul5315 melteth1811 for heaviness:4480 8424 strengthen6965 thou me according unto thy word.1697

29  Remove5493 from4480 me the way1870 of lying:8267 and grant me thy law8451 graciously.2603

30  I have chosen977 the way1870 of truth:530 thy judgments4941 have I laid7737 before me.

31  I have stuck1692 unto thy testimonies:5715 O LORD,3068 put me not408 to shame.954

32  I will run7323 the way1870 of thy commandments,4687 when3588 thou shalt enlarge7337 my heart.3820

33  Teach3384 me, O LORD,3068 the way1870 of thy statutes;2706 and I shall keep5341 it unto the end.6118

34  Give me understanding,995 and I shall keep5341 thy law;8451 yea, I shall observe8104 it with my whole3605 heart.3820

35  Make me to go1869 in the path5410 of thy commandments;4687 for3588 therein do I delight.2654

36  Incline5186 my heart3820 unto413 thy testimonies,5715 and not408 to413 covetousness.1215

37  Turn away5674 mine eyes5869 from beholding4480 7200 vanity;7723 and quicken2421 thou me in thy way.1870

38  Establish6965 thy word565 unto thy servant,5650 who834 is devoted to thy fear.3374

39  Turn away5674 my reproach2781 which834 I fear:3025 for3588 thy judgments4941 are good.2896

40  Behold,2009 I have longed8373 after thy precepts:6490 quicken2421 me in thy righteousness.6666

41  Let thy mercies2617 come935 also unto me, O LORD,3068 even thy salvation,8668 according to thy word.565

42  So shall I have wherewith1697 to answer6030 him that reproacheth2778 me: for3588 I trust982 in thy word.1697

43  And take5337 not408 the word1697 of truth571 utterly5704 3966 out of my mouth;4480 6310 for3588 I have hoped3176 in thy judgments.4941

44  So shall I keep8104 thy law8451 continually8548 forever5769 and ever.5703

45  And I will walk1980 at liberty:7342 for3588 I seek1875 thy precepts.6490

46  I will speak1696 of thy testimonies5713 also before5048 kings,4428 and will not3808 be ashamed.954

47  And I will delight myself8173 in thy commandments,4687 which834 I have loved.157

48  My hands3709 also will I lift up5375 unto413 thy commandments,4687 which834 I have loved;157 and I will meditate7878 in thy statutes.2706

49  Remember2142 the word1697 unto thy servant,5650 upon5921 which834 thou hast caused me to hope.3176

50  This2063 is my comfort5165 in my affliction:6040 for3588 thy word565 hath quickened2421 me.

51  The proud2086 have had me greatly5704 3966 in derision:3887 yet have I not3808 declined5186 from thy law.4480 8451

52  I remembered2142 thy judgments4941 of old,4480 5769 O LORD;3068 and have comforted myself.5162

53  Horror2152 hath taken hold upon270 me because of the wicked4480 7563 that forsake5800 thy law.8451

54  Thy statutes2706 have been1961 my songs2158 in the house1004 of my pilgrimage.4033

55  I have remembered2142 thy name,8034 O LORD,3068 in the night,3915 and have kept8104 thy law.8451

56  This2063 I had,1961 because3588 I kept5341 thy precepts.6490

57  Thou art my portion,2506 O LORD:3068 I have said559 that I would keep8104 thy words.1697

58  I entreated2470 thy favor6440 with my whole3605 heart:3820 be merciful2603 unto me according to thy word.565

59  I thought2803 on my ways,1870 and turned7725 my feet7272 unto413 thy testimonies.5713

60  I made haste,2363 and delayed4102 not3808 to keep8104 thy commandments.4687

61  The bands2256 of the wicked7563 have robbed5749 me: but I have not3808 forgotten7911 thy law.8451

62  At midnight2676 3915 I will rise6965 to give thanks3034 unto thee because of5921 thy righteous6664 judgments.4941

63  I589 am a companion2270 of all3605 them that834 fear3372 thee, and of them that keep8104 thy precepts.6490

64  The earth,776 O LORD,3068 is full4390 of thy mercy:2617 teach3925 me thy statutes.2706

65  Thou hast dealt6213 well2896 with5973 thy servant,5650 O LORD,3068 according unto thy word.1697

66  Teach3925 me good2898 judgment2940 and knowledge:1847 for3588 I have believed539 thy commandments.4687

67  Before2962 I589 was afflicted6031 I went astray:7683 but now6258 have I kept8104 thy word.565

68  Thou859 art good,2896 and doest good;2895 teach3925 me thy statutes.2706

69  The proud2086 have forged2950 a lie8267 against5921 me: but I589 will keep5341 thy precepts6490 with my whole3605 heart.3820

70  Their heart3820 is as fat2954 as grease;2459 but I589 delight8173 in thy law.8451

71  It is good2896 for me that3588 I have been afflicted;6031 that4616 I might learn3925 thy statutes.2706

72  The law8451 of thy mouth6310 is better2896 unto me than thousands4480 505 of gold2091 and silver.3701

73  Thy hands3027 have made6213 me and fashioned3559 me: give me understanding,995 that I may learn3925 thy commandments.4687

74  They that fear3373 thee will be glad8055 when they see7200 me; because3588 I have hoped3176 in thy word.1697

75  I know,3045 O LORD,3068 that3588 thy judgments4941 are right,6664 and that thou in faithfulness530 hast afflicted6031 me.

76  Let, I pray thee,4994 thy merciful kindness2617 be1961 for my comfort,5162 according to thy word565 unto thy servant.5650

77  Let thy tender mercies7356 come935 unto me, that I may live:2421 for3588 thy law8451 is my delight.8191

78  Let the proud2086 be ashamed;954 for3588 they dealt perversely5791 with me without a cause:8267 but I589 will meditate7878 in thy precepts.6490

79  Let those that fear3373 thee turn7725 unto me, and those that have known3045 thy testimonies.5713

80  Let my heart3820 be1961 sound8549 in thy statutes;2706 that4616 I be not3808 ashamed.954

81  My soul5315 fainteth3615 for thy salvation:8668 but I hope3176 in thy word.1697

82  Mine eyes5869 fail3615 for thy word,565 saying,559 When4970 wilt thou comfort5162 me?

83  For3588 I am become1961 like a bottle4997 in the smoke;7008 yet do I not3808 forget7911 thy statutes.2706

84  How many4100 are the days3117 of thy servant?5650 when4970 wilt thou execute6213 judgment4941 on them that persecute7291 me?

85  The proud2086 have digged3738 pits7882 for me, which834 are not3808 after thy law.8451

86  All3605 thy commandments4687 are faithful:530 they persecute7291 me wrongfully;8267 help5826 thou me.

87  They had almost4592 consumed3615 me upon earth;776 but I589 forsook5800 not3808 thy precepts.6490

88  Quicken2421 me after thy lovingkindness;2617 so shall I keep8104 the testimony5715 of thy mouth.6310

89  Forever,5769 O LORD,3068 thy word1697 is settled5324 in heaven.8064

90  Thy faithfulness530 is unto all generations:1755 1755 thou hast established3559 the earth,776 and it abideth.5975

91  They continue5975 this day3117 according to thine ordinances:4941 for3588 all3605 are thy servants.5650

92  Unless3884 thy law8451 had been my delights,8191 I should then227 have perished6 in mine affliction.6040

93  I will never5769 3808 forget7911 thy precepts:6490 for3588 with them thou hast quickened2421 me.

94  I589 am thine, save3467 me; for3588 I have sought1875 thy precepts.6490

95  The wicked7563 have waited6960 for me to destroy6 me: but I will consider995 thy testimonies.5713

96  I have seen7200 an end7093 of all3605 perfection:8502 but thy commandment4687 is exceeding3966 broad.7342

97  O how4100 love157 I thy law!8451 it1931 is my meditation7881 all3605 the day.3117

98  Thou through thy commandments4687 hast made me wiser2449 than mine enemies:4480 341 for3588 they1931 are ever5769 with me.

99  I have more understanding7919 than all4480 3605 my teachers:3925 for3588 thy testimonies5715 are my meditation.7881

100  I understand995 more than the ancients,4480 2205 because3588 I keep5341 thy precepts.6490

101  I have refrained3607 my feet7272 from every4480 3605 evil7451 way,734 that4616 I might keep8104 thy word.1697

102  I have not3808 departed5493 from thy judgments:4480 4941 for3588 thou859 hast taught3384 me.

103  How4100 sweet are4452 thy words565 unto my taste!2441 yea, sweeter than honey4480 1706 to my mouth!6310

104  Through thy precepts4480 6490 I get understanding:995 therefore5921 3651 I hate8130 every3605 false8267 way.734

105  Thy word1697 is a lamp5216 unto my feet,7272 and a light216 unto my path.5410

106  I have sworn,7650 and I will perform6965 it, that I will keep8104 thy righteous6664 judgments.4941

107  I am afflicted6031 very much:5704 3966 quicken2421 me, O LORD,3068 according unto thy word.1697

108  Accept,7521 I beseech thee,4994 the freewill offerings5071 of my mouth,6310 O LORD,3068 and teach3925 me thy judgments.4941

109  My soul5315 is continually8548 in my hand:3709 yet do I not3808 forget7911 thy law.8451

110  The wicked7563 have laid5414 a snare6341 for me: yet I erred8582 not3808 from thy precepts.4480 6490

111  Thy testimonies5715 have I taken as a heritage5157 forever:5769 for3588 they1992 are the rejoicing8342 of my heart.3820

112  I have inclined5186 mine heart3820 to perform6213 thy statutes2706 always,5769 even unto the end.6118

113  I hate8130 vain thoughts:5588 but thy law8451 do I love.157

114  Thou859 art my hiding place5643 and my shield:4043 I hope3176 in thy word.1697

115  Depart5493 from4480 me, ye evildoers:7489 for I will keep5341 the commandments4687 of my God.430

116  Uphold5564 me according unto thy word,565 that I may live:2421 and let me not408 be ashamed954 of my hope.4480 7664

117  Hold thou me up,5582 and I shall be safe:3467 and I will have respect8159 unto thy statutes2706 continually.8548

118  Thou hast trodden down5541 all3605 them that err7686 from thy statutes:4480 2706 for3588 their deceit8649 is falsehood.8267

119  Thou puttest away7673 all3605 the wicked7563 of the earth776 like dross:5509 therefore3651 I love157 thy testimonies.5713

120  My flesh1320 trembleth5568 for fear4480 6343 of thee; and I am afraid3372 of thy judgments.4480 4941

121  I have done6213 judgment4941 and justice:6664 leave5117 me not1077 to mine oppressors.6231

122  Be surety6148 for thy servant5650 for good:2896 let not408 the proud2086 oppress6231 me.

123  Mine eyes5869 fail3615 for thy salvation,3444 and for the word565 of thy righteousness.6664

124  Deal6213 with5973 thy servant5650 according unto thy mercy,2617 and teach3925 me thy statutes.2706

125  I589 am thy servant;5650 give me understanding,995 that I may know3045 thy testimonies.5713

126  It is time6256 for thee, LORD,3068 to work:6213 for they have made void6565 thy law.8451

127  Therefore5921 3651 I love157 thy commandments4687 above gold;4480 2091 yea, above fine gold.4480 6337

128  Therefore5921 3651 I esteem all3605 thy precepts6490 concerning all3605 things to be right;3474 and I hate8130 every3605 false8267 way.734

129  Thy testimonies5715 are wonderful:6382 therefore5921 3651 doth my soul5315 keep5341 them.

130  The entrance6608 of thy words1697 giveth light;215 it giveth understanding995 unto the simple.6612

131  I opened6473 my mouth,6310 and panted:7602 for3588 I longed2968 for thy commandments.4687

132  Look6437 thou upon413 me, and be merciful2603 unto me, as thou usest to do4941 unto those that love157 thy name.8034

133  Order3559 my steps6471 in thy word:565 and let not408 any3605 iniquity205 have dominion7980 over me.

134  Deliver6299 me from the oppression4480 6233 of man:120 so will I keep8104 thy precepts.6490

135  Make thy face6440 to shine215 upon thy servant;5650 and teach3925 me 853 thy statutes.2706

136  Rivers6388 of waters4325 run down3381 mine eyes,5869 because5921 they keep8104 not3808 thy law.8451

137  Righteous6662 art thou,859 O LORD,3068 and upright3477 are thy judgments.4941

138  Thy testimonies5713 that thou hast commanded6680 are righteous6664 and very3966 faithful.530

139  My zeal7068 hath consumed6789 me, because3588 mine enemies6862 have forgotten7911 thy words.1697

140  Thy word565 is very3966 pure:6884 therefore thy servant5650 loveth157 it.

141  I595 am small6810 and despised:959 yet do not3808 I forget7911 thy precepts.6490

142  Thy righteousness6666 is an everlasting5769 righteousness,6664 and thy law8451 is the truth.571

143  Trouble6862 and anguish4689 have taken hold on4672 me: yet thy commandments4687 are my delights.8191

144  The righteousness6664 of thy testimonies5715 is everlasting:5769 give me understanding,995 and I shall live.2421

145  I cried7121 with my whole3605 heart;3820 hear6030 me, O LORD:3068 I will keep5341 thy statutes.2706

146  I cried7121 unto thee; save3467 me, and I shall keep8104 thy testimonies.5713

147  I prevented6923 the dawning5399 of the morning, and cried:7768 I hoped3176 in thy word.1697

148  Mine eyes5869 prevent6923 the night watches,821 that I might meditate7878 in thy word.565

149  Hear8085 my voice6963 according unto thy lovingkindness:2617 O LORD,3068 quicken2421 me according to thy judgment.4941

150  They draw nigh7126 that follow after7291 mischief:2154 they are far7368 from thy law.4480 8451

151  Thou859 art near,7138 O LORD;3068 and all3605 thy commandments4687 are truth.571

152  Concerning thy testimonies,4480 5713 I have known3045 of old6924 that3588 thou hast founded3245 them forever.5769

153  Consider7200 mine affliction,6040 and deliver2502 me: for3588 I do not3808 forget7911 thy law.8451

154  Plead7378 my cause,7379 and deliver1350 me: quicken2421 me according to thy word.565

155  Salvation3444 is far7350 from the wicked:4480 7563 for3588 they seek1875 not3808 thy statutes.2706

156  Great7227 are thy tender mercies,7356 O LORD:3068 quicken2421 me according to thy judgments.4941

157  Many7227 are my persecutors7291 and mine enemies;6862 yet do I not3808 decline5186 from thy testimonies.4480 5715

158  I beheld7200 the transgressors,898 and was grieved;6962 because834 they kept8104 not3808 thy word.565

159  Consider7200 how3588 I love157 thy precepts:6490 quicken2421 me, O LORD,3068 according to thy lovingkindness.2617

160  Thy word1697 is true571 from the beginning:7218 and every one3605 of thy righteous6664 judgments4941 endureth forever.5769

161  Princes8269 have persecuted7291 me without a cause:2600 but my heart3820 standeth in awe6342 of thy word.4480 1697

162  I595 rejoice7797 at5921 thy word,565 as one that findeth4672 great7227 spoil.7998

163  I hate8130 and abhor8581 lying:8267 but thy law8451 do I love.157

164  Seven7651 times a day3117 do I praise1984 thee because of5921 thy righteous6664 judgments.4941

165  Great7227 peace7965 have they which love157 thy law:8451 and nothing369 shall offend4383 them.

166  LORD,3068 I have hoped7663 for thy salvation,3444 and done6213 thy commandments.4687

167  My soul5315 hath kept8104 thy testimonies;5713 and I love157 them exceedingly.3966

168  I have kept8104 thy precepts6490 and thy testimonies:5713 for3588 all3605 my ways1870 are before5048 thee.

169  Let my cry7440 come near7126 before6440 thee, O LORD:3068 give me understanding995 according to thy word.1697

170  Let my supplication8467 come935 before6440 thee: deliver5337 me according to thy word.565

171  My lips8193 shall utter5042 praise,8416 when3588 thou hast taught3925 me thy statutes.2706

172  My tongue3956 shall speak6030 of thy word:565 for3588 all3605 thy commandments4687 are righteousness.6664

173  Let1961 thine hand3027 help5826 me; for3588 I have chosen977 thy precepts.6490

174  I have longed8373 for thy salvation,3444 O LORD;3068 and thy law8451 is my delight.8191

175  Let my soul5315 live,2421 and it shall praise1984 thee; and let thy judgments4941 help5826 me.

176  I have gone astray8582 like a lost6 sheep;7716 seek1245 thy servant;5650 for3588 I do not3808 forget7911 thy commandments.4687

Psalms 120: 1-7

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 In my distress6869 I cried7121 unto413 the LORD,3068 and he heard6030 me.

2  Deliver5337 my soul,5315 O LORD,3068 from lying8267 lips,4480 8193 and from a deceitful7423 tongue.4480 3956

3  What4100 shall be given5414 unto thee? or what4100 shall be done3254 unto thee, thou false7423 tongue?3956

4  Sharp8150 arrows2671 of the mighty,1368 with5973 coals1513 of juniper.7574

5  Woe190 is me, that3588 I sojourn1481 in Mesech,4902 that I dwell7931 in5973 the tents168 of Kedar!6938

6  My soul5315 hath long7227 dwelt7931 with5973 him that hateth8130 peace.7965

7  I589 am for peace:7965 but when3588 I speak,1696 they1992 are for war.4421

Psalms 121: 1-8

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 I will lift up5375 mine eyes5869 unto413 the hills,2022 from whence4480 370 cometh935 my help.5828

2  My help5828 cometh from4480 5973 the LORD,3068 which made6213 heaven8064 and earth.776

3  He will not408 suffer5414 thy foot7272 to be moved:4132 he that keepeth8104 thee will not408 slumber.5123

4  Behold,2009 he that keepeth8104 Israel3478 shall neither3808 slumber5123 nor3808 sleep.3462

5  The LORD3068 is thy keeper:8104 the LORD3068 is thy shade6738 upon5921 thy right3225 hand.3027

6  The sun8121 shall not3808 smite5221 thee by day,3119 nor the moon3394 by night.3915

7  The LORD3068 shall preserve8104 thee from all4480 3605 evil:7451 he shall preserve8104 853 thy soul.5315

8  The LORD3068 shall preserve8104 thy going out3318 and thy coming in935 from this time forth,4480 6258 and even forevermore.5704 5769

Psalms 122: 1-9

1  A Song7892 of degrees4609 of David.1732 I was glad8055 when they said559 unto me, Let us go1980 into the house1004 of the LORD.3068

2  Our feet7272 shall1961 stand5975 within thy gates,8179 O Jerusalem.3389

3  Jerusalem3389 is built1129 as a city5892 that is compact7945 2266 together:3162

4  Whither7945 8033 the tribes7626 go up,5927 the tribes7626 of the LORD,3050 unto the testimony5715 of Israel,3478 to give thanks3034 unto the name8034 of the LORD.3068

5  For3588 there8033 are set3427 thrones3678 of judgment,4941 the thrones3678 of the house1004 of David.1732

6  Pray7592 for the peace7965 of Jerusalem:3389 they shall prosper7951 that love157 thee.

7  Peace7965 be1961 within thy walls,2426 and prosperity7962 within thy palaces.759

8  For4616 my brethren251 and companions'7453 sakes, I will now4994 say,1696 Peace7965 be within thee.

9  Because of4616 the house1004 of the LORD3068 our God430 I will seek1245 thy good.2896

Psalms 123: 1-4

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 Unto413 thee lift I up5375 853 mine eyes,5869 O thou that dwellest3427 in the heavens.8064

2  Behold,2009 as the eyes5869 of servants5650 look unto413 the hand3027 of their masters,113 and as the eyes5869 of a maiden8198 unto413 the hand3027 of her mistress;1404 so3651 our eyes5869 wait upon413 the LORD3068 our God,430 until5704 that he have mercy upon7945 2603 us.

3  Have mercy upon2603 us, O LORD,3068 have mercy upon2603 us: for3588 we are exceedingly7227 filled7646 with contempt.937

4  Our soul5315 is exceedingly7227 filled7646 with the scorning3933 of those that are at ease,7600 and with the contempt937 of the proud.1349

Psalms 124: 1-8

1  A Song7892 of degrees4609 of David.1732 If3884 it had not been the LORD3068 who was7945 1961 on our side, now4994 may Israel3478 say;559

2  If3884 it had not been the LORD3068 who was7945 1961 on our side, when men120 rose up6965 against5921 us:

3  Then233 they had swallowed us up1104 quick,2416 when their wrath639 was kindled2734 against us:

4  Then233 the waters4325 had overwhelmed7857 us, the stream5158 had gone5674 over5921 our soul:5315

5  Then233 the proud2121 waters4325 had gone5674 over5921 our soul.5315

6  Blessed1288 be the LORD,3068 who hath not7945 3808 given5414 us as a prey2964 to their teeth.8127

7  Our soul5315 is escaped4422 as a bird6833 out of the snare4480 6341 of the fowlers:3369 the snare6341 is broken,7665 and we587 are escaped.4422

8  Our help5828 is in the name8034 of the LORD,3068 who made6213 heaven8064 and earth.776

Psalms 125: 1-5

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 They that trust982 in the LORD3068 shall be as mount2022 Zion,6726 which cannot3808 be removed,4131 but abideth3427 forever.5769

2  As the mountains2022 are round about5439 Jerusalem,3389 so the LORD3068 is round about5439 his people5971 from henceforth4480 6258 even forever.5704 5769

3  For3588 the rod7626 of the wicked7562 shall not3808 rest5117 upon5921 the lot1486 of the righteous;6662 lest4616 3808 the righteous6662 put forth7971 their hands3027 unto iniquity.5766

4  Do good,3190 O LORD,3068 unto those that be good,2896 and to them that are upright3477 in their hearts.3826

5  As for such as turn aside5186 unto their crooked ways,6128 the LORD3068 shall lead them forth1980 with854 the workers6466 of iniquity:205 but peace7965 shall be upon5921 Israel.3478

Psalms 126: 1-6

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 When the LORD3068 turned again7725 853 the captivity7870 of Zion,6726 we were1961 like them that dream.2492

2  Then227 was our mouth6310 filled4390 with laughter,7814 and our tongue3956 with singing:7440 then227 said559 they among the heathen,1471 The LORD3068 hath done6213 great things1431 for5973 them.428

3  The LORD3068 hath done6213 great things1431 for5973 us; whereof we are1961 glad.8056

4  Turn again7725 853 our captivity,7622 O LORD,3068 as the streams650 in the south.5045

5  They that sow2232 in tears1832 shall reap7114 in joy.7440

6  He that goeth forth1980 1980 and weepeth,1058 bearing5375 precious4901 seed,2233 shall doubtless come again935 935 with rejoicing,7440 bringing5375 his sheaves485 with him.

Psalms 127: 1-5

1  A Song7892 of degrees4609 for Solomon.8010 Except518 3808 the LORD3068 build1129 the house,1004 they labor5998 in vain7723 that build1129 it: except518 3808 the LORD3068 keep8104 the city,5892 the watchman8104 waketh8245 but in vain.7723

2  It is vain7723 for you to rise up6965 early,7925 to sit up3427 late,309 to eat398 the bread3899 of sorrows:6089 for so3651 he giveth5414 his beloved3039 sleep.8142

3  Lo,2009 children1121 are a heritage5159 of the LORD:3068 and the fruit6529 of the womb990 is his reward.7939

4  As arrows2671 are in the hand3027 of a mighty1368 man; so3651 are children1121 of the youth.5271

5  Happy835 is the man1397 that834 hath 853 his quiver827 full4390 of4480 them: they shall not3808 be ashamed,954 but3588 they shall speak1696 with854 the enemies341 in the gate.8179

Psalms 128: 1-6

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 Blessed835 is every one3605 that feareth3373 the LORD;3068 that walketh1980 in his ways.1870

2  For3588 thou shalt eat398 the labor3018 of thine hands:3709 happy835 shalt thou be, and it shall be well2896 with thee.

3  Thy wife802 shall be as a fruitful6509 vine1612 by the sides3411 of thine house:1004 thy children1121 like olive2132 plants8363 round about5439 thy table.7979

4  Behold,2009 that3588 thus3651 shall the man1397 be blessed1288 that feareth3373 the LORD.3068

5  The LORD3068 shall bless1288 thee out of Zion:4480 6726 and thou shalt see7200 the good2898 of Jerusalem3389 all3605 the days3117 of thy life.2416

6  Yea, thou shalt see7200 thy children's1121 children,1121 and peace7965 upon5921 Israel.3478

Psalms 129: 1-8

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 Many a time7227 have they afflicted6887 me from my youth,4480 5271 may Israel3478 now4994 say:559

2  Many a time7227 have they afflicted6887 me from my youth:4480 5271 yet1571 they have not3808 prevailed3201 against me.

3  The plowers2790 plowed2790 upon5921 my back:1354 they made long748 their furrows.4618

4  The LORD3068 is righteous:6662 he hath cut asunder7112 the cords5688 of the wicked.7563

5  Let them all3605 be confounded954 and turned5472 back268 that hate8130 Zion.6726

6  Let them be1961 as the grass2682 upon the housetops,1406 which withereth3001 before7945 6927 it groweth up:8025

7  Wherewith the mower7114 filleth4390 not7945 3808 his hand;3709 nor he that bindeth6014 sheaves his bosom.2683

8  Neither3808 do they which go by5674 say,559 The blessing1293 of the LORD3068 be upon413 you: we bless1288 you in the name8034 of the LORD.3068

Psalms 130: 1-8

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 Out of the depths4480 4615 have I cried7121 unto thee, O LORD.3068

2  Lord,136 hear8085 my voice:6963 let thine ears241 be1961 attentive7183 to the voice6963 of my supplications.8469

3  If518 thou, LORD,3050 shouldest mark8104 iniquities,5771 O Lord,136 who4310 shall stand?5975

4  But3588 there is forgiveness5547 with5973 thee, that4616 thou mayest be feared.3372

5  I wait for6960 the LORD,3068 my soul5315 doth wait,6960 and in his word1697 do I hope.3176

6  My soul5315 waiteth for the Lord136 more than they that watch4480 8104 for the morning:1242 I say, more than they that watch8104 for the morning.1242

7  Let Israel3478 hope3176 in413 the LORD:3068 for3588 with5973 the LORD3068 there is mercy,2617 and with5973 him is plenteous7235 redemption.6304

8  And he1931 shall redeem6299 853 Israel3478 from all4480 3605 his iniquities.5771

Psalms 131: 1-3

1  A Song7892 of degrees4609 of David.1732 LORD,3068 my heart3820 is not3808 haughty,1361 nor3808 mine eyes5869 lofty:7311 neither3808 do I exercise1980 myself in great matters,1419 or in things too high6381 for4480 me.

2  Surely518 3808 I have behaved7737 and quieted1826 myself,5315 as a child that is weaned1580 of5921 his mother:517 my soul5315 is even as a weaned child.1580

3  Let Israel3478 hope3176 in413 the LORD3068 from henceforth4480 6258 and forever.5704 5769

Psalms 132: 1-18

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 LORD,3068 remember2142 David,1732 and 853 all3605 his afflictions:6031

2  How834 he swore7650 unto the LORD,3068 and vowed5087 unto the mighty46 God of Jacob;3290

3  Surely518 I will not come935 into the tabernacle168 of my house,1004 nor518 go up5927 into5921 my bed;6210 3326

4  I will not518 give5414 sleep8153 to mine eyes,5869 or slumber8572 to mine eyelids,6079

5  Until5704 I find out4672 a place4725 for the LORD,3068 a habitation4908 for the mighty46 God of Jacob.3290

6  Lo,2009 we heard8085 of it at Ephratah:672 we found4672 it in the fields7704 of the wood.3293

7  We will go935 into his tabernacles:4908 we will worship7812 at his footstool.1916 7272

8  Arise,6965 O LORD,3068 into thy rest;4496 thou,859 and the ark727 of thy strength.5797

9  Let thy priests3548 be clothed3847 with righteousness;6664 and let thy saints2623 shout for joy.7442

10  For thy servant5650 David's1732 sake5668 turn not away7725 408 the face6440 of thine anointed.4899

11  The LORD3068 hath sworn7650 in truth571 unto David;1732 he will not3808 turn7725 from4480 it; Of the fruit4480 6529 of thy body990 will I set7896 upon thy throne.3678

12  If518 thy children1121 will keep8104 my covenant1285 and my testimony5713 that2097 I shall teach3925 them, their children1121 shall also1571 sit3427 upon thy throne3678 forevermore.5704 5703

13  For3588 the LORD3068 hath chosen977 Zion;6726 he hath desired183 it for his habitation.4186

14  This2063 is my rest4496 forever:5704 5703 here6311 will I dwell;3427 for3588 I have desired183 it.

15  I will abundantly bless1288 1288 her provision:6718 I will satisfy7646 her poor34 with bread.3899

16  I will also clothe3847 her priests3548 with salvation:3468 and her saints2623 shall shout aloud for joy.7442 7442

17  There8033 will I make the horn7161 of David1732 to bud:6779 I have ordained6186 a lamp5216 for mine anointed.4899

18  His enemies341 will I clothe3847 with shame:1322 but upon5921 himself shall his crown5145 flourish.6692

Psalms 133: 1-3

1  A Song7892 of degrees4609 of David.1732 Behold,2009 how4100 good2896 and how4100 pleasant5273 it is for brethren251 to dwell3427 together in unity!1571 3162

2  It is like the precious2896 ointment8081 upon5921 the head,7218 that ran down3381 upon5921 the beard,2206 even Aaron's175 beard:2206 that went down7945 3381 to5921 the skirts6310 of his garments;4060

3  As the dew2919 of Hermon,2768 and as the dew that descended7945 3381 upon5921 the mountains2042 of Zion:6726 for3588 there8033 the LORD3068 commanded6680 853 the blessing,1293 even life2416 forevermore.5704 5769

Psalms 134: 1-3

1  A Song7892 of degrees.4609 Behold,2009 bless1288 ye the 853 LORD,3068 all3605 ye servants5650 of the LORD,3068 which by night3915 stand5975 in the house1004 of the LORD.3068

2  Lift up5375 your hands3027 in the sanctuary,6944 and bless1288 853 the LORD.3068

3  The LORD3068 that made6213 heaven8064 and earth776 bless1288 thee out of Zion.4480 6726

Psalms 135: 1-21

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 Praise1984 ye 853 the name8034 of the LORD;3068 praise1984 him, O ye servants5650 of the LORD.3068

2  Ye that stand7945 5975 in the house1004 of the Lord,3068 in the courts2691 of the house1004 of our God,430

3  Praise1984 the LORD;3050 for3588 the LORD3068 is good:2896 sing praises2167 unto his name;8034 for3588 it is pleasant.5273

4  For3588 the LORD3050 hath chosen977 Jacob3290 unto himself, and Israel3478 for his peculiar treasure.5459

5  For3588 I589 know3045 that3588 the LORD3068 is great,1419 and that our Lord113 is above all4480 3605 gods.430

6  Whatsoever3605 834 the LORD3068 pleased,2654 that did6213 he in heaven,8064 and in earth,776 in the seas,3220 and all3605 deep places.8415

7  He causeth the vapors5387 to ascend5927 from the ends4480 7097 of the earth;776 he maketh6213 lightnings1300 for the rain;4306 he bringeth3318 the wind7307 out of his treasuries.4480 214

8  Who smote7945 5221 the firstborn1060 of Egypt,4714 both of man4480 120 and5704 beast.929

9  Who sent7971 tokens226 and wonders4159 into the midst8432 of thee, O Egypt,4714 upon Pharaoh,6547 and upon all3605 his servants.5650

10  Who smote7945 5221 great7227 nations,1471 and slew2026 mighty6099 kings;4428

11  Sihon5511 king4428 of the Amorites,567 and Og5747 king4428 of Bashan,1316 and all3605 the kingdoms4467 of Canaan:3667

12  And gave5414 their land776 for a heritage,5159 a heritage5159 unto Israel3478 his people.5971

13  Thy name,8034 O LORD,3068 endureth forever;5769 and thy memorial,2143 O LORD,3068 throughout all generations.1755 1755

14  For3588 the LORD3068 will judge1777 his people,5971 and he will repent himself5162 concerning5921 his servants.5650

15  The idols6091 of the heathen1471 are silver3701 and gold,2091 the work4639 of men's120 hands.3027

16  They have mouths,6310 but they speak1696 not;3808 eyes5869 have they, but they see7200 not;3808

17  They have ears,241 but they hear238 not;3808 neither637 369 is there3426 any breath7307 in their mouths.6310

18  They that make6213 them are1961 like unto them:3644 so is every one3605 that834 trusteth982 in them.

19  Bless1288 853 the LORD,3068 O house1004 of Israel:3478 853 bless1288 the LORD,3068 O house1004 of Aaron:175

20  Bless1288 853 the LORD,3068 O house1004 of Levi:3878 ye that fear3373 the LORD,3068 bless1288 853 the LORD.3068

21  Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 out of Zion,4480 6726 which dwelleth7931 at Jerusalem.3389 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 136: 1-26

1  O give thanks3034 unto the LORD;3068 for3588 he is good:2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

2  O give thanks3034 unto the God430 of gods:430 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

3  O give thanks3034 to the Lord113 of lords:113 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

4  To him who alone905 doeth6213 great1419 wonders:6381 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

5  To him that by wisdom8394 made6213 the heavens:8064 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

6  To him that stretched out7554 the earth776 above5921 the waters:4325 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

7  To him that made6213 great1419 lights:216 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

853 The sun8121 to rule4475 by day:3117 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

853 The moon3394 and stars3556 to rule4475 by night:3915 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

10  To him that smote5221 Egypt4714 in their firstborn:1060 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

11  And brought out3318 Israel3478 from among4480 8432 them: for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

12  With a strong2389 hand,3027 and with a stretched out5186 arm:2220 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

13  To him which divided1504 the Red5488 sea3220 into parts:1506 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

14  And made Israel3478 to pass through5674 the midst8432 of it: for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

15  But overthrew5286 Pharaoh6547 and his host2428 in the Red5488 sea:3220 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

16  To him which led1980 his people5971 through the wilderness:4057 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

17  To him which smote5221 great1419 kings:4428 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

18  And slew2026 famous117 kings:4428 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

19  Sihon5511 king4428 of the Amorites:567 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

20  And Og5747 the king4428 of Bashan:1316 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

21  And gave5414 their land776 for a heritage:5159 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

22  Even a heritage5159 unto Israel3478 his servant:5650 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

23  Who remembered2142 us in our low estate:7945 8216 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever:5769

24  And hath redeemed6561 us from our enemies:4480 6862 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

25  Who giveth5414 food3899 to all3605 flesh:1320 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

26  O give thanks3034 unto the God410 of heaven:8064 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

Psalms 137: 1-9

1  By5921 the rivers5104 of Babylon,894 there8033 we sat down,3427 yea,1571 we wept,1058 when we remembered2142 853 Zion.6726

2  We hanged8518 our harps3658 upon5921 the willows6155 in the midst8432 thereof.

3  For3588 there8033 they that carried us away captive7617 required7592 of us a song;1697 7892 and they that wasted8437 us required of us mirth,8057 saying, Sing7891 us one of the songs4480 7892 of Zion.6726

4  How349 shall we sing7891 853 the LORD's3068 song7892 in5921 a strange5236 land?127

5  If518 I forget7911 thee, O Jerusalem,3389 let my right hand3225 forget7911 her cunning.

6  If518 I do not3808 remember2142 thee, let my tongue3956 cleave1692 to the roof of my mouth;2441 if518 I prefer5927 not3808 853 Jerusalem3389 above5921 my chief7218 joy.8057

7  Remember,2142 O LORD,3068 the children1121 of Edom123 853 in the day3117 of Jerusalem;3389 who said,559 Raze6168 it, raze6168 it, even to5704 the foundation3247 thereof.

8  O daughter1323 of Babylon,894 who art to be destroyed;7703 happy835 shall he be, that rewardeth7945 7999 thee as854 1576 thou hast served7945 1580 us.

9  Happy835 shall he be, that taketh7945 270 and dasheth5310 853 thy little ones5768 against413 the stones.5553

Psalms 138: 1-8

1  A Psalm of David.1732 I will praise3034 thee with my whole3605 heart:3820 before5048 the gods430 will I sing praise2167 unto thee.

2  I will worship7812 toward413 thy holy6944 temple,1964 and praise3034 853 thy name8034 for3588 thy lovingkindness2617 and for5921 thy truth:571 for3588 thou hast magnified1431 thy word565 above5921 all3605 thy name.8034

3  In the day3117 when I cried7121 thou answeredst6030 me, and strengthenedst7292 me with strength5797 in my soul.5315

4  All3605 the kings4428 of the earth776 shall praise3034 thee, O LORD,3068 when3588 they hear8085 the words561 of thy mouth.6310

5  Yea, they shall sing7891 in the ways1870 of the LORD:3068 for3588 great1419 is the glory3519 of the LORD.3068

6  Though3588 the LORD3068 be high,7311 yet hath he respect7200 unto the lowly:8217 but the proud1364 he knoweth3045 afar off.4480 4801

7  Though518 I walk1980 in the midst7130 of trouble,6869 thou wilt revive2421 me: thou shalt stretch forth7971 thine hand3027 against5921 the wrath639 of mine enemies,341 and thy right hand3225 shall save3467 me.

8  The LORD3068 will perfect1584 that which concerneth1157 me: thy mercy,2617 O LORD,3068 endureth forever:5769 forsake7503 not408 the works4639 of thine own hands.3027

Psalms 139: 1-24

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 O LORD,3068 thou hast searched2713 me, and known3045 me.

2  Thou859 knowest3045 my downsitting3427 and mine uprising,6965 thou understandest995 my thought7454 afar off.4480 7350

3  Thou compassest2219 my path734 and my lying down,7252 and art acquainted5532 with all3605 my ways.1870

4  For3588 there is not369 a word4405 in my tongue,3956 but, lo,2005 O LORD,3068 thou knowest3045 it altogether.3605

5  Thou hast beset6696 me behind268 and before,6924 and laid7896 thine hand3709 upon5921 me.

6  Such knowledge1847 is too wonderful6383 for4480 me; it is high,7682 I cannot3808 3201 attain unto it.

7  Whither575 shall I go1980 from thy spirit?4480 7307 or whither575 shall I flee1272 from thy presence?4480 6440

8  If518 I ascend up5266 into heaven,8064 thou859 art there:8033 if I make my bed3331 in hell,7585 behold,2009 thou art there.

9  If I take5375 the wings3671 of the morning,7837 and dwell7931 in the uttermost parts319 of the sea;3220

10  Even1571 there8033 shall thy hand3027 lead5148 me, and thy right hand3225 shall hold270 me.

11  If I say,559 Surely389 the darkness2822 shall cover7779 me; even the night3915 shall be light216 about1157 me.

12  Yea,1571 the darkness2822 hideth2821 not3808 from4480 thee; but the night3915 shineth215 as the day:3117 the darkness2825 and the light219 are both alike to thee.

13  For3588 thou859 hast possessed7069 my reins:3629 thou hast covered5526 me in my mother's517 womb.990

14  I will praise3034 thee; for5921 3588 I am fearfully3372 and wonderfully6395 made: marvelous6381 are thy works;4639 and that my soul5315 knoweth3045 right well.3966

15  My substance6108 was not3808 hid3582 from4480 thee, when834 I was made6213 in secret,5643 and curiously wrought7551 in the lowest parts8482 of the earth.776

16  Thine eyes5869 did see7200 my substance, yet being unperfect;1564 and in5921 thy book5612 all3605 my members were written,3789 which in continuance3117 were fashioned,3335 when as yet there was none3808 259 of them.

17  How4100 precious3365 also are thy thoughts7454 unto me, O God!410 how4100 great6105 is the sum7218 of them!

18  If I should count5608 them, they are more in number7235 than the sand:4480 2344 when I awake,6974 I am still5750 with thee.5973

19  Surely518 thou wilt slay6991 the wicked,7563 O God:433 depart5493 from4480 me therefore, ye bloody1818 men.376

20  For834 they speak559 against thee wickedly,4209 and thine enemies6145 take5375 thy name in vain.7723

21  Do not3808 I hate8130 them, O LORD,3068 that hate8130 thee? and am not I grieved6962 with those that rise up against8618 thee?

22  I hate8130 them with perfect8503 hatred:8135 I count1961 them mine enemies.341

23  Search2713 me, O God,410 and know3045 my heart:3824 try974 me, and know3045 my thoughts:8312

24  And see7200 if518 there be any wicked6090 way1870 in me, and lead5148 me in the way1870 everlasting.5769

Psalms 140: 1-13

1  To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Deliver2502 me, O LORD,3068 from the evil7451 man:4480 120 preserve5341 me from the violent2555 man;4480 376

2  Which834 imagine2803 mischiefs7451 in their heart;3820 continually3605 3117 are they gathered together1481 for war.4421

3  They have sharpened8150 their tongues3956 like3644 a serpent;5175 adders'5919 poison2534 is under8478 their lips.8193 Selah.5542

4  Keep8104 me, O LORD,3068 from the hands4480 3027 of the wicked;7563 preserve5341 me from the violent man;4480 376 2555 who834 have purposed2803 to overthrow1760 my goings.6471

5  The proud1343 have hid2934 a snare6341 for me, and cords;2256 they have spread6566 a net7568 by the wayside;3027 4570 they have set7896 gins4170 for me. Selah.5542

6  I said559 unto the LORD,3068 Thou859 art my God:410 hear238 the voice6963 of my supplications,8469 O LORD.3068

7  O GOD3069 the Lord,136 the strength5797 of my salvation,3444 thou hast covered5526 my head7218 in the day3117 of battle.5402

8  Grant5414 not,408 O LORD,3068 the desires3970 of the wicked:7563 further6329 not408 his wicked device;2162 lest they exalt7311 themselves. Selah.5542

9  As for the head7218 of those that compass me about,4524 let the mischief5999 of their own lips8193 cover3680 them.

10  Let burning coals1513 fall4131 upon5921 them: let them be cast5307 into the fire;784 into deep pits,4113 that they rise6965 not1077 up again.

11  Let not1077 an evil speaker376 3956 be established3559 in the earth:776 evil7451 shall hunt6679 the violent2555 man376 to overthrow4073 him.

12  I know3045 that3588 the LORD3068 will maintain6213 the cause1779 of the afflicted,6041 and the right4941 of the poor.34

13  Surely389 the righteous6662 shall give thanks3034 unto thy name:8034 the upright3477 shall dwell3427 853 in thy presence.6440

Psalms 141: 1-10

1  A Psalm4210 of David.1732 LORD,3068 I cry7121 unto thee: make haste2363 unto me; give ear238 unto my voice,6963 when I cry7121 unto thee.

2  Let my prayer8605 be set forth3559 before6440 thee as incense;7004 and the lifting up4864 of my hands3709 as the evening6153 sacrifice.4503

3  Set7896 a watch,8108 O LORD,3068 before my mouth;6310 keep5341 5921 the door1817 of my lips.8193

4  Incline5186 not408 my heart3820 to any evil7451 thing,1697 to practice5953 wicked7562 works5949 with854 men376 that work6466 iniquity:205 and let me not1077 eat3898 of their dainties.4516

5  Let the righteous6662 smite1986 me; it shall be a kindness:2617 and let him reprove3198 me; it shall be an excellent7218 oil,8081 which shall not408 break5106 my head:7218 for3588 yet5750 my prayer8605 also shall be in their calamities.7451

6  When their judges8199 are overthrown8058 in stony5553 places,3027 they shall hear8085 my words;561 for3588 they are sweet.5276

7  Our bones6106 are scattered6340 at the grave's7585 mouth,6310 as when3644 one cutteth6398 and cleaveth1234 wood upon the earth.776

8  But3588 mine eyes5869 are unto413 thee, O GOD3069 the Lord:136 in thee is my trust;2620 leave not my soul destitute.6168 408 5315

9  Keep8104 me from4480 3027 the snares6341 which they have laid3369 for me, and the gins4170 of the workers6466 of iniquity.205

10  Let the wicked7563 fall5307 into their own nets,4364 whilst5704 that I595 withal3162 escape.5674

Psalms 142: 1-7

1  Maschil4905 of David;1732 A Prayer8605 when he was1961 in the cave.4631 I cried2199 unto413 the LORD3068 with my voice;6963 with my voice6963 unto413 the LORD3068 did I make my supplication.2603

2  I poured out8210 my complaint7879 before6440 him; I showed5046 before6440 him my trouble.6869

3  When my spirit7307 was overwhelmed5848 within5921 me, then thou859 knewest3045 my path.5410 In the way734 wherein2098 I walked1980 have they privily laid2934 a snare6341 for me.

4  I looked5027 on my right hand,3225 and beheld,7200 but there was no man369 that would know5234 me: refuge4498 failed6 4480 me; no man369 cared1875 for my soul.5315

5  I cried2199 unto413 thee, O LORD:3068 I said,559 Thou859 art my refuge4268 and my portion2506 in the land776 of the living.2416

6  Attend7181 unto413 my cry;7440 for3588 I am brought very low:1809 3966 deliver5337 me from my persecutors;4480 7291 for3588 they are stronger553 than4480 I.

7  Bring my soul out3318 5315 of prison,4480 4525 that I may praise3034 853 thy name:8034 the righteous6662 shall compass me about;3803 for3588 thou shalt deal bountifully1580 with5921 me.

Psalms 143: 1-12

1  A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Hear8085 my prayer,8605 O LORD,3068 give ear238 to413 my supplications:8469 in thy faithfulness530 answer6030 me, and in thy righteousness.6666

2  And enter935 not408 into judgment4941 with854 thy servant:5650 for3588 in thy sight6440 shall no3808 man3605 living2416 be justified.6663

3  For3588 the enemy341 hath persecuted7291 my soul;5315 he hath smitten1792 my life2416 down to the ground;776 he hath made me to dwell3427 in darkness,4285 as those that have been long5769 dead.4191

4  Therefore is my spirit7307 overwhelmed5848 within5921 me; my heart3820 within8432 me is desolate.8074

5  I remember2142 the days3117 of old;4480 6924 I meditate1897 on all3605 thy works;6467 I muse7878 on the work4639 of thy hands.3027

6  I stretch forth6566 my hands3027 unto thee:413 my soul5315 thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty5889 land.776 Selah.5542

7  Hear6030 me speedily,4116 O LORD:3068 my spirit7307 faileth:3615 hide5641 not408 thy face6440 from4480 me, lest I be like4911 unto5973 them that go down3381 into the pit.953

8  Cause me to hear8085 thy lovingkindness2617 in the morning;1242 for3588 in thee do I trust:982 cause me to know3045 the way1870 wherein2098 I should walk;1980 for3588 I lift up5375 my soul5315 unto413 thee.

9  Deliver5337 me, O LORD,3068 from mine enemies:4480 341 I flee unto thee to hide me.3680 413

10  Teach3925 me to do6213 thy will;7522 for3588 thou859 art my God:430 thy spirit7307 is good;2896 lead5148 me into the land776 of uprightness.4334

11  Quicken2421 me, O LORD,3068 for thy name's sake:4616 8034 for thy righteousness'6666 sake bring my soul out3318 5315 of trouble.4480 6869

12  And of thy mercy2617 cut off6789 mine enemies,341 and destroy6 all3605 them that afflict6887 my soul:5315 for3588 I589 am thy servant.5650

Psalms 144: 1-15

1  A Psalm of David.1732 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 my strength,6697 which teacheth3925 my hands3027 to war,7128 and my fingers676 to fight:4421

2  My goodness,2617 and my fortress;4686 my high tower,4869 and my deliverer;6403 my shield,4043 and he in whom I trust;2620 who subdueth7286 my people5971 under8478 me.

3  LORD,3068 what4100 is man,120 that thou takest knowledge3045 of him! or the son1121 of man,582 that thou makest account2803 of him!

4  Man120 is like1819 to vanity:1892 his days3117 are as a shadow6738 that passeth away.5674

5  Bow5186 thy heavens,8064 O LORD,3068 and come down:3381 touch5060 the mountains,2022 and they shall smoke.6225

6  Cast forth1299 lightning,1300 and scatter6327 them: shoot out7971 thine arrows,2671 and destroy2000 them.

7  Send7971 thine hand3027 from above;4480 4791 rid6475 me, and deliver5337 me out of great7227 waters,4480 4325 from the hand4480 3027 of strange5236 children;1121

8  Whose834 mouth6310 speaketh1696 vanity,7723 and their right hand3225 is a right hand3225 of falsehood.8267

9  I will sing7891 a new2319 song7892 unto thee, O God:430 upon a psaltery5035 and an instrument of ten strings6218 will I sing praises2167 unto thee.

10  It is he that giveth5414 salvation8668 unto kings:4428 who delivereth6475 853 David1732 his servant5650 from the hurtful7451 sword.4480 2719

11  Rid6475 me, and deliver5337 me from the hand4480 3027 of strange5236 children,1121 whose834 mouth6310 speaketh1696 vanity,7723 and their right hand3225 is a right hand3225 of falsehood:8267

12  That834 our sons1121 may be as plants5195 grown up1431 in their youth;5271 that our daughters1323 may be as corner stones,2106 polished2404 after the similitude8403 of a palace:1964

13  That our garners4200 may be full,4392 affording6329 all manner of store:4480 2177 413 2177 that our sheep6629 may bring forth thousands503 and ten thousands7231 in our streets:2351

14  That our oxen441 may be strong to labor;5445 that there be no369 breaking in,6556 nor369 going out3318 ; that there be no369 complaining6682 in our streets.7339

15  Happy835 is that people,5971 that is in such a case:7945 3602 yea, happy835 is that people,5971 whose God430 is the LORD.7945 3068

Psalms 145: 1-21

1  David's1732 Psalm of praise.8416 I will extol7311 thee, my God,430 O king;4428 and I will bless1288 thy name8034 forever5769 and ever.5703

2  Every3605 day3117 will I bless1288 thee; and I will praise1984 thy name8034 forever5769 and ever.5703

3  Great1419 is the LORD,3068 and greatly3966 to be praised;1984 and his greatness1420 is unsearchable.369 2714

4  One generation1755 shall praise7623 thy works4639 to another,1755 and shall declare5046 thy mighty acts.1369

5  I will speak7878 of the glorious3519 honor1926 of thy majesty,1935 and of thy wondrous6381 works.1697

6  And men shall speak559 of the might5807 of thy terrible acts:3372 and I will declare5608 thy greatness.1420

7  They shall abundantly utter5042 the memory2143 of thy great7227 goodness,2898 and shall sing7442 of thy righteousness.6666

8  The LORD3068 is gracious,2587 and full of compassion;7349 slow750 to anger,639 and of great1419 mercy.2617

9  The LORD3068 is good2896 to all:3605 and his tender mercies7356 are over5921 all3605 his works.4639

10  All3605 thy works4639 shall praise3034 thee, O LORD;3068 and thy saints2623 shall bless1288 thee.

11  They shall speak559 of the glory3519 of thy kingdom,4438 and talk1696 of thy power;1369

12  To make known3045 to the sons1121 of men120 his mighty acts,1369 and the glorious3519 majesty1926 of his kingdom.4438

13  Thy kingdom4438 is an everlasting3605 5769 kingdom,4438 and thy dominion4475 endureth throughout all3605 generations.1755 1755

14  The LORD3068 upholdeth5564 all3605 that fall,5307 and raiseth up2210 all3605 those that be bowed down.3721

15  The eyes5869 of all3605 wait7663 upon413 thee; and thou859 givest5414 them 853 their meat400 in due season.6256

16  Thou openest6605 853 thine hand,3027 and satisfiest7646 the desire7522 of every3605 living thing.2416

17  The LORD3068 is righteous6662 in all3605 his ways,1870 and holy2623 in all3605 his works.4639

18  The LORD3068 is nigh7138 unto all3605 them that call7121 upon him, to all3605 that834 call7121 upon him in truth.571

19  He will fulfill6213 the desire7522 of them that fear3373 him: he also will hear8085 their cry,7775 and will save3467 them.

20  The LORD3068 preserveth8104 853 all3605 them that love157 him: but all3605 the wicked7563 will he destroy.8045

21  My mouth6310 shall speak1696 the praise8416 of the LORD:3068 and let all3605 flesh1320 bless1288 his holy6944 name8034 forever5769 and ever.5703

Psalms 146: 1-10

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 Praise1984 853 the LORD,3068 O my soul.5315

2  While I live2416 will I praise1984 the LORD:3068 I will sing praises2167 unto my God430 while I have any being.5750

3  Put not408 your trust982 in princes,5081 nor in the son1121 of man,120 in whom there is no7945 369 help.8668

4  His breath7307 goeth forth,3318 he returneth7725 to his earth;127 in that very1931 day3117 his thoughts6250 perish.6

5  Happy835 is he that hath the God7945 410 of Jacob3290 for his help,5828 whose hope7664 is in5921 the LORD3068 his God:430

6  Which made6213 heaven,8064 and earth,776 853 the sea,3220 and all3605 that834 therein is: which keepeth8104 truth571 forever:5769

7  Which executeth6213 judgment4941 for the oppressed:6231 which giveth5414 food3899 to the hungry.7457 The LORD3068 looseth5425 the prisoners:631

8  The LORD3068 openeth6491 the eyes of the blind:5787 the LORD3068 raiseth2210 them that are bowed down:3721 the LORD3068 loveth157 the righteous:6662

9  The LORD3068 preserveth8104 853 the strangers;1616 he relieveth5749 the fatherless3490 and widow:490 but the way1870 of the wicked7563 he turneth upside down.5791

10  The LORD3068 shall reign4427 forever,5769 even thy God,430 O Zion,6726 unto all generations.1755 1755 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 147: 1-20

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD:3050 for3588 it is good2896 to sing praises2167 unto our God;430 for3588 it is pleasant;5273 and praise8416 is comely.5000

2  The LORD3068 doth build up1129 Jerusalem:3389 he gathereth together3664 the outcasts1760 of Israel.3478

3  He healeth7495 the broken7665 in heart,3820 and bindeth up2280 their wounds.6094

4  He telleth4487 the number4557 of the stars;3556 he calleth7121 them all3605 by their names.8034

5  Great1419 is our Lord,113 and of great7227 power:3581 his understanding8394 is infinite.369 4557

6  The LORD3068 lifteth up5749 the meek:6035 he casteth the wicked down8213 7563 to5704 the ground.776

7  Sing6030 unto the LORD3068 with thanksgiving;8426 sing praise2167 upon the harp3658 unto our God:430

8  Who covereth3680 the heaven8064 with clouds,5645 who prepareth3559 rain4306 for the earth,776 who maketh grass2682 to grow6779 upon the mountains.2022

9  He giveth5414 to the beast929 his food,3899 and to the young1121 ravens6158 which834 cry.7121

10  He delighteth2654 not3808 in the strength1369 of the horse:5483 he taketh not pleasure3808 7521 in the legs7785 of a man.376

11  The LORD3068 taketh pleasure in7521 853 them that fear3373 him, in 853 those that hope3176 in his mercy.2617

12  Praise7623 853 the LORD,3068 O Jerusalem;3389 praise1984 thy God,430 O Zion.6726

13  For3588 he hath strengthened2388 the bars1280 of thy gates;8179 he hath blessed1288 thy children1121 within7130 thee.

14  He maketh7760 peace7965 in thy borders,1366 and filleth7646 thee with the finest2459 of the wheat.2406

15  He sendeth forth7971 his commandment565 upon earth:776 his word1697 runneth7323 very5704 swiftly.4120

16  He giveth5414 snow7950 like wool:6785 he scattereth6340 the hoarfrost3713 like ashes.665

17  He casteth forth7993 his ice7140 like morsels:6595 who4310 can stand5975 before6440 his cold?7135

18  He sendeth out7971 his word,1697 and melteth4529 them: he causeth his wind7307 to blow,5380 and the waters4325 flow.5140

19  He showeth5046 his word1697 unto Jacob,3290 his statutes2706 and his judgments4941 unto Israel.3478

20  He hath not3808 dealt6213 so3651 with any3605 nation:1471 and as for his judgments,4941 they have not1077 known3045 them. Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 148: 1-14

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 Praise1984 ye 853 the LORD3068 from4480 the heavens:8064 praise1984 him in the heights.4791

2  Praise1984 ye him, all3605 his angels:4397 praise1984 ye him, all3605 his hosts.6635

3  Praise1984 ye him, sun8121 and moon:3394 praise1984 him, all3605 ye stars3556 of light.216

4  Praise1984 him, ye heavens8064 of heavens,8064 and ye waters4325 that834 be above4480 5921 the heavens.8064

5  Let them praise1984 853 the name8034 of the LORD:3068 for3588 he1931 commanded,6680 and they were created.1254

6  He hath also established5975 them forever5703 and ever:5769 he hath made5414 a decree2706 which shall not3808 pass.5674

7  Praise1984 853 the LORD3068 from4480 the earth,776 ye dragons,8577 and all3605 deeps:8415

8  Fire,784 and hail;1259 snow,7950 and vapor;7008 stormy5591 wind7307 fulfilling6213 his word:1697

9  Mountains,2022 and all3605 hills;1389 fruitful6529 trees,6086 and all3605 cedars:730

10  Beasts,2416 and all3605 cattle;929 creeping things,7431 and flying3671 fowl:6833

11  Kings4428 of the earth,776 and all3605 people;3816 princes,8269 and all3605 judges8199 of the earth:776

12  Both young men,970 and1571 maidens;1330 old men,2205 and5973 children:5288

13  Let them praise1984 853 the name8034 of the LORD:3068 for3588 his name8034 alone905 is excellent;7682 his glory1935 is above5921 the earth776 and heaven.8064

14  He also exalteth7311 the horn7161 of his people,5971 the praise8416 of all3605 his saints;2623 even of the children1121 of Israel,3478 a people5971 near7138 unto him. Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 149: 1-9

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 Sing7891 unto the LORD3068 a new2319 song,7892 and his praise8416 in the congregation6951 of saints.2623

2  Let Israel3478 rejoice8055 in him that made6213 him: let the children1121 of Zion6726 be joyful1523 in their King.4428

3  Let them praise1984 his name8034 in the dance:4234 let them sing praises2167 unto him with the timbrel8596 and harp.3658

4  For3588 the LORD3068 taketh pleasure7521 in his people:5971 he will beautify6286 the meek6035 with salvation.3444

5  Let the saints2623 be joyful5937 in glory:3519 let them sing aloud7442 upon5921 their beds.4904

6  Let the high7318 praises of God410 be in their mouth,1627 and a twoedged6374 sword2719 in their hand;3027

7  To execute6213 vengeance5360 upon the heathen,1471 and punishments8433 upon the people;3816

8  To bind631 their kings4428 with chains,2131 and their nobles3513 with fetters3525 of iron;1270

9  To execute6213 upon them the judgment4941 written:3789 this1931 honor1926 have all3605 his saints.2623 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050

Psalms 150: 1-6

1  Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 Praise1984 God410 in his sanctuary:6944 praise1984 him in the firmament7549 of his power.5797

2  Praise1984 him for his mighty acts:1369 praise1984 him according to his excellent7230 greatness.1433

3  Praise1984 him with the sound8629 of the trumpet:7782 praise1984 him with the psaltery5035 and harp.3658

4  Praise1984 him with the timbrel8596 and dance:4234 praise1984 him with stringed instruments4482 and organs.5748

5  Praise1984 him upon the loud8088 cymbals:6767 praise1984 him upon the high sounding8643 cymbals.6767

6  Let every3605 thing that hath breath5397 praise1984 the LORD.3050 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050


À Christ seul soit la Gloire


Source; - jean leDuc