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) (
, 335), denotes “shamelessness, importunity” ( ,
negative, , euphonic, and
, “shame, modesty”), and is used in the Lord’s
illustration concerning the need of earnestness and perseverance in prayer, Luke 11:8. If
shameless persistence can obtain a boon from a neighbor, then certainly earnest prayer
will receive our Father’s answer.¶
# &
, 1945) denotes “to be placed on, to lie on,” (a) literally, as of the
stone on the sepulchre of Lazarus, John 11:38; of the fish on the fire of coals, 21:9; (b)
figuratively, of a tempest (to press upon), Acts 27:20; of a necessity laid upon the apostle
Paul, 1 Cor. 9:16; of the pressure of the multitude upon Christ to hear Him, Luke 5:1,
“pressed upon”; of the insistence of the chief priests, rulers and people that Christ should
be crucified, Luke 23:23, “were instant”; of carnal ordinances “imposed” under the Law
until a time of reformation, brought in through the High Priesthood of Christ, Heb. 9:10.
A. Adjectives.
, 102), from , negative, and
, “able, strong,” is used
(a) of persons, Acts 14:8, “impotent”; figuratively, Rom. 15:1, “weak”; (b) of things,
“impossible,” Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27; Heb. 6:4, 18; 10:4; 11:6; in Rom.
8:3, “for what the Law could not do,” is, more lit., “the inability of the law”; the meaning
may be either “the weakness of the Law,” or “that which was impossible for the Law”;
the latter is perhaps preferable; literalism is ruled out here, but the sense is that the Law
could neither justify nor impart life.¶
, 418) signifies “inadmissible” ( , negative, , euphonic,
, “to admit, allow”), Luke 17:1, of occasions of stumbling, where the
meaning is “it cannot be but that they will come.”¶
B. Verb.
, 101) signifies “to be impossible” (corresponding to A, No. 1),
“unable”; in the NT it is used only of things, Matt. 17:20, “(nothing) shall be impossible
(unto you)”; Luke 1:37.
“(with God nothing) shall be impossible”;
, “(no word
from God—a different construction in the best mss.) shall be void of power”;
mean either “word” or “thing” (i.e., fact).¶ In the Sept. the verb is always used of things
and signifies either to be “impossible” or to be impotent, e.g., Gen. 18:14; Lev. 25:35,
“he fail”; Deut. 17:8; Job 4:4, “feeble”; 42:2; Dan. 4:6; Zech. 8:6.
, 1114) primarily denotes “a wailer” (
, “to wail”); hence, from the
howl in which spells were chanted, “a wizard, sorcerer, enchanter,” and hence, “a juggler,
cheat, impostor,” rendered “impostors” in 2 Tim. 3:13,
, “seducers”); possibly the
false teachers referred to practiced magical arts; cf. v. 8.¶
A. Adjectives.
, 102): see
, A, No. 1.