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, frequently used of the “ashes” of a funeral pile, is not found in the
(2) The Hebrew verb, rendered “accept” in Ps. 20:3, “accept thy burnt sacrifice,”
signifies “to turn to ashes” (i.e., by sending fire from heaven). See also Exod. 27:3, and
Num. 4:13, “shall take away the ashes.”
Acts 27:29
) see
, A, No. 3
, No. 8,
, No. 3,
, Nos. 3, 17, Note (1)
A. Verbs.
* !
, 154), “to ask,” is to be distinguished from No. 2.
frequently suggests the attitude of a suppliant, the petition of one who is lesser in position
than he to whom the petition is made; e.g., in the case of men in asking something from
God, Matt. 7:7; a child from a parent, Matt. 7:9-10; a subject from a king, Acts 12:20;
priests and people from Pilate, Luke 23:23 (
, “asking” for
, “requiring”); a beggar
from a passer by, Acts 3:2. With reference to petitioning God, this verb is found in Paul’s
epistles in Eph. 3:20 and Col. 1:9; in James four times, 1:5-6; 4:2-3; in 1 John, five times,
3:22; 5:14, 15 (twice), 16. See
#$ 1
, 2065) more frequently suggests that the petitioner is on a footing
of equality or familiarity with the person whom he requests. It is used of a king in making
request from another king, Luke 14:32; of the Pharisee who “desired” Christ that He
would eat with him, an indication of the inferior conception he had of Christ, Luke 7:36;
cf. 11:37; John 9:15; 18:19.
In this respect it is significant that the Lord Jesus never used
in the matter of
making request to the Father. “The consciousness of His equal dignity, of His potent and
prevailing intercession, speaks out in this, that as often as He asks, or declares that He
will ask anything of the Father, it is always
, an asking, that is, upon equal terms,
John 14:16; 16:26; 17:9, 15, 20, never
, that He uses. Martha, on the contrary,
plainly reveals her poor unworthy conception of His person, that … she ascribes that
to Him which He never ascribes to Himself, John 11:22” (Trench,
- !
Sec. xl).
In passages where both words are used, the distinction should be noticed, even if it
cannot be adequately represented in English. In John 16:23, “in that day ye shall ask Me
nothing,” the verb is
, whereas in the latter part of the verse, in the sentence, “If ye
shall ask anything of the Father,” the verb is
. The distinction is brought out in the
margin, which renders the former clause “Ye shall ask Me no question,” and this
meaning is confirmed by the fact that the disciples had been desirous of “asking” Him a
question (
, v. 19). If the Holy Spirit had been given, the time for “asking”
questions from the Lord would have ceased. In John 14:14, where, not a question, but a
request is made by the disciples,
, is used.
Both verbs are found in 1 John 5:16: in the sentence “he shall ask, and God will give
him life for them that sin not unto death,” the verb is
, but with regard to the sin unto