Page 1592 - Vines Expositary Dictionary

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, 2094) is used (a) to mark a point of time at or from which events take
place, e.g., Luke 3:1 (dates were frequently reckoned from the time when a monarch
began to reign); in Gal. 3:17 the time of the giving of the Law is stated as 430 “years”
after the covenant of promise given to Abraham; there is no real discrepancy between this
and Ex. 12:40; the apostle is not concerned with the exact duration of the interval, it
certainly was not less than 430 “years”; the point of the argument is that the period was
very considerable; Gal. 1:18 and 2:1 mark events in Paul’s life; as to the former the point
is that three “years” elapsed before he saw any of the apostles; in 2:1 the 14 “years” may
date either from his conversion or from his visit to Peter mentioned in 1:18; the latter
seems the more natural (for a full discussion of the subject see
: 5
Hogg and Vine, pp. 55ff.); (b) to mark a space of time, e.g., Matt. 9:20; Luke 12:19;
13:11; John 2:20; Acts 7:6, where the 400 “years” mark not merely the time that Israel
was in bondage in Egypt, but the time that they sojourned or were strangers there (the
puts a comma after the word “evil”); the Genevan Version renders Gen. 15:13 “thy
posterity shall inhabit a strange land for 400 years”; Heb. 3:17; Rev. 20:2-7; (c) to date an
event from one’s birth, e.g., Mark 5:42; Luke 2:42; 3:23; John 8:57; Acts 4:22; 1 Tim.
5:9; (d) to mark recurring events, Luke 2:41 (with
, used distributively); 13:7; (e) of
an unlimited number, Heb. 1:12.
, 1763), originally “a cycle of time,” is used (a) of a particular
time marked by an event, e.g., Luke 4:19; John 11:49, 51; 18:13; Gal. 4:10; Rev. 9:15;
(b) to mark a space of time, Acts 11:26; 18:11; Jas. 4:13; 5:17; (c) of that which takes
place every year, Heb. 9:7; with
[cf. (d) above], Heb. 9:25; 10:1, 3.¶
, 1333) denotes “a space of two years” (
, “twice,” and No. 1), Acts
24:27; 28:30.¶
$ &
, 5148) denotes “a space of three years” (
, “three,” and No. 1)
Acts 20:31.¶
In Luke 1:7, 18,
, “a day,” is rendered “years.”
B. Adjectives.
, 1332), akin to A, No. 3, denotes “lasting two years, two years old,”
Matt. 2:16.¶
= !
, 1541) denotes “a hundred years old,” Rom. 4:19.¶
C. Adverb.
, 4070), “last year, a year ago” (from
, “beyond”), is used with
, “from” 2 Cor. 8:10; 9:2.¶
In Heb. 11:24,
, “to become,” with
, “great,” is rendered
“when he was come to years” (
, “when he was grown up”).