Page 1221 - Vines Expositary Dictionary

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, 5147), “a beaten track” (akin to
, “to rub, wear down”), “a
path,” is used in Matt. 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4.¶
$ 1
, 5163), “the track of a wheel” (
, “a wheel”;
, “to
run”) hence, “a track, path,” is used figuratively in Heb. 12:13.¶ In the Sept., Prov. 2:15;
4:11, 26, 27; 5:6, 21; in some texts, Ezek. 27:19.¶
A. Nouns.
% )
, 5281), lit., “an abiding under” (
, “under,”
, “to
abide”), is almost invariably rendered “patience.” “Patience, which grows only in trial,
Jas. 1:3 may be passive, i.e., = “endurance,” as, (a) in trials, generally, Luke 21:19 (which
is to be understood by Matt. 24:13), cf. Rom. 12:12; Jas. 1:12; (b) in trials incident to
service in the gospel, 2 Cor. 6:4; 12:12; 2 Tim. 3:10; (c) under chastisement, which is
trial viewed as coming from the hand of God our Father, Heb. 12:7; (d) under undeserved
affliction, 1 Pet. 2:20; or active, i.e. = “persistence, perseverance,” as (e) in well doing,
Rom. 2:7 (
, “patient continuance”); (f) in fruit bearing, Luke 8:15; (g) in running the
appointed race, Heb. 12:1.
“Patience perfects Christian character, Jas. 1:4, and fellowship in the patience of
Christ is therefore the condition upon which believers are to be admitted to reign with
Him, 2 Tim. 2:12; Rev. 1:9. For this patience believers are ‘strengthened with all power,’
Col. 1:11, ‘through His Spirit in the inward man,’ Eph. 3:16.
“In 2 Thess. 3:5, the phrase ‘the patience of Christ,’
, is possible of three
interpretations, (a) the patient waiting for Christ, so
paraphrases the words, (b) that
they might be patient in their sufferings as Christ was in His, see Heb. 12:2, (c) that since
Christ is ‘expecting till His enemies be made the footstool of His feet,’ Heb. 10:13, so
they might be patient also in their hopes of His triumph and their deliverance. While a too
rigid exegesis is to be avoided it may, perhaps, be permissible to paraphrase: ‘the Lord
teach and enable you to love as God loves, and to be patient as Christ is patient.’”*
In Rev. 3:10, “the word of My patience” is the word which tells of Christ’s patience,
and its effects in producing “patience” on the part of those who are His (see above on 2
Thess. 3:5).
$ &
, 3115), “longsuffering” (see B, No. 2), is rendered
“patience” in Heb. 6:12; Jas. 5:10; see
B. Verbs.
% !
, 5278), akin to A, No. 1, (a) used intransitively, means “to
tarry behind, still abide,” Luke 2:43; Acts 17:14; (b) transitively, “to wait for,” Rom. 8:24
(in some mss.), “to bear patiently, endure,” translated “patient” (present participle) in
Rom. 12:12; “ye take it patiently,” 1 Pet. 2:20 (twice). See also under A, No. 1.
$ !
, 3114), akin to A, No. 2, “to be long-tempered,” is
translated “to have patience,” or “to be patient,” in Matt. 18:26, 29; 1 Thess. 5:14,
, “be longsuffering”); Jas. 5:7 (1st part, “be patient”; 2nd part,
, “being patient,”
* From
Notes on Thessalonians
by Hogg and Vine pp. 222, 285.