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Rall, Modern Premillennialism and the Christian Hope, Cincinnati, 1920.
Randall, The New Light on Immortality, New York, 1920.
Reese, The Approaching Advent of Christ, London, 1937.
Riley, The Evolution of the Kingdom, New York, 1913.
Rimmer, The Evidences for Immortality, Grand Rapids, 1935.
Rutgers, Premillennialism in America, Goes, 1930.
Salmond, Christian Doctrine of Immortality, Edinburgh, 1907
Shedd, Doctrine of Endless Punishment, New York, 1886.
Silver, The Lord’s Return, New York, 1914.
Snowden, The Coming of the Lord, New York, 1919.
Swedenborg, Heaven and its Wonders and Hell, Philadelphia, 1894.
Van Leeuwen, De Parousie-Verwachting in het Nieuwe Testament, Utrecht, 1898.
Vos, The Pauline Eschatology, Princeton, 1930.
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Wyngaarden, The Future of the Kingdom, 1934.