Page 735 - Systematic Theology - Louis Berkhof

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Eckman, When Christ Comes Again, Cincinnati, 1917.
Frost, The Second Coming of Christ, Grand Rapids, 1934.
Grosheide, De Verwachting der Toekomst van Jezus Christus, Amsterdam, 1907.
Heagle, Do the Dead Still Live? Philadelphia, 1920.
Hendriksen, More than Conquerers, Grand Rapids, 1940.
Hepp, De Antichrist, Kampen, 1919.
Hoekstra, Het Chiliasme, Kampen, 1903.
Hovey, Eschatology, Philadelphia, 1888.
James, A. J., Personal Immortality, London, 1922.
King, Future Retribution, New York, 1901.
Kliefoth, Christliche Eschatologie, Leipzig, 1886.
Kuyper, Van de Voleinding, Kampen, 1929-1931. Translation of fourth volume by J. H. De Vries,
Grand Rapids, 1935, entitled: The Revelation of St. John.
Lamont, Issues of Immortality, New York, 1932.
Lawton, The Drama of Life After Death, New York, 1932.
Love, Future Probation Examined, New York, 1888.
Mackintosh, Immortality and the Future, New York, 1917.
Mauro, God’s Present Kingdom, New York, 1919; id., The Gospel of the Kingdom, Boston, 1928;
id., The Hope of Israel, What Is It? Boston, 1929.
McCown, The Promise of His Coming, New York, 1921.
Merrill, Second Coming of Christ, Cincinnati, 1879.
Milligan, The Resurrecton of the Dead, Edinburgh, 1894.
Morris, Is There Salvation After Death? New York, 1887.
Peters, The Theocratic Kingdom, New York, 1884.