Page 120 - Nos bibles modrnes falsifiees
P. 120
[1] D O Fuller: Which Bible ? Grand Rapids International
Publications, 1972. [8, 10, 32]
[2] B F Westcott: The Gospel according to St. John: the
authorized version. J. Murray, 1896. [10]
[3] A Westcott et B F Westcott: Life and Letters of Brooke
Foss Westcott... 1903. [10]
[4] B F Westcott: A General Survey of the History of the
Canon of the New Testament. Macmillan and co., 1881.
[5] F J A Hort: Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony
Hort, volume 2. Macmillan, 1896. [10]
[6] Gustave-A. Krüger: Remarques sur la version de la
Bible de M. Louis Segond,... / par Gustave-A. Kruger,...
1881. [15]
[7] G Kittel, G W Bromiley et G Friedrich: Theological
Dictionary of the New Testament: Translator and Editor:
Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Theological Dictionary of the New
Testament. Erdmans, 1974. [17]
[8] Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales.
[17, 18, 19]
[9] A Louth et M Staniforth: Early Christian Writings: The
Apostolic Fathers. 1987. [18]
[10] Viola A. Frank: Le christianisme paganisé. [18]
[11] Yngve Brilioth: A Brief History of Preaching.
Philadelphia, 1965. [19]