or MOLIONIDAE, a patronymic name by which Eurytus and Cteatus, the sons of Actor, or Poseidon, by Molione, are often designated. They were nephews of Augeas, king of the Epeians.
As sons of Actor, they are also called Actoridae, or Acroptave. (Metamorphoses by Ovid viii.)
According to a late tradition, they were born out of an egg and it is further stated, that the two brothers were grown together, so that they had only one body, but two heads, four arms, and four legs.
Homer mentions none of these extraordinary circumstances and, according to him, the Moliones, when yet boys, took part in an expedition of the Epeians against Neleus and the Pylians.
When Heracles marched against Augeas to chastise him for refusing to give the reward he had promised, he entrusted the conduct of the war to the Moliones but Heracles, who, in the mean time was taken ill and concluded peace with Augeas, was then himself attacked and beaten by them. In order to take vengeance, he afterwards slew them near Cleonae, on the frontiers of Argolis, as they had been sent from Elis to sacrifice at the Isthmian games, on behalf of the town.
The Eleians demanded of the Argives to atone for this murder ; but as the latter refused, and were not excluded from the Isthmian games, Molione cursed the Eleians who should ever take part again in those games.
Heracles, on the other hand, dedicated, on account of his victory, six altars at Olympia, and instituted special honours at Nemea for the 360 Cleonaeans who had assisted him, but had fallen in the contest.
The Moliones are also mentioned as conquerors of Nestor in the chariot race, and as having taken part in the Calydonian hunt.
Cteatus was the father of Amphimachus by Thefonice and Eurytus of Thalpius by Theraphone.
Their tomb was shown in later times at Cleonae.