1. A son of Deion and Diomede, the daughter of Xuthus. He was thus a brother of Asteropeia, Aenotus, Phylacus, and Cephalus, and husband of Aegina, father of Menoetius, and grandfather of Patroclus.
2. A son of Phorbas and Hyrmine, and husband of Molione. He was thus a brother of Augeas, and father of Eurytus and Cteatus. (Apollod. ii. 7. § 2 ; Paus. v. I. § 8, viii. 14. § 6.)
3. A companion of Aeneas who is probably the same who in
another passage is called an Auruncan, and of whose conquered
lance Turnus made a boast. This story seems to have given rise to
the proverbial saying " Actoris spolium" (Juv. ii. 100), for any
poor spoil in general.