1. A son of Zeus by the nymph Himalia. (Diodorus v. 55.)
2. A suitor of Hippodameia, who was killed by Oenomaus. (Description of Greece by Pausanias vi. 21. § 7.)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom Works, Volume Two by Lucian of Samosata
Here is another point quite worth mention. This writer has such a passion for unadulterated Attic, and for refining speech to the last degree of purity, that he metamorphoses the Latin names and translates them into Greek; Saturninus figures as Cronius, Fronto must be Phrontis, Titianus Titanius, with queerer transmogrifications yet. Further, on the subject of Severian's death, he accuses all other writers of a blunder in putting him to the sword; he is really to have starved himself to death, as the most painless method; the fact, however, is that it was all over in three days, whereas seven days is the regular time for starvation; are we perhaps to conceive an Osroes waiting about for Severian to complete the process, and putting off his assault till after the seventh day?