1. A daughter of Oenomaus and mother of Thyestes, Atreus, and Pittheus, Alacathous by Pelops.

Contest with Oenomaus and Hippodameia.
As an oracle had declared to Oenomaus that he should be killed by his son-in-law, he refused giving his fair daughter Hippodameia in marriage to any one. (Some said that he himself was in love with his daughter, and for this reason refused to give her to any one)
Many suitors however, appearing, Oenomaus declared that he would give her to him, who should conquer him in the chariot race, but that he should kill those that should be conquered by him. Among other suitors Pelops also presented himself, but when he saw the heads of his conquered predecessors stuck up above the door of Oenomaus, he was seized with fear, and endeavoured to gain the favour of Myrtilus, the charioteer of Oenomaus, promising him half the kingdom if he would assist him in gaining Hippodameia.
Myrtilus agreed, and did not properly fasten the wheels to the chariot of Oenomaus, so that he might be upset during the race. The plan succeeded, and Oenomaus dying pronounced a curse upon Myrtilus.
2. A daughter of Atrax, mother of Polypoetes and wife of Peirithous of the Lapiths.
During the wedding the bride Hippodameia and the female guests along with the young boys were the victims of an attempted abduction by the centaurs.
Peirithous, Theseus and the Lapiths defeated the centaurs and drove them from Mount Pelion in Thessaly to Aethicia.
3. The wife of Alcathous, and eldest daughter of Anchises, was the favourite of her parents.
4. The real name of Briseis (the daughter of Brises), the beloved slave of Achilles.
She was originally married to Mynes, who was slain by Achilles at the taking of Lyrnesus.
5. The wife of Amyntor, and mother of Phoenix.