Page 940 - Vines Expositary Dictionary

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In 1 Cor. 15:55 the most authentic mss. have
, “death,” in the 2nd part
of the verse, instead of “hades,” which the
wrongly renders “grave” (“hell,” in the
HAIL (Noun)
, 5464), akin to
, “to let loose, let fall,” is always used as an
instrument of divine judgment, and is found in the NT in Rev. 8:7; 11:19; 16:21.¶
HAIL (Verb)
, 5463), “to rejoice,” is used in the imperative mood, (a) as a salutation,
only in the Gospels; in this respect it is rendered simply “hail,” in mockery of Christ,
Matt. 26:49; 27:29; Mark 15:18; John 19:3; (b) as a greeting, by the angel Gabriel to
Mary, Luke 1:28, and, in the plural, by the Lord to the disciples after His resurrection,
Matt. 28:9.
A. Nouns.
, 2359) denotes the “hair,” whether of beast, as of the camel’s “hair”
which formed the raiment of John the Baptist, Matt. 3:4; Mark 1:6; or of man. Regarding
the latter (a) it is used to signify the minutest detail, as that which illustrates the
exceeding care and protection bestowed by God upon His children, Matt. 10:30; Luke
12:7; 21:18; Acts 27:34; (b) as the Jews swore by the “hair,” the Lord used the natural
inability to make one “hair” white or black, as one of the reasons for abstinence from
oaths, Matt. 5:36; (c) while long “hair” is a glory to a woman (see B), and to wear it loose
or dishevelled is a dishonor, yet the woman who wiped Christ’s feet with her “hair” (in
place of the towel which Simon the Pharisee omitted to provide), despised the shame in
her penitent devotion to the Lord (slaves were accustomed to wipe their masters’ feet),
Luke 7:38, 44 (
, “hair”); see also John 11:2; 12:3; (d) the dazzling whiteness of the
head and “hair” of the Son of Man in the vision of Rev. 1 (v. 14) is suggestive of the
holiness and wisdom of “the Ancient of Days”; (e) the long “hair” of the spirit-beings
described as locusts in Rev. 9:8 is perhaps indicative of their subjection to their satanic
master (cf. 1 Cor. 11:10,
); (f) Christian women are exhorted to refrain from adorning
their “hair” for outward show, 1 Pet. 3:3.¶
Goat’s hair was used in tentmaking, as, e.g., in the case of Paul’s occupation,
Acts 18:3; the haircloth of Cilicia, his native province, was noted, being known in
commerce as
$ !
, 2864) is used only of “human hair,” but not in the NT of the
ornamental. The word is found in 1 Cor. 11:15, where the context shows that the
“covering” provided in the long “hair” of the woman is as a veil, a sign of subjection to
authority, as indicated in the headships spoken of in vv. 1-10.¶
B. Verb.
, 2863) signifies “to let the hair grow long, to wear long hair,” a glory
to a woman, a dishonor to a man (as taught by nature), 1 Cor. 11:14, 15.¶
C. Adjective.
, 5155), akin to A, No. 1, signifies “hairy, made of hair,” Rev.
6:12, lit., “hairy sackcloth.” Cf.