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relationship to his master. See, e.g., Matt. 22:2-14; those who bring in the guests (vv. 3-4,
6, 8, 10) are
those who carry out the king’s sentence (v. 13) are
As to synonymous terms,
denotes “one who performs public duties”;
, “a hired servant”;
, “a household servant”;
, “a
subordinate official waiting on his superior” (originally an under-rower in a war-galley);
, “one whose service is that of freedom and dignity.” See
The so-called “seven deacons” in Acts 6 are not there mentioned by that name,
though the kind of service in which they were engaged was of the character of that
committed to such.
A. Noun and Adjective.
, 3498) is used of (a) the death of the body, cf. Jas. 2:26, its most
frequent sense: (b) the actual spiritual condition of unsaved men, Matt. 8:22; John 5:25;
Eph. 2:1, 5; 5:14; Phil. 3:11; Col. 2:13; cf. Luke 15:24: (c) the ideal spiritual condition of
believers in regard to sin, Rom. 6:11: (d) a church in declension, inasmuch as in that state
it is inactive and barren, Rev. 3:1: (e) sin, which apart from law cannot produce a sense of
guilt, Rom. 7:8: (f) the body of the believer in contrast to his spirit, Rom. 8:10: (g) the
works of the Law, inasmuch as, however good in themselves, Rom. 7:13, they cannot
produce life, Heb. 6:1; 9:14: (h) the faith that does not produce works, Jas. 2:17, 26; cf. v.
B. Verbs.
, 3499), “to put to death,” is used in the active voice in the sense of
destroying the strength of, depriving of power, with reference to the evil desires which
work in the body, Col. 3:5. In the passive voice it is used of Abraham’s body as being “as
good as dead,” Rom. 4:19 with Heb. 11:12.¶
, 2289), “to put to death”: see
, C, No. 1.
) $
, 2287), lit., “death-bearing, deadly” (
, “to bear”), is used in Jas. 3:8.¶ In the Sept., Num. 18:22; Job 33:23.¶
, 2286), from
(see No. 1), “belonging to death, or
partaking of the nature of death,” is used in Mark 16:18.¶
4 )
, 2253), from
, “half,” and
, “to die,” is used in
Luke 10:30.¶
! $
, 3500), “a putting to death” (cf. DEAD, A and B), is rendered
“dying” in 2 Cor. 4:10; “deadness” in Rom. 4:19, i.e., the state of being virtually “dead.”¶
† From
Notes on Thessalonians,
by Hogg and Vine, p. 143.