future, Gen. 2:17; Ruth 4:5; Matt. 24:50; Luke 1:20; (h) a judgment or doom, Job 18:20.*
(i) of a time of life, Luke 1:17-18 (“years”).
As the “day” throws light upon things that have been in darkness, the word is often
associated with the passing of judgment upon circumstances. In 1 Cor. 4:3, “man’s day,”
, “man’s judgement,”
, denotes mere human judgment upon matters (“man’s”
translates the adjective
, “human”), a judgment exercised in the present
period of human rebellion against “God”; probably therefore “the Lord’s Day,” Rev.
1:10, or “the Day of the Lord” (where an adjective,
, is similarly used), is the
day of His manifested judgment on the world.
The phrases “the day of Christ,” Phil. 1:10; 2:16; “the day of Jesus Christ,” 1:6; “the
day of the Lord Jesus,” 1 Cor. 5:5; 2 Cor. 1:14; “the day of our Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Cor.
1:8, denote the time of the Parousia of Christ with His saints, subsequent to the Rapture,
1 Thess. 4:16-17. In 2 Pet. 1:19 this is spoken of simply as the day, (see
From these the phrase “the day of the Lord” is to be distinguished; in the OT it had
reference to a time of the victorious interposition by God for the overthrow of the foes of
Israel, e.g., Isa. 2:12; Amos 5:18; if Israel transgressed in the pride of their hearts, the
Day of the Lord would be a time of darkness and judgment. For their foes, however, there
would come “a great and terrible day of the Lord,” Joel 2:31; Mal. 4:5. That period, still
future, will see the complete overthrow of gentile power and the establishment of
Messiah’s kingdom, Isa. 13:9-11; 34:8; Dan. 2:34, 44; Obad. 15; cf. Isa. 61:2; John 8:56.
In the NT “the day of the Lord” is mentioned in 1 Thess. 5:2 and 2 Thess. 2:2,
where the apostle’s warning is that the church at Thessalonica should not be deceived by
thinking that “the Day of the Lord is now present.” This period will not begin till the
circumstances mentioned in verses 3 and 4 take place.
For the eventual development of the divine purposes in relation to the human race see
2 Pet. 3:12, “the Day of God.”
' )
, 827), “brightness, bright, shining, as of the sun”; hence, “the
beginning of daylight,” is translated “break of day” in Acts 20:11.¶
B. Adverb.
, 1773**), the neuter plural of
, used adverbially, lit., “in
night” ( , “in,”
, “night,” with
, “very”), signifies “very early, yet in the night,”
“a great while before day,” Mark 1:35.¶
(1) For phrases, see
. (2) In Mark 6:35, the clause “the day was far
spent” is, lit., “a much hour (i.e., a late hour) having become,” or, perhaps, “many an
hour having become,” i.e., many hours having passed. In the end of the V.,
, “day,” for
, “time.” (3) In Mark 2:26,
, “in the days of,” there is no word for “days” in the
(from best mss.), “when” in Acts 11:28, “in the days of” (4) In John 21:4, the
, “at early morn,” is translated “day” (
, for
, “the morning”), see
* From
Notes on Thessalonians,
by Hogg and Vine, pp. 150-151.
** Differing gender, number, or verb forms (for instance, infinitive or participle) of other
words not listed in
are indicated with a double asterisk (for instance,
, from
, is 3798**).