$ )
, 2906), an onomatopoeic word, is used in Matt. 25:6; Luke 1:42
(some mss. have
); Acts 23:9,
, “clamor”; Eph. 4:31, “clamor”; Heb. 5:7; Rev.
21:4, “crying.” Some mss. have it in Rev. 14:18 (the most authentic have
). See
, 995), especially “a cry for help,” an onomatopoeic word (cf. Eng.,
“boo”), connected with
(see B, No. 1), is found in Jas. 5:4.¶
B. Verbs.
, 994), akin to A, No. 2, signifies (a) “to raise a cry,” whether of joy,
Gal. 4:27, or vexation, Acts 8:7; (b) “to speak with a strong voice,” Matt. 3:3; Mark 1:3;
15:34; Luke 3:4; 9:38 (some mss. have
here: see No. 2); John 1:23; Acts 17:6;
25:24 (some mss. have
, No. 3, here); (c) “to cry out for help,” Luke 18:7, 38.¶
For Acts 21:34, see No. 8.
, 310),
, “up,” intensive, and No. 1, “to lift up the voice, cry
out,” is said of Christ at the moment of His death, a testimony to His supernatural power
in giving up His life, Matt. 27:46; in some mss. in Mark 15:8, of the shouting of a
multitude; in some mss. in Luke 9:38, of the “crying” out of a man in a company (see No.
# 1
, 1916), , “upon,” intensive, and No. 1, “to cry out, exclaim
vehemently,” is used in some mss. in Acts 25:24 (see No. 1.¶)
, 2896), akin to A, No. 1, “to cry out,” an onomatopoeic word, used
especially of the “cry” of the raven; then, of any inarticulate cries, from fear, pain etc.; of
the “cry” of a Canaanitish woman, Matt. 15:22 (so the best mss., instead of
); of
the shouts of the children in the Temple, Matt. 21:15; of the people who shouted for
Christ to be crucified, 27:23; Mark 15:13-14; of the “cry” of Christ on the Cross at the
close of His sufferings, Matt. 27:50; Mark 15:39 (see No. 2, above).
In John’s gospel it is used three times, out of the six, of Christ’s utterances, 7:28, 37;
12:44. In the Acts it is not used of “cries” of distress, but chiefly of the shouts of
opponents; in the Apocalypse, chiefly of the utterances of heavenly beings concerning
earthly matters; in Rom. 8:15 and Gal. 4:6, of the appeal of believers to God the Father;
in Rom. 9:27, of a prophecy concerning Israel; in Jas. 5:4, metaphorically, of hire kept
back by fraud.
A recent translator renders this verb in Matt. 27:50 “uttered a scream,” an
utterly deplorable mistranslation and a misrepresentation of the nature of the Lord’s
, 349),
, “up,” intensive, and No. 4, signifies “to cry out
loudly,” Mark 1:23; 6:49; Luke 4:33; 8:28; 23:18.¶
$ 1
, 2905), a stronger form of No. 4, “to make a clamor or
outcry” (A, No. 1), is used in Matt. 12:19, in a prophecy from Isaiah of Christ; in Luke
4:41 (in the best mss., instead of
); John 11:43; 12:13 (in the best mss.); 18:40;
19:6, 12, 19:15; Acts 22:23.¶