No. 1) is true of this verb and of
, as to the death of Christ, that Scripture does not
say to whom the price was paid; the various suggestions made are purely speculative; (b)
in the middle voice, “to buy up for oneself,” Eph. 5:16 and Col. 4:5, of “buying up the
opportunity” (
marg.; text, “redeeming the time,” where “time” is
, “a season,” a
time in which something is seasonable), i.e., making the most of every opportunity,
turning each to the best advantage since none can be recalled if missed.¶
In Rev. 5:9; 14:3, 4,
, “to purchase” (
) is translated “redeemed.”
, 3084), “to release on receipt of ransom” (akin to
, “a
ransom”), is used in the middle voice, signifying “to release by paying a ransom price, to
redeem” (a) in the natural sense of delivering, Luke 24:21, of setting Israel free from the
Roman yoke; (b) in a spiritual sense, Titus 2:14, of the work of Christ in “redeeming”
men “from all iniquity” (
, “lawlessness,” the bondage of self-will which rejects
the will of God); 1 Pet. 1:18 (passive voice), “ye were redeemed,” from a vain manner of
life, i.e., from bondage to tradition. In both instances the death of Christ is stated as the
means of “redemption.”¶
While both No. 1 and No. 2 are translated “to redeem,”
does not
signify the actual “redemption,” but the price paid with a view to it,
signifies the
actual “deliverance,” the setting at liberty.
B. Nouns.
, 30), “a redemption” (akin to A, No. 2), is used (a) in the general
sense of “deliverance,” of the nation of Israel, Luke 1:68
, “wrought redemption”;
2:38; (b) of “the redemptive work” of Christ, Heb. 9:12, bringing deliverance through His
death, from the guilt and power of sin.¶ In the Sept., Lev. 25:29, 48; Num. 18:16; Judg.
1:15; Ps. 49:8; 111:9; 130:7; Isa. 63:4.¶
" $
, 629), a strengthened form of No. 1, lit., “a releasing, for
(i.e., on payment of) a ransom.” It is used of (a) “deliverance” from physical torture, Heb.
11:35, see
, B, No. 1; (b) the deliverance of the people of God at the coming of
Christ with His glorified saints, “in a cloud with power and great glory,” Luke 21:28, a
“redemption” to be accomplished at the “outshining of His Parousia,” 2 Thess. 2:8, i.e., at
His second advent; (c) forgiveness and justification, “redemption” as the result of
expiation, deliverance from the guilt of sins, Rom. 3:24, “through the redemption that is
in Christ Jesus”; Eph. 1:7, defined as “the forgiveness of our trespasses,”
; so Col.
1:14, “the forgiveness of our sins,” indicating both the liberation from the guilt and doom
of sin and the introduction into a life of liberty, “newness of life” (Rom. 6:4); Heb. 9:15,
“for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first covenant,”
, here
“redemption of” is equivalent to “redemption from,” the genitive case being used of the
object from which the “redemption” is effected, not from the consequence of the
transgressions, but from the transgressions themselves; (d) the deliverance of the believer
from the presence and power of sin, and of his body from bondage to corruption, at the
coming (the Parousia in its inception) of the Lord Jesus, Rom. 8:23; 1 Cor. 1:30; Eph.
1:4; 4:30.¶ See also