takes place in heaven during the Parousia, v. 7 (the aorist or point tense indicating an
accomplished fact; the bride is called “His wife”); the “marriage feast” or supper is to
take place on earth, after the Second Advent, v. 9. That Christ is spoken of as the Lamb
points to His atoning sacrifice as the ground upon which the spiritual union takes place.
The background of the phraseology lies in the OT description of the relation of God to
Israel, e.g., Isa. 54:4,ff.; Ezek. 16:7,ff.; Hos. 2:19; (c) “marriage” in general, including the
“married” state, which is to be “had in honor,” Heb. 13:4,
Among the Jews the “marriage supper” took place in the husband’s house and
was the great social event in the family life. Large hospitality, and resentment at the
refusal of an invitation, are indicated in Matt. 22:1-14. The “marriage” in Cana exhibits
the way in which a “marriage feast” was conducted in humbler homes. Special honor
attached to the male friends of the bridegroom, “the sons of the bridechamber,” Matt.
). At the close the parents conducted the bride to the nuptial
chamber (cf. Judg. 15:1)
B. Verbs.
, 1060), “to marry” (akin to A), is used (a) of “the man,” Matt. 5:32;
19:9, 10; 22:25 (
, “married a wife”); v. 30; 24:38; Mark 6:17; 10:11; 12:25; Luke
14:20; 16:18; 17:27,
, “married” (KV, “married wives”); 20:34, 35; 1 Cor. 7:28 (1st
part); v. 33; (b) of “the woman,” in the active voice, Mark 10:12; 1 Cor. 7:28 (last part);
ver. 34; 1 Tim. 5:11, 14; in the passive voice, 1 Cor. 7:39; (c) of “both sexes,” 1 Cor. 7:9,
10, 36; 1 Tim. 4:3.¶
, 1061v), “to give in marriage,” is used in the passive voice in
Matt. 22:30 (2nd clause), some mss. have No. 5 here; Mark 12:25 (No. 3 in some mss.);
Luke 17:27 (No. 5 in some mss.); 20:35 (last word), passive (Nos. 3 and 4 in some mss.);
in the active voice Matt. 24:38 (Nos. 3 and 5 in some mss.); further, of giving a daughter
in “marriage,” 1 Cor. 7:38 (twice),
(No. 5 in some mss.), which, on the whole, may be
taken as the meaning. In this part of the Epistle, the apostle was answering a number of
questions on matters about which the church at Corinth had written to him, and in this
particular matter the formal transition from “marriage” in general to the subject of giving
a daughter in “marriage,” is simple. Eastern customs naturally would involve the
inclusion of the latter in the inquiry and the reply.¶
, 1061), an alternative for No. 2, Luke 20:34 (some mss. have
No. 4); in some mss. in Mark 12:25; Luke 20:35.¶
, 1548), “to give out in marriage” ( , “out,” and No. 3): see
Nos. 2 and 3.
, 1547), an alternative for No. 4: see Nos. 2 and 3.¶
$ "
, 1918), “to take to wife after” ( , “upon,”
“a connection by marriage”), signifies “to marry” (of a deceased husband’s next of kin,
Matt. 22:24).¶ Cf. Gen. 38:8.
v Variant spellings of forms of other words not listed in
are indicated with a “v”
following the number (for instance,
, a variant of
, is 1790v).