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to the doer); for the active voice see, e.g., Mark 2:23, of “making” one’s way, where the
idea is not that the disciples “made” a path through the standing corn, but simply that
they went, the phrase being equivalent to going, “(they began) as they went (to pluck the
ears)”; other instances of the active are Rev. 13:13, 14; 16:14; 19:20; for the middle voice
(the dynamic or subjective middle), see, e.g., John 14:23, “will make Our abode”; in Acts
20:24, “none of these things move me,” lit., “I make account of none of these things”;
25:17, “I made no delay”
, Rom. 15:26; Eph. 4:16; Heb. 1:2; 2 Pet. 1:10; (d) to “make”
ready or prepare, e.g., a dinner, Luke 14:12; a supper, John 12:2; (e) to acquire, provide a
thing for oneself, Matt. 25:16; Luke 19:18; (J) to render or “make” one or oneself
anything, or cause a person or thing to become something, e.g., Matt. 4:19; 12:16, “make
(Him known)”; John 5:11, 15, to “make” whole; 16:2, lit., “they shall make (you put out
of the synagogue)”; Eph. 2:14; Heb. 1:7; to change one thing into another, Matt. 21:13;
John 2:16; 4:46; 1 Cor. 6:15; (g) to constitute one anything, e.g., Acts 2:36, (h) to declare
one or oneself anything, John 5:18, “making (Himself equal with God)”; 8:53; 10:33;
19:7, 12; 1 John 1:10; 5:10; (i) to “make” one do a thing, e.g., Luke 5:34; John 6:10; Rev.
3:9. See
, No. 1, and other renderings there.
, 5087), “to put,” is used in the same way as No. 1 (f), Matt. 22:44,
Mark 12:36; Luke 20:43; Acts 2:35; 1 Cor. 9:18 (of making the gospel without charge);
Heb. 1:13; 10:13; 2 Pet. 2:6; as No. 1 (g), Acts 20:28; Rom. 4:17. See
, No. 3.
, 1303), “to covenant,” is rendered “I will make” (the noun
, “a covenant,” being expressed additionally), in the middle voice, in Acts 3:25;
Heb. 8:10 and 10:16, lit., “I will covenant” (see
, marg.). See
, No. 4.
, 2525), “to set down, set in order, appoint,” is used in the
same way as No. 1 (g) in Acts 7:10, 27, 35; Heb. 7:28, KV (
, “appointeth”), as No. 1
(f) in Rom. 5:19 (twice). See
, No. 2.
, 4921), “to commend, prove, establish,” is used in Gal. 2:18,
much as in No. 1 (g), “I make myself (a transgressor),” i.e., “I constitute (or prove)
myself, etc.” See
, No. 2.
, 1325), “to give,” is used in 2 Thess. 3:9 in much the same sense as
No. 1 (g), “to make (ourselves an ensample)”; in Rev. 3:9 (1st part),
, “I will give,” the
sense is virtually the same as
in the 2nd part of the verse, see No. 1 (i). See
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, 2005), “to complete,” is translated “to make” in Heb. 8:5 (1st
marg., “complete” [in the 2nd part No. 1 is used in sense (a)]. See
, 4931), “to end, fulfilled” is translated “I will make” in Heb.
8:8, said of the New Covenant. See
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, 1510), “to be,” is translated “make” in Mark 12:42, lit., “which is (a
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, 4364), primarily “to claim,” is used in the middle voice
with the meaning “to make as if,” in Luke 24:28, of the Lord’s action regarding the two
on the way to Emmaus.¶ In the Sept., 1 Sam. 21:13; Job 19:14.¶