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16:20, 22; Rom. 12:15; 1 Cor. 7:30 (cf. Ps. 30:5). See
, 2744), “to boast, glory, exult,” is rendered “we joy,” in
Rom. 5:11,
, “we rejoice”). It would have been an advantage to translate this
word distinctively by the verbs “to glory” or “to exult.”
, 21), “to exult, rejoice greatly,” is translated “with exceeding
joy” in 1 Pet. 4:13 (middle voice), lit., “(ye rejoice,
) exulting.” Cf. A, No. 2. See
A &
, 3685), “to benefit, profit,” in the middle voice, “to have profit,
derive benefit,” is translated “let me have joy” in Philem. 20 (
marg., “help”); the
apostle is doubtless continuing his credit and debit metaphors and using the verb in the
sense of “profit.”¶
JUDGE (Noun and Verb)
A. Nouns.
$ )
, 2923), “a judge” (from
, see B, No. 1), is used (a) of God, Heb.
12:23, where the order in the original is “to a Judge who is God of all”; this is really the
significance; it suggests that He who is the Judge of His people is at the same time their
God; that is the order in 10:30; the word is also used of God in Jas. 4:12,
; (b) of
Christ, Acts 10:42; 2 Tim. 4:8; Jas. 5:9; (c) of a ruler in Israel in the times of the Judges,
Acts 13:20; (d) of a Roman procurator, Acts 24:10; (e) of those whose conduct provides a
standard of “judging,” Matt. 12:27; Luke 11:19; (f) in the forensic sense, of one who tries
and decides a case, Matt. 5:25 (twice); Luke 12:14 (some mss. have No. 2 here); 12:58
(twice); 18:2; 18:6 (lit., “the judge of unnghteousness,” expressing subjectively his
character); Acts 18:15; (g) of one who passes, or arrogates to himself, judgment on
anything, Jas. 2:4 (see the
); 4:11.
, 1348) denotes “a judge” (from
, “right, a judicial hearing,
justice”; akin to
, “to judge”), Acts 7:27, 35; some mss. have it in Luke 12:14 (see
No. 1); while
is a forensic term,
“gives prominence to the mental process”
(Thayer). At Athens the
acted as a juryman, the
being the presiding
B. Verbs.
, 2919) primarily denotes “to separate, select, choose”; hence, “to
determine,” and so “to judge, pronounce judgment.” “The uses of this verb in the NT may
be analyzed as follows: (a) to assume the office of a judge, Matt. 7:1; John 3:17; (b) to
undergo process of trial, John 3:18; 16:11; 18:31; Jas. 2:12; (c) to give sentence, Acts
15:19; 16:4; 21:25; (d) to condemn, John 12:48; Acts 13:27; Rom. 2:27; (e) to execute
judgment upon, 2 Thess. 2:12; Acts 7:7; (f) to be involved in a lawsuit, whether as
plaintiff, Matt. 5:40; 1 Cor. 6:1; or as defendant, Acts 23:6; (g) to administer affairs, to
govern, Matt. 19:28; cf. Judg. 3:10; (h) to form an opinion, Luke 7:43; John 7:24; Acts
4:19; Rom. 14:5; (i) to make a resolve, Acts 3:13; 20:16 1 Cor. 2:2”* * From
by Hogg and Vine, p. 267.