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learnt finally in His resurrection. But Paul came to know Him first in the glory of heaven,
Acts 9:1-6, and his experience being thus the reverse of theirs, the reverse order, ‘Christ
Jesus,’ is of frequent occurrence in his letters, but, with the exception of Acts 24:24, does
not occur elsewhere in the
“In Paul’s letters the order is always in harmony with the context. Thus ‘Christ Jesus’
describes the Exalted One who emptied Himself, Phil. 2:5, and testifies to His pre-
existence; ‘Jesus Christ’ describes the despised and rejected One Who was afterwards
glorified, Phil. 2:11, and testifies to His resurrection. ‘Christ Jesus’ suggests His grace,
‘Jesus Christ’ suggests His glory.”* * From
by Hogg and Vine,
pp. 16, 29.
JEW(-S) (live as do the), JEWESS, JEWISH, JEWRY, JEWS’
A. Adjectives.
, 2453), is used (a) adjectivally, with the lit. meaning, “Jewish,”
sometimes with the addition of
, “a man,” Acts 10:28; 22:3; in 21:39 with
in some mss. (a man in the generic sense); the best mss. omit the phrase here; in 13:6, lit.,
“a Jewish false-prophet”; in John 3:22, with the word
, “land” or “country,”
signifying “Judean,” lit., “Judean country”; used by metonymy for the people of the
country; (b) as a noun, “a Jew, Jews,” e.g., Matt. 2:2; Mark 7:3. The name “Jew” is
primarily tribal (from Judah). It is first found in 2 Kings 16:6, as distinct from Israel, of
the northern kingdom. After the Captivity it was chiefly used to distinguish the race from
Gentiles, e.g., John 2:6; Acts 14:1; Gal. 2:15, where it denotes Christians of “Jewish”
race; it distinguishes Jews from Samaritans, in John 4:9; from proselytes, in Acts 2:10.
The word is most frequent in John’s gospel and the Acts; in the former “it especially
denotes the typical representatives of Jewish thought contrasted with believers in Christ
… or with other Jews of less pronounced opinions, e.g., John 3:25; 5:10; 7:13; 9:22”
(Lukyn Williams, in
B 0 ! 4 !
); such representatives were found, generally, in
opposition to Christ; in the Acts they are chiefly those who opposed the apostles and the
gospel. In Rom. 2:28, 29 the word is used of ideal “Jews,” i.e., “Jews” in spiritual reality,
believers, whether “Jews” or Gentiles by natural birth. The feminine, “Jewess,” is found
in Acts 16:1; 24:24.
It also denotes Judea, e.g., Matt. 2:1; Luke 1:5; John 4:3, the word “country” being
understood [cf. (a) above]. In Luke 23:5 and John 7:1, where the
has “Jewry,” the
translates it as usual, “Judea.”
, 2451) denotes “Jewish,” Titus 1:14.¶
B. Noun.
, 2454), “Judaism,” denotes “the Jews’ religion,” Gal. 1:13,
14, and stands, not for their religious beliefs, but for their religious practices, not as
instituted by God, but as developed and extended from these by the traditions of the
Pharisees and scribes. In the Apocrypha it denotes comprehensively “the Government,
laws, institutions and religion of the Jews.Ӧ
C. Verb.