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Armstrong, The Doctrine of Baptisms, New York, 1857.
Ayres, Christian Baptism [dealing with mode], London.
Bannerman, The Church of Christ, Edinburgh, 1868.
Barth, The Church and the Churches, Grand Rapids, 1936.
Biesterveld, Van Lonkhuizen en Rudolph, Het Diaconaat, Hilversum, 1907.
Binnie, The Church, Edinburgh.
Bouwman, Gereformeerd Kerkrecht, Kampen, 1928; id., De Kerkelijke Tucht, Kampen, 1912; id.,
Het Ambt der Diakenen, Kampen, 1907.
Campbell, Christian Baptism, St. Louis, 1882.
Carson, Baptism in its Mode and Subjects, London, 1884.
Diermanse, De Uitverkoren Kinderen Wedergeboren, Eisch des Verbonds? Eisch des Doops?
Den Haag, 1906, 1907; id., Verbond en Kerk, Woord en Doop, Kampen, 1909; id., De
Beschouwing der Kerkleden, ‘s Gravenhage, 1913; id., De Onderstelling, Den Haag, 1931.
Dimock, The Doctrine of the Sacraments, London, 1908.
Ebrard, Das Dogma vom Heiligen Abendmahl, Frankfurt, 1845.
Goode, The Doctrine of the Church of England as to the Effects of Baptism in the Case of
Infants, London, 1850.
Gore, The Holy Spirit and the Church, New York, 1924.
Hatch, The Organisation of the Early Christian Churches, Oxford, 1881.
Hebert, The Lord’s Supper: Uninspired Teaching, London, 1879.
Heyns, Kybernetiek (mimeographed) ; id., Handbook for Elders and Deacons, Grand Rapids,
Hibbard, Christian Baptism, New York, 1842.
Hodge, Church Polity, New York, 1878.