Otto, The Kingdom of God and the Son of Man.
Relton, A Study in Christology, London, 1917.
Ritschl, Die Christliche Lehre der Rechtfertigung und Versoehnung, Bonn, 1895-1903.
Robertson, Regnum Dei, New York, 1901.
Robinson, Our Lord, Grand Rapids, 1937.
Rostron, The Christology of St. Paul, New York, 1912.
Sanday, Christologies Ancient and Modern, New York, 1910.
Scott, The Kingdom and the Messiah, Edinburgh, 1911.
Smith, D., The Atonement in the Light of History and the Modern Spirit, New York.
Stafford, A Study of the Kingdom, Nashville, 1925.
Stevens, The Christian Doctrine of Salvation, New York, 1905.
Stevenson, Treatise on the Offices of Christ, Edinburgh, 1845.
Sweet, The Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ, Philadelphia, 1906.
Swete, The Ascended Christ, London, 1910.
Symington, The Atonement and Intercession of Jesus Christ, New York, 1858.
Tait, The Heavenly Session of Our Lord, London, 1912.
Ullmann, The Sinlessness of Jesus, Edinburgh, 1901.
Vos, The Kingdom and the Church, New York, 1903; id., The Self-Disclosure of Jesus, New York,
1926; id., New Testament Theology (mimeographed).
Warfield, Christology and Criticism, New York, 1929.
Wood, H. G., and others, The Kingdom of God in History (A Symposium), New York, 1938.
Ames, The Psychology of Religious Experience, New York, 1910.