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presumptive regeneration? How about Dabney’s position that baptism is a sacrament to the
parent as well as to the child?
Bavinck, Geref. Dogm. IV., pp. 543-590; Kuyper, Dict. Dogm. de Sacramentis, pp.
82-157; id., E Voto II, pp. 499-566; III, pp. 5-68; Hodge, Syst. Theol. III. pp. 526-611; Dabney,
Syst. and Polem. Theol., pp. 728-799; Dick, Theology, Lectures LXXXVIII-LXXXIX; Litton, Introd. to
Dogm. Theol., pp. 444-464; Vos, Geref. Dogm., De Genademiddelen, pp. 36-134; ibid., De
Verbondsleer in de Geref. Theol.; Strong, Syst. Theol., pp. 930-959; Hovey, Manual of Theol.
and Ethics, pp. 312-333; Pieper, Christl. Dogm., III, pp. 297-339; Schmid, Doct. Theol. of the Ev.
Luth. Church, pp. 540-558; Valentine, Chr. Theol. II, pp. 305-335; Mueller, Chr. Dogm., pp. 486-
505; Wilmers, Handbook of the Chr. Rel., pp. 314-322; Schaff, Our Fathers’ Faith and Ours, pp.
315-320; Pope, Chr. Theol. III, pp. 311-324; Lambert, The Sacraments in the New Testament, pp.
36-239; Wilson, On Infant Baptism; Carson, On Baptism; Ayres, Christian Baptism; Seiss, The
Baptist System Examined; Armstrong, The Doctrine of Baptisms; Merrill, Christian Baptism;
McLeod, The Sacrament of Holy Baptism in The Divine Life in the Church; White, Why Are
Infants Baptized; Bannerman, The Church of Christ II, pp. 42-127; Kramer, Het Verband
tusschen Doop en Wedergeboorte; Wall, History of Infant Baptism; Wielenga, Ons
Doopsformulier; Schenck, The Presbyterian Doctrine of Children in the Covenant.