Christ (2 vols.); D. Smith, The Atonement in the Light of History and the Modern Spirit;
Mackintosh, Historic Theories of the Atonement; McLeod Campbell, The Nature of the
Atonement; Bushnell, Vicarious Sacrifice; Denney, The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation;
Kuyper, Dat de Genade Particulier Is; Bouma, Geen Algemeene Verzoening; De Jong, De Leer
der Verzoening in de Amerikaansche Theologie; S. Cave, The Doctrine of the Work of Christ;
Smeaton, Our Lord’s Doctrine of the Atonement; ibid., The Apostles’ Doctrine of the
Atonement; Cunningham, Historical Theology II, pp. 237-370; Creighton, Law and the Cross;
Armour, Atonement and Law; Mathews, The Atonement and the Social Process; and further
works on the Atonement by Martin, A. A. Hodge, Crawford, Dale, Dabney, Miley, Mozley, and