1. One of the sons of Melas, who revolted against Oeneus, and were slain by Tydeus. (Theogony Of Apollodorus)
2. A son of Deiphontes. ( Description of Greece by Pausanias Book 2)
3. A hero who had an heroum at Daulia, in Phocis. (Description of Greece by Pausanias x. 4. § 7.)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom Description of Greece by Pausanias Book 2
[2.28.6] Realizing what he had done to his sister, he began to drive the chariot more recklessly, as he was anxious to gain a start before all the Epidaurians could gather against him. Deiphontes and his children--for before this children had been born to him, Antimenes, Xanthippus, and Argeus, and a daughter, Orsobia, who, they say, after-wards married Pamphylus, son of Aegimius--took up the dead body of Hyrnetho and carried it to this place, which in course of time was named Hyrnethium.