The Roman personification of antiquity, long duration, great age ancient times, antiquity. Cicero (historia nuntia vetustatis): "vinum in vetustatem servare", till it becomes old, acquires age, "Magna vetustas, magna consuetudo intercedit." There is olde friendship and greate acquaintance betwene them.
Vetustissimus liberorum. The eldest child: Tacticus.
From Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae Thomas Cooper
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyAccording to the old and auncient lawe. Amicitia vetusta puer puero iunctus. Ouid. They were ioyned togither in old friendship euen of children. Gens vetusta. Vir. Lucus vetustus. Ouid. Mos vetustus. Ouid. An antient fashion or custome. Spatio vetusto ætatis fessa domus. Lucret. Templum vetustum. Virg. Vetustissimus in poetica arte. Plin. Vetustissimum quenque militum nomine vocans. TacCalling all the oldest souldiers by name.