Is explained by Festus (p. 379, ed. Miller) to mean "little Jupiter" while others interpret it "the destructive Jupiter," and identify him with Pluto. (Saturnalia by Macrobius) But Veiovis and Vedius, which are only different forms of the same name, seem to designate an Etruscan divinity of a destructive nature, whose fearful lightnings produced deafness in those who were to be struck by them, even before they were actually hurled. (Amm. Marc. xvii. 10.)
His temple at Rome stood between the Capitol and the Tarpeian rock; he was represented as a youthful god armed with arrows, and his festival fell before the nones of March. (Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyThe Nones of March are free of meetings, because it's thought
The temple of Veiovis was consecrated today before the two groves.
When Romulus ringed his grove with a high stone wall,
He said: 'Whoever takes refuge here, they will be safe.'
O from how tenuous a beginning the Romans sprang!