A son of Idmon and Laothoe, though some ancients declare that Idmon (the knowing) was only a surname of Thestor. He was the father of Calchas, Theoclymenus, Leucippe, and Theonoe.
His daughter Theonoe was carried off by pirates, and sold to king Icarus in Caria. Thestor, who went out in search of her, suffered shipwreck, and was taken as a prisoner to Caria.
His other daughter Leucippe then consulted the Delphic oracle about her absent father and sister, and was directed to travel through all countries in the attire of a priest of Apollo.
In this manner she came to Caria, where her own sister fell in love with her, and as the love was not returned, Theonoe ordered her to be killed.
Thestor received the order to kill her, but when he was on the
point of executing it, he recognised his children, and with
presents from Icarus Thestor with his daughters returned