a son of Euseirus and Eidothea. Once he was tending his flocks on Mount Othrys in Melis, under the protection of the nymphs whom he delighted with his songs, for he was a distinguished musician, and played both the syrinx and the lyre. Pan advised him to quit Mount Othrys, because a very severe winter was coming on. Terambus, however, did not follow the advice, and went so far in his insolence as to revile even the nymphs, saying that they were not daughters of Zeus. The predicted cold at length came, and, while all his flocks perished, Terambus himself was metamorphosed by the nymphs into a beetle.
Ovid ( Metamorphoses VI) mentions one Cerambus on Mount Othrys, who escaped from the Deucalionian flood by means of wings which he had received from the nymphs.