A son of Poseidon, was king of Aegialos and father of Helice. (Description of Greece by Pausanias vii. Eustathius, Scholiast on Homer's Iliad)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom Pharsalia or Civil War By Lucanus. Book VIII
Did Pompeius hope,
Thus severed by the billows from the foe,
To make his safety sure? His little boat
Flies unmolested past Cilician shores;
But to their exiled lord in chiefest part
The senate of Rome was drawn. Celendrae there
Received their fleet, where fair Selinus' stream
In spacious bay gives refuge from the main;
And to the gathered chiefs in mournful words
At length Pompeius thus resolved his thoughts:
"O faithful comrades mine in war and flight!