1. A daughter of Oceanus and Thetys. (Theogony of Hesiod 354)
2. The mother of Idas and Lynceus. (Argonautica)
3. A daughter of Danaus and the wife of Peneius, by whom she became the mother of Dryops.
4. The daughter of Meleager and Cleopatra, was married to Protesilaus, after whose death she was so much affected by grief that she made away with herself.
5. A daughter of Peleus and Polymela, was a sister of
Achilles, and married to Sparcheius or Borus, by whom she became
the mother of Menesthius. (Horn. //. xvi. 176 ; Apollod. iii. 13.
§ 4; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 321.) [L. S.]