1. A daughter of Uranus and Ge, became by Coeus the mother of Asteria and Leto. According to Aeschylus she was in possession of the Delphic oracle after Themis, and prior to Apollo.
2. A daughter of Tyndareos and Leda, and a sister of Clytaemnestra.
3. A nymph married to Danaus.
4. A daughter of Leucippus, and sister of Hilaeira, a priestess of Athena, was carried off with her sister by the Dioscuri, and became by Polydeuces the mother of Mnesileos. (Apollod. iii. 10. § 3 ; Paus. ii. 22. § 6 ; comp. dioscuri.)
5. An Amazon who was slain by Heracles. (Diod. iv. 16.)
6. A surname of Artemis in her
capacity as the goddess of the moon (Luna), the moon being
regarded as the female Phoebus or sun.