1. A son of Ornytion of Corinth, or according to others of Poseidon, is said to have been the leader of a colony from Corinth into the territory of Tithorea and Mount Parnassus, which derived from him the name of Phocis. He is said to have cured Antiope of her madness, and to have made her his wife.
2. A son of Aeacus by the Nereid Psamathe, and husband of Asteria or Asterodia, by whom he became the father of Panopeus and Crissus. (Theogony of Hesiod) As Phocus surpassed his step-brothers Telamon and Peleus in warlike games and exercises, they being stirred up by their mother Endeis, resolved to destroy him, and Telamon, or, according to others, Peleus killed him with a discus (some say witli a spear during the chase).
The brothers carefully concealed the deed, but it was nevertheless found out, and they were obliged to emigrate from Aegina. (Apollodorus iii) Psamathe afterwards took vengeance for the murder of her son, by sending a wolf among the flocks of Peleus, but she was prevailed upon by Thetis to change the animal into a stone.
The tomb of Phocus was shown in Aegina.
Phocus is said shortly before his death to have emigrated to Phocis, but to have soon returned to Aegina but the country of Phocis, part of which was already called by his name, is said to have been extended by him.
While in Phocis he concluded an intimate friendship with laseus, which was confirmed by the present of a seal-ring and this scene was represented in the Lesche at Delphi.
Panopeus and Crissus, the sons of Phocus, are likewise said to have emigrated to Phocis