1. A son of Hephaestus, and father of the nymphs Aega and Helice, who brought up Zeus, and from whom the town of Olenus in Aetolia was believed to have derived its name. (Stephanus of Byzantium)
2. A son of Zeus and the Danaid Anaxithea, from whom the town of Olenus in Achaia derived its name. (Stephanus of Byzantium)
3. A person living on Mount Ida, who wanted to take upon himself the punishment which his wife had deserved by her pride of her beauty, and was metamorphosed along with her into stone. (Metamorphoses by Ovid)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom Metamorphoses by Ovid Book The Tenth
All stunn'd he stood, when thus his wife he view'd
By second Fate, and double death subdu'd:
Not more amazement by that wretch was shown,
Whom Cerberus beholding, turn'd to stone;
Nor Olenus cou'd more astonish'd look,
When on himself Lethaea's fault he took,
His beauteous wife, who too secure had dar'd
Her face to vye with Goddesses compar'd:
Once join'd by love, they stand united still,
Turn'd to contiguous rocks on Ida's hill.