1. A son of Ampyx or Ampycus by the nymph Chloris and, because he was a seer, he is also called a son of Apollo by Himantis.
He was one of the Lapithae of Oechalia or Titaeron (Thessaly), and one of the Calydonian hunters.
He is also mentioned among the combatants at the wedding of Peirithous, and was a famous prophet among the Argonauts. He was represented on the chest of Cypselus. (Argonautica, Metamorphoses VIII)
He is said to have died in Libya by the bite of a snake, and to have been buried there by the Argonauts. He was afterwards worshipped as an oracular hero.
2. A son of Apollo and Manto, the daughter of Teiresias. He was believed to be the founder of Mallos in Asia Minor, where his oracle existed as late as the time of Strabo.