a surname of Juno among the Romans, by which she was characterised as the protectress of money. Under this name she had a temple on the Capitoline, in which there was at the same time the mint, just as the public treasury was in the temple of Saturn.
The temple had been vowed by the dictator L. Furius in a battle against the Aurunci, and was erected on the spot where the house of M. Manlius Capitolinus had stood.
Moneta signifies the mint, and such a surname cannot be surprising, as we learn from St. Augustin that Jupiter bore the surname of Pecunia; but some writers found such a meaning too plain, and Livius Andronicus, in the beginning of his translation of the Odyssey, used Moneta as the mother of the Muses or Camenae.
Cicero relates an etymological tale. During an earthquake, he says, a voice was heard issuing from the temple of Juno on the Capitol, and admonishing that a pregnant sow should be sacrificed. A somewhat more probable reason for the name is given by Suidas, though he assigns it to too late a time.
In the war with Pyrrhus and the Tarentines, he says, the
Romans being in want of money, prayed to Juno, and were told by
the goddess, that money would not be wanting to them, so long as
they would fight with the arms of justice. As the Romans by
experience found the truth of the words of Juno, they called her
Juno Moneta. Her festival was celebrated on the first of