A young man of humble parentage who died for love of Anaxarete
[ See: The Story of Iphis and Anaxarete ]
1. A son of Alector, and a descendant of Megapenthes, the son of Proetus. He was king of Argos, and from him were descended Eteoclus and Evadne, the wife of Capaneus. He advised Polyneices to induce Amphiaraus to take part in the expedition against Thebes, by giving the famous necklace to Eriphyle. As he lost his two children, he left his kingdom to Sthenelus, the son of Capaneus.
2. A son of Sthenelus, and brother of Eurystheus, was one of the Argonauts who fell in the battle with Aeetes.
3. IPHIS Ctyis. 1. One of the daughters of Thespius, by whom Heracles became the father of. Celeustanor. The beloved of Patroclus, of the island of Scyros.
4. A daughter of Ligdus and Telethusa, of Phaestus in Crete. She was brought up as a boy, because, previous to her birth, her father had or dered the child to be killed, if it should be a girl. When Iphis had grown up, and was to be be trothed to lanthe, the difficulty thus arising was removed by the favour of Isis, who had before ad vised the mother to treat Iphis as a boy, and now metamorphosed her into a youth.