a son of Apollo and Evadne, was initiated in the art of prophecy by his father, and was regarded as the ancestor of the famous family of seers, the lamidae at Olympia.
His story is related by Pindar thus: Pitana, the mother of Evadne, sent her newly-born child to the Arcadian Aepytus at Phaesana on the Alpheius. There Evadne became by Apollo the mother of a boy, who, when his mother for shame deserted him, was fed with honey by two serpents. As he was found lying amid violets, he was called by his mother Iamus.
Aepytus, who consulted the Delphic oracle about the child, received for answer, that the boy would be a celebrated prophet, and the ancestor of a great-family of prophets.
When lamus had grown up, he descended by night into the waters
of the river Alpheius, and invoked Poseidon and Apollo, that they might reveal
to him his destination. Apollo commanded him to follow his voice,
and led him to Olympia, where he gave him the power to understand
and explain the voices of birds, and to foretell the future from
the sacrifices burning on the altars of Zeus, so soon as Heracles should have founded the Olympic