Of Pedasa in Caria, fell, when a boy, into the hands of Panionius, a Chian, who made him a eunuch, and sold him to the Persians at Sardis. He was sent thence to Susa as a present to the king, arid rose high in favour with Xerxes, whose sons he was commissioned to conduct back to Asia after the battle of Salamis. Some time before this, when Xerxes was at Sardis, and preparing to invade Greece, Hermotimus went to Atarneus in Mysia, where Panionius was; and having decoyed both him and his sons into his power, took cruel vengeance on them for the injury he had received. (Herodotus The History)
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFrom Herodotus The History. The Eighth Book: Urania
He likewise sent away at this time one of the principal of his eunuchs, a man named Hermotimus, a Pedasian, who was bidden to take charge of these sons. Now the Pedasians inhabit the region above Halicarnassus; and it is related of them, that in their country the following circumstance happens: when a mischance is about to befall any of their neighbours within a certain time, the priestess of Minerva in their city grows a long beard. This has already taken place on two occasions.