A son of Thersander, and grandson of Sisyphus, was believed to have founded the town of Haliartus in Boeotia. He is further said to have been adopted with Coronus by Athamas, a brother of Sisyphus. (Description of Greece by Pausanias)
From The Catalogues of Women and Eoiae By Hesiod
From Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and MythologyFragment #28 -- Stephanus of Byzantium: Onchestus: a grove (26). It is situate in the country of Haliartus and was founded by Onchestus the Boeotian, as Hesiod says.
(26) Sacred to Poseidon. For the custom observed there, cp. "Homeric Hymns" iii. 231 ff.
From Description of Greece by Pausanias Book 1
(1.27.5) On the pedestal are also statues of Theaenetus, who was seer to Tolmides, and of Tolmides himself, who when in command of the Athenian fleet inflicted severe damage upon the enemy, especially upon the Peloponnesians who dwell along the coast, burnt the dock-yards at Gythium and captured Boeae, belonging to the "provincials," and the island of Cythera. He made a descent on Sicyonia, and, attacked by the citizens as he was laying waste the country, he put them to flight and chased them to the city. Returning afterwards to Athens, he conducted Athenian colonists to Euboea and Naxos and invaded Boeotia with an army. Having ravaged the greater part of the land and reduced Chaeronea by a siege, he advanced into the territory of Haliartus,where he was killed in battle and all his army worsted. Such was the history of Tolmides that I learnt.