A female Titan, a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, and, according to others, of Uranus and Ge, or of Aether and Ge.
She was beloved by Zeus, by whom she became the mother of Aphrodite.
When Aphrodite was wounded by Diomedes, Dione received her daughter in Olympus, and pronounced the threat respecting the punishment of Diomedes. (Horn. II. v. 405.) Dione was present, with other divinities, at the birth of Apollo and Artemis in Delos. (Horn. Hymn, in Del. 93.) At the foot of Lepreon, on the western coast of Peloponnesus, there was a grove sacred to her (Strab. viii. p. 346),and in other places she was worshipped in the temples of Zeus. (Strab. vii. p. 329.)
In some traditions she, is called the mother of Dionysus. There are three more mythical personages of this name.