Brother of Ceyx, Daedalion was also memorialized at his death by being changed into a bird. Daedalion, known for his temper and his warlike nature, has a daughter, Chione, who boasts of her own beauty to Diana. Diana, in anger, kills the girl. Daedalion is so distraught that he attempts to throw himself from a cliff but Apollo pities him and changes him into a hawk. Apollo chooses the hawk specifically because it has a personality similar to Daedalion.
And gave him a hooked beak, gave curving claws,
with courage as of old and strength that more
than matched his body's build. And now a hawk,
benign to none, he vents his savagery
on every bird and, as in grief he goes,
ensures that others grieve and share his woes.
[ See: The Transformation of Daedalion ]
The savage disposition of the hawk memorializes Daedalion after his attempted suicide.