1. A daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, and the wife of Japetus, by whom she became the mother of Atlas, Prometheus, and others. (Theogony of Hesiod 351, 507)
2. A daughter of Iphis or Minyas, and the wife of Phylacus or Cephalus, by whom she became the mother of Iphiclus and Alcimede.
According to Hesiod she was the mother of Phaeton bv Helios, and according to Apollodorus also of Atalante by Jasus.
3. A relative of Menelaus and a companion of Helena, together with whom she was carried off by Paris. After the taking of Troy, when the booty was distributed, Clymene was given to Acamas. She was represented as a captive by Polygnotus in the Lesche of Delphi.
There are several other mythical personages of this