1. A son of Hermes or Daedalion by Chione, Philonis, or Telauge.
He was the husband of Neaera, or according to Homer, of Amphithea, by whom he became the father of Anticleia, the mother of Odysseus and Aesimus.
He had his residence on mount Parnassus, and was renowned among men for his cunning and oaths.
Once when he came to Ithaca as a guest, the nurse placed his newlyborn grandson Odysseus on his knees, and he gave the child the name Odysseus. Afterwards, when Odysseus was staying with him, he was wounded by a boar during the chase on Parnassus, and it was by the scar of this wound that Odysseus was subsequently recognized by his aged nurse, when he returned from Troy.
Polymede, the mother of Jason, was, according to Apollodorus, a daughter of this Autolycus, and the same writer not only describes him as the teacher of Heracles in the art of wrestling, but mentions him among the Argonauts; the latter of which statements arose undoubtedly from a confusion of this Autolycus with the Thessalian of the same name.
Autolycus is very famous in ancient story as a successful robber, who had even the power of metamorphosing both the stolen goods and himself.
2. A Thessalian, son of Deimachus, who together with his brothers Deileon and Phlogius joined Heracles in his expedition against the Amazons. But after having gone astray the two brothers dwelt at Sinope, until they joined the expedition of the Argonauts.
He was subsequently regarded as the founder of Sinope, where he was worshipped as a god and had an oracle. After the conquest of Sinope by the Romans, his statue was carried from thence by Lucullus to Rome.
It must be noticed, that Hyginus (Fab. 14) calls him a son of
Phrixus and Chalciope, and a brother
of Phronius, Demoleon, and Phlogius.