(1) The husband of Gorge, the daughter of the Calydonian king Oeneus, and father of Thoas. When Diomedes delivered Oeneus, who had been imprisoned by the sons of Agrius, he gave the kingdom to Andraemon, since Oeneus was already too old. (Apollod. i. 8. §§ 1 and 6; Horn. II. ii. 638; Pans, v. 3. § 5.)
Antoninus Liberalis represents Oeneus as resuming the government after his liberation. The tomb of Andraemon, together with that of his wife Gorge, was seen at Amphissa in the time of Pausanias. (x. 38. § 3.)
Apollodorus (ii. 8. § 3) calls Oxylus a son of Andraemon, which might seem to allude to a different Andraemon from the one we are here speaking of ; but there is evidently some mistake here; for Pausanias and Strabo (x. p. 463.) speak of Oxylus as the son of Haemon, who was a son of Thoas, so that the Oxylus in Apollodorus must be a great-grandson of Andraemon.
(2) A son of the Oxylus mentioned above, and husband of Dryope, who was mother of Amphissus by Apollo. (Ov. Met. ix. 363; Anton. Lib. 32.) There are two other mythical personages of this name, the one a son of Codrus (Paus. vii. 3. § 2), and the other a Pylian, and founder of Colophon. (Strab, xiv. p. 633.)