1. A daughter of Bias and wife of Pelias, by whom she became the mother of Acastus, Peisidice, Pelopia, Hippothoe, and Alcestis. (Apollodorus)
2. A daughter of Cratieus, and second wife of Nestor. (Apollodorus)
3. A daughter of Pleisthenes,
and sister of Agamemnon, married
Strophius and became the mother of Pylades. Hyghms (Fab. 117)
calls the wife of Strophius Astyochea. Eustathius confounds
Agamemnon's sister with the daughter of Cratieus, saying that the
second wife of Nestor was a sister of
Agamemnon. There is another Anaxibia in Pint, de Flum. 4.