a son of Cretheus, the founder of lolcus, and of Tyro, the daughter of Salmoneus.
He was excluded by his step-brother Pelias from his share in the kingdom of Thessaly. He was father of Jason and Promachus, but the name of his wife is differently stated, as Polymede, Alcimede, Amphinome, Polypheme, Polymele, Arne, and Scarphe.
Pelias endeavoured to secure the throne to himself by sending Jason awav with the Argonauts, but when one day he was surprised and frightened by the news of the return of the Argonauts, he attempted to get rid of Aeson by force, but the latter put an end to his own life.
According to an account in Diodorus (iv. 50), Pelias compelled Aeson to kill himself by drinking ox's blood, for he had received intelligence that Jason and his companions had perished in their expedition.
According to Ovid (Metamorphoses by Ovid vii. 163, 250), Aeson survived
the return of the Argonauts, and was made young again by Medeia.
Jason as the son of Aeson is called Aesonides.