Celtic Myth and Legend Poetry and Romance
by Charles Squire
A. Stress is of four kinds, and marked here:
(1) - (weak stress).
(2) : (medium).
(3) ' (strong).
(4) ; (emphatic).
B. Cymric words of more than one syllable have the stress regularly on the antepenult (although there are some words with the stress on the last; and the negative prefix an often takes full stress).
Cymric wy = ui; ðð = th in English then; ll (łł) = a broad buzzed l, i.e. like the French l unvoiced, sounds like hl, and is unilateral (right side) with the tongue in the i position. The thorn letter þ = voiceless sound as in English with.
C. Nasality of vowels marked with (̨) next to the vowel.
Interdental (ṭ, ḍ, ḷ, ṇ) marked with dot underneath.
l mouillé, i.e. palatal, marked ł.
n palatal marked ñ (cf. Cologne).
ɛ = open e; e = close e; ɔ = o open; o = o close.
r = thin r (i.e. r after e, i).
œ = the mid-front narrow round (close); cf. German ö.
ə = mid-mixed indefinite sound at end of unstressed syllables, often alternating with mid-back (close) vowel a, which is the sound of u in Gaelic agus; the a has the sound of a in father, but it occurs both long and short. Doubling of vowels indicates length. a is a more obscure sound.
ï = high-mixed open i; ĭ = high-front open i; i itself is in Gaelic a high-front narrow, i.e. close sound.
For basis cf. H. Sweet's Phonetics.
ʤ approximately like dg in English judge.
ʧ (tch), the voiceless sound of preceding.
pb is to indicate the peculiar quality of Gaelic initial b, which begins voiceless and ends voiced.
h stands for breath-glide, on or off, according as it precedes or follows the consonant concerned.
ç like ch in standard pronunciation of German ich, "I". It is the forward palatal position of the guttural ch, here marked x. It is in Gaelic associated with thin or clear vowels (i.e. e, i).
c = forward palatal position of k.
ɣ = voiced form of the voiceless x: it is ordinarily written gh, while the voiceless sound is written ch in the ordinary script. In the later form of Mag (a plain) it passes into gh, i.e. Magh, and is often but feebly felt, in which cases it is Moy in place names, c.f. Moylena.
Aberffraw (-ɑb'ɛr-frɑu).
Abergeleu ('ɑbar'gɛl-ɔï).
Achill ('ɑç-ïl).
Achren ('ɑxrən).
Adamnan ('ɑdam-nan).
Aebh ('eev).
Aed ('eeṭ).
Aedh ('ee). In Scotland y, e.g. y M'y = Hugh Mackay.
Aeife (eeif-ə).
Aerfon ('airvon).
Aes Sídhe ('ees 'ʃĭĭ-hə).
Ailbhe ('ɛłəv-ə).
Ailech ('ɑł-ɛx).
Ailill ('ɑł-ĭł).
Ailinn ('ɑł-ĭñ).
Ailioll (ɑł-jŭḷ).
Aine ('aą-ñə).
Airceltrai ('eṛ'kɛlṭrai).
Airem, Eochaid ('ɑïr-em, ɛox-aʧ).
Airmid ('ɑir-mïʧ).
Alaw ('ɑl-au).
Alba (aḷə-pa).
Allobroges (-al' lɔ-brog-ɛs).
Amaethon (-ɑm'aïþ-on).
Amergin, G. Amorgin, Amorgene ('ɑmor-gïn).
Amlwch ('ɑm-lux).
Ana ('ɑɑṇa).
Aneurin (-ɑ'noï-rïn).
Annwn ('ɑn'nuun).
Aoibhinn ('oïv-ïñ).
Aoife ('oïf-ə).
Aranon (ɑr'ɑn-on).
Arawn ('ɑr'ɑun).
Ardan ('ɑɑrṭ-ɑn).
Ard Chein (-aarṭ 'çeeñ).
Arddu ('ɑrðï).
Argetlám ('ɑrc-ɛṭ'lhɑɑv).
Arianrod (ɑri'ɑn-rod).
Armagh (-ɑr'mɑh), from Ard Macha (-ɑɑrḍ'mɑɑxɑ), i.e. Altitudo Machae, Macha's Height.
Arran ('ɑrr-ɑn).
Art (ɑrsṭ).
Arthur ('ɑrþ-ïr).
Artur ('ɑrst-ar).
Avallach (ɑv'ɑłł-ɑx).
Aynia v. Aine.
Badb (pbɑv).
Badon ('bɑd-on).
Baile (pbɑi-lə).
Bala ('bɑɑl-ɑ).
Balin ('bɑl-ïn).
Ballymagauran (-pbɑlə-mɑ'gɑur-ɑn).
Ballymote (G. Baile an mhóta, -pbɑl-ən ;vooṭ-ə).
Ballysadare (G. Baile-easa-Dara, -pbɑl-esa ;ḍhɑrɑ).
Balor ('pbɑḷ-ɔr).
Banba ('pbɑnə-vɑ).
Baoisgne ('pbœœʃc-ñə).
Beltaine ('pbjauḷḷ-ṭïñ).
Bettws-y-coed 1.(:betus'kooyd), 2. (-bɛts-ə'kɔid).
Beuno ('boi-nɔ).
Bilé ('pbil-ə).
Blathnat ('pbḷɑɑ-nɑṭ).
Blodeuwedd ('blɔd-oi;u-eðð).
Boann ('pboo-aṇ).
Bodb (pbɔv).
Borrach ('pbɔrr-ɑx).
Branwen (:brɑn'u-en).
Brea (pbree).
Brian ('pbṛï-ɑn).
Brigit ('pbrïï-ʧ).
Bri Leith (-pbrï 'lhɛɛh).
Buarainech ('pbuuar-añɛx).
Bwbachod (-bu'bɑx-od).
Caemhoc (-kĭĭv'ɔɔk).
Camulodunum (kɑmulo'duun-am).
Caswallawn (-kɑs'uɑhl-aun).
Cian (kiiɑn).
Ciaran (kiiarɑn).
Cichol ('kixɔl).
Clann Chattan (klɑn 'xɑtt-ɑn).
Clann Neamhuinn (klɑn 'ñɛviñ).
Clontarf (klɔn'tarf).
Coblynau (-kɔb'lyn-ɔi).
Conchobar ('kɔna-xar).
Conlaoch ('koǫ-ḷœœx).
Connaught ('kɔn-ɑht).
Connla ('koǫ-ḷa).
Cruind (kruuiñ).
Cualgne ('kuuał-ñə).
Cuchulainn (-ku'xuḷ-iñ).
Culann ('kuḷ-aṇ).
Cumhal ('kųh-ɑl).
Curoi (-ku'rɔɔi).
Custennin (kust'ɛnin).
Cwm Cawlwyd (-kum 'kaul-uiðð).
Cwy (kui).
Daire (ḍhai-rə).
Dechtire ('ʤeç-ʧïṛə).
Dé Danann (ʤe 'ḍɑn-aṇ).
Deimne ('ʤem-ñə).
Deirdre ('ʤeṛ-ḍṛə).
Devwy ('dɛv-ui).
Diancecht ('ʤian;cjexṭ).
Diarmait O'Duibhne ('ʤiiar-miʧ-ɔ'ḍhui-ñə).
Dinas Dinllev ('diinɑs 'dïn-hlɛv).
Dinas Emrys ('diinɑs 'ɛm-rïs).
Dingwall ('ding-wɑl).
Dinn-senchus ('ʤijñ;hɛn-xŭs).
Diwrnach ('ʤurn-ɑx).
Dobhar ('ḍov-ɑr).
Domnann ('ḍom-nɑṇṇ).
Dundalk (-dun-dɒk).
Dundealgan (ḍuun-ʤjaləg-ɑn).
Eriu ('eeṛ-iu).
Essyllt (-ɛss'ĭhlt).
Etain ('et-ɑɑ̨ñ).
Evnissyen (-ev'n'ïss-jen).
Ferdiad (-fɛṛ'ʤiiɑ).
Ffordd Elen ('fɔrðð 'ɛl-ən).
Fionnbharr ('fjŭṇṇ-vɑrr).
Gabhra ('gɑu-rɑ).
Gaillion, Fir ('gał-i-on, fïṛ).
Govannon (-gov'ɑnn-on).
Gwalchaved (-guɑl'xav-eðð).
Gwalchmei ('guɑlx-mei).
Gwarthegid (-guɑrþ'ɛg-iðð).
Gwawl 1. ('guaul), 2. ('gwaul).
Gwlgawd Gododin (gul'gauðð-gɔd'ɔd-ïn).
Gwragedd Annwn (-gur'ɑg-eðð -ɑn'nuun).
Gwrhyr ('gur'hĭr).
Gwyngelli (guïn'gɛl-lï).
Gwynhwyvar (-guïn'huï:var).
Hi Dorchaide (hi 'ḍɔrx-ɑʤ-ə).
Hy Breasail (hi 'bree-sal).
Iddawc ('iðð-auk).
Inniskea ('iñ-ïsh-cjee).
Iolo Morganwg (:i'ɔlɔ -mɔr'gɑn-ug).
Iseult (-ï'sœlt).
Iuchar ('ïu-xɑr).
Iweridd (-ïu'ɛṛ-ĭðð).
Killarney (-ciłł'ɑɑṛñə).
Knockainy (-krohk'ɑɑñə).
Kulhwch ('kœl'huch).
Laeg (ḷœœk).
Laegaire ('ḷœœk-ɑṛə).
Ler ('łɛṛ).
Levarcham ('łevɑr-xɑm).
Lia Fáil ('łiia 'fɑɑl).
Lismore (-łïs'moor).
Llevelys (-hlev'ɛl-ïs).
Lloegyr ('hloigŭr).
Lludd (hlŭðð).
Llyr (hlĭr).
Lochlann ('ḷɔx-ḷaṇṇ).
Mabinogion (mɑb-ïn'ɔg-ï-ɔn).
Mac Cecht (-mɑhk'cjɛxṭ).
Mac Cuill (-mɑhk 'chuuïł).
Mac Gréine (-mɑhk'crhee-ñə).
Mac Kineely (-mɑhk :chïñ'eel-i).
Mac Moineanta (-mɑhk 'mɔïn-ɑnt-ə).
Mac Nia (-mɑhk 'ñïïa).
Mac Oc (-mɑhk 'ɔɔk).
Mac Samthainn (-mɑhk 'sɑ̨v-hïñ).
Macha (mɑɑx-ɑ).
Maelmuiri (-mœœl' mur-i).
Maenor Alun ('mɑi-nɔr -ɑl-ŭn).
Maen Tyriawc (:mɑin tïr'ï-auk).
Manawyddan (mɑn-ɑu'yðð-ɑn).
March ('mɑrx).
Matholwch (-mɑþ'ɔl-ux).
Mathonwy (-mɑþ'on-uï).
Meadha ('mɛh-a).
Medb ('mɛɛ̨v).
Melwas (:mɛl;u-ɑs).
Menw (mɛnu).
Mesgegra (-mɛs'gɛg-ra).
Miach ('mii-ɑx).
Mider ('mïï-ʧər).
Mile ('mïï-lə).
Mochdrev ('mɔx-drɛv).
Mochnant ('mɔx-nɑnt).
Morrígu ('mɔr-riig-u).
Moytura (:moi'thuur-ɑ).
Muirthemne (:mur;hɛm-ñə).
Myrddin ('mərðð-ïn).
Nant y Llew (:nɑnt -ə 'hloi).
Neevougi (-neev'ɔɔk-ə).
Niamh (ñiįɑv).
Nos galan gaeof (-nɔs -gɑl-ɑn 'gɑï-ɔf).
Nwyvre ('nuïv-rə).
Nynniaw (:nïn'ï-ɑu).
Oeth, Anoeth ('ɔiþ, 'ɑn:ɔiþ).
Ossian ('ɔʃ-an) (Irish, ïʃ'ïïn).
Pryderi (-prï'dɛ-rï).
Prydwen ('prəd-wɛn).
Pwyll ('pui-łł).
Queen Guinevere (-kgïn-ɛ'veer).
Rhiannon (-hrï'ɑn-non).
Rhyd y Groes (hriðð -ə 'grɔis).
Sadb (sɑɑv).
Samhain ('sąv-ïñ).
Scathach ('skɑh-ɑx).
Scene ('scjee-ne).
Senchan Torpeist ('ʃen-xɑn 'thɔr-peeʃt).
Sen Mag (ʃen maɣ).
Sgeolan ('skjɔɔ-lɑn).
Sídh (ʃiïh).
Sinann ('ʃïn-ɑṇ).
Tailtiu ('ṭɑɑl-ʧu).
Táin Bó Chuailgné ('ṭhaąñ pbo 'xualc-ñə).
Taliesin (-tɑl-i'ɛss-ïn).
Tallacht ('ṭhaḷ-axṭ).
Tathlum ('ṭhɑḷ-əm).
Tawë ('tau-e).
Teirnyon Twryf Vliant (-teir'nï-on 'tur-ïf 'vlï-ant).
Tethra ('ʧɛ-rɑ).
Tigemmas ('ʧïh-ərn-mɑs).
Tighernach ('ʧïh-ərn-ɑx).
Tir nam beo ('ʧïïr -nɑm -beɔɔ).
Tir nan og ('ʧïïr -nan 'ɔɔk).
Tir Tairngire ('ʧïïr 'ṭhɑirñ-cïrə).
Tuatha Dé Danann ('ṭhuuah-a :ʤe ;dɑn-ɑṇ).
Twr Branwen (:tuur 'brɑn-wɛn).
Twrch Trwyth (:turx 'truïþ).
Tylwyth Teg (:təl-uïþ 'tɛg).
Uisnech ('uʃ-ñɛx).
Unsenn ('un-ʃeṇ).
Urddawl Ben ('urðð-aul 'bɛn).
Wydyr ('uïðð-ər).
Yspaddaden Penkawr (ïsp-ɑðð'ɑd-ɛn 'pɛn-kaur).